CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 288 Joy and Sadness in the Lounge

Chapter 288 Joy and Sadness in the Lounge
After three fierce matches, the barrage in the live broadcast of the English stream:
"WFT, what is the origin of this VC, he almost beat AE"

"I was scared to death watching it. If it wasn't for Lucky's operation on the slope, I still feel very suspended"

"Although I'm a GG fan, this game was really exciting to watch, especially the last one. I didn't know who the winner was until the last moment."

"The VC team is really fierce. I look forward to them reaching the quarterfinals. It will be interesting then."

"By the way, none of you pay attention to the stats of VC sniper S1mple?"

"Picture 41 killed [-], this guy is outrageous"

"I just did the math, this guy has killed hundreds of people on three maps."

"I'm a fan of VC, S1mple is too strong, I hope to have a good result"

"Come on, U disk boy!"


AE won the game with one chase and two, and successfully advanced to the quarterfinals with three wins.

For them, this game was really a near miss.

After being scolded by the coach, several people recovered themselves and began to perform.

But they also confirmed one thing in the next two maps, that is, this VC is not weak at all.

Even stronger than they imagined.

Even in the death amusement park in Figure [-], VC's performance is not weak at all.

Especially VC's sniper, S1mple, really impressed them today.

They had never seen such an aggressive sniper, he would grab every possible opportunity.

The whole map seems to be everywhere.

We must know that a normal player is always good at a certain position on a map.

It is because of the habits of the players that many special positions have been given some special names.

For example, on the A1 vase of Lost City in the Desert, another name is "emperor".

It was because Su Xing played too many wonderful kills in this position back then. Everyone knew that Su Xing was here, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The rest of the guys who were given player IDs were in a similar situation.

After all, the game is not the same as the ladder, you can run around.

Everyone has their own responsibilities, and they can always play better in the area they are good at.

But after several consecutive maps, they found that the S1mple didn't have this problem at all.

It seems that he knows every advantageous gun position on the map.

And not one map, but several maps.

This shows that the player named S1mple is at least very familiar with most of the gun positions on today's three game maps.

After this game, they will no longer have a wrong perception of VC.

The VC team also began to enter the list of AE for research.

Lucky took off the sound-isolating earphones and put them on the table.

Although the game put them under a lot of pressure, fortunately they won.

This is a very good result for them.

After the AE team was happy, they started to walk to VC's battle room to shake hands with them.

The VC players were all in a bad mood. After all, it was a pity to lose the game by a small score.

But they can't afford to lose.

They played heartily this time, and felt that they had learned a lot from each other.

The director even felt that he had to go back and review the game, reviewing the things that AE played against them, and some of his own performance on the spot.

Your own level can be greatly improved.

Lucky was also a little surprised by the mentality of everyone in VC, and then he paid attention to it.

A team that can win without arrogance or defeat may be their future enemy.

He looked at Meng De behind everyone, and became more and more curious about the man behind VC.

Because Mengde played in the previous Fog City Major, everyone in the circle knew that there was such an 'MVP' coach.

I have a good appearance and a special style of play. The follow-up audience actually paid a lot of attention to him.

During the transfer period of the last Fog City Major, some people broke the news that a Brazilian team once contacted this coach and wanted to try to make him a star player.

Afterwards, it was definitely gone.

Now they finally know that although this guy's strength is amazing, his ability to lead the team as a coach is even more amazing.

The ability to bring a team without any background to the front line within a year is really outrageous.

"You have a very good coach." Lucky said something in English when shaking hands with S1mple.

The director next to him thanked him and said a sentence of Danish taught by gla1ve, which made Lucky's eyes shine and he liked VC a little more.

Although the strength of this team is difficult to deal with, the players are still very interesting.

He just wanted to share this news with his coach, but found that his coach had already had a good chat with VC's coach.

"What are the coaches talking about? So happy."

After the handshake, everyone in AE returned to their battle room to pack their things, and Lucky also asked casually.

Coach AE said to everyone in surprise: "Do you know?"

"The VC coach can actually speak Danish, and it's very pure. He asked us to arrange a few training games after the offseason, and I agreed."

Meng De didn't know that because of the extra point of being proficient in languages, he had already become the social cow coach of major professional teams.

You must know that it is very difficult to make an appointment for the usual AE training match.

On VC's side, the game was lost, and everyone could only adjust their mood and wait for tomorrow's game.

They are now [-]-[-] with two games left.

As long as they win one of the next two games, they can still advance to the quarterfinals.


Nobita on the commentary seat sighed vaguely:

"It's still a pity, but VC has tried its best. After all, the opponent is the number one in the world. It's very good that they can treat the number one in the world as a desperate situation."

Niu Niu next to him also nodded and said, "It's really regrettable, it's only a few points away, and I feel like I can win if I work harder."

"However, VC still has a chance, so don't worry."

After this fierce game, the audience is also discussing:
"Sasha can't win after so many fights"

"I can't help it. Brother Ji and Watermelon can only be people in Tuyi today."

"Speechless, how do you let the two assistants brush the data?"

"It's hard to calm down, but the strength shown by VC is really strong. I feel that they really have a chance to enter the quarterfinals."

"Looking forward to tomorrow's game."


Although he lost the game, there was not much hostility in the barrage.

VC played brilliantly in this game. Even though they lost, according to the audience, they can really be judged as "a glorious defeat".

And he hasn't been eliminated yet, so he can continue to play.

They are not in a hurry either.


Back in the players' lounge, Meng De and the others had already seen the second team sitting there waiting.

The fidgeting expressions of several people have already told Meng De the result of their game.

gla1ve was silent for a while, then took the initiative to say:

"Coach, please scold me. I didn't lead this team well. I didn't win a single game in the legendary group."

gla1ve is very dissatisfied with his performance. He thinks that even if his strength is not good, at least he has to win the next game.

But today's opponent's performance exceeded their expectations, and their BP did not do well.

Lost both maps.

In this game, gla1ve felt that the strength of the opponent's command was not as strong as his.

However, facing the game of life and death, the mentality of the players fluctuated a little, and they lost a lot of points in the early stage.

kennyS was online throughout the whole process, but he couldn't support it alone, and there was a limit to what he could do alone.

Although the other team members gradually found their sense later, it was already too late in Figure [-].

Picture [-] reached the strong picture on the opposite side, and they even lost to some outrageous little cooperation.

Mengde walked to gla1ve and sat down, then patted his palm.

"This is the punishment, it's over."


gla1ve was stunned, he didn't expect that the coach didn't say a word about him.

"Your ability is very strong, I have always been very clear about this, otherwise I would not take you with me every time I come up with a new tactic, crushing all kinds of things and explaining to you."

"It's because I know that you are an extremely talented conductor, but it's just because of lack of experience for the time being."

"I don't need to lie about this, just like I have never told Xigua about his talent."

"So don't be complacent because of the immediate defeat, and don't stop because of one failure."

"Your future is bright, this is just the beginning for you, it is a process of becoming the front line."

Watermelon shouted from the side: "Coach, I'm still here."

Several people in S1mple also laughed: "Whether you are there or not, the coach will say this."

In fact, they all knew that Meng De was such a person. When it came to the work of the team, once there was a real problem, he would not hide his emotions.

If need be, he can yell at S1mple.

Wu Qiang, who was on the side, was amused by several people, and turned on the video recording function of the camera casually, and began to record some happy scenes of the team.

Watermelon still came over in disbelief and asked, "So coach, am I really not talented?"

Meng De blinked at the watermelon: "Are you sure you can bear the answer?"

Watermelon nodded.

"You are a conductor of effort."

It sounds like a good word, and the optimistic watermelon would have been acceptable.

S1mple next to him gave Xigua a heavy blow.

"High EQ: You're a conductor of effort."

"Low EQ: You're not this material!"


A group of people burst into laughter in the lounge, and Xigua also pretended to chase S1mple and ask for money from him.

The happy scene dilutes the disappointment of losing the game.

Meng De also understood the thoughts of these two live treasures very well, just wanting to make the brothers of the second team happy.

He responded very cooperatively, and everyone laughed very cooperatively.

It looks so harmonious.

But after laughing, they still have to face reality.

Brothers of the second team, they were really eliminated this time.

In the quiet lounge, kennyS sighed.

He, who doesn't usually smoke, inexplicably wants to smoke to vent.

I touched my pocket and found that I happened to have a pack of fruit cigarettes in my pocket when I went out to buy with the little ghost a few days ago.

The two of them planned to smoke for a while.

But he took out one and put it on his mouth, touched his pocket, and looked at his teammates...and found that there was no fire in the whole room, because VC was non-smoking, and they just bought it for fun that day.

Maybe it was because of the disappointment after laughing, maybe it was because of the depression after the game, or maybe it was because it was rare for a non-smoker to find fire, and the accumulated emotions suddenly attacked him.

kennyS clenched his teeth on the cigarette holder, touched gla1ve's team uniform jacket from the side, and covered his face.

He didn't want his teammates to see his ugly expression.

After the laughter stopped, there was only silence in the lounge.

Maybe it took 10 minutes, maybe half an hour, or even longer, before the mood of the group of people in the second team gradually calmed down.

Looking at the situation of the second team, S1mple and others inevitably felt a little sad.

Today's game ended, but they didn't feel much about it. After all, the opponent was number one in the world, and it didn't matter if they lost.

But the second team told them the bloody facts.

The game is brutal.

No matter who you lose to, as long as you lose the game, it is a failure.

This failure, for the first team, this time sounded their alarm.

Looking at the expressions of the team members, Meng De also noticed.

For the first team, this loss may not be a good thing.

The long winning streak has given S1mple and others great confidence.

But when you are too confident, it will make people more or less conceited.

Even if they lost the game today, they didn't feel much.

But the performance of the second team made them deeply feel how painful it is to lose the game.

S1mple took the initiative to break the silence and encouraged his teammates:
"Today, we played in a bit of a hurry in the third game. Tomorrow, I will think of more ways to win the team. Don't be discouraged, and we must win this last game!"

"We must advance to the finals!"

"Yes, you guys work hard! We must enter the quarterfinals!"

"Advance to the finals!"

At this moment, in the lounge of the venue, the morale of VC is booming!


(End of this chapter)

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