CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 171 VC Is Really Not Strong!

Chapter 171 VC Is Really Not Strong!

After the pistol round was won by Twistzz, the SSS coach's heart sank, knowing that the problem in the second half might be a bit big.

The score has come to 7:9, it seems that the gap between them and VC is two points.

But in the next round, they will have no economy, and they will not be able to place a contract. No matter whether they choose to strengthen or eco, their combat effectiveness is not very strong.

Sure enough, the coach of SSS watched the pistol round and lost again, and the balance of victory began to tilt towards VC.

Moreover, their current economy is insufficient, and there is no particularly good way to deal with it. They can only continue the eco round and save the economy of the spear round.

The coach of SSS sighed, and now he can only place his hopes on the players, hoping that they can regain their advantage in the next round of pistols, otherwise this game is really worthless.

But the occurrence of games on the field is like Murphy's law. The more he worries, the more things he worries about will happen.

They did not win the first long gun round in the second half.

They had an exchange of fire with VC while they were controlling the map on Banana Road. The player whose ID was Twistzz killed both bandits on Banana Road in the scuffle.

Although they also won a kill, they fell into a numerical disadvantage within less than 30 seconds of the start, and the subsequent situation was no longer easy to develop.

Finally, they tried to touch the link once, but they were blocked by kennyS and the kid.

The situation reached a stalemate, and the coach of SSS was forced to call a timeout at the end of the game.

"Brothers, cheer up everyone."

"This VC team is really not as strong as we imagined. I know that everyone is in a running-in period and they are playing a bit messy."

"But don't give up. We are now standing on the international stage. Even if the opponent already has the home court advantage, we still have to play the game well."

"Let them see what our English gentlemen can do!"

"Fight to the end and never give up!"

accurate: "."

Coach, what you said is too much for me.

However, after the encouragement of the coach, they also readjusted their mentality.

Everyone cheered each other up, calmed down and wasn't so up there.

It's just that they didn't agree with the second sentence the coach said.

Although they are in the running-in period.


This VC is much stronger than imagined!
Seeing that the timeout was over, Coke hurriedly began to explain:

"VC's score has achieved a lead, and SSS finally has the money to play long gun rounds again."

"Although I ran into a wall on Banana Road before, SSS decided to come here to find trouble on Banana Road."

"At the beginning of the game, just blast two thunders and get closer. It doesn't give you the possibility of counter-clearing the first point in CT, but the movement of watermelon is also very skillful."

"As soon as I saw this set of props, I immediately turned back a puff of smoke and continued to delay the time. The props are very smooth!"

After the watermelon gave out the smoke, he didn't back away directly, he called Sanji to give himself a flash of the banana road, and then continued to blast a thunder towards the banana road.

Then Xigua felt that he heard a footstep at the near point, and took the MP9 directly to the near point and began to straf.

After the half-shuttle bullet was fired, a kill message was also displayed in the upper right corner.

[VC.XIGUA used MP9 to kill SSS.accurate]

"SSS got off to a bad start here, and they were killed without anyone seeing it. Although Watermelon and Sanji have already retreated to the back point, SSS doesn't know the details, so for them, this wave of bananas is not only out of control. power, and one was beaten to death, blood loss."

Yuyuan next to him nodded and analyzed: "Yes, now they plan to hold on to it, and wait for the teammates on the other side of the map to start making moves."

"lok is looking for opportunities from the spiral staircase, but he doesn't know that this wave of VC has made special preparations!"

"The two people from VC are around the spiral staircase, waiting for Lok to come up."

Lok has come to the side of the spiral ladder, he can play a free agent in the first-line profession, and his personal ability is also quite high.

He began to sway carefully, searching slowly.

Seeing that there was no one on the road leading to the balcony, he planned to look at the corner of the stairs, the place with the most old six.

But soon, his body wobbled a little, and he saw two policemen standing there.

Lok's reaction is very fast, and his preview line is also very good, so the first shot directly exploded the head of the CT closest to the crosshair.

But the second person's supplementary gun, he has nothing to do.

This wave of firefights in the spiral staircase ended in a 1-for-1 exchange.

It's just that this exchange of numbers is not good news for SSS.

Because they lost one player on Banana Road at the beginning, and they continued to change players like this later, their chances would only decrease.

dss177 now knows that there should be two people in District B and District A.

Because according to lok's feedback, if no one else in area A is linking to show them the middle lane, then the two people on the second floor will definitely not be in this position.

Therefore, the current positions of the two defenders in Area A should be one on the link side and one on the balcony of the A2 building.

The top conductor from the UK quickly analyzed the position of VC, and then began to make the final wave of decisions.

Now that there is a gap in the number of people, it is impossible to fake a fight. We can only rely on 3 people to gather together to fill up the guns and fight together.

Then 3 against 2, there is still a possibility of winning.

If 3 people are divided into one person to touch alone, then the frontal firepower is really bad.

Unless the police give the opportunity almost.

"Mum, go and touch the front of Banana Road, there should be no one there." dss177 judged.

Mum let out an 'um', and then began to walk forward quietly and start to preview.

Soon, he searched all the near points, and as he expected, VC didn't release anyone at the front point.

After gaining the numerical advantage, they have begun to shrink their defense.

After mum made sure that there was no one nearby, she looked for a reference on the wall, and then Dala looked directly at the police house.

The moment Sanji in the police house saw the person, he immediately retreated to the left.

Although Mum fired the gun, Sanji reacted quickly and was not hit by him.

Knowing that there are people in the Banana Road, he also respectfully blows a smoke on a box of watermelons, and continues to delay the time.

SSS gave cigarettes to the police, and originally planned to start a storm.

"We are sweeping them back." Watermelon made a decisive decision.

He played a very exciting game with the conductor on the opposite side today.

"Watermelon and Sanji fired a magazine into the smoke, and disabled another."

"But mum is very bold. He got into the left side of the smoke, that is, on the steps of a box. This position seems to be used as a one-way!"

"The watermelon has retreated to the side of the coffin, there may be a problem!" Coke shouted.

In the next second, I was headshot by an AK47 while holding a shiny watermelon.

Sanji at the police house had no choice but to shoot at the smoke, trying to kill the opponent.

Unfortunately, until all the bullets were fired, he still failed to see the kill message appearing in the upper corner again.

"The little ghost and Twistzz returned to the defense from the police house together. Sanji and the little ghost went to control the back garden first, but the bloody dss177 in the back garden took Sanji away with one shot."

"The little devil shot him in advance, but now they have to face three boxes and two people at the dead center in this endgame, and they don't have any props yet."

"The little devil can only bite the bullet, but there is no chance!"

Twistzz came to a box of stage with an AK. Time was running out, and it was impossible to win this endgame. He just wanted to drag the two opponents to death.

However, the feeling of mum has come, pull it out horizontally!
Twistzz's head was blown off.

SSS finally scored the first point of the second half.

(End of this chapter)

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