CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 130 The head coach is warming up!

Chapter 130 The head coach is warming up!

"no solution anymore!"

"It's not that VC doesn't want to continue to fight, but now there is no one to fight for them."

"Watermelon food allergies, if serious, it will kill you. You can't blame him for this."

Sixi Wanzi explained to the audience in the live broadcast room with a sigh.

And he also saw that the VC players had returned to the battle area.

Under the gaze of the camera, they are already packing up their peripherals.

It seems that there is no other way after all.

"It's annoying!" Sixi Wanzi couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken when he saw this scene.

This group of young people has gone through countless hardships, and finally got such an opportunity.

But accident has been blocking them.

Little visas, the ridicule of the South Korean team, and even the pain of watermelon.

It seems that there is some kind of force that wants to make VC fail, just want to make their Huaxia team unable to get ahead.

He said in the live broadcast room: "I hope the brothers can show mercy to VC in the future."


He was originally a fun person in the eyes of the audience, and he always brings joy to the audience.

But at this moment, he couldn't be happier.

Meng De, who was wearing a close-fitting suit, returned to the battle area, but at this moment he saw in confusion that the team members had packed up their equipment and were preparing to leave.

Meng De stopped them.

"What is this, the game is not playing?"

S1mple smiled wryly: "How to fight, watermelon looks like this, we can't lift him out of the hospital again."

"We want to wait for the watermelon to come back, but this time is not allowed!" The kid was also a little sad.

Meng De was a little strange: "Wouldn't it be better for us to be on the bench?"

"But Diandian is still in Hangzhou, so he flew over!" Tig said sullenly.

"Wu Qiang didn't tell you, am I the substitute player for this Major?" Meng De asked strangely.


A look of joy suddenly appeared on the faces of several people.

"You don't think we are going to abstain," Meng De said.

"Otherwise, we thought we couldn't play the game."

Meng De kicked over: "Go back to me, and want to be a deserter."

"Is that what we want to be?" S1mple was not angry when he was kicked. They knew that they could play again, and their mood had changed from cloudy to sunny.

Meng De came to the side and asked the referee: "How much time do we have to prepare?"

The referee glanced at his watch: "Up to 10 minutes, you have to hurry up."

Meng De nodded: "VC applied for a substitution due to injury."

The referee nodded and reported the situation.

After a while, he heard the answer he wanted from the ear, and nodded to Meng De: "It's ok, come on, coach."

Meng De thanked the referee, and then walked to the competition area.

"S1mple and the others are already packing up and leaving, but Thief Cao stopped them, what are they going to do?" Sixi Wanzi said puzzled.

"A few people from S1mple have returned to the competition area. What's the situation? Could it be that things have turned around?" Sixi Wanzi began to look forward to it.

"But the VC substitute is in China, they can't help it!" He couldn't figure it out.

At this time, he saw Meng De walking towards the watermelon, and slowly unbuttoning his suit.

The director who likes to work hard at the scene almost hit Meng De's face.

If it was normal, the [Uniform Temptation] in the barrage had already started to flash the screen at this moment.

However, Sixi Wanzi couldn't help holding his breath.

He thought of a possibility!
Sixi Wanzi couldn't help but tremble all over. Of course it wasn't fear, but excitement!
If it wasn't live, he would have made a groundhog scream!
"No way! No way!!"

"What did I see? Coach Meng didn't allow the waiver to happen. The VC players were returning to the game. The head coach took off his suit and took out a VC uniform from his bag!"

"The head coach put him on, Meng taught him to sit in the watermelon position, the head coach is warming up! Fuck it!!"

Sixi Ball's scalp is numb!

"Meng taught him that when the players were unable to participate in the competition, he chose to play by himself!"

"Even if he loses today, he will lose standing up!"

At this moment, the barrage audience is boiling!




Unlike the audience who liked to tease Cao thief in the past, at this moment, it is indeed a respectful title for Meng De.

They know that Mengde's strength is not very high, and the final result of this game may still be unsatisfactory.

However, this kind of professionalism directly ignited the audience in the live broadcast room!

In the official live broadcast room of Huaxia District, the goosebumps of Coke are all up:

"When he was appointed as the loser, the coach planned to play on his own. This is the professional attitude of VC!"

"Even if I die, I will die standing up!"

"Next, we may have to witness a special game, a Major game with unofficial players!"

"Let's witness this moment together!"

Mengde moved his wrist a little, and then continued to look at the strange card he had just received.

Player: Art (to be used)

Affiliated team: Furia
Role Positioning: Almighty

Status: Good (starting to increase random attributes by 1 point)
Mindset: S+ 97
Consciousness: S 92
Response: A+ 87
Marksmanship: A+ 89
Command branch:

Tactical placement: A 82
Mid-Term Decisions: S 91
Default schema: A 80
Overall Rating: S
Skill: Eco Master
Skill Description: During eco, Art's consciousness increases by 5 points.

Skill 2: Do you understand art?

Skill Description: When using unconventional tactics to kill the opponent, there is a probability to reduce the random attribute of the opponent by 2 points (can be superimposed).

Skill 3: .....
Why do you say it is strange.

Because of his skill, he needs to use unconventional tactics to kill people.

Could it be that this player originally liked to play games in an unconventional way?

But how can there be so many unconventional games.

But Mengde has no choice now, he can only use this experience card to start warming up.

But when warming up, he most likely understood.

Because his eyes are always wandering to those few special firearms.

Look at this bison, it has a lot of bullets, it moves fast, and it’s cheap. It’s a shame not to buy it.
Look at this stun gun, 200 yuan can kill you with one blow.
Meng De looked across the stage, a little ready to move.

And at this time, the preparation time is finally over.

The game came to the BP link.

Meng Dezai had just gone over and played finger-guessing with the opponent.

The opposite side got the first class right.

Ban picture of BIKG player.

They directly banned a train that they did not take.

When it was VC's turn to ban the map, Meng De gave the ban to Mystery of the Dead City, which they didn't like to play.

BIKG started to select maps, and they directly took their strong map nuke.

And VC is also unceremonious, taking Lost City down.

Afterwards, the two teams sent each other the Death Amusement Park and the Hot Sand City away.

Leave the last purgatory town.

In this case, the map of this BO3 has already appeared.

First is Figure [-]: Nuclear Crisis

Figure [-]: Lost City in the Desert.

Figure [-]: Purgatory town.

Both sides are ready to start the game.

 There are still today, continue to code words.

(End of this chapter)

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