CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 220 kennyS: Come touch S1mple!

Chapter 220 kennyS: Let's touch S1mple!
When the day's training came to an end, gla1ve turned his head to observe the players in the training room, and he identified his responsibilities for these people in the team one by one.

Several teammates next to him.

The talented kennyS, with a flamboyant and confident style of play, is a very trustworthy sniper in the team.

Next to him is the handsome Broky. As the team's breakthrough/recovery position, this player is completely competent, but gla1ve hopes that his communication will be more frequent.

But there is no rush. They have just joined the second team for less than a month. Although they are learning Chinese every day, gla1ve wants to realize barrier-free communication earlier due to its own reasons, so the learning speed is a little faster. .

Although Broky's learning speed is relatively slow, it is already good.

Another point, gla1ve really hopes that Broky's props can be more normal.

Not only does his prop not work, it often hurts his teammates.

Tig has rich experience. Although Lin Yi, who is about to turn 16, has less experience, he is also qualified for the position of free agent.

As for the opposite.

The S1mple that makes people want to report.

The director who always wanted to cut your hair.

A kid who seems to have returned home in the smoke.

The abilities of these people gave gla1ve a headache.

No matter what their current personal ability is, they can't win the first team.

In the end, gla1ve's gaze stayed on the handsome Meng De, looking at that handsome face, gla1ve couldn't express a sense of disobedience.

Why did he become a CSGO coach when he could debut directly as a star?
kennyS looked at gla1ve's actions and thought that the commander of their second team was nervous about the first team competition, so he took the initiative to comfort him and said: "Relax, I will come to C for this game, okay, send me a shot, see I kill S1mple!"

He purposely said the last sentence loudly in the training room, for fear that the other side would not be able to hear it.

S1mple on the opposite side also laughed. He has a very good relationship with kennyS and knew it was a joke.

But how could it be possible for him to succumb to his words: "Then come on, let's see who is the MVP today!"

After training together for so long, kennyS also has the experience of playing with the first team at IEM, so everyone is very clear about his strength.

In their opinion, although the sniper rifles of kennyS and S1mple have some differences in style, the suffocating force of suppression is the same.

They really haven't seen the scene where the two get serious and play games on the same stage.

So the conversation between the two aroused other people's interest.

Is S1mple better, or is kennyS faster?

"Thank you." gla1ve thanked kennyS beside him, "But I don't think the two of you can compare."

"Why?" kennyS looked at gla1ve suspiciously.

gla1ve explained: "S1mple is a star player in the first team. His philosophy in the game is that he can kill people as long as he can."

"So you can see that this guy is a master of weapons. He can use anything and everything. As long as he can kill people, he can do anything."

"In his hands, the sniper rifle is a tool, a tool prepared for him to get the kill."

kennyS said strangely: "Can't I also use other weapons to kill people?"

gla1ve smiled and did not answer the question.

When everyone was ready, Meng De officially announced the start of the game.

Both teams start BP.

Meng De was chatting with Wu Qiang next to him.

"This gla1ve is pretty good, where did you practice your sharp eyes?" Wu Qiang said.

"Pay attention to the market, brother." Meng De said casually, which of course cannot be the correct answer.

It is impossible for him to tell Wu Qiang that he got it from the system.

Who believes it!
"Meng Jiao, you can transfer me back, I can't be this coach!" Wu Qiang poured out bitterness on Meng De, he is really not the material to be a leader, and this coach has no real skills so he really can't play.

"Blow your mouth!"

Meng De said helplessly, Wu Qiang had told him about this matter many times, and now it is not the same thing to bite the bullet and refuse.

It seems that I can only wear several hats.

However, with Wu Qiang as his assistant, his pressure can be reduced a lot, and the effect may be better.

After that, he looked at the game screen, thought for a long time, and then asked: "Brother Qiang, I remember that your OB skills are not bad, right?"

"A little bit." Wu Qiang said modestly.

"Okay, then let them wait a moment, let's start a live broadcast and have fun, so that netizens can have fun, remember to push the live broadcast on the Youxia platform."

"It's necessary." Wu Qiang said helplessly.

"Let our fans see the scene during our training. We usually have too little interaction with the fans. Let them start the game after 10 minutes, and don't play those important tactics." Mengde said.

Wu Qiang nodded and began to explain the situation.

Ten minutes later, the first team and the second team were all ready, and Meng De entered the viewing angle of the game on the computer next to him, and opened the live broadcast room.

Although their notification was only about 10 minutes long, many fans flooded into the live broadcast room just after the live broadcast started.

"Fuck, is today a big day? The coach started a live broadcast."

"The coach didn't even say a word when he started the live broadcast. He wanted to catch me shitting, right? (anger)"

"The first team played against the second team, S1mple fried fish?"

"kennyS is not weak either, he has a rating of 1.26 on IEM, and his performance is very good."

"The coach is so handsome!" This is a female fan.

Meng De glanced casually, and then explained to the audience:
"Today is nothing to worry about. Let the players play a match. There is not much tactical content in it. I just want to broadcast it live for you to take a look."

Speaking of Mengde, he signaled that the game over there can start.

The BP of the first and second teams has been completed a long time ago, and the final map of today's game is the classic Sand II.

A team of bandits starts.

The second team started as the police.

The pistol round started, and Meng De glanced at the prop configuration of both sides.

On the offensive side, the configuration on the watermelon side is a bit interesting.

The attacker picked up two P250s, one smoke bomb, one incendiary bomb, and five flash bombs.

The attacking party's props are fully loaded.

On the defensive side led by gla1ve, only gla1ve started with a smoke, a flash, and a thunder, and the rest started with a semi-A.

Meng De watched the game and explained to the audience.

"Watermelon gave an Xbox cigarette at the beginning. In this case, the attacking side's thinking will be clear. A lot of flash coverage will directly advance to A small."

"The defender made a default start of 212, but they didn't grab the A big in the A area, but put the broccoli on the A small at the first time, so this wave of early game is in the broccoli body."

"Broccoli fired two shots, but there was no head iron, and continued to delay."

"The kid who has already pressed down to B1 wanted to take advantage of the situation and turn around and hit the middle lane, but the mine gla1ve directly blew up half of his health, old bad luck."

After throwing a grenade, gla1ve took a few steps back, realizing that no one was chasing him.

He called Tig out of Area B, and fought against the middle lane with him.

After the kid was bombed, in order to avoid being replaced directly, he returned to the B1 floor.

gla1ve saw that there was no one in the middle lane, so he took the initiative to ask: "broky, is A small?"

After two seconds, Broky said, "No."

This time, gla1ve recalled the kid's responsibilities in the team, thought for a while, and turned around and walked directly to A.

"Tig, you go back to area B, let go in the middle, and we will directly protect both sides."

"A little Broky can come back."

gla1ve quickly issued a series of instructions.

Meng De, who was in the spectator seat, watched the movement of the people on the mini-map with a smile on his face.

The barrage audience was puzzled: "What happened?"

Meng De sighed: "This gla1ve is too smart, a little information allows him to analyze the subsequent play of Watermelon."

I saw that the attackers on the screen were already huddling above A small, preparing to break through.

And the three defenders in Area A have already lined up on the side of the A corridor.

Watermelon confirmed that the personnel were ready and started to act.

"The bandits set fire to one point and forced the police to give up their guns. They are helping the point with their large number of flash bombs."

"But these flashes are not a big threat to the police. They are shooting guns at a long distance, and the flashes can at most blind them for less than half a second."

"The formation of gla1ve is too eye-catching." Meng De praised.

Wu Qiang next to him tried to answer the question and said: "kennyS lost a flash on the back of the slope. He kept swaying his body and wanted to take the lead, but the director's pistol was too accurate, and took away the bloody kennyS with one shot. .”

"And at the same time, Sanji, who was behind Gate A, started to go around. In this kind of melee, the importance of marksmanship appeared!"

"Broky disabled two of them and was replaced, leaving only gla1ve. Now there are wolves in front and tigers in back. He is very uncomfortable!"

"S1mple on the stage was beaten by gla250ve with a P1, and gla1ve turned his head to look at A, and Sanji was immediately killed, but gla1ve himself was also replaced, and he couldn't move!" Wu Qiang looked at the fierce confrontation, a little surprised, This is really cruel.

gla1ve had no choice but to prepare well for this wave.

Spread out all three people to take advantage of USP's long-range point-to-gun advantage.

But the marksmanship and shooting speed of the guys in the first team are much better than theirs.

However, under his mobilization, just as the bunkers put down the thunderbags, Tig and Lin Yi in Area B had already arrived at the bottom of the slope.

gla1ve just killed the bandits of University A before dying, which is good news for their defense.

Because now they only need to face the gun line at an angle.

As soon as Lin looked for an opportunity from the slope, he peeked up the moment he heard the thunder bag put down.

The S1mple with residual blood was replaced directly.

"The situation has become 2v2, so the police have a chance." Mengde said.

He paid attention to the result of the gun confrontation just now, only to realize that the back defense was already in place.

It seems that gla1ve's decision-making speed is faster than he imagined.

"Lin Yi continued to go up, can the director with residual blood catch him?"

"Catch it, a headshot made a beautiful hairstyle for the younger generation, Tig went to find a chance, and another shot!"

"The director is really accurate!"

ps: I heard that some people can't find the group.

595, 321, 131.
(End of this chapter)

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