CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 255 Broky: This top-level flash is actually made by me?

Chapter 255 Broky: This top-level flash is actually made by me?

"I didn't expect that the second VC team, which was not favored before the game, could actually get the match point first in the map of Purgatory Town. It was really unexpected."

Looking at the score above, Coke expressed his opinion.

The offensive side was won by VC in the second long gun game in the second half. In the case of poor economy, they directly chose to play the match point.

They also don't want to give up the match point to VC, but there is no way.

Their current economy, if it fails to force it.

After reaching the match point, they only have an economy of about 2000, and it is completely over.

So they chose to let go of that point and adjust the economy to play the match point game.

"This round has undoubtedly become the garbage time of the game. VC won the economic game without even using up much props."

"Now that the score has come to the match point, the Wild Lions called a timeout to make final adjustments."

"After this timeout, the opponent may do something unconventional, what should I say?" kennyS asked.

Meng De pondered for a while in the back, and then said: "We can try the front push."

"In response to the unconventional situation, we set up guns on the spot, but it was inferior."

Although it is the other party's timeout, the timeout is fair. The other party can use this timeout to communicate, and VC can do the same.

And because it is a tactical timeout, the coach can speak.

Generally at such an important point, the opponent's normal style of play is no longer effective, and there will be a little abnormal style of play.

In this case, if they still follow the previous style of play to meet the enemy, they are likely to be recruited.

Mengde continued: "Try the forward press, kennyS goes sideways with the big sniper, and the other two will press with him on the A2 floor together."

"The opponent wants to play unconventional, we will go forward and disrupt their offensive rhythm."

gla1ve listened to Meng De's train of thought, and nodded involuntarily. The coach's perspective on things really hit the nail on the head.

Unconventional styles of play are generally speed-up.

They weren't sure how the other side was going to fight, or from which side.

At this time, CT presses forward at the beginning of the game, which can form a reverse unconventional position, which can catch the opponent by surprise.

What is this called?
I predicted your prediction?

They are still thinking about how to deal with it, and the coach has already considered it from the overall situation.

Sure enough, the coach was already above the atmosphere.

The 40-second tactical timeout ended quickly, and the opponent did not continue, and the game restarted.

This match point is very important for both sides.

But gla1ve took the initiative to say in order to relieve the pressure on his teammates:
"We are not in a hurry. Now we have the advantage. Even if we lose a few small rounds, it doesn't matter. The opponent can't afford to lose."

Having said that, they both wanted to end each other here, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

The countdown ended, and everyone set off from the resurrection point.

kennyS took the big sniper and ran all the way from the study to the A2 building.

He opened the camera ahead of time in the middle of Building A2, and then walked slowly to look at the spiral staircase.

He doesn't have to worry about his back being stolen now, because Broky has already entered the boiler room from A1 and is helping him set up the VIP position.

kennyS turned on the camera and pushed slowly, but the sound of the AK47 shot was faster than he saw the person.

"kennyS is too aggressive. He is holding a big sniper to the top of the spiral staircase, but he doesn't know that the opponent's speed is also very fast in this round. KennyS should have heard the sound of opening the mirror, which led to him being shot ahead of time. Be prepared, otherwise he will have an advantage as a big sniper forward."

Several commentators guessed correctly, this round the bandits on the side lane of the opponent did hear kennyS' movement.

This happened to put him in the first position close to the side lane, and because the team's tactic was to speed up the side lane, he rushed over the whole time.

At one minute and 42 seconds, he had reached the entrance of the side spiral staircase.

I also heard the sound of the camera opening on the second floor.

So I chose a resting position in advance and set up the spiral staircase.

When kennyS appeared, it became a kill on his scoring board.

The bandit got the first kill and immediately started to accelerate.

quit took the AK47 and jumped onto the VIP, and charged directly into the A2 building.

The opponent's inattentive search allowed Broky to catch a good opportunity, but Broky's strafing did not go well this time.

He scanned for a long time, but there was no sign of killing.

After quit was hit, he reflexively turned his head to fight back, and Broky was instantly killed by a headshot.

"Fuck, there's something wrong with quit's shot, the head is locked."

"In this triple-A defense, there is only one left where Tig is stuck alone in the non-preview position."

"quit and his teammates went straight to building A2 and made a left and right double pull, but Tig couldn't catch it."

Wang Yuning sighed: "Actually, their preparations for this wave were very good, and they continued to fight against the Qing one after another, but their marksmanship was not as good as others, and they were all torn apart by the wild lion."

"Maybe someone wants to ask why Tig is so ironic."

"Actually, A1 has entered just now. He can't hide, so he has to find a way out from the side passage."

"It's just that the other party did a double pull, and there was no chance for him to fire at all."

The trio in zone A all died suddenly, and gla1ve from zone B also came forward with his teammates.

Their current economy is basically broken, so there is no need to save any more money.

Compared with saving economy, destroying the opponent's firearms has a higher priority.

Just as Lin Yi came to the bandit's entrance, he heard a little noise on the second floor of the bandit, so he took the initiative to look for it and successfully caught a bloody bandit.

However, gla1ve and Lin Yi failed to destroy each other's guns later.

The thunder bag exploded in zone A, and the opponent recovered a match point.

The score is 15:10.
VC can also lose four rounds.

"The Wild Lions won this round because of their personal abilities. They won all the duels in the melee on the A2 floor. Otherwise, VC would have had a chance to win."

"This wave of people on the second floor were all shot by the police first, but their marksmanship was a little flawed, maybe they were a little nervous at the match point."

Coke spoke good words for the VC players, so as not to lose the game and be caught by too many sunspots.

VC didn't have too much pressure in his heart.

While being regularly beaten up by a team of monsters, they also cultivated their mentality of steel.

They can see defeat very openly, but because of this, victory is so precious.

No one wants to fail unless their intentions are not innocent in the first place.

Although the players of the second team of VC were very resilient and were determined to put in more effort, the progress of the game did not go as they wished.

The opponent quickly stabilized his rhythm.

In this case, gla1ve, who has always been stable, even made a mistake of being too greedy for props, which led to the opportunity to be caught.

The score came to 15:12 unknowingly.
The opponent only needs to win three more points to drag the game into plus. All their efforts in this game will be wasted, and everything will start all over again.

And if they lose this round again, their economy will collapse, and they must start to release match points.

Reluctantly in the critical game, Meng De called a timeout and began to make adjustments for the team.

"In the first two rounds, we didn't let anyone get close after we took control of Banana Road."

"In this round, kennyS, you should take the big sniper and set it up on the stone slab after the control, let Lin Yi go to the tree to hide, you hook and hit, and create opportunities for Lin Yi."

"The two players in Area A should play conservatively, don't give the opponent a chance to get the first kill, and give the props as they should."

"And gla1ve, you don't have to pinch the smoke so much."

"In just 23 seconds, your smoke can be given, you don't need to be too extreme."


Based on the current situation, Meng De asked the team to start making some small routines and make some preparations based on the current situation.

In the current battle situation, even if he wanted to use unconventional tactics, it would no longer work.

The opponent has already started to attack at a slow speed, first set up VC for 1 minute, and then start bombing when the time is almost up.

If VC dares to press forward, unless his marksmanship is perfect, he will definitely die miserably.

When the critical game comes, it is impossible for them to win to bet on their marksmanship, which is too irrational.

Meng De continued to explain a few precautions, and the players returned to the game.

The start is still triple B.

Three B's heavy defense is mainly to use a large number of props to snatch the control of Banana Road.

gla1ve helped the two flash the eaves on Banana Road and gave assistance.

Lin Yi smoked at the entrance of the Banana Road to block the bandits' vision, preventing the bandits from knowing what they were doing in the Banana Road.

Although the bandits set fire to a wooden barrel with bananas, their subsequent actions did not surprise Meng De, and they still did not grab control.

The opponent was already determined to hit the last wave of explosive bombs, so he didn't fight for the control of the early stage.

kennyS continued with the second smoke bomb, and sent Lin Yi to clear the tree positions and grooves of the banana road with a flash.

After clearing the tree positions and grooves of the banana road, Lin Yi squatted directly to the tree positions and began to straddle the entrance.

With the help of gla1ve, kennyS on the other side was placed on top of the stone slab, setting the direction of the entrance in this non-preview position.

"This round specifically kept Lin Yi close. In the first two rounds, they let kennyS spy alone on the stone slab. In the first round, they didn't keep anyone."

"Among the continuous failures, they are also constantly seeking changes, and they must find a way."

kennyS found an opportunity to move his body and put the front sight on the bandit's mouth.

But the opponent was wary of kennyS's position. After the smoke cleared at the entrance of Banana Road, he sent a high flash to force kennyS back.

kennyS fired a shot with blank eyes, but didn't get a kill.

He retreated under the stone slab, not allowing the other party to determine his position.

kennyS wanted to remind Lin Yi to pay attention to the visitor, but found that Lin Yi who was hiding was already in danger.

The opponent's commander guessed that they would release people at a close point and directly set fire to the tree position.

Lin Yi was burned out and forced to face the enemy.

Unfortunately, did not fight.

This forced kennyS, who wanted to retreat, to stop.

Although logically, he does have to go backwards now.

But in the current situation, the pressure on the team will be very high, so this round may have to go far again.

kennyS took the initiative to peek out and fight back.

He was relieved that the opponent didn't take his position straight.

But the good times didn't last long, a flash exploded in the sky of Banana Road, causing kennyS to fall into a blinding state again.

kennyS controlled the left button he wanted to press subconsciously, and abruptly counted down the seconds.


"At the critical moment, kennyS still stood up!"

"He knocked out the quit that was pulled horizontally by the gangster with blank eyes! Quit deliberately waited for the flash to explode one second before pulling it out. Unexpectedly, he was still knocked out by kennyS. The timing of kennyS is too good gone."

After kennyS got the kill, he chose to switch positions with the linked gla1ve.

There are not many props in his hand, only a big sniper is a little powerful.

But when the opponent has enough props, a big sniper is obviously not enough.

No matter where he is, he has at most one chance to play.

And after beating one, his life is still in danger.

Switching defenses with gla1ve is a very good decision.

gla1ve had a bad time before, this time was different from last time, seeing that there were 30 seconds left in the time, so he handed over the props directly.

Standing in a box, he heard the sound of big sniper footsteps coming from the banana road, and immediately started to shake people.

"Brothers, return to defense, the opponent is going to play B again!"

Hearing that kennyS and several others turned their heads and walked towards Banana Road.

With only 30 seconds left, they didn't believe that the other party would still make a turn.

Moreover, gla1ve has already heard the sound of various props, and the opponent's purpose is very strong!
"gla1ve heard the bandit pass the smoke, and immediately flashed back a box. This flash is perfect, and the opponent came out completely white!"

"gla1ve successfully killed one of them with a strafing shot, but the follow-up bandit flashed out with his back behind his back, and gla1ve was counter-killed. He only replaced one single B in this wave."

"Then this wave of defense will be a bit difficult to fight."

The bandits successfully placed the package, and the three were distributed in three boxes, under the coffin stage, and on the banana road.

They set up their respective positions, knowing that the other party has a big sniper, and they don't miss too much position to give them a chance.

The key game of this round is the turning point of today's game. As long as they survive this round, they can drag the game into overtime!
The VC trio had already returned to defense, and kennyS and Broky came to the back garden as a group.

Tig stayed in the police cigarette, waiting for an opportunity.

But the three of them looked at it all the way, and the other party didn't give much room for manipulation, and they didn't have fire in their hands, so they couldn't clear some difficult points.

kennyS even had the idea of ​​protecting his gun.

At this moment, gla1ve said:

"Broky, you stick to the back, grab the flash for Tig, and lose this position!"

gla1ve points at Broky's screen.

Broky nodded and began to throw.

The flash was thrown from the back garden, hit a tank of water, and finally bounced once, releasing a blazing light.

The bandits in the three boxes jumped the gap with the policeman's house and ate a whole white.

The bandits in the audience faced the flash even more, their eyes almost frightened.

The helpless situation gave the two domestic commentators a headache, but the sudden flash of light surprised them:
"Holy shit, the flash of Broky directly wiped out the three bandits and the two bandits in the audience. Tig rushed out from the smoke of the police house and shot and killed the bandits in the audience, as did the bandits in the third box. White, he never beat Tig!"

"Damn it, this top-notch flash actually came from Broky!"

Wang Yuning did not stop at this point, and then explained:
"Tig got two kills in a row, and now only the bandits on Banana Road are left. OUT shot and killed Tig. It's not a big problem. VC has lightning clamps!"

"kennyS went straight to the Banana Road, Broky took it apart!"

"Hold it, hold it!"


OUT read in his mind for three seconds, then pulled out and shot the bandit who was unpacking ahead of time.

From God's perspective, his bullet managed to hit Broky.

But with a big gunshot, the sound of the AK47 stopped abruptly.

"kennyS held the shot, Mr. Key! Everyone in the second team is playing, and the thunder bag is removed!"

"A top-level flash helped them win the match point and curb the situation of being chased!"

"Let's congratulate VC.A for winning the match against the Wild Lion with a score of 16:12!"

 Still today.

(End of this chapter)

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