The elixir that can be hidden in the secret vault by Yao Lao, of course, cannot be ordinary stuff.

Calculated according to rank, these pills are all sixth and seventh ranks, corresponding to acquired and innate warriors.

There is both the Blood Marrow Pill and the Xiantian Pill needed by the Houtianjin Xiantian!

Shao Hongcheng once told Wang Chen that he couldn't afford a Xiantian pill with his wealth.

But in this big box, there are as many as ten bottles of Xiantian Pill.

A bottle of nine, that is ninety!

Previously, Yao Lao said that if he wanted to help Shao Hongcheng break through the Houtian realm, he had to find his secret storehouse.

The root lies in this bottle of pill.

With so many high-level elixir, even hard piles can push Shao Hong into the acquired realm.

Innate is not impossible!

"My seventh world is the strongest alchemist in the world."

Yao Lao said indifferently: "I have created a lot of pills."

Wang Chen only has the word "serve" in capital letters.

He continued unpacking.

The items that will be issued next will be rich, including all kinds of precious materials, as well as the original secrets of exercises.

There are also all kinds of weapons and equipment.

It is no exaggeration to say that the total wealth of this secret storehouse is higher than that of the entire Chibi City!
In the weapon alone, there are three divine soldiers!
Overlord Spear, Zhanyue Sword, Sun Shooting Bow!

Wang Chen...

Want it all!
Yao Lao's methods are extremely good. The items stored in the secret vault, whether it is medicine pills, materials, cheat books, or weapons, are still intact even after a hundred years.

These three magical weapons are hidden in different boxes, and the moment the box is opened, the precious light is full of vigor, and it comes with special power.

Even the warriors who are waiting can't hold back.

It is said that the magic weapon chooses the master, and those who are not recognized by it will be backlashed if they use it forcibly.

But this is not a problem for Wang Chen at all.

Whether it was the Overlord Spear, Zhan Yue Knife or the Sun Shooting Bow, they were all well-behaved in his hands, without the slightest intention to resist.

Yao Lao told Wang Chen that these divine weapons were at the level of high-grade magical weapons in the Haotian Realm, not even spiritual weapons.

The reason is very simple. There is no aura of heaven and earth in the Wushan Realm, no matter how strong a magic weapon is, it cannot condense the aura, so naturally it cannot be upgraded.

But it's not completely impossible, as long as you use the magic weapon to kill high-level fierce beasts, devour their blood essence and condense their spiritual energy, there is a possibility of transformation and promotion.

Of course, even if you can't be promoted to a spiritual weapon, the power of the divine weapon is still very powerful in this world.

Overlord Spear comes with shocking and formation-breaking powers, which can be used to be invincible in group battles. Zhanyue Dao can cut through everything and is unstoppable, while the Sun Shooting Bow can kill the enemy with a thousand steps, and it is unparalleled in piercing through heavy armor!
With these three magical weapons, Wang Chen is like a tiger with wings added, and his combat power has at least doubled.

In addition, in the martial arts cheats stored in the secret library, there are marksmanship, sword technique and archery technique corresponding to the three divine weapons.

For this reason, Wang Chen stayed in the cave for an extra day.

Practice these skills.

Martial skills that can match the magic weapon are naturally extraordinary, but Wang Chen's martial arts experience is already very rich, and with the guidance of Yao Lao, the Yuanying Immortal, it is easy to master.

After all, no matter how strong a martial skill is, it is not beyond the scope of ordinary people.

When Wang Chen left the secret vault and sealed the door again, he had three more magical weapons and a bag full of pills on him.

There are too many good things in the secret vault, and Wang Chen doesn't have a storage bag, so that's all he can take away.

In fact, Wang Chen has no greed, because he is not a native of this world, and he will leave sooner or later.

No matter how many treasures, no amount of wealth can be taken away.

What's more, many things here are ordinary or even useless in Haotian Realm.

Holding the Overlord Spear, the Zhanyue Sword on his waist, and the sun bow on his back, Wang Chen dashed out of the waterfall water curtain with arrogance.

The moment Wang Chen came out, a black shadow suddenly descended from the sky and hit him with howling wind.

Wang Chen had been prepared for a long time. He landed on a big rock by the pool, and the Overlord Spear in his hand suddenly pierced the sky.

"Beasts die!"

The spear came out like a dragon, full of domineering aura, the dark golden spear head suddenly burst into bright light, passed through the gap between the two eagle claws impartially, and stabbed the black feather Thunder Eagle's chest and abdomen.

The seventh-rank ferocious bird screamed suddenly, rolled and swept across more than ten steps, spilling a little blood and broken feathers.

The black-feathered Thunder Eagle's iron feathers were so hard that even the Xuanbing couldn't break through them.

But what Wang Chen held in his hand was a magic weapon!

After the Overlord Spear was infused with innate qi, its inherent power was stimulated, and it directly penetrated the iron feather of the Black Feather Thunder Eagle's body, piercing into its body.

If the animal hadn't rolled and dodged in time at the critical moment, it might have been pierced by the spear by now.

The black-feathered Thunderhawk who had suffered a great loss was startled and angry, it flapped its wings vigorously, and suddenly soared into the sky.

Suddenly it climbed to a height of tens of feet.

This is the innate supernatural power of the Black Feather Thunder Eagle. It flies a hundred steps like lightning in an instant. Whether it is used to attack or escape, it is an extremely powerful ability.

Judging ~
The black-feathered Thunder Eagle that escaped from the sky did not give up. After circling in the air, it swooped down on Wang Chen again.

But this time the Black Feather Thunder Eagle learned the lesson just now, and a pair of eagle wings flapped its fans continuously in an instant, setting off a howling wind and shooting dozens of iron feathers towards Wang Chen at the same time.

These black feathers were like sharp arrows, shooting through the air as fast as lightning, completely enveloping Wang Chen in an instant.

Standing on the rock, Wang Chen didn't dodge or dodge, holding the gun with both hands and shaking out blossoming spear flowers in the air, blocking the incoming iron feathers and sending them flying.

The Overlord Spear is the spear of the battle formation, not to mention dozens of iron feathers, even if thousands of arrows are fired in volley, they can protect themselves with it.

The Black Feather Thunderhawk shot two consecutive waves of iron feathers but failed to hurt Wang Chen at all. It finally realized that it could not wash away its shame today, so it could only neigh a few times in hatred, and was ready to return to the nest.

But how could Wang Chen watch this guy slip away?
Although he couldn't fly high into the sky to fight the Black Feather Thunderhawk, but he still had a sun-shooting bow on his body!

Putting the Overlord Spear heavily by his side, Wang Chen quickly picked up the bow and took the arrow, aiming at the Black Feather Thunderhawk hovering above his head.

The sun-shooting bow has a black-gold luster, and the bow body and bowstring are both made of metal. The bow is so strong that even Wang Chen has to use [-]% of his strength to fully draw it.

As for the Luoyue Arrow that matched the Sun Shooting Bow, its material was exactly the same as that of the longbow, and its weight was at least ten times that of ordinary arrows.

When the strong innate qi was injected into this magic weapon, Wang Chen had a very subtle resonance with the Sun Shooting Bow, as if the latter was called a part of his body, and the Falling Moon Arrow was an extension of his limbs.

In an instant, Wang Chen locked onto the black-feathered Thunder Eagle in the air, and he let go of the bowstring without thinking.

The sound boomed like thunder.
The first one is sent.

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