CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 221 Wuhu, take off!

Chapter 221 Wuhu, take off!

The pistol round was won by the director, and kennyS heard the gigantic laughter from S1mple.

kennyS murmured to the side: "You didn't call it yourself, let the director come to my side, and I can also go to Wuhu."

gla1ve couldn't laugh or cry listening to kennyS' words.

He really didn't know what these two live treasures were doing all day long.

Usually even have to fight a few words when eating.

"We'll see how I perform, how I can taunt me back later," kennyS said.

gla1ve is completely helpless with these guys. Maybe this is a talented player, with a very strong mentality and strength.

He could feel that both of them were very serious, but their attitude seemed casual, which was really strange.

After losing the pistol round, gla1ve also started to make arrangements for the second round.

The economy of the attacking side has not been extended this round, so if you want to make a comeback, you have to take advantage of it now.

"Let's go straight to the half-armored pistol, kennyS, you save some money and you will be able to use it later."

"Everyone else set up a grenade, let's blow up a little A later." gla1ve ordered.

"Zhi Xiao A?" Lin Yi was a little puzzled, "What if they don't come?"

"It will come, trust me." gla1ve smiled lightly.

He has a deep study of the first team's game video.

After winning the pistol round, most of Watermelon's style habits were analyzed in detail.

This thing does not belong to the scope of special tactics, so it is naturally used casually.

S1mple on the other side is refreshed.

Although he didn't get too many kills himself, he was naturally happy to win the round.

He wanted to laugh when he thought of kennyS' pain mask.

And they chose all under the command of Watermelon.

S1mple got a bird sniper, the director was an AK47, and the other three were using economical hair dryers.

After watching the pistol round, Meng De also had a good evaluation of the second team.

The player gla1ve has a very high command ability, which is higher than he expected.

His formation in the pistol round was already very good, but the gunmen in the first team were a little bit more powerful, completely overwhelmed by his personal ability.

He looked at the screen and continued to explain to the audience: "After losing the pistol round, the police made a strong attack. They started with a 2A3B anti-rush structure."

"It's just that the bandits played very steadily, and didn't start to speed up because of the opponent's lack of finances."

"Because of the status problem, the control of University A was taken by the police with few people. Will this be a foreshadowing?" Meng De asked a question.

The defaults of the two sides in the early stage were orderly, without any kill information.

Now the two teams are taught by the same master, and they all play within a set system. They will not move around at will if there are no kills.

The attacking party started to attack after delaying enough time without any improvement by default.

Watermelon directed everyone to make a wave of fake attacks in the middle, and then started a real bomb attack towards A small.

However, gla1ve's decision-making was very quick. The moment he saw the smoke coming from the middle lane, he threw a smoke on the sandbag to the middle gate to persuade him to quit.

At the same time, Lin Yi was also called by him to help.

But the follow-up attackers did not move.

gla1ve thought for a while, and said to kennyS:

"You find a way to go to the small passage A to make a discovery, and if anyone runs away."

"No problem." kennyS was originally a tool guy.

He bought an unarmored Sand Eagle, plus a grenade, he didn't even expect to be able to hit a few.

He came to the designated location to investigate according to gla1ve's request.

kennyS is holding a sand hawk, ready to fire at any time.

S1mple peeked out from the small corner of A with a bird sniper, kennyS shot at random, and then slipped away.

S1mple's peek's body is a bit big, so there is basically no chance to shoot.

And the position of the kennyS frame is very small, and there is no chance of reaction.

However, while kennyS retreated, he immediately threw a grenade at Xiao A.

The grenade exploded in the crowd, but it didn't cause too much damage.

S1mple knew that kennyS had discovered their position, so he stopped pretending and went straight to the showdown.

"A little speed up, a wave of push!" Watermelon issued an order.

They immediately dropped three smoke bombs.

An A small over-light cigarette, a partition cigarette for the resurrection point under the stage, and a one-way cigarette for the scalp.

When kennyS saw this prop, he knew it was real.

"Back to defense, back to defense! They're bombarded! Watch out for the police!"

kennyS yelled in the voice, he watched the cloud of smoke, and carefully passed by.

kennyS is next to the smoke, and this smoke can be used as a one-way smoke on the spot.

So this time he chose to do the opposite. He hid himself in the smoke, trying to seize an opportunity and delay until his teammates returned to defense.

After finishing speaking, kennyS lowered his noble head in the smoke.

After S1mple finished detonating the bomb, he gave an all-white flash for the spot, and then gave an auxiliary flash behind several people, and started to advance towards the spot.

They knew that there was a kennyS on the bunker slope, so they focused on the bunkers.

Unexpectedly, when they got closer at this time, a figure appeared around the smoke.


The desert eagle burst into flames, and the bullet hit the head of the first watermelon hard.

"KennyS's decision-making in this wave is very beautiful!" Meng Dezan said, "When the attacking team's attention was all on the bag, he got into the smoke with the Sand Eagle and destroyed the offensive team's first breakthrough. The bandits, so the rhythm is delayed."

"Besides, kennyS is not dead yet, so he can continue to procrastinate. At this point in time, it is impossible to turn the point. The rest of the CTs have returned to defense, and the bandits must hurry up!"

S1mple started firing at that place as soon as the watermelon reported, and the rest of them also rushed out to fill up their guns.

But the distance between the watermelon and the others was a bit far, so they didn't destroy it immediately.

After three full seconds, they finally saw the message that kennyS was killed in the upper right corner.

Although he got the kill information, S1mple felt inexplicable.

This round will suffer.
He immediately took over the post-command in the voice, and let the players start to go to the bag site.

He heard footsteps from below, but S1mple chose to avoid the battle temporarily.

"Two more grenades were thrown, but S1mple and the others have already passed by, and this grenade has not been killed." Meng De frowned. These people are still not familiar enough with the judgment of the explosion position of the grenade, and they need to practice more in the future up.

If they can predict this wave a little in advance, then maybe the S1mple team is really in danger.

But the problem is not very serious. Broky, who is in University A, has already rushed back to the slope.

After reaching the slope, he struck first and killed the bloody director with one shot.

He continued to sway around and fire, and S1mple was also shot in the head by him, but because the shot happened to go through the box, the damage was reduced and he was not killed.

"Where are they located?" asked gla1ve, who was belatedly arriving.

"There are two ninjas, and A is the younger one." Broky was distracted from answering the question, Broccoli's head was overloaded, and she was shot dead by S1mple bird sniper.

And gla1ve in the audience found an angle and threw a grenade.

S1mple was thankful that he got a key kill, and immediately wanted to take the bag to the bag spot.

at this time.


A grenade exploded between the two people who were already bleeding, and directly took away S1mple and the kid.

The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

"Is the grenade of the second VC team this powerful?"

"one stone two bird"

"One thunder and two fathers"


Their original idea for this game was to see how the first team beat the second team.

But now I find that something is wrong?

Lei Bao was knocked out, leaving only Sanji alone.

Sanji can only choose to save the gun, but there are still single digits left in the time, and he can still make a fuss.

Sanji came directly to the middle door from A small, and he wanted to try to see if he could steal a side.

But the police all picked up guns on it.

A Xiao was emptied, and they also discovered the fact that Sanji was not there.

Lin Yi jumped off the platform with a bird sniper, and shot Sanji who was far away.

"Counter-Strike Victory!"

In the second round, they made a 2-for-5 comeback.

kennyS was overjoyed and shouted in the training room: "Take off!"

 One more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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