CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 256 The end of the first day of competition

Chapter 256 The end of the first day of competition
"This flash is too critical."

"Sure enough, he is the number one prop master in Asia"

"Is it possible that you guys made a mistake, this flash was taught by gla1ve on the spot."

"I found out too, gla1ve is pointing like crazy"

"I also said how could broccoli throw such a top sparkle"

"Take it!"

"Team [-] and Team [-] of VC both won, and I blossomed immediately!"

"Looking forward to LL, I hope all three teams win their first victory"

"It's a bit difficult. The grouping of LL is not very ideal."

Seeing the VC team logo appear on the screen, the barrage audience almost overflowed with joy.

Some people are discussing how far the second team of VC can go; some people are speculating in which range the strength of the second team is.

But more spectators only care about the victory in front of them, and they want to learn from Broky's top flash so that they can use it to return to defense later.

In the on-site VC battle room, everyone cheered even more.

After being chased for points, they finally won the game.

Broky was the first to take off his earphones and stand up. He was relieved that this game was really not easy.

It was almost possible to be overturned by the opponent, but fortunately won the game at the last minute.

Overall, it's safe and sound.

He punched gla1ve in the arm and said with a smile:

"Your flash is too good."

Broky gives a thumbs up.

gla1ve took a deep breath, although Broky was praising himself, but he thought Broky didn't know how heavy his fist was.

kennyS took off his earphones and came over to claim credit: "I can also play really well."

Although he only had one triple kill as a highlight in this round, his overall performance cannot be ignored.

kennyS also got the luxury data of 25/2/11 in this game.

Although not as many kills as Broky, it is still very carry data.

And compared to Broky who kills more and dies more, his kills this time are very stable.

In the long gun round, there are kills in basically every round.

"Don't argue, they played very well." Mengde came over and rubbed Broky's dog's head, then patted kennyS on the shoulder.

He didn't want to be treated differently, but kennyS' height limited Mengde's performance.

If you forcefully rub the dog's head angrily, it will look weird.

"Let's go, let's meet this Wild Lion Club, the Major will shake hands for the first time!"

A group of people liked to hear these words, and followed happily one after another.

When shaking hands with Quit and others, they can obviously feel confused.

Quit still had a little stunned look on his face, as if he couldn't believe that they were so upset today.

They didn't know VC well, and even learned that the second VC team was training before the Major.

I just glanced at it as a necessary participating team, but I didn't really care much about it in my heart.

After all, it is simply a fantasy for a club to produce two Major teams.

What's more, there are no star players.

Both VC teams broke into the Major this year, and there was some excitement at the beginning.

But all the first-tier teams didn't care too much. They even think that this is the current level in Asia?
Now, quit finally understands.

The level of Asia has not declined, but has become stronger.

They were so strong that they were given a huge advantage just because of their negligence, and even lost the game under constant operation because of their early advantage.

To be honest, he doesn't even know how they lost today.

tactics?Individual ability?Map understanding?

Feeling both, but feeling neither.

During the game, he could feel the tremendous pressure brought by the opponent's command.

When shaking hands with gla1ve, he took the initiative to say:
"You put a lot of pressure on us, but next time we play against each other we will adjust and we will fight back."

gla1ve thought for a while before adjusting the 'language input method' to Danish:
"Who knows what will happen next time?"

"But look forward to seeing you again."

Quit stared intently at his compatriot who went out all the way.

He has a feeling that if they meet again in the future, their situation may be very different.

He looked at the failure on the computer screen and packed his peripherals.

VC.A, I remember you guys, I hope you can make it into the legendary group.

At that time, I will win back!

The players have returned backstage, both teams have won, and everyone in VC is very happy.

Although they had already left the stage, the audience in the live broadcast room still kept discussing, and the commentators were also curious. There is still LL's game ahead, whether today will give them a three-win victory.

The audience is talking about:

"Although the opponent seized the opportunity in the later stage, the overall play was really good."

"A team of S1mple even fried fish directly, without mercy"

"Our strength in Asia has improved a lot!"

"It would be great if the second team could keep playing like this."

"I think it's very difficult. Broky and kennyS are playing so hard today. Don't expect too much."

"We still have to wait and see. The second team currently has too little material, and the Wild Lions are not a strong team in the traditional sense. They played quite extreme, and we have to watch a few rounds."

Two of China's three teams won their first victory today, although the audience all focused on LL.

But seeing LL's opponent, many spectators have already started to retreat.

Because their opponent is GG, the top team from the European Union.

The super first-line team GG, which has performed very well in the first half of the year, is currently ranked second in the world.

AKA they squeezed to third place.

Many people lose confidence as soon as they see their match partner.

At 11:[-] p.m. China time, the game between LL and GG finally started.

After they passed BP, LL got his strong map Desert Lost City.

But the map of Desert Lost City is also the opponent's strong map.

They chose to play with their own advantages when the overall map pool was not too prominent.

The result was the same as the Huaxia audience imagined, but the process was much worse.

Although LL lost to GG in this map, they lost to each other with a score of 8:16.

Losing to the super first-tier team and scoring 8 points can be regarded as a verification of their hard work in the past year.

They could even play better in some places, but because they have too little experience in competitions, some loopholes appeared instead, and the GG players found opportunities.

In the end, the first day of the competition was over, and the three Huaxia teams' competitions were over, with two wins and one loss in the end.

For Chinese people, this result is very acceptable.

Of course, their focus is still on the second team of VC.

The first team basically didn't have much pressure to watch the game, and LL's strength was slightly inferior.

Only the second team seems to be hovering on the verge of qualifying for the legendary group, which makes people feel a little worried.

 None today.

(End of this chapter)

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