Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 784 The Secret Vault

Chapter 784 The Secret Vault

While dodging, Wang Chen also saw clearly the true face of the attacker.

This is a giant black eagle, each of its feathers seems to be made of black iron, shining with a light similar to metal, and it looks extraordinary.

Seventh-order Black Feather Thunderhawk!

Between the sharp eagle claws it opened, a blue-purple electric light was faintly lingering.


Missing a hit, the Black Feather Thunderhawk immediately fluttered its wings and flew high, its wings suddenly flapped, and it returned to the sky in an instant.

Wang Chen had never seen such a fast bird!
"Go inside the waterfall!"

Yao Lao reminded: "This beast has supernatural powers, and you are at a disadvantage here fighting it."

The seventh-order ferocious beast corresponds to the innate powerhouse, which belongs to the overlord-level existence that controls the territory of thousands of miles, and its innate supernatural ability is extremely powerful.

And compared to other seventh-order ferocious beasts, the Black Feather Thunderhawk has the advantage of being able to fly.

It can attack Wang Chen at will from a condescending height, but it is difficult for Wang Chen to give an effective counterattack, so it is very passive.

Without hesitation, Wang Chen leapt forward and stepped forward. His right foot stepped heavily on a rock by the pool, and his whole body flew across the raging pool like an arrow from a string, and plunged headlong into the roaring waterfall.

The moment the waterfall flowed close to him, the innate qi that circulated endlessly in his body erupted loudly.

The waterfall exploded, and countless water droplets flew in all directions like bullets.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Chen passed through the thick water curtain and landed in the cave inside.

There is a hidden cave behind this huge waterfall, and there is a huge cave hidden.

The entrance of the cave is [-] to [-] feet high. There are countless stalactites hanging down in the cave. The light and shadow are changing and the flowing water is gurgling. The strange scene makes Wang Chen feel as if he has returned to Haotian Realm.



At this moment, the waterfall behind Wang Chen suddenly exploded.

A streak of black and silver flashed in, and two pairs of eagle claws bent like daggers grabbed his back fiercely.

Wang Chen got a warning from Yao Lao in advance, so he didn't even want to draw the knife and slash back.


His long knife was impartial and just collided with the eagle claws of the Black Feather Thunderhawk, and sparks appeared.

A huge force came, and Wang Chen took a step back involuntarily.

The long knife in his hand shattered instantly.

Obviously, this soldier weapon infused with innate qi could not withstand the force of the collision between the two sides.

The Black Feather Thunder Eagle was also uncomfortable, being shocked by Wang Chen's counterattack and flew backwards.

It screamed and hit the water curtain.

But Wang Chen did not take advantage of the momentum to chase and kill, but instead swept backwards, quickly opening the distance between the two sides.

Even though he had successfully repelled the Black Feather Thunderhawk just now, the seventh-level ferocious bird was unharmed, and it was pointless to continue entanglement.

If you want to deal with this guy, you must have a weapon of at least Xuanbing quality.

Wang Chen doesn't have such a weapon in his hand, but Yao Lao has it in his secret vault!

Therefore, Wang Chen withdrew decisively and swept towards the depths of the cave.


Seeing his prey rushing into the dense stalactite forest, the black-feathered Thunderhawk who had made a comeback screamed angrily.

But this seventh-rank ferocious bird wisely did not chase after it.

Because if it chases into the cave, it means giving up its greatest advantage, and it may be killed by Wang Chen.

The intelligence of the seventh-level ferocious bird is quite high!
The Black-Feathered Thunder Eagle spread its wings again, turned around and flew out of the Water Curtain Cave, flying straight into the sky.

It wants to guard Wang Chen outside, if you don't believe that the latter won't come out!

At this moment, Wang Chen was traveling at high speed in the cave densely covered with stalactites.

The surface of this stalactite is inlaid with many fine crystals, emitting a faint light, so the inside of the cave is not dark, allowing him to see the way ahead clearly.

The further you went in, the narrower the cave became, and it went about two miles deep before reaching the end.

At the deepest point of this water curtain cave is an uneven rock wall, about ten feet high, covered with dark green moss.

"It's here."

When Wang Chen stopped, Yao Lao's voice sounded in his mind: "I haven't been here for more than 100 years."

The Nascent Soul True Immortal built a large number of secret vaults, and most of them were never opened after they were built and stored in treasures.

The same is true here.

The blood-red reincarnation beads automatically flew out of Wang Chen's arms, floating in front of the rock wall.

The next moment, this orb suddenly emitted thousands of rays of light, shining on the rock wall.

The ground shook suddenly, and countless cracks appeared on the surface of the rock wall instantly.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the arrangement of these cracks is regular and charming, showing the figure of a talisman.

The rumbling sound followed one after another, as if a violent earthquake had just occurred.

The cracks on the rock wall continue to deepen and widen, and there is a possibility of collapse at any time.

But such a situation did not appear, and a narrow passage appeared in front of Wang Chen's eyes!
"go in."

The reincarnation beads flew in first.

Opening this portal obviously consumed a lot of its power, and the blood light has dimmed a lot.

Wang Chen quickly followed in.

Passing through this passage, the front suddenly opened up, and a secret library hidden deep in the mountain was completely exposed in his sight.

The moment Wang Chen entered the secret vault, the lamps hanging on the surrounding rock walls were all lit up.

I saw hundreds of large boxes stacked neatly inside.

It's just that the surface is covered with dust.

Wang Chen sighed sincerely: "Senior, you are really well prepared!"

In the absence of a storage bag, it is not easy to build such a large secret vault and fill it with so many items, not to mention how many treasures there are, just a few hundred boxes.

Yao Lao's ability is really amazing!
"Ha ha."

Yao Lao said with a smile: "This is not my biggest secret library, I have forgotten what is stored here now..."

Too many secret vaults are also troublesome!
Wang Chen was gearing up: "I'll know when I open it."

He couldn't wait to open the wooden box closest to him.

The result was almost blinded.

This box is actually filled with a lot of purple gold coins!

Zijin coins are more advanced currencies than jade coins, and the ratio of the two is one to ten, but they are rarely seen in the market.

Wang Chen has seen it before, but he has never seen so many purple gold coins.

There are at least ten thousand purple gold coins in this box, which is equivalent to one hundred thousand jade coins and one million bone coins!
He opened the second and third mouthfuls...

As a result, every box was filled with purple gold coins, the amount was so large that it made people crazy!

Wang Chen opened more than a dozen boxes in a row, and the boxes were full of purple gold coins.

It made him numb.

Fortunately, the box that was opened next was no longer purple gold coins, but jade bottles.

Wang Chen recognized at a glance that these jade bottles were pill bottles used to store pills!
There are at least several hundred pills in this box! !
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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