CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 170 Fighting with the Air

Chapter 170 Fighting with the Air

After losing this round, mum took the initiative to take the responsibility.

"My, I didn't react to this shot, otherwise it would be easier for you to fight even if it was a one-for-one exchange."

The problem did come from his place.

After failing to steal people at the beginning, not only lost a big sniper, but also lost control of the map.

Although this is a risk in the forward press, it is true that he did not play well.

He had the opportunity to shoot first, but the problem was that the shot was not fired, and his reaction was that he was not as quick as the big sniper on the opposite side.

The problem is here.

Recalling the arrogance before the start, mum regretted it a bit.

"The second point of the sniper after me, I'll be more stable." mum said.

After his change of thinking, SSS did achieve some good results.

But then, VC adjusted their style of play, and the situation was out of their control.

The sniper named kennyS showed amazing talent in this game.

That kind of invincible reaction made their defense untenable at all.

They can indeed defend at the second point, but it is inevitable that they will lose control of the information.

All the information they get depends entirely on VC's prop throwing.

I was completely scammed by VC.

Their well-run economy quickly collapsed under these conditions.

In the end, after the first half of the game, the score on the field came to 6:9.

When several people saw the final score, they all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Although they did not play well in the second half of the first half, fortunately they scored enough points in the early stage.

They went to the second half with 9 points, which was also an advantageous game.

Only if they can break through VC's defense in the second half, then they still have a chance to win the second picture.

The SSS coach also took the initiative to encourage: "Everyone, don't be discouraged. Although our performance in the last few rounds was not good, our overall performance in the first half was still good."

"After all, we scored nine points, they only scored six points."

"Brothers, the advantage is in our hands, everyone be happy!"

"As long as the pistol round is won in the second half, VC's early rhythm will be directly confused, and they won't have much room for error."

The coach of SSS analyzed the game in picture [-] for them.

Several people listened and nodded, and this is indeed the case now.

They scored more points in map [-]. Although the CT of the town map has a slight advantage, it is not as big as three points.

Listening to the coach's words, the few of them regained their confidence.

Yes, they played better in the first half in Figure [-], so they should be happier!

On VC's side, Meng De also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the opponent scored 0:7 in the opening game, and the pressure was directly full.

Fortunately, the key to his pause point gave the team a sigh of relief.

And the endgame of kennyS really brought back the morale of the team.

"Good job." Mengde patted kennyS on the shoulder. Given his height, this action wasn't too embarrassing.

kennyS also had a smile on his face, and it was not an easy task to get the approval of the coach.

However, right after that, he heard the sentence behind Meng De: "Strive to play at this level in the future."

KennyS's smile disappeared so quickly from his face, he looked at Mengde in disbelief, his expression seemed to say, "Are you kidding me?"

Several other people also laughed when they saw kennyS' expression.

Although VC fell behind by a few points, under Mengde's regulation, their mood remained pretty good.

After a short halftime break, everyone discussed the general direction of the second half.

Then, amidst the cheers of the audience, the second half of the game in Figure [-] officially started.

At the beginning of the second half, the two sides switched offense and defense.

VC has become the defensive side.

Watermelon made a 3B2A arrangement at the beginning, which was also the pre-arrangement arranged by Meng De for them.

Watermelon brought sanji and kennyS to the Banana Road, and kennyS had a CZ75 in his hand.

Today they came to Banana Road to disrupt the battle, just to bet that the opponent will rush immediately.

"At the beginning of the second half, SSS switched to the offensive side. Their goal was obvious from the beginning, and they went to the banana road."

Coke looked at the props of SSS, and then analyzed: "They bought a decoy round at the pistol station, but it should not be used as a fake flash."

"Sure enough, the decoy bomb hit the wall directly. Their decoy bomb is used to let them know if there are any Tibetans near the stone slab!"

After kennyS saw the props thrown over, he immediately started back flashing.

But when he heard the sound of bullets firing, he immediately turned his head and looked back at Banana Road.

The CZ in his hand exploded quickly, but there are too many people pulled out by SSS at this moment!

kennyS only knocked out one and then was taken away by the concentrated fire. The distance was too short and there was no cover, so he could only fight one wave.

Sanji, who was behind the cover, came out to help fill up the gun, but he had just fired two bullets and was also headshot.

There was only one unarmored watermelon behind a sandbag.

Watermelon began to sway in a small body under the cover of sandbags.

He first clicked on the bandit next to the wooden board on the right, and then raised his head and killed the bandit who jumped onto the sandbag.

"Fuck, the two shots of watermelon are fine, it feels like Tig's head-up kill." Coke praised.

"He can't do anything by himself in the end, not to mention he is still without armor."

"This wave of firefights on Banana Road was 3 for 3, but thanks to the delay of the watermelons, the kid and Twistzz in Area A were already on their way back to defense, and the kid even jumped out of the corridor."

The remaining two bandits only have one fire, but even if they lose this police fire, it won't help them too much.

After thinking about it, the two chose to double pull together.

The kid who was walking in front was caught in an instant, and he didn't even have time to shoot.

Fortunately, Twistzz caught one with a headshot, and the endgame became a one-on-one.

"Fortunately, Twistzz's crucial shot brought the situation back. Now Bao is in the middle of the road, and the opponent can only fight with him."

"But mum chose to go back, there is enough time, and he wants to play a wave of tricks."

But in this wave, mum didn't intend to go back, he actually wanted to send a fake message to Twistzz, making Twistzz think he was going to go back.

Twistzz will go to the police at this time, and he can catch a good timing.

He felt that his operation was on the second floor.

But he didn't expect that because of the distance, Twistzz didn't hear mum's footsteps at all, so he was completely fighting the air.

"Did he go around the back?" Twistzz was a little unsure.

As a professional user of going around, Xiao Gui offered a suggestion: "You can go to the side of the three boxes and set up a wide angle."

Twistzz thought about it, and it seemed to be good.

Because if he is at that point, he can always wear the thunder bag, and no matter whether the last mum is going around the back, or planning to play with him on the banana road, he can be found by him at the first time.

Twistzz started walking slowly towards the three boxes.

And mum is still on the way back quietly, so naturally it is impossible to meet him.

"Mum slowly searched for points from Banana Road. He felt that his operation was top-notch, but he didn't know that Twistzz had already seen through it."

"One back was missed to three boxes, Twistzz seized the opportunity and easily took it away with one shot!"

"7:9, VC won the pistol round in the second half."

 Nothing today, I went to sleep, I hope you don’t have a sixth child in your dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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