CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 131 Meng De: I've Got It!

Chapter 131 Meng De: I've Got It!

VC came back to play again. As their opponent, BIKG not only didn't complain, but had respect for VC.

Russians always like to admire the strong.

Although they had to continue this game, VC's professionalism also shocked them.

After all, it was the first time I saw the coach come up to play the game.

This spirit of not admitting defeat made them look at VC with admiration.

However, their strength is still very strong. As a low-tier team, their team configuration is much better than VC.

The team members have rich experience in competitions, and the team's sniper Ting is still the TOP18 in the official selection last year.

From the perspective of strength on paper, this Russian team is far superior to VC, not to mention that VC is now in the absence of the main players.

Although they were impressed by this coach who dared to play on stage, they were not so optimistic about his strength.

After all, how strong can a coach be?
The coach accepted the order under pressure, although it made people feel moved by VC's unwillingness to admit defeat.

However, most ideal viewers are not optimistic about the situation of this game.

After all, Meng De is just a coach, and his high level of leadership does not mean that he is also very capable.

And it's not that no one has encountered Meng De on the ladder, and his level is just like that.

However, most of the players still cheered for Meng De with a positive attitude. After all, it was very rare for Meng De to dare to take this position on stage.

Ten players from both sides began to enter the server, and the match was officially announced.

Map: Nuke

T: Ting, library, qiyu, ji3, mnc
CT: S1mple, somebody, MD, sanji, Tig
"Although I know that the coach's ID is an abbreviation, why do I feel like I'm cursing someone?" S1mple said with a playful smile.

Several of them are very happy to be able to re-match.

After all, compared to giving up directly, there is at least a chance now.

What's more, they know that the coach's command level is quite good.

It's just that the marksmanship can be better.

"Let's play the default game. I haven't played the specific system personally. It will be very uncomfortable to force this game. I will be in charge of the scouting position." Mengde said.

Several people nodded, this is indeed a problem, because although Meng De understands this system.

But he is responsible for the general direction, and what each person needs to play is different.

It is impossible for him to memorize everything from the watermelon beating.

"In the pistol round, we defaulted to 122 in the early stage."

"I'm in a good position. Let's grab an outfield first. Sanji, you pick up the pliers and unpack cigarettes." Meng De quickly finished the preliminary arrangement.

The hearts of the team members gradually calmed down.

With the howling wind of the nuclear crisis, the time came to 1 minute and 55 seconds.

Everyone started to set off.

"The match between VC and BIKG started. We saw the pistol round. BIKG directly chose a wave of outfield teamwork, and he only left one person in the infield."

"And VC only put one person in the outfield, and it was the coach! Can he withstand this wave of pressure?"

Meng De took a usp at the beginning and came directly to the outfield warehouse.

His sight is directly above the oil tank in the outfield.

Within a few seconds, he saw two bandits shooting at him continuously.

Meng De is also true, long-range burst, the USP in his hand is obviously better than Glock.

He began to sway continuously, shooting at the opponent non-stop.

However, at such a long distance, he did not hit the other side's head, but was shot in the head instead.

Meng De hurried to find a cover, and said, "Be careful from the front, I can't get the view of the main entrance."

And at this moment, he heard footsteps coming from the left, and immediately looked into the warehouse.

"The coach beat the two bandits to half blood, but what about the bandit who is closer to the head, he has already rushed over!"

"What is the coach doing! He actually looked to the left, and the person is on your right!" Sixi Wanzi was shocked.

Sure enough, Meng De, who was still bloody, missed a big back and was taken away without any power to fight back.

There is discussion in the barrage.

"The coaching operation is so abstract."

"Why do you look to the left, it's obvious that the person is on the right."

"Could it be that he thought there was someone on the left?"

The game continued, and after Meng De was knocked out, the outfield lost control.

Fortunately, Meng De also got information on at least three people in the opposite outfield.

The little ghost decisively pressed the usp from the front of the B channel.

And Tig at the main gate immediately started a firefight with his opponent. He felt good today, and he shot a headshot as soon as he saw the opponent.

This wave of firefights was one for one, and Meng De also directed Sanji to come over to defend.

Sanji made up for the glass room from the third floor, and directly fought with a bandit who wanted to attack the third floor.

Although neither of them produced a kill, Sanji's timely supplementary defense prevented the people in the infield from receiving pressure from the side.

After making sure that the opponent couldn't enter the third floor, S1mple was very decisive, and went down the pipe in a blink of an eye.

The opponent controlled the outfield to death, and the attack at the front gate failed again. Now the target can only be below K1.

S1mple is inside the pipe, missing a half body, and stands at the entrance of K1.

But there hasn't been a firefight on his side yet. The kid who was pressed from B-pass and Tig fought a wave of cooperation, and together they repelled the bandit hall.

Tig with residual blood was directly framed to death, but the little ghost withstood the pressure.

Directly deal with the people after the bandit hall was shut down.

In this way, the positions of the remaining three opponents are determined at the two positions of the outfield and the entrance of K1.

This wave of 1 for 1 is simply a bloody profit.

S1mple stood below for a while, but he suddenly heard a little footsteps from K1, although it was not loud, he could still hear it clearly.

"People from K1 went up to make up the infield!" S1mple said while climbing back from the pipe.

As soon as he reached the infield, he saw a bandit next to the main entrance.

S1mple retreats first, don't rush to fight with the opponent, find a bunker.

He retreated to the iron gate and immediately started to fight back.

He didn't shoot just now because he didn't have a cover. Now that he got the cover and chased him, isn't it a bit too much?

S1mple immediately fought back and took away the CT who was chasing him at the front door.

"The mnc at the main gate was knocked down by S1mple backhand, he chased too deep."

"If that's the case, the two of you at the main entrance will face off against the three of VC!"

"The little devil took the lead and took one away with one shot. This shot is so fast!"

"The last ting is left, how will he deal with this 1v3 endgame?"

"His position is locked, there is no way to escape, he can only force to fight this endgame, but the brat is too accurate!"

"Shoot directly and end the round with a triple kill!"

"It's just that Meng Jiao has been frowning. Is he not satisfied with this situation? It's a bit too strict." Sixi Wanzi was a little puzzled. This pistol round was won with only two people lost. Why did he still have this expression? .

VC's battle area.

Meng De frowned and took off his earphones. The sound he heard just now was always a bit wrong, which made him feel puzzled.

Could it be that there is a problem with the watermelon's sound card?

Probably not!
Meng De took off the sound-isolating earphones and looked at them carefully.


He got it!
It turned out that the earphones were worn backwards.

Seeing Meng De's operation next to him, S1mple covered his mouth to keep himself from laughing out loud.

 The operation of wearing the earphones backwards came from the man-eating idea brother. At that time, I was dying of laughter watching the game.

  There should be another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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