CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 287: Five Barrage Lila are better than you guys!

Chapter 287: Five Barrage Lila are better than you guys!
"What are you playing?"

The coach of the AE team smashed the tactical paper directly on the table.

The scattered papers told everyone that he was also not at peace.

Seeing that no one spoke, Coach AE repeated what he said just now:

"Tell me, what are you fighting for?"

"16:1, who can tell me why I can score this score?"

"I'm going to the bullet screen to pull 5 people out, maybe they all fight better than you!"

After a round of scolding, Coach AE began to find problems for everyone.

"Lucky, tell me, what were you doing in the first half of the game?"

Lucky has been beaten out of his mind a long time ago, and now his thinking is rigid.

If he is allowed to exchange experience with the South American headshot brother of the SSS team.

They will know that they appear strikingly similar.

His hands were shaking all the time, and he was numb.

"What can I do? I can't control the middle lane all the time. They don't give me props to help me. I can't stop eating flashes. I can't fight the gun normally at all."

Lucky covered his forehead with a distressed expression.

"That's right, but why do you have to fight against S1mple!" Coach AE didn't understand.

During the game, he had gently reminded him several times, but after the game, he finally exploded.

"How do you know I'm not right if you haven't been right a few times?"

"Put the bar in the middle, why!"

"Is there anything I can do worse than him?"

The AE coach was speechless:

"Haven't we prepared before the game?"

"The core system on the opposite side is to control the middle lane by default. Their style of play is very smooth, and they can also gain a foothold in the first team!"

"What do you think of VC? Are they really weak?"

"From the Katowice Major until now, they haven't lost a game, which already shows their strength."

Coach AE reminded everyone: "If you are still so slack in the next round, then let's talk about the defending champion next time, come on."

"This kind of state, this kind of thinking, what do you use to win the championship?"

The Hanged Man stepped forward to help Lucky out:

"Actually, we did too little preparation. The opponent's strength was a bit unexpected. Lucky was killed by the opponent's sniper several times in a row, and he was a bit over the top."

"Afterwards, I kept losing, and my hands were all cold, and I couldn't fight at all."

Bug added: "It was even worse for me. I was knocked out at the police's house for investigation, and I didn't even have a chance to shoot the gun. The group of people on the opposite side really looked like cheating."

Through such a discussion, several people gradually began to communicate.

Seeing this scene, the coach of AE was relieved.

For a tactical team, they can lack personal ability, but they must not lack communication.

The mentality of the team is recovering, and the AE coach began to arrange the style of play in Figure [-]:

"Picture [-], let's fight tactics, and don't engage in personal abilities with the opponent."

"Although our personal ability is not weak, the opponent's core system is to play personal ability, don't look down on people."

"Also, we can properly target S1mple with some targeted tactics, or let his big sniper fight like this, then we will be almost beaten before our tactics start."


After the tactical discussion, Lucky, who had been silent all the time, said to the Hanged Man:

"I really didn't expect the opponent's strength to rise to this level."

The Hanged Man also nodded: "Today we are dominated by them in this Lost City."

Thinking back to the scene where they faced each other at IEM, AE basically crushed and won the game.

By comparison, you can know how much progress VC has made.

The team that used to be barely able to fight against them was able to win against them now.

"The growth rate of this team is a bit too amazing."


In another battle room, VC, as the winner in Figure [-], is naturally in a good mood.

They originally thought that today's game would be a very difficult battle, at least in their own expectations.

However, they were defeated early on against each other. By the end of the first half, many of AE's operations were deformed.

In this way, they won the first "One Point of Father's Love" series of games since the establishment of the team.

There was some joy on the faces of several people, and S1mple's smile never stopped.

"You really dare to attack, everyone in AE will go for the knife." Watermelon laughed.

"What are you afraid of? It's for making money."

S1mple said very perfunctorily. Everyone else knew it was just a rhetoric. After all, it was the last round of the first half, and the 1500 obtained by the sword man was completely useless.

Everyone's evaluation of this is only a big heart.

In a 1v3 endgame, there is not much time left, and only S1mple dares to fight like this.

"Just play." Meng De glared at S1mple.

Although S1mple's ability to kill someone can make him stronger, he didn't expect to dare to kill someone in the remaining ten seconds.

Even if there is a mistake, maybe that round will be gone.

Fortunately, there is no danger.

But then Meng De also showed a smile.

Such a large score advantage won the first picture, and it is a bit too much for him to demand so harshly from the players.

The victory in Figure [-] made everyone in VC feel better, and also ignited a stronger desire to win.

They have already won a game, and the opponent's marksmanship and tactics are nothing more than that in their opinion.

"Picture [-] and Picture [-] win any match, and we will advance to the quarterfinals!" The kid was a little excited in this atmosphere.

The director made a joke: "You are like the old general on the stage, with flags planted behind you."

But he didn't expect that his words would become a prophecy.


"The Lost Desert City VC played really well."

"Shuang Dad's performance is too good."

"What are double dads, today's 5 big dads!"

"One father is bad, the second father is equal, the third father and the fourth father will win at will!"

"Take picture two~"

"Come on, VC, make it to the Kato finals!"

The big victory in Figure [-] made the audience full of confidence in today's game.

In the commentary seat, two commentators analyzed the situation:
As a loyal fan of VC, Nobita naturally favors the VC team.

"Now that Figure [-] is won, the pressure of the competition has come to AE. If AE in the amusement park in Figure [-] is not stable, VC can win and advance to the quarterfinals."

Daxiong gave the audience a popular science: "Although they lost today's game, VC still has a chance to advance, but the team that locks the top eight seats first can get a longer adjustment time."

"This is a reward for the winners of the competition."

Niu Niu added: "But Figure [-] is the map chosen by AE themselves, and they must have made corresponding preparations."

"On this map chosen by AE themselves, their strength cannot be underestimated."

"Once VC loses the second picture and the game enters the third picture, the pressure will come to VC."

"That's true." Nobita continued, "However, VC Amusement Park has something to say. It once won FG, which is known as the world's number one amusement park, on this map."

"But having said so much, the game still has to be played by the players themselves."

"The next picture two is VC's effort to end the game."

"It's better for AE to stabilize the mentality and drag the game into the third picture. Let us wait and see."

Under the eyes of everyone, the match between VC and AE in Figure [-] will start soon.

The game in Figure [-] was much more difficult than everyone in VC expected.

Because it is the map chosen by the opponent, VC can choose sides.

VC naturally chose to be a policeman, so he first looked for the feeling of this map.

The pistol round started, and AE played a super retro A big speed up.

The director went to University A alone in the pistol round.

But he went to the area in the toilet close to A.

This location is very good, you can get information about the two areas of University A and the toilet.

While more information can be obtained, there are not many guarantees for security.

The director suddenly faced 5 people from University A, and he only knocked out one of them before losing control of the toilet.

The director was caught at this position, and the AE members instantly understood the position information of VC.

Speed ​​up directly from University A, and occupy the package point.

Although S1mple and the kid cut four heads together in the follow-up firefight back to defense, there was no time to unpack, and they lost the pistol round helplessly.

After losing the pistol round, the score came all the way to 0:3.
The long gun game in the second half came.

VC assigned a big sniper to S1mple in this long gun round, and asked S1mple to take the initiative to find opportunities.

S1mple came to the middle lane at the beginning. Taking advantage of his position, he used a big sniper to make a first kill for the team.

Then returned the package point.

AE still plays at its own pace.

Advance the control map in the early stage and take down the toilet.

But in the process of advancing, they encountered a problem.

That's the superintendent in the toilet.

With the power of one person, the director replaced two in the toilet and disabled one.

At this time, there is still a full minute left in the time above, but there are only two people left in AE, who can only open the guarantee, and VC also got their first point.

With the first point scored, VC also started its own rhythm.

S1mple used a big sniper to try to steal people everywhere, gain an advantage for the team, and create a victory.

The score was quickly tied.

However, after AE paused, they came up with a very good idea.

Since we can't beat you, can't we hide?

They came to two consecutive waves of B-zone fast breaks, which caught Sanji and Xigua off guard.

Although the two of them occasionally performed well in Area B, they were too unstable.

Facing the back-to-defense situation that is always at a disadvantage, even a person like Director S1mple can't stand it.

Under the continuous chasing of points, VC's economy had problems, and in the end it became poorer and poorer, and the economy was even reset.

In the 13th round of the first half, the score above the big screen was 8:4.
Except for the director who gained an advantage in an unconventional front top and won a round for the team, the rest of the rounds were lost.

In this round, S1mple managed to get a big sniper, and took the initiative to go to the B area.

However, AE took advantage of VC's trick of gangsters to kill S1mple with one shot.

After that, they started to go through the process and attack with explosive bombs in area B.

Even if the director returned to the defense in advance, he was forced to fight back by the flashes of light all over the sky.

Lost the round.

S1mple was quick to get his revenge, though.

His final game in the first half still came to the B area.

This time he took a special look in the direction of the bandit's house.

Lucky, who wanted to score twice, was shot in the head by S1mple before he could shoot.

With blood remaining, he was thrown into four fights in the desert and was thrown to death.

It's a pity, with the Hanged Man in the back, he got two kills in a single touch in the sewer, and launched an offensive in Area A.

Faced with this wave of attacks, VC still failed to defend.

The first half came to an end, and the score was fixed at 4:11.

After changing sides in the second half, VC wanted to fight back, but lost the pistol round again.

Relying on Watermelon's breakthrough in the Long Spear Round, they successfully made a pack point and won a round for the team.

Just when they thought the team was about to gradually gain momentum.

Lucky used a half-armor bird sniper, and knocked out the three generals of VC in the early stage. In the end game, they didn't even enter the bunker, and they were killed outside the bunker.

In the subsequent rounds, VC lost the death amusement park without even struggling.

S1mple is very unwilling. In this game, he scored a full 27/2/13 luxury data, but too many of his kills were played when he returned to defense.

And too many endgames failed to win.

On this map, the AE team really showed them what is called suffocating strength.

Facing their back defense, AE really didn't give it a chance.

The gun lines from all angles are full.

He fired at one angle, and another angle immediately came out to help.

5 people played like all of them were playing.

Figure [-] lost to AE, and the game entered a life-and-death situation.

The pressure came to VC.

After going through the side selection, VC won the knife game and can start as the defensive side first.

This is a great result for them.

Because as long as they play well in the early stage, when they switch to the offensive side, their pressure will be much less.

On this map, what they are good at is also formal defense.

In the pistol round, relying on Sanji's performance in the B area, they successfully gained the advantage in the score.

But the problem is that they got the advantage, but they didn't take it away.

From the long gun round, AE put the score into their rhythm.

Although this map is a map that is biased towards fighting.

But for AE, a simple A small turn or a fake hit can be played by them.

At the end of the first half, the score came to 7:8.
Not only did they fail to stabilize their advantage in the first half, they were overtaken by one point. This is definitely not good news for VC.

In the second half, the director of the pistol bureau started to explode. He used a seized usp from University A to flat push and scored a quadruple kill.

As the game time went on, the players on both sides had an unprecedented desire to fight.

The game looked extremely exciting to the audience, and the score kept tearing.

But for VC, the string in his heart is tense.

In a wave of A Xiaoping tweets, Lucky played highlights that most snipers have.

With a big sniper on the slope, he killed all the bandits who came up from Xiao A.

The VC economy exploded, and the breath in my heart did not hold up.

Figure 13 was won by the AE team with a score of 16:[-].

In today's 16-to-8 match, AE won the first quarter-finals seat with the advantage of two maps.

Meng De saw the performance of the players.

They have played very well, basically there is no major problem, and even overall, they have even performed supernormally.

But still let one chase two.


 And at night

(End of this chapter)

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