Chapter 791

"Master Wu Sheng, our camp is ahead."

In the dark tunnel, Xu San pointed to the exit ahead and said in a low voice, "If there is no accident, the big boss should be inside."

This pale and panting warrior was the rogue Wang Chen had captured earlier.

In order to survive, he became Wang Chen's leading party.

There was not only one bandit raiding Chibi City, but a temporary alliance composed of more than a dozen large and small teams. They advanced and retreated together and cooperated with each other, making the Chibi area full of flames.

Xu San's team is just one of them, and the strength is not strong.

And the leader of the alliance is named Gao Yuan, a master of the acquired peak level.

In addition to Gao Yuan, who is the strongest, there are two other Houtian warriors, and there are even more of them at the level of refining marrow.

A rogue team composed of three acquired masters is also rare!

In the recent period, Gao Yuan led hundreds of bandits into different teams, frequently attacking the Holy Ancestor Walking Path and the villages in the Chibi City area.

A lot of gains.

Based on the complex terrain of the Holy Ancestor's Path, they established multiple thief nest camps.

These intelligence messages were all told by Xu San to Wang Chen.

In order to survive, the gangster shook off all the details of his family.

Wang Chen glanced at the faintly lighted hole in front of him, and returned his gaze to Xu San.

He didn't speak, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Xu San was so stared at, he asked in a trembling voice: "Wu, Lord Wu Sheng, you, you..."

Wang Chen suddenly smiled: "You are really courageous. If I guessed correctly, the trap has already been laid here, right?"

It's not that Wang Chen has unreasonable doubts, but that Xu San's performance is suspicious.

It's normal to betray a friend for his life, but Xu San couldn't wait to lure Wang Chen to this side, gritting his teeth regardless of his own injuries along the way and insisting on going, as if wishing for the death of other rogues.

Of course, this alone is not enough to arouse Wang Chen's suspicion. After all, Xu San may also be eager to express himself.

But the few words he just said revealed a trace of guilt.

In addition, after Wang Chen stepped into Xiantian, his perception ability doubled, and he had an instinctive intuition for the existence of danger.

He sensed the danger ahead!
Leaving aside the cultivators who have entered the Tao, although the innately strong are the pinnacle of warriors, they are not invincible.

There are hundreds of elite warriors, plus two or three acquired masters, with battle formations and weapons, the most important thing is that they are not afraid of sacrifice. Under certain circumstances, it is possible to encircle and kill the innately strong.

So Wang Chen tried something.

Xu San's face suddenly changed drastically, and he could no longer hide the panic in his heart, and suddenly rushed to the front exit.

Along the way, the pressure in his heart was extremely great.

At this moment, being pointed out by Wang Chen's words, he could no longer maintain his composure.

This time it was completely exposed.

As a result, the rogue only ran a few steps, and a bright knife light flashed across his neck in an instant.

A head flew into the sky!
【Blood +500】

Wang Chen shook his head and put away the Zhanyue Saber.

He can now be sure that Zhao Zhenxuan's deduction is completely correct.

This gang of rogues who frequently harass Chibi City is by no means ordinary, or a normal gang.

The opponent's purpose is most likely to lure Zhao Zhenxuan out of the city, and then carry out a siege, or divert the tiger away from the mountain to carry out other schemes.

Xu San's team is obviously just a decoy.

There must be more than one or two teams like this. The Rogue Alliance released them just to invite you into the urn.

And this Xu San probably knew something inside, otherwise he would not have exposed the slightest flaw in the ignorant situation.

It's just that this guy is kind of smart, but not smart enough either.

If he told Wang Chen the truth, Wang Chen would really keep his promise afterwards and let him live.

Definitely will not end up decapitated.

But from this point of view, Xu San obviously believes that the Rogue Alliance has the strength to deal with a natural strong man.

What kind of trap did the other party set?

With a trace of curiosity, Wang Chen mobilized the innate qi, and added a trace of heaven and earth aura extracted from the reincarnation bead, and poured it into the cloak he was wearing.

This magic weapon was instantly activated, and strange fluctuations appeared on the surface, allowing Wang Chen to blend into the surrounding environment silently.

This method of manipulating magic weapons was taught to him by Yao Lao.

It's just that the aura of heaven and earth is too precious, so it can only be done occasionally, and cannot be used as a regular means of combat.

The next moment, Wang Chen's figure swept forward like a ghost, and he rushed out of the hole while breathing.

The front suddenly opened up, and a huge cave loomed in front of him.

Similar catacombs are common underground, the large ones can accommodate a village, and the small ones can also be used as rest camps for pedestrians.

This cave is full of upside-down stalactite pillars, and the ground is jagged with strange rocks. Hundreds of people hiding in it can't be seen at all.

However, Wang Chen found the thieves hiding in the pile of rocks and behind the stalactite pillars in an instant!

Just as Wang Chen guessed, this group of rogues had already laid a net, waiting for the big fish to take the bait.

But they never expected that the big fish really came.

Here comes the big shark!

Before the thieves could react, Wang Chen stepped heavily on a rock with his right foot, using his strength to jump high.

While in the air, he took off his sunset bow and shot three arrows while breathing.

call out!call out!call out!
The three arrows shot at different targets, the speed was comparable to meteor lightning, and there was no chance for the bandits to dodge.


There was a sudden scream, and the three rogues hiding in the pile of rocks were nailed to the ground alive.

Wang Chen fell down and leaped forward again.

A second wave of arrows was fired.

"Stop him!"

At this time, the rogues just woke up like a dream, and someone roared sharply: "Whoever fears the enemy will be killed without mercy, and whoever kills the enemy will be rewarded with ten thousand gold!"

Hundreds of thieves came out together, all of them holding bows and crossbows, and shot arrows at Wang Chen.

It's just that their layout has been completely disrupted, and Wang Chen will not be a target. He fell to the ground again, and while avoiding the crossbow arrows, he jumped into the pile of rubble.

The sunset bow was replaced by the overlord gun at the same time!
The gun came out like a dragon, and hit a big rock in front of it. The gun head, which contained terrifying power, went straight in, and the rocks collapsed and flew in an instant.

The two rogues next to them couldn't dodge in time, and were hit on the head, face and chest by the stones, and their bones and tendons were broken immediately!
The spear moved straight forward without hesitation, and instantly penetrated the body of a rogue.

Wang Chen lifted it up with both arms, and flung it flying.

Hit another thief.

This kind of melee combat fully reveals the power of the Overlord Spear!
And at this moment, two figures flanked Wang Chen at the same time, one left and one right.

Roar like thunder!
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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