CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 141 Reverse Frying Fish First Person

Chapter 141 Reverse Frying Fish No.1

"These shots are like frying fish." As a spectator throughout the battle, Tig focused on S1mple.

S1mple's four kills really stunned him.

Listening to the compliments from his teammates, S1mple shrugged casually: "SO EZ!"

For him, this quadruple kill is just a basic operation. Apart from the quick response to the first shot, he doesn't think there are too many bright spots.

But he didn't know that BIKG had been beaten stupid.

Because this basic meeting was shot by S1mple.

Dead at one glance!
What concept is this!

Give me a chance, brother!
BIKG and the others have ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping in their hearts.

Except for the CT who was killed by Meng De's sixth son, the others basically saw S1mple and then disappeared.

To be so outrageous.

Oh, right.

Ting was white-eyed, and no one saw it.

After a few people managed to save a wave of money, they were completely defeated by S1mple.

Everyone is numb.

And VC also took advantage of the opponent's round without economics, and seized the time to catch up with the score.

Although BIKG relied on Ting to play an unconventional wave and gained a considerable advantage, they also managed to score a point.

But this can't stop VC's trend of scoring points on the offensive side.

They quickly overtook the score after BIKG's wave of economic resets.

7: 6.

BIKG is under a lot of pressure.

For them, the next few points are crucial.

As the offensive side, VC has already scored a passing score of 7 points.

In the next few rounds, every point VC scored made the second half more difficult for them.

They don't want to go to the second half with such a disadvantage, they think they still have a chance to come back.

However, adjustments must be made.

BIKG's commander qiyu said to Ting: "Try to draw a shot in the middle lane, if you can't draw a shot, put it in the middle lane."

Ting was silent for a long time, and finally nodded.

Although there was nothing wrong with what the conductor said, he didn't say anything to him.

However, asking him to give up the middle lane directly, isn't this a distrust of his ability?

It's not that he thinks he can't beat that S1mple.

Yes, he did get sniped a few times by that S1mple.

But it's not that he doesn't feel very good.

Ting really wanted to get angry, but for the sake of victory and a harmonious atmosphere in the team, he held back.

Because now is the critical moment to compete for the position in the legendary group, and there should be no major problems because of him.

"Be careful with the spear game on the opposite side." Mengde calculated the economy on the opposite side, and then said to the team members.

But he glanced at his birth point, thought about it carefully, and remembered that he had seen a smoke bomb in the G2 tactic.

"Wait, let's play a dozen to speed up this round." Meng De suggested.

"Where is the speed increase?"

"In the middle, just let me out."

"You guys threw me some cigarettes and arch cigarettes at the beginning of the game, and I tried to get into the VIP quickly."

A few people passed this information in their minds. The idea is a good idea, but the question is can it work?
"Then be careful of VIP's snipers at the first moment!" S1mple reminded.

Conventional VIP smoke bursts relatively slowly. If the CT is in a good position, there is a chance to take a shot.

"I forgot that I didn't teach you something before, a quick VIP cigarette." Mengde continued, "I'll go back and teach you after today's game."

"I wanted to find out all the methods of this kind of smoke before and teach you together."

The way Meng De said is to throw VIP cigarettes at the birth point.

This is what he saw in G2's wave of controlling mid-lane tactics before.

That tactic was particularly exaggerated, but this smoke really surprised him.

After all, there is a new choice.

Meng De also tried for a long time afterwards, and wanted to try out the props of the other birth points of this map.

But because of delays in work and other things, this matter was also forgotten for a while.

"Quick VIP smoke?" Several people were a little curious.

Then they saw that the countdown was over, and Meng De made a jumper on the spot and threw the VIP cigarette out.

"Damn it, so fast?" A few people thought it was the smoke thrown in the trash can or somewhere, but they didn't know that they could be so exaggerated and just threw it where they were.

To a certain extent, this can even change the pattern of the Lost City Middle Road.

After all, the smoke at the beginning of the game can prevent CT from getting any information, and the difference between those two seconds is very big.

Although shocked, several people still performed their duties.

According to Meng De's request, he lost the lighter and arch cigarettes.

And also came to the middle and threw a flash to cover Mengde's forward assault.

Meng De came to the middle road, first gave a middle road defense forward pressure flash, and then jumped from the lighted cigarette to the middle road passage.

And S1mple's follow-up arch flash is also in place. Although Mengde didn't make this request, S1mpe still did it.

Mengde has only one sentence for this: NICE!

I simply searched the arch to get closer, Meng De W was not loose, and continued to move forward.

When I came to the bench under the VIP, I took two steps forward, and with a simple spin jump, I successfully jumped onto the platform outside the VIP.

Mengde is very detailed here, he uses squatting on the ground.

The sound caused by this way of landing is the smallest, almost silent.

Meng De successfully entered the VIP smoke. He first looked at his position on the map to make a judgment, then stepped back quietly to the small black room, making sure that there was no one hiding at the edge of the smoke, and then started the next move.

Although Ting agreed to the commander's words this round, he was actually angry in his heart, and he wanted to prove himself.

He came to the VIP at the first moment of the countdown, but after he entered the VIP, he was a little confused.

Because a smoke has landed on the VIP.

Is he too slow?

That's not right, he's in a good position!

But why can't I even get the information?

Ting was full of question marks, but the VIP was banned from smoking, and he had no choice but to help his teammates look at the A2 floor.

"This smoke is so fast, it directly persuaded Ting to quit." Although the commentator did not see Meng De's perspective, the third perspective also found clues.

"The VC is still a standard way of controlling the map. Is it a bit extravagant to directly give three smokes to the middle lane?" ?
But Meng De's boldness far exceeded their imagination.

In 1 minute and 39 seconds, Meng De had officially entered the VIP.

It seems that no CT has been found yet!

Hearing that he came over to have a look just now, and set up the street lamp on Little B for a while.

In the case of VIP smoke, if someone enters the VIP, his body will block the light of the B street light.

People who are in VIP can judge from this that there are no superiors.

"But, Ting, he didn't know that the coach came up so early! He took a look, then turned his head and continued to build the second floor, and the coach just came out quietly!"

"What the hell timing is this!"

"The coach got a perfect back, should he shoot directly?"

"He didn't shoot, he walked around the supermarket directly from the VIP dog hole, and other VCs were also moving. This wave of BIKG is over!" Sixi Wanzi laughed.

Dahai next to him shook his head: "This coach's style of play is really artistic!"

"This is not an operation that a normal professional brother can play!"

The bullet screen is also discussed:

"It's a big silver fried pro's fish"

"Cao Thief, Reverse Frying Fish No.1"

"Food beats masters, die laughing"

"Don't stop me, I want to press forward!"

"I have learned it, and I will use the coach's style of play to score points tonight."

"Don't go, you don't have S1mple!!"


"Does this coach only have W on the keyboard, haha!"

Meng De walked into the supermarket alone, he already knew that he had won this round.

He walked slowly and quietly to point B.

First, I found the location of Little B's CT, and then I identified the policeman bouncing around in the white car.

Meng De complained in his heart, this person is a real man, he was beaten by S1mple just now, and now he still dares to jump.

It is determined that the players can almost fill the position.

Meng De started to do it.

B's CT is still discussing tactics with his teammates. They are a little surprised why this VC has controlled a middle lane and there is no movement at all.

At this moment, AK gunshots sounded from the sofa.

Little B, the CT, was killed by a headshot.

"What?" He expressed his incomprehension about the cause of his death.

But the policeman in Baiche still reacted quickly. He instantly recognized the voice from the sofa, and while trying to fight back, he yelled in the voice:

"How could this miss people into the supermarket!!"

But he didn't kill Meng De at the first time. After securing his hand, Meng De framed him to death with the gun and threw a fire at the white car in the B2 building. He could only go out to meet the enemy and fight back.

But the position was framed to death, and he was directly killed.

Point B changed hands in an instant, and the bandits immediately let go.

This huge change caught the trio in Area A a little off guard.

After thinking for a long time, they couldn't figure out how the bandit got there.

But this back defense is going to be fought after all, their economic losing streak has been full, and there is still economic in the next round.

But it's not so easy to defend 3 on 5.

They returned to defense in a hurry, and their position was still occupied.

And VC has a lot of defensive props, so don't give them a chance at all.

When one person was knocked out, they could only choose to save their guns.

 A little late, mainly because of Calvin.

(End of this chapter)

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