CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 260 Open?

Chapter 260 Open?
In a competitive game, the spirit of both teams is very important.

Because he determines the sanity of the players, the frequency of communication between the players, and the probability of mistakes.

After the current FG lost the second long gun round, the mentality of the first half has completely disappeared.

It wasn't until the second half of the first half that VC was a little slack because of too many victories, and they found a chance. Pepper played an amazing 1V3 comeback in the B area.

This endgame brought back FG's spirits and led them on a journey of chasing points.

But the game has reached the second half of the second half, and they are a bit late at this time.

What's more, after losing a round, VC also began to correct his attitude.

It is not that simple for FG to chase points.

It wasn't until the end of the first half that FG only scored 4 points.

Their opponents scored 11 points.

Look at the two numbers 11 and 4.

VOVO just felt uncomfortable for a while.

It is true that nuclear crisis is a big police map, but the gap between the two camps should not be so large.

During the intermission, some people in the team ran to the bathroom, some ran to the referee to get water, and some adjusted themselves in their seats.

But no one spoke, not even a word.

Everyone's mentality was shattered.

If they know WXS, they will know that this state is called open swing.

VOVO now expects his teammates to say something, so he can at least inspire the players' self-confidence.

With the support of morale, it is not impossible to play in the second half.

But looking at the almost empty battle room, he didn't know what to say, and he didn't know who to talk to.

VOVO looked at the screen again, only his confused eyes were reflected in it.

Finally, the coach came over and said:
"It's a pity that we didn't get the advantage in the first half."

"But the chances are slim, so why don't we fight?"

"It's just a disadvantage, who hasn't fought before!"

"Borrowing the famous words of the ancient great god emperor: 'You won't be at a disadvantage, what kind of CSGO are you playing!'"

"So brothers, cheer up, don't be overwhelmed by the disadvantages in front of you, they are just the second team of VC, and the overall strength is actually like that. We can't be careless, but we can't underestimate ourselves!"

The coach didn't intend to say it at first, but when he said it, his voice filled the entire battle room.

After a while, he stopped when he saw the eyes of the young men around him slowly glowing again.

As a coach, he can't play and play. When he is at a disadvantage, that's all he can do.

And the game itself is a disadvantage, so he can't say too much.

Because the team was already in a bad situation, they played poorly in the first half, which was already an uncomfortable thing.

Although the coach has good intentions, once he talks too much and listens too much, it will only make people feel more depressed. If he wants to motivate the players, it will have a negative effect.

So he can only click to the end and let his teammates boost their morale.

Although VC was continuously chasing points in the second half of the first half, after the first half, their emotions and mentality were all right.

After all, they scored 11 points in the first half, which was beyond their expectations.

As the defensive side scored 11 points, their pressure in the second half was very small.

Even if they win the pistol round and get the first three points, they will be close to the match point.

With such a gap in score, how could they still be under a lot of pressure.

Meng De only gave a few words of advice, and didn't talk too much about their problems in the first half.

In the case of an advantage, there is no need to make the players vigilant in the past.

That could be counterproductive.

Although the game reached the half-time break, the short few minutes could not dampen the enthusiasm of the domestic audience.

"VC has something in the first half"

"kennyS is still quietly getting a lot of kills"

"Xiong! VC!"

"11 points, I thought that the nuke of the second team was not very strong, and I was worried at the beginning, but what did I see?"

"VOVO has been beaten into autism, I laughed at it"

"Don't procrastinate in the second half, win directly!!"

"Okay, our game has already started. In the second half, the two sides switched offense and defense."

"Come to the pistol round, I believe many friends are concerned about whether FG can regain the advantage on this map, and also whether VC can win this map in one go."

"Then the key lies in this pistol round."

VC, as the attacker, has a lot of props.

As Lin Yi played a supporting role, he was full of props this round.

After entering the bandit hall at the beginning of the game, a thunder exploded, directly blasting open the iron gate.

Then there was a smoke at the front door, followed by an instant flash, and a group of bandits began to charge.

In this round, gla1ve made a decision to speed up the infield.

He put pressure on the iron gate, and the teammates in the yellow room went out directly.

But the opponent also set up a long goal formation in the infield this round.

One of them is at the check-in point, one is on the third floor, and there is a policeman at the main entrance.

After seeing Lin Yijiao's props, he reacted very quickly, and suddenly came to the bunker to help.

Tig, who walked to the first place in the yellow room, was directly shot and killed by a headshot. Fortunately, Broky, who was in second place, succeeded in filling the gun and knocked out the policeman at the pack point.

The director's perspective was given to VOVO on the third floor.

At this moment, VOVO is a little nervous, and there are also very big problems in marksmanship.

He fired continuously at Broky and kennyS, but he still failed to get a kill until all 12 bullets were fired.

His original position selection was a non-preview position.

While most non-previews have the advantage of non-previews, they also lose the advantage of cover.

At this moment, VOVO had to rotate and pad on the board at the corner of the bunkering point, so as to buffer himself down to the bunkering point.

Broky was hit sideways by the police who came over from the main entrance, and was killed by a headshot.

However, kennyS and Lin Yi finished shooting from two angles, and still knocked out the policeman.

In this way, they played 2 for 2 in this wave of firefights.
A group of people in VC wanted to make a reservation, and kennyS asked Lin Yi to do a double pull with him.

He just saw someone go down to the bag point.

But before the double pull started, the packaged VOVO peeked out directly.

After three shots in a row, Lin Yi was killed by a headshot.

Fortunately, kennyS completed the gun replacement.

"This wave of big fights at Baodian played a three-for-three, and finally left the endgame of Xiaojiao and Meow."

"Little Pepper is waiting on the third floor. Meow has come to the bandit hall to wait for the opportunity. He is really fast around the back!"

In the endgame of 2v2, gla1ve and kennyS did not dare to take the bag easily.

kennyS only has half health, and although gla1ve has healthy health, he has no armor.

The two chose to fight for a while, to see if FG would come forward to find opportunities.

With the help of the coach, their mentality has gradually recovered, and they are all very sober at the moment.

Now the opponent has been locked in the bag, and there is a teammate in the bandit hall.

Just wait for the bandits to drop the bag, so you can't get out without hearing the sound.

"2 on 2, one is on the third floor, and the other came to the side of the pipe and set up a break position. Neither side wants to be the first to make a shot. There is still a lot of time, so they can test it out slowly."

After about ten seconds, gla1ve felt that he could not wait any longer and had to take the initiative.

So he asked kennyS to follow him, and the two of them walked quietly towards B Tong slowly.

gla1ve realized that someone on the other side might have taken a back route, but he wasn't sure.

It is definitely not a good choice to find this person's location in this situation.

So if they can go to area B and put down the mine bag, then the initiative will be in their hands.

"The two bandits touched Lutong, but meow was also very spiritual. He touched it at the last second and saw kennyS's ass!"

"The movements of the two bandits were known, so Meow decisively asked his teammates to start turning points, and went to the third floor to rob them first."

"meow took the initiative to touch it, and wanted to hit one first, but kennyS seemed to sense the killing intent at the critical moment. Should it be so outrageous, Jiang Zi turned his head!"

"Although there were no kills, but the location of meow was known, their problem is a bit serious!"

The commentary looked a bit confused, you must know that meow has no information at all, but kennyS suddenly turned around.

If it is in the usual ladder, you can already .report.

Seeing that meow was a bit dangerous, Pepper, who had already returned to the third floor, climbed up the stairs again.

He was worried that meow would die suddenly, and the opponent turned around and hit A again.

But the choice of VC is to increase the speed and rush to the B area to start downloading the package.

But when Pepper arrived on the third floor, he found that his teammates were still alive, so he knew what VC was thinking, and he went directly down the pipe.

Now is the race against time!

VC successfully arrived at site B, kennyS originally wanted to take advantage of gla1ve's security package to occupy the dead door.

But the moment the door was opened, there were people playing on the other side of the door.

Although the door was finally opened by kennyS, but kennyS also knew that he would definitely not be able to stand on this dead door.

But he didn't close it, but opened it straight away, setting up the gun position for gla1ve, so that gla1ve could successfully put down the mine bag.

"VC was locked at the bunker point. This wave of opponents came to attack them from two doors. They naturally have the disadvantage of bunkers. They lost this wave of speed competition."

Continuously being used as a cover in the gate, although they worked hard to aim, good marksmanship is not as good as a good position.

They still lost to each other in the end.

The mine bag has just been put down, enough time for bomb disposal.

11: 5.
FG won the pistol round and gave them a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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