CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 179 The World's No. 1 Amusement Park

Chapter 179 The World's Number One Amusement Park

kennyS took a big sniper and once again destroyed FG's economy.

Now that the game has progressed, Mengde feels that they have won.

Now they only need to give their opponent a fatal blow to win the game in Figure [-].

And soon, Twistzz used a wave of three kills, which became the last straw that crushed FG.

The game screen freezes, and Sixi Maruko happily shouts:

"Congratulations to VC for taking the first picture in this game! With a one-to-zero advantage, we temporarily took the lead!"

There were endless cheers off the court, and many excited spectators held up the VC team logo and shook it constantly, and the makeup photos of VC and several people on the big screen also ignited flames.

kennyS looked at his data panel, feeling a little unhappy.

Although he had a few bright moments this time, the final data was indeed surpassed by the director.

Although the silent director only got two highlight moments, he has always been the backbone of the team, always doing things in silence.

"I thought I could get the MVP with this game." kennyS felt a little pity.

The watermelon next to him put his arm on kennyS's shoulder, and said nonchalantly: "No way, our director just had a hairstyle today, can we not let him play it once?"

The director is quite satisfied with his performance today, but he still spoke very modestly: "This is still trouble for me from the other side, kennyS has no chance to shoot."

"I have been fighting head-on with the opponent. There are more opportunities to meet head-on, and naturally there are more opportunities to shoot."

In the game in Figure [-], this is indeed the case.

Except for the first few rounds where kennyS had the opportunity to fight head-on with the opponent, he was always doing item exchanges afterwards.

No way, FG fought kennyS for several rounds in a row, but they couldn't fight!
So in the follow-up, we can only give the middle lane to VC, and do a conservative default style of play.

This also made kennyS not have many chances to shoot.

But it is impossible for him to take the initiative to find someone to fight.

Since the 10th round of the first half, VC has been in an advantage, and there is no need to use that dangerous style of play.

Professional games are not about playing the ladder. As a sniper, kennyS needs to cooperate with the team to carry out tactical actions, rather than playing personal ability.

However, kennyS is just joking. If he does not listen to instructions for the sake of statistics when he really plays the game, he may not even have the chance to play in the future.

"But my triple kill on the B2 floor is also very important." kennyS also began to boast.

Meng De teased from behind: "Why don't you talk about the five kills?"

kennyS's expression was rather speechless: "That pentakill has no meaning at all, it's the same as beating a bot, so there's nothing to talk about."

"Next time I will get a convincing pentakill and brag to you."

Seeing the ridicule in the eyes of his teammates, kennyS vowed to play a more handsome and golden pentakill.

Then blow the hell out of these guys for a year.

"The kid's end game is also great." Meng De didn't praise the kid later.

The role of the key endgame is really great, otherwise it would be quite difficult to open the score.

And that crucial endgame, locked VC back to the economy, this is the most important point.

Hearing Meng De's praise, the little ghost took a sip of water in embarrassment.

"It's not bad, mainly because of luck."

"FG in Figure [-] is in a bad state. We won several endgames, and they got a little nervous after the fight."

Meng De asked strangely: "Are they fighting in a mess?"

He is a coach, and most of his judgments on the opponent come from God's perspective, as well as the player's game video.

Most of the ones that can be discerned are tactical.

Judging the player's state is not as good as those who have personally experienced these games.

The director thought for a while, "They played very cautiously later, but they only seemed cautious."

"There were huge mistakes in all the details of the whole."

"That kind of caution is like deceiving yourself, which is too different from the previous state."

They can feel it in the game, the pressure from the opponent, the state of the opponent's gun, these can be felt very keenly.

The opponent's game in the later stage of Figure [-] looks rigorous, but without the blessing of marksmanship, many things are not the same when fighting.

"Actually, the decoy bomb tactic that the coach prepared for us is also very important." Watermelon said with a smile.

"That wave of tactics was completely crushed by IQ, and their economy was directly cheated."

"I feel like we can still play like this in the future."

Meng De shook his head: "The tactic is a good tactic, but you can't use it too often, or you will treat the opponent as a fool."

This tactic is originally an unconventional tactic, and it is highly targeted.

Just like the flash bomb arranged by Watermelon, it is to prevent the opponent from seeing their projectiles clearly.

But this kind of deception can only be used if the person has not seen it before.

He has a very short timeliness, and if they use it again in a short period of time, they will become fools.

Among all the tactics, it is estimated that only the conventional explosive bomb tactics can be used frequently.

"Our goal this time is to reach the knockout round, so you don't have to hide tactics for me. We are going to play against these top teams in the knockout round."

"Our tactics can be updated. You need to win the second picture for me under normal default conditions."

"The difficulty of this FG team is the most difficult in the group stage."

"We don't have much pressure on the Swedish team in the next group. They never won a training match against us."

"We're going to beat this team in style."

"So the problem now is to get picture [-]."

Meng De is not arrogant, it is because their winning percentage against this Swedish team in the training match is too high.

They played a total of 11 games, and VC only lost one game.

And Meng De could feel that this Swedish team played quite seriously except for some special tactics.

But even so, they still can't do VC.

The two teams produced restraint purely in style.

So as long as they work hard to finish FG in the second picture, then they have at least an [-]% chance of entering the knockout round.

But there are also problems. The amusement park in picture [-] is not their strong picture.

They have only a few major tournaments on this map.

As for FG's amusement park, within the last year.

A total of 68 games were played, up to 76%.

This French team has the title of the world's number one amusement park.

So if they want to win on this map, it is still quite difficult.

"Picture [-], we need to be more steady and give him all the tactics we can play. There are very few opportunities to exchange fire with strong teams, so we must seize it."

"Don't be careless!"

(End of this chapter)

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