CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 142 Silence is Tonight's Fog City

Chapter 142 Silence is Tonight's Fog City
Time: Day 5 of the Fog City Major Challenger Group.

Location: BIKG battle area.

Characters: Silent BIKG people.

BIKG, which was supposed to discuss tactics during the halftime break, was silent at the moment.

The inexplicable omission in the first half caused them to have two backs stolen in the B area in an instant, and their unstable mentality exploded directly.

In the next round, although they had money, under the attack of VC, they made mistakes in marksmanship, which resulted in the loss of a frontal firefight, and the situation collapsed.

Blame and self-blame are lingering in their hearts, and several people don't know what to do in this situation.

For BIKG, the problem is serious.

They can't benefit from the tactical game, and the things they have studied before have been used up.

Only scored 6 points and went to the second half, the pressure was too great.

There was no smile on Ting's face, he blamed himself very much.

After thinking about it constantly, he belatedly realized that Meng De's round could only pass from him.

So it can only be that he missed a fatal timing, causing the team to collapse.

He can already imagine how the team's fans will abuse him after the game.

The coach at the side encouraged them a few words, seeing that the players were still the same, there was nothing they could do.

He secretly sighed, he also poured the chicken soup before, and said words of encouragement.

But the team had a problem in the last step of entering the legendary group, and there was nothing he could do now.

After all, he is just a coach, and he can't go on stage to help players play games.

Now I just hope they can start the second half better, so that the morale of the team returns, and there may be a chance for a comeback.

After all, he is a coach after all, and he can only improve the work of assisting.

The game still depends on the players themselves.

Compared to BIKG's silence, the atmosphere on VC's side is much better, with a few people chatting and laughing.

"Coach, is your VIP cigarette so exaggerated? You can throw it on the spot?" S1mple took off his earphones and asked.

"I thought of it by accident before, and I tried it later." Mengde continued, "But I only tried one or two, and I still have some birth points to look for."

"But I'm afraid that if I teach you one by one, you will remember them, so I'm going to find them all and tell you all at once."

"It's just that I was busy later and forgot about this."

"After that, we will search together with you. If we can really find them all, it will be of great use." S1mple took up the conversation.

Mengde didn't refuse either. Sometimes this kind of thing is really powerful in numbers.

The team members had other things to be busy before, and he didn't find a specific idea of ​​how to use this set of props.

But after using Art's experience card today, he has a different way of thinking about the game, and he has another level of understanding of the game.

If the subsequent training task is not too heavy, he really intends to ask the players to explore with him how to throw this set of props.

"You played well in the first half." Meng De praised several people in the team. Today he is not only a player, but also a coach.

What needs to be done is not only the game, but also a control over the mentality of the players.

They have to be confident while not being too inflated.

"We are only 7 points away from officially entering the legendary group. Everyone stabilize their mentality."

"Don't take it lightly. After all, before today's game starts, who would believe that we can get the advantage?"

"Everyone thought that BIKG could qualify for the legendary group, and no one would think that we were ahead."

"So don't relax too much. At the moment when the game is not settled, no matter how many advantages we have before, it is just an advantage."

Tig pursed his lips, remembering that bad experience once again.

Some restlessness calmed down in an instant.

"We understand."

He really understood that he had experienced the situation where he was one step away from victory and then completely overturned.

Know how harmful bloat can be.

Noticing that the team members lost the contemptuous mentality they had before, Meng De nodded cryptically.

Although these guys are very capable, they are young and have no competition experience after all.

All performances are too beaming.

Strengths and weaknesses have too much influence on their mentality.

He can only help the players to maintain a balance of mentality by helping them to constantly adjust.

However, this mentality problem is still the reason for playing too few games.

Afterwards, the number of VC competitions increased, and they will gradually get rid of this problem.

After a short break, the second half of the game began.

The two teams began to switch sides, and VC went straight to the defense.

Meng De began to make arrangements for the pistol round.

He thought for a while, bought an unpacked cigarette and lightning pliers, and said, "I'll single B for this one, and I'll use the cigarette to protect myself if there are people, and you all need to defend in area A."

"If you don't see anyone in the middle of Shasha, come to my side!"

As the defensive side of the pistol round, the arrangement is usually quite simple.

After the countdown ended, everyone started to set off.

"VC set up a 311 position at the beginning, the coach bought the props himself, and walked to the B area alone."

"As for S1mple, the semi-armored usp came to the VIP stand, but this BIKG mid laner is directly fighting with four people, which is a bit fierce!"

"S1mple was shot in the head as soon as he came up, so he had to make a pass to hit the little bandit B."

"The members of BIKG are on the A2 floor. This wave of bandits should be going to hit an arch to clip A."

"And VC's wave happens to be heavy defense in Area A, can they withstand the pressure this wave?"

Hearing S1mple's loud plea for help, Meng De quickly released Area B and came to Little B.

In fact, this was the choice he made based on the fact that there was no movement in the B2 building.

But the bandit's props were given quickly, and a small B cigarette was thrown out, which blocked Meng De's vision.

Meng De had no vision, so he could only shoot a few shots at the passing point of the arch.

VIP's S1mple was also beaten into a cripple, so he could only fight and retreat.

"S1mple was forced to retreat to the jungle in the VIP. The bandits on the second floor were trying to rush out. They just ran into S1mple's muzzle and killed him in one shot!"

"But S1mple helped his teammate out of the siege, what should he do behind his back? Someone has already jumped on the VIP!"

"S1mple has no choice but to forcibly fight back, but he doesn't have much ability to fight back with residual blood."

Tig got stuck walking the platform, and soon he saw a bandit striding out from the archway.

And he was very bold, he didn't even look at the location of the jumping platform, and ran to the bunker to find someone.

Tig and the kid in the long box worked together to take him down.

Ting in the arch also knew the location of Tig, and Tig could only get stuck in the dead corner of the platform.

And Ting didn't dare to pull it out to fill up Tig, there was a small B's CT shooting at the back, and someone in the long box was holding a gun.

As long as he dared to go out, he would surely die.

He could only hit Tig's little body in the corner in the arch.

After Tig changed the bullet, he didn't have so many worries, and directly previewed a shot to take Ting away from the arch.

At this time, he also saw Jungle's S1mple being knocked out in the face, so he quickly looked over and immediately shot him.


The bandit in the jungle was shot in the head.

"Coach Moyan wanted to steal the back of the last bandit, but he took it for granted and was knocked out."

"But it's not a big problem. The situation has reached 3v1. Lei Bao fell into the arch. His strategy of getting information is correct."

"Qiyu had a flash and directly pulled the arch, but he didn't have to fight because of the three of them!"

"Tig felt hot and hit another headshot, winning the pistol round in the second half!"

Sixi Wanzi concluded: "BIKG's idea is correct, but they were unlucky. They encountered VC and made a heavy defense A style of play, which happened to hit the gun."

"Although Xiao B has been banned from smoking, the smoke can only make the coach unable to detect. The arch has been beaten, and they can't go up at all."

"Now let's look at the long gun round in the back."

 The next chapter may be a little later, and try to write a little bit before it is dissatisfied and overturned.

(End of this chapter)

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