CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 261 I Don't Know How to Lose This Endgame!

Chapter 261 I Don't Know How to Lose This Endgame!
The opponent's return to defense was too fast for VC to react. Without the protection of the bunker, they eventually lost the pistol round.

Why Nuclear Crisis is a big police map, because on this map, the police's return to defense is much simpler than other maps.

After the bandits successfully placed the bag, due to the problem of the bunker, it was relatively difficult to deal with returning to defense. .

Unless they can occupy some advantageous gun positions before the opponent returns to the defense.

The map of nuclear crisis is a composite structure, and its upper and lower layers of sites also allow the police to have a lightning-fast return to defense.

This is still the result after the big change. Before the change, if point A wants to go back to point B, it only needs to go through one channel.

However, even though he lost the endgame and successfully put down the thunder bag, this still makes gla1ve quite satisfied.

The thunder bag is put down, and the economy can be strengthened in the second round.

gla1ve directed his teammates to pick up a pair of AK47s, which were used by kennyS and Broky respectively, and the rest of them were hair dryers equipped with props.

gla1ve has calculated that FG's economy is not much, so this round he plans to speed up and explode A, and there will be a wave of rush.

When the countdown ended, the VCs got ready and rushed to the site A.

The iron gate was blasted open by the grenade at the first moment, followed by the smoke at the main gate, with high flashes.

A very simple tactic of closing the front door and hitting the infield.

Although simple, in the case of a large number of bandits, the pressure is also considerable.

"The bandits attacked very quickly and began to put pressure on the infield."

"The CT at the pack site handed over Huang Fanghuo to delay time, but most of the bandits rushed out through the iron gate. Broky took the AK and got the first kill first, and knocked out the CT at the pack site. "

Taro Yuan's eyes lit up, the tactics were simple, but the effect was not.

However, the exchange of fire on the field continued.

Broky got the first kill and rushed into the bunker, while the other people by the pipe exchanged fire with the little pepper on the third floor.

Pepper fired wildly with an AUG, the power is far beyond what the hair dryers in the hands of gla1ve can fight against.

After two people were killed in a row, VC's offensive rhythm stagnated.

Broky was still heading towards the bag site and didn't stop.

As long as he occupies the bag point and can successfully get his teammates to take the bag, he can win this round.

But the people on the third floor appeared faster than Broky had imagined. Thanks to his usual hard training, he pulled the gun very quickly, turning his head and completing the instant kill.

Broky breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to call his teammates over.

At this moment, the bullets in the smoke grenade at the main entrance kept firing, and the opponent seemed to have borrowed a smoke protection helmet from the next door, so he could ignore the blockage of the smoke and directly wear Broky to death.

This kill took VC's advantage and collapsed it, making the audience who were watching the battle dumbfounded.

"Can this also be mixed?"

"How do you feel that the smoke of professional players is fake, and all kinds of people are confused"

"It should be judged from the map."

"It hurts too much to kill Broky in this wave."

Just as the netizens said, this wave of their success in scoring the package point was originally an exchange of advantages.

After all, two hair dryers have been lost and two long guns have been replaced. Can this be the same in terms of combat effectiveness?

But Broky was killed suddenly, and they didn't have any advantage in numbers at all, and they had to beware of someone coming from behind.

Tig came to the bunker from the yellow room and replaced the AK dropped by Broky.

"Should I unpack first? Or stand for a while?"

While wary of the third floor, Tig asked his teammates for their opinions.

kennyS looked carefully at the main entrance, and picked up the thunder bag that fell beside the pipe.

As the spring commander, gla1ve said his own judgment:
"I think there are two people at the front door. The ID who killed Broky just now is not guarding the front door."

"Another person may be going around, you guys think about how to deal with it."

kennyS went through the information given by gla1ve in his mind, and then communicated with Tig:
"I'm going directly to B. You try to harass me in area A. I hope gla1ve's judgment is correct."

Tig chuckled: "Trust gla1ve, he is the only one who studies the video with the coach."

After a brief communication between the two, kennyS turned his head and went down the pipe.

"I tried to take the initiative to attack after putting down the bag. If I can drop one first, then I will win this round."

"If it doesn't drop in seconds, there is a high probability that it will be gone."

Although kennyS has a bit of an individualistic idea, there is really nothing wrong with it in this round.

If he can play one after completing the package, then they can face the 2V2 return defense.

2V2 return defense, they can defend the bag from several other angles with cover.

That situation is definitely better than shrinking buns.

kennyS rushed all the way from the pipeline to the bag site. He didn't cover up his footsteps, and he didn't need to cover up at all.

His judgment was actually not much different from gla1ve's. The opponent guarding the iron plate was still hiding behind the iron plate without making any movement after they finished a round. That was really a cancer.

His professional logic made him judge that the opponent was either pressing forward, or returning to the third floor to defend.

It is absolutely impossible to be in area B now.

kennyS successfully placed the package, and the other party judged carefully several times, and found out that the person had already entered the B area.

So they started their journey back to defense.

And the other Tig took the initiative to go back to the bandit hall after kennyS released the bag.

He planned to go all the way from the bandit hall to the iron plate to see if he could catch the opponent's iron plate and return to the defense timing.

He didn't know that he happened to miss the person pressing in front of the iron plate.

The other party entered through the iron gate, and it was true that they met love at the corner.

Tig is slowly going to the iron plate to find kennyS for a round.

kennyS is already on the low slope in Area B, holding up the VOVO on the third floor, which is patched with iron plates.

"This endgame has won, and Jesus can't stop what I said."

After kennyS got this kill, he knew where the other two bandits were.

He killed a person from Tie Banlai, and the other party hadn't refilled his gun, which already showed that this direction was empty.

The other two can only come out from the direction of the dead door and the trap door.

He shifted to dead center under the control room.

Before the person was in place, a bandit rushed out of the gate of death.

kennyS immediately took the AK47 and shot him from a long distance.

A short burst of four bullets successfully killed the head.

The trap door was opened, and kennyS saw a bandit rush out on the left.

He was a little flustered, but the incomparable reaction speed directly made the crosshair positioned.


one tap!

Meow, who was shooting a supplementary gun, was hit on the head by a bullet from the AK47 and fell down powerlessly.

"Really lead the teacher in the endgame?" Tig laughed.

kennyS pretended that everything was under control, and bumped fists with his teammates, with an expression as if everything was under control:
"You have to trust my judgment, you don't even know how to lose!"

 There is still today, there is a problem with the update status in the past few days, but it will explode in the next few days at the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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