CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 174 The Birth of a Hair Director

Chapter 174 The Birth of a Hair Director

The first day of the game ended successfully. Although there was an episode of being scored 7 points at the beginning of the second picture, the problem was not very big.

Meng De took the team members to watch the video of the game and started the error correction session.

Everyone's restless hearts gradually calmed down.

Then the ending of the second game of Group A today slowly emerged.

The result was not beyond the expectations of the VC people. This strong first-line team from France finally won the game.

However, his process was a bit tortuous.

FG playing LL is not as easy as playing SSS with VC.

Instead, they nearly flipped over.

In Figure [-], LL showed to IEM that VC is not the only home team this time.

In the Lost City in the desert in Figure [-], LL showed a super high level of marksmanship. Although their tactics and coordination are still a bit inferior, for an FPS game, marksmanship is really important.

LL and the others are in the picture [-], and they beat the French so that they ran away with their heads in their arms.

PP's big sniper kept firing on the map, more like hitting their heads with a baguette.

Figure 16 finally ended with a score of 3:[-], and LL unexpectedly won the map by surprise.

Figure 0 came to the nuke town chosen by FG. Although everyone in LL had a bad start, they also relied on H[-]PE's endgame to play, and also brought back the rhythm of the game.

Just when everyone thought they were going to stage the same script as VC today, LL failed to withstand the pressure at the critical moment.

FG's talented sniper Xiaojiao was killed three times in the B area, tearing through LL's defense.

After that, they won the match point by virtue of their resilience, but they were still chased to the match point.

LL has made great progress in the past six months, but they also have a problem, that is, lack of experience in the competition.

In the end, they still didn't hold back in one breath, and FG took the second picture.

On the train in Figure [-], FG's talented sniper Xiaojiao began to perform crazily.

In the end they lost today's game with a score of 1:2.

But most people praised LL.

If the rise of VC allowed them to see domestic hope, then the follow-up of LL allowed them to see the revival of a division.

The level of the entire competition area is slowly getting higher.

After the game, PP answered in an interview but surprised the audience, because PP actually thanked VC.

I saw that the PP on the screen was a bit disappointed, but he still smiled and answered the blogger's interview: "Our recent improvement in level is due to our own hard training."

"There is also the continuous help of our brother team VC. The opportunity to play against a strong team is very rare, but VC has always provided us with this opportunity."

"If it weren't for VC, we might not be able to enter this IEM competition."

"I still have to thank Mengjiao."

"And we have maintained a relatively good state recently, and the VAC alliance has played a big role"

"It's really sincere." Mengde covered his head, and of course he was a little happy that PP put all the credit on himself.

But after being happy, it is inevitable that you will be troubled.

Because there may be an endless stream of teams who will make appointments with them for training matches.

The number of teams in the scrims has increased, which is not a big deal.

Meng De was a little worried that a team with ulterior motives would appear in the future.

"Coach, we went out to play, do you want to go together?" Watermelon extended an invitation to Mengde.

After watching their own game video and FG's recent game video, the players have nothing to do.

"You guys go, I'm analyzing the game for a while." Mengde waved his hand.

He took the players to watch the game video, so that the players had a general impression of their opponents.

But he can't. As a coach, he has to analyze some of FG's recent styles of play and deal with them accordingly.

And now only he can do this job.

Although the players joining can greatly share his pressure.

But there is a word in the e-sports circle called 'over-interpretation'. Once your analysis of your opponent is too deep, you can't help but think too much in many operations.

Sometimes it will affect your original level.

So this kind of work can only be done by coaches and analysts.

After reading it a few times, Mengde recorded all the points he thought could be targeted in the notebook. Seeing that the players hadn't come back, he told them in the group not to play too late, and then went to rest.

Although he wasn't the one who played today, as a coach, he needed to expend a lot of energy during the game.

Meng De quickly washed and fell asleep.

The next morning, he was the first to wake up.

Meng De woke up kennyS and Twistzz in his room.

But when he got to Twistzz's bedside, it was a bit strange.

Why did this kid's hair change color?
"Twistzz? Twistzz!"

The young man gradually woke up under Meng De's shout, he was still a little dazed, in the state of being forcibly awakened.

"What's wrong, coach?" Twistzz asked in a daze.

Meng De poked Twistzz's flowing hair with his hand.

"What's with the hair?"

Twistzz is still in a state where his body is awake, but his soul is still in a dream. After a while, he asked slowly:

"What did you say, coach?"

"I said what's the matter with your hair." Meng De added a little voice.

"The kid asked me to do it with him yesterday." Twistzz said as he put on his glasses.

Meng De took a closer look at his hairstyle, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Just looking at the hairstyle of Twistzz is not particularly good-looking.

But compared to before, this hairstyle covers the defects of Twistzz's brain.

And he also followed Meng De's suggestion and bought a new pair of glasses.

The whole person seems to have changed from the dullness of the past, and has a different kind of publicity.

Twistzz was still a little apprehensive, wondering if he had done something wrong.

"It's okay, where did you get your hair? It's pretty good." Meng De praised. Although it looked a bit ostentatious, Twistzz gave people a much better look than before.

"The kid took me there. I heard it's called Oguri Shun. The boss is pretty nice." Twistzz was relieved to know that the coach didn't want to blame him.

He has just entered the society not long ago, and his image of a coach is still similar to that of a teacher, so he suddenly changed to a flamboyant hairstyle, which inevitably made him a little worried that Meng De would be unhappy.

Seeing that Meng De didn't blame him now, he was also relieved.

"Get up and wash up, I'll take you for a run." Mengde patted Twistzz on the shoulder, then went to another room to wake up Xigua and the others.

"There is still this event today?" Twistzz was a little surprised, but also a little bit looking forward to it.

"The hotel has a supporting gym, so you don't need to use it for nothing." Meng De laughed.

He turned around and went to wake up the guys next door, but these were people who had difficulty getting up, and it took a lot of time to get up slowly.

The most important thing is that it was a bit late last night to get my hair done at the barber shop, and I don't have enough sleep now.

After several people finished washing, they also saw Twistzz's hairstyle, and they all came over and said:

"Not bad, it makes me want to get my head permed too." Watermelon said beside him.

He wasn't with the kid last night, so it was the first time he saw Twistzz's hairstyle.

Watermelon was still amazed at the side: "Just like a hair director."

After that, Meng De simply took them to practice for a while in the hotel.

Because there was still a competition today, Meng De didn't practice too hard, otherwise it would be bad if he didn't have energy when the competition came.

Meng De simply led them to practice for about half an hour.

But in such a short period of time, these guys have already said that they can't bear it.

But the reactions of several people are also different.

Imp and Twistzz are acceptable, and the body's adaptability is relatively strong.

But the fatter watermelon and the thin bamboo pole-like kennyS felt that it was not good at the beginning.

But in the end, I persevered.

"After changing the base later, this may be a daily training." After stretching with a few people, he looked at kennyS and Watermelon who were no longer able, and he let out a devilish smile.


After taking the players to wake up their bodies, after breakfast, Mengde began to let them start the basic training during the game.

In about three hours, they have completed their daily training.

They don't have time to train this afternoon, because they still have to participate in IEM's offline signing event.

At the later venue, several people also met their old friends, several members of the LL team.

The entire team of VC today is very eye-catching.

After LL met them, he couldn't help but look at them a few more times.

The first is Meng De's flourishing beauty.

The second is Twistzz today's hairstyle.

"It's really cool bro." PP came over to say hello.

No need for him to specify, everyone knows that PP is talking about Twistzz.

"Just like a Tony teacher."

H0PE next to him said: "I think it looks like a model, whoever looks at it will not be confused."

Several people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and the on-site activities have not started yet, so they are not in a hurry.

"What happened to your match yesterday, you didn't hold your last breath?" the kid complained.

PP sighed: "We have been guarding against that big sniper all the time, but in the end when we reviewed the game, we found out that his big sniper is indeed a bit level."

"But it's that rifleman in FG that's been working, and that's their commander."

"VOVO?" The kid said an ID, which is FG's rifle and commander.

"Yeah." PP nodded, "This guy has so much experience, we were misled by him in the last few rounds, and then the timing was sent to Xiaojiali and fed to the meat of his mouth."

"So in the end it seemed that Pepper was crazy about carrying, but when we replayed the game, we found that the overall situation was basically led by VOVO. The rounds where we made the most mistakes were also facilitated by this guy."

"If you want to play SSS, I can't give you much advice." Meng De nodded and said.

"Their overall strength is much stronger than yours, so try your best to fight."

Although LL gave his advice very thoughtfully, Meng De really didn't have any advice to give them.

After all, to win the SSS, for them, the player's performance has gained an advantage.

On the first day of the game, there were relatively few real tactical things.

Everyone is hiding tactics, and they all want to keep them for later.

So the whole thing is to look at the commander's on-the-spot decision-making and the recent state of the players.

In this regard, VC and LL have an advantage.

After all, the two teams basically never stopped training.

Both teams have played countless times during the offseason.

Although each has figured out the tactics, the most basic touch is still maintained very well.

So in the first day of the game, both of their teams had a great advantage.

In the following games, as some slow-moving teams gradually found their hand, the victory of the game was not so easy.

So there is some sense of urgency in the hearts of several people.

The other side of the backstage of IEM-Didu Station.

FG's lounge.

The head coach of FG was frowning while watching a video.

A young man who looked a bit honest came over and said casually, "Coach, what are you looking at?"

"Watch the video of VC's game."

"It's necessary."

"Don't be careless, VOVO." The coach said, "SSS lost to them yesterday."

The person called VOVO smiled disdainfully: "It's not the first time SSS has lost to them. They were upset at the Fog City Major. I don't think it's surprising to lose to them again this time."

"The lineup on VC is not complete. S1mple is resting due to injury, and another player is on VC."

"Who is it, coach, hurry up and tell me." VOVO expressed disdain for the coach's trickery.

But he saw the coach sigh: "You may also know that person, that is kennyS from the youth training."

"Fuck, that thin bamboo pole?" VOVO still has a little impression of kennyS.

He walked over and looked at the tablet in the coach's hand.

On the screen, kennyS in the small town is trying to get the bag, but the enemies on the side have been using usp to point him.

In the next second, he turned his head and shot the CT blindly.

Then VOVO watched this acquaintance who had a relationship once, and played an amazing 1V3 endgame.

This big sniper is as fast as lightning!

"Fuck, he actually transferred to VC?" VOVO was still a little surprised.

The coach took a sharp puff of the cigarette butt, then threw it on the ground, and crushed it twice with his leather shoes.

"I agreed to his transfer, but he still told me at the time that I wanted to give him a chance to show himself. I don't think he can play games with talent alone."

"So I chose Chili Pepper."

"Then he was sold to VC." VOVO knew that there was such a thing.

"Yeah." The coach sighed, "I thought he wouldn't be able to compete in world-class competitions."

"I didn't expect that the first time we met, this kid would hit me hard in the face."

"It's okay, we still have peppers." VOVO comforted the coach.

But the coach shook his head. Compared with kennyS' performance yesterday, Xiaojiao's performance was not at the same level.

"I regret it a little bit."

But they didn't know that there was a person outside the door who had already clenched his fist.
(End of this chapter)

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