Chapter 780

"It's a pity for this little guy."

Wang Chen sat among the participating martial artists, watching Zhao Zhenxuan on the martial arts arena, and the voice of Yao Lao rang in his mind.

I just heard this Nascent Soul True Immortal say: "I met him many years ago. His body is blessed with a different bone luck, and he has the aptitude to enter the Tao, but he was tired of ordinary things."

"It's really stupid!"

What kind of character is Zhao Zhenxuan?
The Lord of Chibi, the only innate strongman before Wang Chen's breakthrough, his cultivation strength is unfathomable, and he has never been defeated since he practiced martial arts.

However, Yao Lao had a very low evaluation of him, and even dismissed him as a fool.

Because warriors have stepped into the innate, and the martial arts road has come to an end, if they want to step up to the extraordinary, they can no longer stay in a safe and stable city and practice behind closed doors.

Only by stepping into the misty mountains and fields, constantly sharpening your body and mind, and realizing the natural way of the world, can you capture the opportunity to transform into an ordinary person.

Zhao Zhenxuan's qualifications are completely sufficient.

But if he takes over the position of Chibi City Lord, it is tantamount to cutting off the possibility of going further!

And Wang Chen felt that Zhao Zhenxuan was unlikely to be really stupid, nor could he not understand the key to transcendence.

It's just that his choice is more practical.

Zhao Zhenxuan only said a few words in the ring, and then left in a hurry.

The real hosts of this martial arts competition are the three deacons of the city lord's mansion who are in the acquired state.

The bronze bell rang three times, and the sound shook all directions, and the much-anticipated martial arts competition officially began.

But in the three arenas, no one appeared on the stage.

The Martial Arts Contest in Chibi City is divided into two parts. The first part is the free challenge. Martial artists from each martial arts school can freely challenge on stage or accept challenges from others, and decide the winner and get the lottery.

A win is a winning sign, a loss is a negative sign, and a draw is a draw.

After the free challenge stage is over, each team will draw lots to face off, and finally summarize the results for ranking.

It's just that under normal circumstances, most martial artists are unwilling to be the first to appear on the stage.

In such a situation, if no one comes to the stage, the deacon of the city lord's mansion who presides over the competition will appoint them by name.

Wang Chen looked around, smiled, and immediately stood up, walking towards the nearest ring.

As the first martial artist to take the initiative to appear on stage, everyone's eyes instantly focused on him.

Wang Chen unhurriedly stepped onto the martial arts arena, cupped his fists at the deacon of the city lord's mansion who presided over the competition, and then said loudly: "Hongyi Martial Arts, Wang Chen, who will fight?"

Hongyi Martial Arts Hall?

Under the arena, there was a buzz of discussion.

There are hundreds of martial arts gyms in Chibi City, and not many people know the names of each one. Hongyi Martial Arts Hall is not a famous martial arts gym, and many people are hearing of it for the first time.

As for Wang Chen, he was not even a famous martial artist.

He looked very young again, and everyone only regarded him as young, energetic and passionate, and they all showed pity and sympathy.

In the eyes of everyone, Wang Chen will be so embarrassing later that he is in the limelight now!
"I come!"

As soon as Wang Chen's words fell, someone immediately got up to respond.

And not just once.

They all saw the "cheapness" and wanted to get a winning lottery from Wang Chen.

One of the martial arts masters moved the fastest, stepped onto the ring in the blink of an eye, and saluted with a smile: "Shanhe Wuguan, Mu Feng, please enlighten me!"

"Good to say."

Wang Chen returned a salute.

Mu Feng's eyes were fixed, and he jumped forward suddenly, and rushed towards Wang Chen.

Weapons cannot be used in the martial arts competition, so the winner can only be determined by melee combat. Mu Feng thinks he has a sure chance of winning, and he doesn't want to waste too much energy on Wang Chen, so he went all out from the beginning.

He intends to solve Wang Chen with one move.

Wang Chen remained motionless, as if he was intimidated by Mu Feng's fierce offensive.

Mu Feng's strength is quite impressive, he rushed to Wang Chen in an instant, and slapped his chest with his palm.

Heart palm!
This is the unique martial art of Shanhe Martial Arts. When practiced to a high level, it can crush a person's heart with a palm even through heavy armor.

Very vicious and vicious!
Just when everyone thought that Wang Chen was going to be directly kicked out of the ring by Mu Feng, or even killed on the spot, Wang Chen suddenly raised his right palm, which happened to meet Mu Feng's Xinxin Palm without leaning to one side.

The two palms hit each other, and Mu Feng felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

He felt as if his palm was slapping on a mountain, and a wave of irresistible force surged back from the shock, and then he flew up involuntarily.

The next moment, Mu Feng swept back dozens of steps and fell towards the ground.

There was an uproar in the martial arts arena!
As the first challenger, Mu Feng is not an unknown person. On the contrary, many people know this martial artist who is at the peak of refinement, and know his level of strength.

But no one expected that Mu Feng would be slapped away by Wang Chen's palm.

Unless Mu Feng deliberately put on a show, such a result must be because Wang Chen is far superior to his opponent.

Mu Feng is the pinnacle of marrow refinement, what about Wang Chen?

the day after tomorrow!

Everyone felt incredible—how old is Wang Chen?
A 16-year-old genius is simply unheard of!

Just when everyone was in doubt, Wang Chen pointed to the participating martial artists below the ring and said in a deep voice, "It's boring to fight one by one, you can do it together."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience went into an uproar again.

There are as many as a thousand martial artists participating in this martial arts competition. Even if the competition is divided into three arenas, there will be four to five hundred people in each arena.

Wang Chen actually let them go together.

Not to mention that the arena can't accommodate, the rules of the competition are not like this!

Many people thought that Wang Chen was crazy, and some even stood up and cursed loudly in anger: "What are you..."

Before the martial artist finished spraying, he was slapped heavily on the face, and half of his head suddenly swelled into a pig's head!

The martial artist was stunned for a while, and it took a while to reflect.

Under the strange eyes of other people, he woke up like a dream, covered his face and staggered back, only to be tripped and fell to the ground.

Wang Chen on the ring took his palm back unhurriedly, and looked at a group of martial artists indifferently.

These martial artists were all furious at first, but now they seemed to be under the petrification spell, and they were all speechless.

The release of true energy turned out to be the release of true energy!

Only the innately strong can possess such an ability.

Wang Chen is not acquired but innate!
Everyone couldn't believe this fact, but the fact was right in front of them. They seemed to be strangled by the throat, and everyone was at a loss.

This is really subversive cognition!

At this time, the deacon of the city lord's mansion who was in the abbot competition said: "Dare to ask your Excellency, but you are innate?"

This Houtian warrior couldn't believe it either, but he witnessed the astonishing scene of Wang Chen teaching the other party from a distance, his mind was greatly shaken, he suppressed the fluctuation in his heart, and asked cautiously.


Wang Chen smiled and said, "Isn't it inherently incapable of participating?"

He stopped pretending and went straight to the showdown!
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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