Chapter 781 Zhao Zhenxuan


Wang Chen is really an innate strongman! !

The huge martial arts arena was completely silent, representatives from hundreds of martial arts halls and many martial artists who came to watch the battle were all dumbfounded.

Their inherent understanding of martial arts was completely subverted by Wang Chen.

16-year-old Xiantian, is this still human?

Wu Lei, the owner of the Wu Family Martial Arts Gym, rolled his eyes and passed out on the spot.

Shao Hongcheng stared at him all the time, and immediately sneered: "It's useless to pretend to be dead!"

At this moment, the owner of the Hongyi Martial Art Museum felt indescribably happy.

Over the years, Hongyi Martial Arts has been severely suppressed by Wu's Martial Arts. Usually, Wu Lei often trips him up and makes troubles. Shao Hongcheng has always been able to endure as much as he can because of the opponent's forces.

Now the suffocation accumulated in my heart has completely melted away, and I feel like my whole body is about to fly away.

And the masters of the surrounding martial arts gyms looked at him as if they were looking at a sixth child.

Shao Hongcheng must have known that Wang Chen was an innately strong man, and then he hid it tightly so as not to reveal it. At the critical moment, he set a big trap for Wu Lei.

In fact, if you think about it, you will know, without 100% certainty, how dare he bet so big with Wu Lei?

Even if you win, you must have the ability to collect debts!
It's all over now, Wu Lei's big loss is settled, not to mention [-] jade coins, even Wu's Martial Art Museum has to pay.

Otherwise, the Wu family would not agree first.

Just ask, who dares to offend a congenital strong man?
There was a look of awe in everyone's eyes.

With the support of innate powerhouses, the originally unknown Hongyi Martial Arts Hall has suddenly become the top rank in Chibi City.

After this competition, there must be countless people who want to send their children to study in Hongyi.

How many disciples to accept depends on the capacity of the martial arts school.

Shao Hongcheng really made a lot of money this time!

"Anyone can participate as long as they are not the head of the pavilion."

The deacon of the City Lord's Mansion replied respectfully: "Master, please allow me to report this matter to the City Lord."

Inborn saints, respected as martial saints, can also be called masters.

"This is your business."

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Then do I need to continue the competition?"

"Don't dare."

The deacon of the city lord's mansion smiled wryly: "The honor of the master above, no one dares to challenge on the stage, the leader of this martial arts competition is none other than Hongyi martial arts!"

His words were very skillful, Ding Hongyi Wuguan was the leader instead of Wang Chen.

This is because Wang Chen's level is too high. Compared with the title of leader in the martial arts competition, he is far from enough, and he is not qualified to add to Wang Chen's body.

"Who has an objection?"

The deacon of the City Lord's Mansion looked around the arena with piercing eyes.

Although he looked respectful in front of Wang Chen, he was superior to the group of warriors in the audience.

The acquired state is enough to crush more than [-]% of the warriors in Chibi City!

No one was dissatisfied, and no one dared to jump out.

Seeing that everyone was very knowledgeable, the deacon of the City Lord's Mansion withdrew his gaze, and respectfully invited Wang Chen off the ring.

Wang Chen didn't return to his seat either, and went straight back to Hongyi Martial Arts Hall with Shao Hongcheng.

After the two left, the martial artists present looked at each other in blank dismay.

I just feel depressed.

Who would have thought that in the first battle of this year's martial arts competition, there would be an innate strongman.

All the limelight was taken away by Wang Chen alone. No matter how fierce the next competition is, it may be difficult to lift people's spirits, and it may even feel a little ridiculous.

Along the way, Shao Hongcheng was so excited that he was several years younger.

But he was still a little worried: "I don't know where City Lord Zhao is..."

After all, Zhao Zhenxuan is a seasoned innate strongman, who has been in Chibi City for decades, and his prestige is unparalleled.

The power of this city lord has already left an indelible mark on Shao Hongcheng's heart.

"It's okay."

Wang Chen waved his hand: "I'll wait for him."

It is Wang Chen's established plan to become famous in the martial arts competition, and he does not need any low-key.

If Zhao Zhenxuan has the capacity to accommodate others, then we can still be friends.

But if this innate powerhouse doesn't rub the sand in his eyes, then he doesn't mind earning a fortune.

Wang Chen is quite interested in the question of how much qi and blood can be "exchanged" by an innate strong man.

After arriving at Hongyi Martial Arts Hall, Shao Hongcheng immediately sent away the servants and maids, as well as the martial arts masters and disciples who stayed behind at the Martial Arts Hall.

At the same time wide open the front door.

Once a fight broke out between Zhao Zhenxuan and Wang Chen, the entire martial arts hall would be destroyed, and these people would definitely suffer.

But Shao Hongcheng stayed with Wang Chen by himself.

The owner of the martial arts gym is alone, without family members and children, so naturally there are no fetters and concerns.

After only half a stick of incense, a deep voice came to the ears of the two: "Is Wang Chen here? Zhao is here to visit!"

Wang Chen and Shao Hongcheng looked at each other, and the latter got up immediately and responded: "The presence of the Lord Zhao has made the hall flourish, and Hongcheng welcomes you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared in the hall instantly.

It was Zhao Zhenxuan!
This innate strongman changed into a white long gown, and his deep eyes first fell on Wang Chen: "I think this is Wang Chen, little friend Wang?"

Wang Chen got up and saluted: "The next student came to Wang Chen and met the Lord Zhao."

Zhao Zhenxuan's aura was extremely strong, and under his aura, Shao Hongcheng beside him was already sweating profusely.

However, Wang Chen did not change his face and acted calmly, as if he was not aware of Zhao Zhenxuan's power over him.

Zhao Zhenxuan's eyes became even darker: "In the year of reaching the crown, martial arts are congenital, it's amazing!"

When he just got the news earlier, this innate strongman didn't believe that there was another strongman of the same level in Chibi City, and he was still a 16-year-old boy.

But with the same word, there was an act of visiting the door in person.

On the way here, Zhao Zhenxuan had already thought about it, if Wang Chen was just pretending to be talented, then he would slap him to death.

Never expected that Wang Chen actually possessed innate aura!

Zhao Zhenxuan has only been in martial arts for a year, let alone met, never heard of such a heaven-defying character.

His mind was extremely complicated, and there was a trace of murderous intent hidden deep in his eyes.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and Chibi City can only accommodate one innate strong man. The most frightening thing is that Wang Chen is so young, and his future achievements must be higher than him.

How would a tiger king react when he saw a young challenger?
If Zhao Zhenxuan hadn't been able to figure out Wang Chen's details for the time being, he might have made a decisive move at this moment.

Wang Chen smiled and said, "City Master Zhao, please sit down and talk."

Zhao Zhenxuan was silent for a while, then sat down as promised.

At the same time, he withdrew his outward momentum, which relieved Shao Hongcheng, who was about to lose his hold, and he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"I'm going to make tea."

The owner quickly found a reason to get out and leave.

He knew very well that he didn't even have the qualifications to be a cannon fodder here, and staying here would be a burden to Wang Chen! ——
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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