CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 175 Handsome guy who are you!

Chapter 175 Handsome guy who are you! (6K)

After participating in the competition officially organized by IEM, VC began to participate in today's competition.

But what made Mengde speechless the most was that many fans still came to him for autographs for this event, which was clearly organized for the players.

However, the signing activity is not very long, and it will be over after a while.

Meng De took the team members to lie down in the waiting room for a while, and then began to prepare for the competition.

While yawning, Xigua complained: "It was very interesting to sign in a hurry before, but this time I signed for more than half an hour, and I was tired of signing."

"I really don't know how those celebrities in the news signed for several hours at a time."

Meng De said next to him: "There is something wrong with the arrangement of this competition group. Generally, this event is done after the competition is over."

"Fortunately, they have controlled the time very well, and the impact is not too great."

"Everyone, get ready to go on stage." Meng De complained a few words, and began to prepare for the game with the players, and the time was almost up.

It is now past 5 pm, and the ticket checking for the venue has already started.

The game between them and FG will start at 6 o'clock.

So if you don't prepare, it may really be too late.


Several people took their own peripherals and walked towards the battle room together after the referee announced that they could enter the arena.

kennyS is a little preoccupied today.

The opponent is his old club, and he once wanted to shine in that place, but FG didn't give himself a chance, instead he chose a player of his same period.

Did you say he didn't hate him?

how is this possible.

Compared with a person coming to a foreign country to work hard, most people are willing to realize their dreams in their hometown.

However, FG's coach didn't give him a chance to play, or even give him a chance to show himself.

In FG's youth training, he will not have the slightest bright future.

So after receiving the invitation from VC, he transferred to VC.

At that time, he was also angry. After all, when he received the invitation from VC, VC was just a team that had just qualified for the Wudu Major.

And the strength of the Asian Major at that time is just a joke.

The bottom team in Europe can go there to be the leader.

Therefore, he went to VC, which was both a rage and a big gamble.

It's like unpacking an unknown box, you'll never know the quality of what's inside.

However, this time, kennyS made the right bet!
He looked at the group of compatriots who were both familiar and unfamiliar, and vowed to let the French CS take a high look at him!
A few members of the FG team slowly walked towards the stage, but today's Xiaojiao had a gloomy expression.

He looked at the thin bamboo pole in the blue and white team uniform on the other side of the stage, and clenched his fists.

He didn't understand why the team was still dissatisfied even after choosing him.

Why did the coach like that kennyS even more when he played so well in yesterday's game!

Is there anything he does better than kennyS?

He looked at kennyS, then at VOVO and the coach in front of the team.

In today's game, I will prove that I am the best one, and I am the most talented sniper in France!

"Welcome to the match scene on the second day of the group stage of the IEM Imperial Capital Station. I am the commentator of Coke."

"I'm the commentator Niuniu."

"I'm Sixi Maruko."

The three people in the commentary booth greeted the audience.

Sixi Wanzi, who has no game to play today, was also invited to come over to make a guest commentary.

This is also a new attempt by the IEM competition team. After all, the appearance of a professional player can make the commentary of the game more professional.

See the game from more angles.

"Today's game is about to start. The players are packing up their peripherals and are in the preparation stage..." Coke was still explaining to the audience, preparing to pass on a message to the other two.

But at this time, the scene of the game was suddenly shown to VC, and the camera showed a young man with flying hair.

Coke exclaimed in surprise: "Huo, Twistzz's hairstyle is interesting."

The barrage audience also noticed this:
"Fuck, handsome guy, who are you!"


"VC changed again?"

"Twistzz, to be exact."

"What's the matter with claws, suddenly became so handsome?"

"Why did you invite a Tony teacher to play the game?"

"Same as hair director."

"It turns out that this reading baby looks so good-looking!"

"Fuck, I really love it now."

Most people expressed their surprise. After all, their impression of Twistzz was still the big boy with bangs covering his eyes yesterday.

The sudden drastic change of hairstyle made people have a huge change in him.

But that's all. A good-looking face is a bonus item in CSGO, but this bonus is based on sufficient strength.

Although Twistzz played well yesterday, the problem is that there are too few data models, and there is a problem of unstable performance.

In the VC battle room, several people have finished debugging the peripherals and started warming up.

And the watermelon who warmed up the fastest has even finished the practice.

He took his mobile phone and turned on the live broadcast of today's game.

It's not that he wants to spy on the military situation, but also to see what the current direction of the live broadcast room will be after winning the first victory.

To put it simply, he wants to see fans praise VC.

However, as soon as he opened the live broadcast room, he saw that the live broadcast room was full of discussions about Twistzz's hairstyle.

Immediately start chatting with a few people next to you:
"Look, fans are calling Twistzz Director now."

"Wouldn't it be better to call him Teacher Tony." Several other people said.

"They think Twistzz's hairstyle is very advanced, not like a normal Tony teacher."

"Is there such a saying?" said the kid.

Then Watermelon turned to Twistzz and said, "It seems that you won't be able to get away with the nickname Director in the future."

"It's okay, it's nice to have a nickname." Twistzz laughed.

Meng De from behind came over and interrupted the chat of several people: "Watermelon, don't spoil them for me, warm up quickly, and I can't spare you if they pull your hips later in the game."

"Damn it, why did they ask me to take the blame for pulling their hips!" Watermelon wailed.

"Who told you not to warm up properly." Mengde said, "Give me the phone, put it away."

This is not his personal request, and it is indeed time to collect the mobile phone.

Players and coaches have to hand in their mobile phones before each game.

To avoid contact with the outside world.

Some people may say that if you put your mobile phone in your pocket, you can’t do it if you don’t look at it?

But there was such a cheating method in the early CSGO games.

During the game, the commander puts two mobile phones in the left and right pockets of his trousers.

Then people from the club watch the game in the stadium.

Once you see the other party playing A, call the mobile phone in the command's left trouser pocket.

At this time, the conductor felt the vibration of the left thigh, and began to ask the players to return to A.

When the opponent hits B, they start to let the players go back to B.

This simple method of physical cheating appeared many times in the early days of CSGO when supervision was not strict.

Later, the development of CSGO games was gradually completed, and this situation was gradually eliminated.

"Okay, both sides of our game are ready, and the game is about to start!"

"VC has the priority to ban the map, and they chose to ban the classic Mystery of the Dead City at the beginning."

FG chooses to ban nuclear crisis.

VC chose Desert Lost City.

"VC chose Desert Lost City, which is also one of their strongest maps, but we haven't seen Lost City's appearance in the last few games, and today it can finally appear."

Niu Niu next to him also analyzed: "Indeed, the map VC of Lost City has the highest winning rate among all the maps of VC."

"Now come to FG, which map will they choose?"

"They chose the amusement park, but they chose to play it safe. Although they haven't played against VC, they didn't care about it. They chose the amusement park that they are best at."

VC gave Sha Er to Ban again.

FG chose to give the town to Ban, and finally left a train.

Sixi Wanzi's eyes brightened: "Today's map is a bit interesting."

"Except for Figure [-], the characteristics of the other two maps are a bit extreme. Those who can fight are particularly strong, and those who can't fight have a particularly good team."

"FG's accomplishments in amusement parks and trains are quite high, VC's appearances in amusement parks are relatively small, and I haven't seen them make a move on the train."

"They have to show it first."

"And another gossip, VC's current kennyS is from FG's youth training before, but was recruited by Mengde, so today's game is a bit interesting to be honest."

Niu Niu slammed at the side: "Then this game is also a match between kennyS and his old club, let us wait and see."

Players from both sides began to enter the server, and the game in Figure [-] officially started.

Map: Desert Lost City

T: kennyS, SANJI, XIGUX, somebody, Twistzz
CT: pepper, VOVO, 0scar, meow, Bklev
The game officially begins.

Since it was the map chosen by VC, they played from the offensive side.

Watermelon started to make the preliminary arrangement.

"Let's play a little bit differently. Yesterday, if I remember correctly, they like to play double aces in the pistol round."

"We will explode a wave in the A area, block the jumping platform and the link, and try to attack the police or use the A1 package to fight."

After a short thought, Xigua decided on the general direction of the pistol round.

Twistzz is the first player, and he is in the position of breaking through and filling up the gun. Of course, he does not need to buy props.

And kennyS not only did not need to buy props, but even got a P250 to use.

This is also an old tradition of VC. Players in the big brother position all take P250 in pistol rounds.

The man nicknamed Director quietly came to the close point of A1, and then waited for kennyS of A2 to be ready.

After confirming that A2 has no forward-pressing CT, kennyS told this information to Watermelon, and Watermelon ordered to start bombing.

A jumping cigarette and a link cigarette were directly sealed, and with the flashing watermelon lamp post, the director rushed out of A1 directly.

He played more carefully, taking information while ensuring his own safety.

But SANJI didn't have such big worries, and jumped up and down to help him pull the gun line.

In yesterday's video, they knew how FG stood in the pistol round on this map.

Under normal circumstances, their positions are very tight, and they all cross the police house and the second floor.

SANJI jumped directly to the CT on the second floor.

However, he never expected that when he jumped in the air, he got a flash!
Then he was shot in the head by the CT downstairs.

[FG.pepper killed VC.SANJI with a headshot using a usp pistol + FG.VOVO flashbang]

"VOVO's flash came too timely! Pepper seized the opportunity on the second floor!"

"VOVO came out from the link smoke, and secretly fired a few shots at the A1 bandits."

Fortunately, Watermelon reacted by himself, and quickly opened fire to drive away the CT next to the smoke.

But this wave was delayed, and they didn't have much time.

Watermelon immediately asked a few people to clean up the little peppers on the second floor, otherwise they would be caught and beaten.

The director and the kid obeyed the order and rushed forward.

Little Pepper was no match for four hands, and was eventually defeated by them.

But because of his careless positioning, the kid slipped his back to the police's CT, and was taken away with a headshot.

The situation came to 3 vs 4, the watermelon felt that it had come to the long box, and dropped an A1 bag.

Watermelon also added another arch smoke, intending to let his teammates pounce on the arch, otherwise the endgame will only have one angle, and even if they want to pull it off, they will not be able to open the situation.

VOVO saw the smoke thrown by the arch, and knew what VC wanted to do, so he retreated directly into the smoke of the arch, not giving VC a chance to clean up.

The director and Xigua also occupied the platform and jungle.

The director peeked at the VIP, and also found the person hidden inside, and the two began to exchange fire.

In the end, the director's marksmanship rate was superior, and he got this kill, and he also beat back the disadvantage in numbers.

However, just as he got the kill, the policeman's bold CT found an angle and knocked down the watermelon on the platform.

The situation came to a 2v3 situation, leaving only him and kennyS who had been hiding on the A2 floor.

Hearing the footsteps coming from the arch, the director knew that they might be coming to him.

Immediately started to circle from the VIP, jumped directly from the VIP, and came to the position of the arch.

At the same time, the package was sealed with an unpacked cigarette.

kennyS on the second floor heard the sound of unpacking and had to come out to have a look.

As everyone knows, his position has long been occupied.

Just after peeking out, someone pierced through the head.

And because he didn't know if the opponent had lightning clamps, kennyS had to go out and fight.

But in the end, kennyS, who was already in residual blood, was shot in the head without hitting anyone.

The director is powerless to face this endgame alone in the arch!

In the end, Lei Bao was dismantled and he was chased to death.

"There's no other way, the next few waves will be grouped by FG, and they won't find a chance to take orders." Sixi Wanzi analyzed.


If VC can hear Sixi Wanzi's analysis, it will only say that Sixi Wanzi's game understanding has declined.

In fact, the most important thing about this wave is not being grouped by FG ​​in the later stage.

And VOVO flashed in their first wave of explosive bombs.

The flash of VOVO sent the head of SANJI, who was pulling the gun line, for nothing, and also forced the director and the kid who could have made up the gun in the follow-up to retreat.

They were so white that they were completely incapable of replenishing their guns.

This interrupted their first wave of acceleration.

The judgment of the start of this wave of watermelons was very successful.

He determined the opponent's location and carried out targeted strikes.

However, this flash made their tactics unable to connect.

lead to subsequent problems.

"Sure enough, as PP said, this guy is the one who affects the overall situation!" said the kid.

VOVO has done more than this. Watermelon has actually recovered its disadvantages in the mid-term.

But because VOVO stole a few shots in the early stage, he was shot dead by the CT of the police with residual blood, which caused the defensive formation to lose its connection in the middle.

kennyS and the director will be separated.

"There is no easy team in this IEM."

"It would be nice if I looked directly at the second floor." SANJI said.

It's a pity no.

"Let's force it directly." Xigua glanced at the players' economy and began to direct the second round.

Because the thunder bag was successfully put down, their current overall economy is still good.

The lowest sanji has an economy of 2700.

"I'll send you a Sand Eagle to Sanji, and you throw an AK out."

"kennyS started bird sniping, the others started AK if they had money, and Galil if they didn't have money."

Watermelon arranged for several people to piece it together, and finally got two AKs, one Galil, and one bird sniper.

As for SANJI, he still uses the Sand Eagle that Xigua gave him.

However, this kind of strength, although the firearms are sufficient, but the props are not so rich.

So everyone has to think clearly before starting to explode the bomb.

When there are not many props, if you want to control the map, Ganla is a very good choice.

Watermelon led his teammates to the middle, and then used a flash to send them all into the sandbags.

The all-white little pepper can only take a shot with a bird sniper.

The VOVO in the arch is rich in experience. After hearing a flash burst in the middle, he peeked out and Famas swept half the shuttle.

VOVO is also not fond of fighting, and will come back directly after sweeping the half of the shuttle, preventing VC from being able to make up the gun.

And under his arrangement, some teammates are already catching arch cigarettes for him.

As soon as he turned his head, the arch smoke was thrown away.

Although the middle lane was won, but looking at FG like this, I don't want to give any information.

kennyS didn't stay in the middle with his teammates either, he turned around and came to the second floor of the bandit. The bird sniper opened the mirror in advance and slowly moved forward.

Soon, he saw a CT pressing forward, and the bird sniped it.

Coke explained: "kennyS hit with a single sniper shot, but it didn't hit the end. 0scar with residual blood began to retreat. He caught a mine in his hand and was going to persuade kennyS to retreat."

"kennyS chased after him directly, and the speed of the bird sniper is still very fast."

"Unfortunately, under the dual power of his hand and MP9, he didn't have time to shoot."

The taro ball next to him answered: "0scar continued to add a fire, and then began to retreat."

"He didn't know, someone chased after the flame was thrown!"

Twistzz is standing on the B2 building in the sewer. He knows that someone must have not passed by, and the speed of the other party cannot be so fast.

Soon, he saw CT dangling out.

The director immediately shot at it.

A shuttle shot at mid-range, and the head is in hand.

But he glanced at the upper right corner.

【VC.Twistzz used AK47 to kill FG.meow】

This ID is wrong, there are still people on the right hand at the entrance of the B2 building!
I hid in 2scar on the B0 floor for a while, but didn't hear the sound of footsteps going away, and knew that my position had been discovered.

In order to avoid being burned out later, he directly sealed a smoke bomb to protect himself first.

The director looked at the smoke bomb, but he had no choice but to dabble in the smoke before leaving.

Seeing that the two sides started to move again, several commentators also stopped chatting: "The time has come to 40 seconds, the fight is almost done, and VC will start the second wave of attack."

"Pepper jumps on top of the phone booth and starts peeking through the door."

"But boy, he just took a look, and the kid gave him a wave of truth."

"If this wave wasn't because the kid was a Galil, Pepper would have died suddenly."

"This brat can search for some details!" Several people praised.

"There's one in the police phone booth, it's crippled." The kid said to the watermelon.

Watermelon processed this information in his mind.

"Sanji, be careful, they may have one standing on the A2 stairs."

"A1 should be pressed in."

If A1 and A2 are not safe, under normal circumstances, CT would not dare to look at the arch from the police phone booth.

Because once the bandit from A1 or A2 is pulled out, he will completely direct the traffic.

Xigua was put on the VIP by his teammates. He was careful on the other side of Sogou Cave, and adjusted his fire the moment he saw someone.

Successfully got a kill.

Although they can start to switch points now, but the thunder bag was placed on Sanji's body at the beginning, and now the time is not enough, so they can only forcefully play A.

"The little ghost came to the diving platform, the little pepper is still peeking, the little ghost will shoot you again, his hand feels so hot today, it's another head!"

"In that case, FG will have to see how well VOVO in A1 performs. He will be the key to this game." Coke said.

The little ghost also knew from the watermelon analysis that there would be a person in A1, so he jumped directly from the diving platform and wanted to search for A1.

But just as he jumped in mid-air, A1 appeared alone!

He was mercilessly shot twice in the head in the air.

Watermelon and the others hurried over to fill up their guns, with 20 seconds left.

If the CT of A1 is not dealt with, it will be very difficult for them to fight this endgame.

Every second of VOVO here seems to be stuck in the throat.

There is only one flash in the hands of a few people, unless they are forced to, they have to get closer to hit it.

"VOVO beat Twistzz off the platform with two bullets first, isn't your hairstyle too flamboyant today!"

"Watermelon and Sanji came to fill up the gun, and the watermelon threw a flash from a close point, but VOVO caught the timing and continued to knock down the watermelon. Sanji got a shot, but he had a sand eagle in his hand, and the damage was not enough!"

"VOVO took out all four VCs!!"

"Wang Defa! VOVO, he has indeed become a key figure in this game!"

"This is the top gun commander in France!! All his teammates are dead. He saved the situation in A1 by himself. It's too fierce!" Niu Niu reveled excitedly. As an old fan of FG, he can see It is not easy for VOVO to perform like this.

But Sixi Wanzi sighed: "It's just a pity, now that VC's economy is blowing up again, the score will be pulled apart."

The Huaxia audience at the scene made regretful voices one after another, and they still gave VOVO enough applause for this wonderful performance.

And VOVO is also very excited, the battle room has stood up and shouted excitedly.

This wave of 1 vs 4 was completely done by him alone, and it was a full expression of his personal ability!

How could he not be excited!
 There are still some today, but at night, the past two days, my mother and I have been busy making holiday meals, and the time is a little messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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