Chapter 178

"The little devil shot a wave and succeeded in killing the CT in the smoke at the last second!!"

The roar of the commentary echoed in the venue.

Many VC audiences at the scene jumped up!

The live broadcast room is even more boiling!

"Damn it, this century is coming back!!"

"What kind of big heart is this Xu Haowen!"

"He's not afraid of unpacking directly!"

"Don't be afraid, it's just a gamble. Originally, if there was a thunderbolt in the endgame, it would be profitable. If it was dismantled, it would directly save the gun."

"Winning the bet is blood money!"

"The thinking is too clear, what kind of evil ghost in the smoke, you should call him the ghost prince!!"

"It's too good, the key endgame of the key game."

"Awesome brat!!"

In VC's voice, several people shouted excitedly.

They really didn't expect that this endgame kid would be able to win.

Being able to put down the thunder bag is already a luxury for them.

But the stability of the opponent made the kid look for an opportunity instead.

The little ghost took advantage of this robust feature of FG, and did the opposite!
The kid himself stood up and yelled a few words excitedly to vent his emotions.

The losses in the previous rounds made them feel very depressed, and his own performance has not been very good today, and he blames himself a little bit.

Now that he has finally won a crucial endgame for the team, he is naturally very excited.

FG's team voice seems to be much quieter.

They couldn't believe that this 3v1 endgame was lost when they were so disciplined and stable.

Did they do something wrong?

not at all.

They did pretty well this round.

From the forward pressure in the early stage, to the triple kill of VOVO in the mid-term, the stability in the final face of the endgame.

There is really nothing wrong with it.

But just like that, they were still found a chance, and the guy with the ID somebody on the opposite side used an abstract method to win the endgame.

Several people are under a lot of psychological pressure. This is not a ladder, nor is it an online competition.

This is the highest-level offline competition other than the Major.

Some small changes began to appear in their mentality.

Relying on the economic and psychological boost obtained from this round of comeback, VC slowly began to open the score.

Although FG's sniper used a big sniper in the middle to win a wave in the endgame and lost a point, but it didn't have much impact on their overall situation.

In this case, the score came to 8:6.

The game also ushered in the last key game of the first half.

For VC, when the bandits get 8 points, this is already very good.

But for the police, only getting 6 points is far from enough.

If there are only 6 points, after changing sides in the second half, their pressure will become very high.

Therefore, the competition for the last point is quite important for FG.

The purpose of VC is to prevent FG from getting the last point, so that they can play more easily in the second half.

The score was good, Xigua was in a better mood, and his thoughts gradually became clearer.

"Let's play a tactic of quickly clipping the A area, and directly blast him with a wave of bullets in the middle to take control."

"Leave two more people to pull it off, and the rest are ready to cooperate with them in Area A."

"Lei Bao stay at home first."

"Does the control of Area B need to be done?" the little ghost asked.

If the default in Area B is not to do it, he will go to the middle lane with the big team to play.

"Let's do it, you just throw away the cigarette and go to defend against the forward press." Xigua said, "Don't let the forward press get the information, we will be finished directly."

This is indeed the key, if you really care about the head and the tail.

They did a good job in the middle and the periphery of the A bunker, and the B zone has been pushed forward.

Needless to say, if the other party knows that VC's real purpose is in Area A, will they deploy a large number of troops in Area B?

Even if they don't press forward, they will put a 4A heavy defense in the A zone and start waiting for VC's attack.

And VC plunged into that trap without knowing it, and the final result can be imagined.

So in order to avoid this kind of situation from happening, it is better to go alone to be safe, even if it is for peace of mind.

A wave of explosive bombs in the middle begins, VIP smoke, pass a little smoke, arch fire, pass a little flash.

The entire mid lane became a feast of props.

The director flashed his back all the way and jumped directly to the middle passage.

Looking directly at the VIP who was not yet covered by the smoke, there was no one there.

In fact, he psychologically hopes that someone will be there, so that he may be able to directly get a kill with the pressure of the flash.

It's not that FG doesn't want the control of the middle lane, they really have no choice.

In the case of one win and one loss, the economy is really not much, so in this round, all FG members are full armor M4 and a few props, and there is no big attack.

It's not that they can't afford to be a big sniper, but that the few people in FG really don't believe in Xiaojiao's state today.

But VOVO is not planning to give up control of the middle lane directly. He put Pepper on the small black room at the beginning of this wave, and he stayed on the VIP side near the small black room.

The first wave of item exchange in the middle lane did not make much sense.

But the director remembered that the other party broke the window of the small black room, and the other party could not have broken it because of a mistake in marksmanship.

So there are definitely people in the small black room now.

And he didn't see anyone in the VIP at the first time, so it means that there may be another one hidden in the VIP.

"Try to throw the watermelon to the VIP. I feel that there is still someone in the VIP." The director said.

Watermelon responded to every request and threw the fire out.

The director also stabilized the right side of the VIP, ready to fire at any time.

Soon, the burning VOVO in the VIP handed over its own smoke bomb.

"The position of VOVO has been exposed. There is no big sniper in this CT, and there is no initiative in the middle."

"After being safe, he also left the place of right and wrong, VIP. This place is really too dangerous."

The director saw that the side was safe, so he continued to control the map.

He pushed a smoke bomb inside the arch outside the arch, separating the arch from Area A, so that he could clear the inside of the arch alone.

A wave of smooth previews cleared the entire arch, making sure that no one was there.

Their control of the middle lane is almost done, and the kid outside B also started to walk back, gathering with Sanji.

The director took down the arch, and the watermelon touched the outside of the small black room unknowingly.

"Give me a flash in the little dark room, and I'll clean up the little dark room." Watermelon said.

The director at the arch immediately came to help.

Only he can come and help.

After the control of the middle lane is over, they plan to put the clip A on the agenda.

So kennyS also went to A1 to help.

But the director was still vigilant, after all, the VIP smoke had dissipated, so he had to beware of someone arresting him for timing.

Sure enough, he just stood there for a second when he saw a CT on the box that jumped onto the small black room.
Little Pepper shot at the director.

But the director was not afraid.

Today's hairstyle has the right height, the right angle, and the right hardness!
Just kidding, he is super brave!
The director took the AK and fired at that place, and the person who shot first was forced back by the director's firepower.

The director is very spiritual, he knows that the opponent dares to fight like this, it is impossible for him to be alone.

After Pepper retreated, the director chose to move a few positions to the right, so that he only faced the gun line on the left side of the VIP.

VOVO pulled out horizontally and wanted to replenish the gun for Xiaojiao, but was directly crushed by the AK47 and killed.

"Head-on 2 vs 1 has never hit the director alone! The CT in Little B also slowly touched it out, but he didn't know that the watermelon had already arrived in the small black room!"

"Watermelon's sideways headshot kills this CT in seconds! Turn around and look at the little pepper in the little black room!"

"But the watermelon's marksmanship made a little mistake, and the two bullets from Xiaojiao shot the watermelon in the head!"

"However, the impact on the situation is not too great. In this wave, a 1 was exchanged for 2.9 in the middle, and a wave of gatherings in the A area was flattened!"

Coke expressed his opinion: "VC's mid-lane control map is really good in this wave, and the two of them caused such a big commotion."

"Now there is only one 2scar hiding in the second floor in Area A. His position is going to be hot. Let's see how he operates."

Sanji on the second floor directly gave a fire to clear the second floor after the explosion bomb started.

0scar had to rush out, forcibly strafed, and killed the kid with a headshot.

Fortunately, kennyS's replenishment gun was timely and did not let him continue to kill.

"Sanji on the second floor started charging towards the bunker, but mwow strafed on the platform and got a kill."

"At this time, he suddenly turned his head and shot straight away!"

"Fuck, he made up for the little pepper, what kind of hatred is this!"

"Although my fight is terrible, don't kill your teammates!" Sixi Wanzi laughed.

"Originally, this mwow still had a chance, but he directly killed his teammates, it makes me laugh."

"But in the final game of the first half, it is impossible to save the gun."

"The director came to look for an opportunity, a short burst, charged 300! Won this round."

The hosts on the field were still holding back their laughter, but the audience in the audience had already burst into laughter.

"This is too funny, my own people also shoot."

"If something big happens, your own people will fight too"

"We have an insider"

"Little Pepper: Please turn on the microphone and speak"

"I'm too focused, I'm conditioned to hear the sound, I'm laughing to death"

"What is killing intent perception! (dog head)"

During the halftime break, several people from VC were also chatting about the kill information just now.

"What the hell, they shot their own people?" The kid was a little dumbfounded.

Watermelon laughed beside him: "Could it be that this is the tradition of the French, and they can't wait to surrender?"

"Today's breastfeeding method, right?" Meng De said.

The situation of today's game is very good, and he is also in a good mood.

Watermelon and the two grinned and touched their heads.

This scene is really fun.

FG has fallen into a long silence.

Little Pepper was also speechless, although I didn't play well in the first half, but you didn't just beat me to death right?

Meow, on the other hand, was full of embarrassment, and said with some apology: "I was so nervous, I thought there were people from VC behind me."

FG's coach saw that several people were in a bad mood, and took the initiative to act as a peacemaker: "It's okay, it's just a mistake."

"Although there are only 6 points, it's not impossible to play."

"5 points for a tie, 6 points for a win." FG's coach made a little joke.

Several people said that they didn't say anything, but they were speechless for a while.

There is nothing wrong with saying that 5 points guarantee a tie and 6 points guarantee a win, but he needs to add a premise——

as an attacker.

All the current maps of the defender are dominant maps.

So under normal circumstances, this statement refers specifically to bandits.

They got 6 points, which is absolutely unqualified for a policeman.

But after the coach's encouragement, they made adjustments by themselves.

The state of mind is still calmed down a little.

The halftime break was over soon.

With the cheers of the audience, the second half of the game began.

Back in the battle room, Watermelon made a 3A2B start.

He picked up thunderclaws and unpacking cigarettes by himself, while the others were half armored.

The opening director and the kid still arrived at the same positions as before. One was observing at the police house, and the other was hiding under the second floor.

And kennyS also came to play with them this round.

At the beginning of the game, kennyS came directly to A1 for trouble with usp.

At about 1 minute and 48 seconds, he saw a bouncing bandit on A1, took a random shot, and then immediately retreated to the bunker.

"A1 has a lot of footsteps, it should be A." kennyS and his teammates reported, and they also had a small routine in mind.

He came to the downstairs of A2 and said to the little ghost: "I'll fight, you hide first."

Soon, the bombs in Area A allowed them to determine the direction of the bandits' attack.

Smoke exploded from the archway, a lamp post flashed, and a group of bandits rushed out of A1 in unison.

The director of the police house fired two shots tentatively, and then retreated to the second floor.

The watermelons are also on their way back to defense.

The director stood on the A2 floor for two seconds and found no one, so he peeked at A1 again.

But this moment shook himself to death.

"Little Pepper is still raised as a core. I gave him a P250 at the beginning of the game. This P250 also played a role. As soon as I sent it, I gave it to the police chief."

"Those who are good at headshots will eventually get headshots."

kennyS on the second floor saw the sides of Sandwich, and immediately opened fire.

But these bandits kept bouncing around, and he shot a few shots but missed the head.

After the location was exposed, he forcibly clicked one and was also killed.

The little devil was relieved to see kennyS died, after all, after kennyS died, the two of them started to succeed in their little tricks.

But what he didn't expect was that meow, who came out from the second floor, searched for him, and sent it to him in seconds!
"Although this wave of hooks and punches on the A2 floor is very good, but meow seems to be trying to make up for the fact that he TKed his teammates in the last round. He defended his teammates very well this round,"

"Just like this, VC will only be left with the duo in Area B."

"Watermelon also has pliers and unpacking cigarettes. This endgame is not in a hurry."

Watermelon and Sanji came to the police house together.

As soon as Xigua came to the police house, he heard the sound of unpacking from the bunker.

He originally came to take a look casually, but he didn't think that the other party would give him a chance.

Coincidentally, FG really gave a chance.

The bag bandit took the thunder bag and lowered the A1 bag with the long gun, but his position was not chosen very well, and his head happened to be facing the false door.

Just missed a head for the watermelon.

Faced with such a good opportunity, Watermelon certainly wouldn't let him slip away.

Two bursts of fire, successfully got a headshot kill.

"How could this FG make such a contract?" Several commentators were dumbfounded.

This is a good security package, so what the hell is it to leak a head out.

"This time the thunder bag was dropped, and the situation has become 2v3. The situation is a bit out of control!"

"Watermelon and Sanji set fire to the meow on the second floor and killed him in seconds. Pepper reacted very quickly. He peeked out and shot Watermelon in the head."

"The situation has become 1 vs 2, only Sanji is left." Cola sighed, "But Sanji's marksmanship is not ideal, let's see how he handles it."

The FG two chose one to take the bag and the other to carry the gun.

Sanji picked up the thunder pliers dropped by the watermelon, and after swaying around to confirm the location of the little pepper, he directly pulled it out.

With continuous bursts of shooting, neither of them accepted the other.

But in the end, Sanji hit the head first, and the little pepper was shot in seconds.

"The thunder bag was put down, and Sanji knocked out the little pepper, turning the situation into a 1v1 endgame. How do the two play?"

"They are circling around the long box, VOVO is avoiding Sanji."

Sanji and VOVO have been around for a long time, and they are a bit annoying.

Started directly at the corner of the long box and jumped straight up.

VOVO didn't expect him to come back like this, and immediately opened fire.

But Sanji's gun is faster.

There are still 10 seconds until the bomb goes off, but with mine clamps, don't worry.

The coke in the commentary booth has gone numb.

He didn't expect that a 'professional' judgment he just issued would be slapped in the face like this.

Sixi Wanzi next to him smiled there: "Brother Coke, what a mouthful of milk."

Coke was helpless: "I really judged according to the normal situation. You can see that Sanji's data is 10/3/13. The team is at the bottom."

"Who would have thought that he could win the pistol round!"

In the live room:

"Sanji: Suddenly there is a blessing of power."

"Crazy milk on the FG keyboard"

"The French Legion can't stand our mysterious power from the East!"

"Can Coke become a fan of FG?"

"The old man in the barrage is so fun."

After losing this round, because the gap in the score is a bit big, even though it can have a strong economy, FG still chose eco to play a more prepared long gun round.

Although strong is a good choice, it is under the condition of fault tolerance.

Now that the score gap between the two sides is so large, they can only choose this safer way.

They came to the middle and charged, pulling sandbags horizontally in a group, trying to pull off VIP's kennyS.

But they never expected that kennyS didn't pick up a bird sniper this round, but picked up an M4A1.

Without the pressure of props, kennyS took the M4A1 by himself in the middle lane and wiped out all of them for FG.

kennyS also officially got his first pentakill in his career.

A few people next to him jokingly said: "Are the snipers in our team so inappropriate during eco?"

Because S1mple also has this habit, in the eco, he likes to find someone to brush his hands.

"This is my first pentakill, can it be the same?" kennyS laughed.

On the commentary seat:

"FG finally has the economy of the long gun game, but the economy of VC is not bad. This time they even directly countered with a big sniper to use."

"FG will control the middle lane first, and then decide where to fight."

"However, judging by the trend of their numbers, they should come to blow up a wave of Area B." Coke judged.

Sixi Wanzi looked at the map and thought for two seconds, before making his own professional judgment: "There should be no problem, this wave of their props is very solid, after winning the middle lane, they should hit the middle B."

"It's just that kennyS is shooting straight at the B2 floor. Whether he can catch the first shot in the B area is very important."

"If the first shot is hit, then FG's offensive will basically be broken, but if this shot is empty, they probably won't be able to stop FG."

Professional players still have a good understanding of the game.

Not much different from what they expected, FG first put a few smoke bombs in the middle.

Then come back from the sewer to get the information of the middle road.

The second time, they pushed a smoke bomb on the arch, and lit another fire. After confirming that there was no one in the arch, their attack began.

"There's pressure in the middle lane, B Xiao will come to pull a wave first, as I just said, now let's see how kennyS, the big sniper on the B2 floor, hits the first shot."

"There are two people defending their area B, and there is too little time to defend this time."

B Xiao took the lead in carrying out the item exchange, and kennyS opened the camera early with a big sniper.

The moment there was little movement in B, kennyS began to ask for help from his teammates in Area A.

But he glanced at the map and knew that his teammates couldn't help them now.

I can only save myself!

kennyS walked to the left with a big sniper, and the bandits in the B2 building appeared in his field of vision.

Pull the trigger, and the sniper fires!

Sparks shot out from the muzzle of the AWP, and the bullet flew into the B2 building at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, a kill message appeared in the upper right corner.

[VC.kennyS killed FG.Bklev with AWP blind sniper]

"kennyS acted first and defeated the bandits who were about to break through!"

"But the follow-up flash has come, how does he deal with it, should he hide?"

"No, he didn't hide, but continued to open the frame to B2 building, he didn't intend to leave, and got another kill!"

kennyS held the big sniper on the edge of the B2 building, waited until the bolt was pulled, and then peeked again.

The person is already very close to him, he has no time to open the mirror!

Blind spy!


[VC.kennyS uses AWP blind sniper to kill FG.VOVO]

With three kills, kennyS is already on top.

The big sniper peeked out again, and shot again.

It's a pity that the hit rate of blind snipers is unstable after all.

He missed the enemy with this shot, and put himself in.

Fortunately, the three kill information in the upper right corner showed his impressive record.

At the same time, the watermelon in the VIP also returned to the supermarket. He directly hung up the window of the supermarket, and the bullets fired continuously, successfully solving the last bandit on the B2 floor.

"The last bandit in the B2 building was hanged to death. This wave of kennyS is really one-handed. One person almost killed all the four bandits in the B2 building."

"Now there is only one meow who is harassing in the middle, and he slowly retreats to the sandbag, ready to save the gun."

"But the director and Sanji came out from the arch and B Xiaopeek together, and took his head!"

The score came to 12:6, and FG's economy exploded again.

 Today's update is a bit late, but at least it's still sticking to it.

  End this map now.

(End of this chapter)

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