Chapter 790

Holding a sun-shooting bow, Wang Chen stood on the rock and calmly shot and killed the fleeing bandits.

To deal with these things, he didn't use the Falling Moon Arrow that matched the Sun Shooting Bow, but it was still more than enough.

The divine bow infused with innate qi endowed the arrow with incredible speed and power. One arrow shoots hundreds of steps in an instant, and no one who is locked by Wang Chen can escape.

Due to the strength of the bow, the arrows often pierced through the rogue's body, as long as they hit a vital point, they would surely die.

And Wang Chen was wearing a black cloak.

This cloak was obtained from Zhao Zhenxuan's secret treasury, and it was one of the three treasures that caught Yao Laofa's eye.

According to this Nascent Soul True Immortal, this cloak is a well-known invisibility cloak in the Haotian Realm, a third-order magic weapon, and it is quite precious and rare.

It's just that this world is special, so this magic weapon played a little role in Wang Chen's hands.

He was standing on the rock, and his whole body seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment.

You can't see it without looking carefully.

The power of implementing the invisibility cloak is far more than this, but Wang Chen can only do this.

But this also gave him a great advantage, he could use his archery to shoot and kill the enemies calmly, without being easily discovered by the enemies.

A bag of arrows was shot empty, and the corpses of twenty bandits lay on the spot!
Even if these guys hid behind the carriage, it was useless. The arrows buffed with magical powers pierced through the panel directly, making the people behind them die inexplicably.

None can escape.

After entering the innate realm, Wang Chen's perception and judgment were greatly improved, which made his arrows shoot faster and more accurately.

The biggest contribution of these small miscellaneous fish is to make Wang Chen's blood value continue to rise!
Taking a deep breath, Wang Chen hung the sun-shooting bow on his back again.

He put on the Overlord Spear and walked towards the caravan.

At this time, the caravan traveler knew that things had changed greatly, and thought that his life might be lost this time, but he never expected to be rescued at a critical moment.

Their gratitude to Wang Chen is beyond words!
Wang Chen helped the woman who had just woken up, and said, "Sorry."

After receiving the benefits from Zhao Zhenxuan, Wang Chen sneaked into the Holy Ancestor's Way the next day to wipe out the infested rogues and bandits.

He did not search blindly, but analyzed the known information, and then patrolled within the delineated area.

This trick looks simple, but in fact there are a lot of meticulous work to be done, so it is not easy.

But the effect is very good.

Today is the third day that Wang Chen has entered the Holy Ancestor's way, and he has caught a group of rogues!
Unfortunately, when Wang Chen arrived here, he happened to witness the scene where the bandits killed the young man who was traveling with the woman, so he didn't have time to rescue him.

Of course, Wang Chen also took revenge for the other party!

The woman was devastated, sobbing silently, her pretty face was extremely haggard at the moment.

She opened her mouth to say something, but her voice became hoarse.

At this moment, a truck next to him exploded suddenly, and a black shadow pounced on Wang Chen like a ghost, and the sharp edge disappeared in a flash.

The sneak attacker uses a dagger as a weapon, and the attack is extremely fast and swift, and the distance between the two sides is also very close, so the success rate of success is even higher.

The sneak attacker thought so too, and he tried his best.

Then at the moment when the danger appeared, Wang Chen sensed something strange, and immediately slapped it heavily with his palm.

As a result, before the opponent's dagger could stab Wang Chen, Wang Chen slapped him hard on the chest, smashing the sternum directly.

【Blood +1000】

The information displayed in the field of vision made Wang Chen raise his eyebrows—a marrow warrior!
This is the No. 2 marshal martial artist he beheaded today.

After a stick of incense, the last escaped bandit was shot dead by Wang Chen.

When he returned to the ladder, an old man came over and bowed respectfully: "I haven't asked your benefactor's name yet!"

"Wang Chen."

Wang Chen didn't want to do good deeds without leaving his name: "Chibi City, Wang Chen!"

The old man's expression changed immediately, and he saluted again in fear: "It turns out that the holy master is in front of him, and the villain has eyes that don't recognize martial saints, so please ask the holy master to be magnanimous."

This man had obviously heard of Wang Chen's name.

And the surrounding business travelers were all shocked when they heard his words.

Everyone never expected that the person who saved themselves and others turned out to be an innate powerhouse!
Saint Master and Martial Saint are both respectful titles for those who are born strong.

"Not so polite."

Wang Chen waved his hands and asked, "Are you going to Chibi City?"


The old man smiled wryly: "It's a pity that I didn't expect to encounter bandits."

Although all the goods of the caravan were saved, a few good players were also lost, so it was a loss no matter what.

The current situation can only be described as a blessing in misfortune.

The old man hesitated for a moment.

He originally planned to hire Wang Chen to go to Chibi City, and it would be no problem to have this fierce general in the team to protect his safety.

Wang Chen is actually a congenitally strong man, so that's not something he can move.

Let alone him, even the boss behind the caravan is not qualified to be equal to Wang Chen!
Wang Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have explored the road ahead, and I didn't find any danger."

The really dangerous ones were also cleaned up by him immediately.

Wang Chen just came over from there.

The caravan soon set off again, but with an air of sadness.

After watching them leave, Wang Chen reached out and grabbed a rogue from the pile of corpses on the ground.

"Don't pretend, you can't hide it from me."

Wang Chen threw the other party heavily on the open space next to him, and said lightly: "If you are willing to cooperate, help me find other people, and I promise to leave you a way out."

This rogue was also shot by an arrow, but the wound was on the left side of his abdomen. It looked shocking, but in fact the injury was not fatal.

He tried to pretend to be dead to pass the test, but he couldn't hide it from Wang Chen's eyes and ears!

If he hadn't wanted to follow the vine to catch a big fish, Wang Chen would have made up his shot a long time ago.

The Overlord Spear in his hand is not a vegetarian!

The rogue, who couldn't pretend anymore, covered his stomach with his hands, and struggled to sit up: "Are you really going to let the villain live?"

Wang Chen sneered and said, "What are you, worthy of my reputation?"

The bandit hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "The villain is offended, and the villain is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse for Lord Wusheng!"

If you can not die, who wants to die?

The rogue didn't have any integrity, let alone any loyalty, so betraying his companions was no psychological burden for him.

If Wang Chen was swearing by kind words and good words, he would not believe Wang Chen's sincerity.

Wang Chen took out a jade bottle from his arms, and poured out a healing pill for the other party: "Half of it is taken internally, and half is applied externally."

This guy was not seriously injured, a big hole was broken in his abdomen, it was just luck that he didn't hurt his vitals.

But if left untreated, he would still bleed to death.
The second one is delivered
(End of this chapter)

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