CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 289 Is it so exciting to come up?

Chapter 289 Is it so exciting to come up?

No one knew that in the Katowice lounge, S1mple and others had a new understanding of their attitude towards the game.

Even then they still have the right to 'lose a game'.

But they intend to play the next game as the last game.

However, their opponents will not relax because of this attitude of VC.

The game still has to rely on strength to play, if the strength is not enough.

They still lose games, it has nothing to do with the attitude of the game.

After today's game, they also know that the strength of the first-line team will not be that simple.

Just like AE, they are not good at Lost City, and even what they play on this map can be said to be clumsy.

But the performance of the latter two maps is beyond the reach of VC.

At the end of the third day of the game, the cruel Major has eliminated a number of teams, which aroused discussions among the audience, and fans of these teams also felt very sad.

But the result is the result, they were eliminated after all.

The audience will eventually focus on these teams that are still fighting.

VC failed to advance to the championship group with a complete victory, which made many viewers feel embarrassed, but it is also understandable.

After all, the number one in the world is not so easy to win.

The vast majority of passers-by and fans can express their understanding, but some little blacks can't wait to jump out.

"I said that VC is actually puffy, and it will be exposed as soon as it meets a real strong team."

"The picture is a big score and I am smiling, and my heart is full of MMP"

"Still AE is strong, the point control is really good"

Some fans rebutted with them, but Heizi didn't care if what they said was correct.


The next day.

Katowice UFO Stadium.

According to their usual habits, VC came to the venue early to wait.

The Major competition is very cruel, no matter from the competition system or from the competition group.

In a Major qualifier last year, a Swedish guy lost his qualification for the game because he overslept during the game.

Even if he's only a few minutes late.

But the Major's tournament group ruthlessly disqualified them.

As professional players, they must not only play well in the game, but also be prepared to deal with emergencies off the court.

Because it was still early, everyone had a rest in the afternoon.

Meng De took everyone to watch today's opponent's video.

Because they were in the same big group, they lost to AE yesterday.

In the match between the GG team next door and the Angry Bear team, it was the GG team that won.

The two winning teams, GG and AE, successfully won the quarterfinals.

The two teams of the loser's bracket directly met each other.

According to the comments of netizens.

VC once won GG on the last day of the challenger group.

And GG won the angry bear in yesterday's game.

So VC>GG>Rage Bear.

But the audience is just teasing, because they also know that in most games, it depends on how the players perform and the map they choose.

It is not advisable to look at strength on paper alone.

When it comes to the actual game, it depends on the state and preparation of both sides.

After Meng De took the team members to watch a game video, he stopped analyzing.

As players, they only need to take a look at the opponent's style of play and have a general impression.

Otherwise, if you read too much, it is inevitable that there will be problems of over-research.

At that time, they will have a lot of thoughts about making decisions, but most of them will not get benefits.

Only 5 people came to the lounge today, all members of the second team were eliminated, and they chose to rest in the hotel.

The empty lounge made S1mple and others a little uncomfortable.

They remembered the pain of the second team yesterday, and they paid more and more attention to this game in their hearts.

After a while, under the reminder of the competition referee, they began to prepare to enter the arena with their peripherals.


"Then let us congratulate this Finnish ice skate team for breaking through the cold wave, winning this crucial game with crushing strength, and successfully advancing to the quarterfinals!" Coke in the commentary summed up the previous game.

At the end of a long game, Taro next to him was relieved.

He seized the time to take a sip of water, moistening his throat that was about to smoke.

Immediately after taking the lead, he continued:
"After the first game is over, today's highlight will be the next one. The strongest team from our Asia will face the Angry Bear team from the Commonwealth of Independent States!"

"At this stage of the legendary group, the two teams currently have a 2-1 record. Yesterday, VC lost to the Danes by a small score, which is a bit embarrassing."

"But today's game, I think they still have a great chance of winning."

At this time, the on-site director also released the data of the players of both sides in due course.

Among them, the most eye-catching thing is the performance of the big brothers of the two teams.

"Good guy, this S1mple's rating is outrageous, 1.39." Coke couldn't help shaking his head, "Sasha's stats are as exaggerated as ever."

"Although I lost a game yesterday, Sasha's performance in the entire Major is still as stable as ever." Taro added, "There is no doubt that he has stepped into the ranks of the world's top snipers. Today's game , in addition to winning or losing, how many kills he can get is also a point of concern to me."

The data of Angry Bears is actually not bad, but their best player, Angle, only has a 1.22 event rating.

It is only a few tenths higher than the director, which is obviously not enough in comparison.

Even so, no one can underestimate the angry bear.

After all, the overall data of VC is somewhat extreme.

To put it simply, there are three greens and two reds.

And what about Angry Bear?They are a rare all-green record.

Everyone's rating has passed 1.

Although the ratings of the other four players are only in the early 1s, this also shows that their strength is very stable throughout the Major.

The shot is shown in VC's battle room.

Meng De took the tactical paper and glanced at it casually. What should be said before the game has already been said.

The director grabbed his hair, Sanji kept moving the position of his keyboard, and they all looked a little unnatural.

"What's the matter, are you nervous?"

Meng De asked casually.

The director shook his head, but he didn't feel that there was anything to be nervous about.

Sanji nodded: "I'm really a little nervous. Thinking of the results of the brothers in the second team, I feel very sad."

S1mple took off his shoes, found a comfortable sitting position on the gaming chair, and said, "Then shoot me today, and watch me lead you into the championship group."

Mengde also felt it. Although S1mple sounded a little swollen, the firmness in his words told others that he was serious.

For today's game, he intends to treat it with a more serious attitude.

"It's really nothing to be nervous about. I still say the same thing and play with confidence." Meng De patted Sanji on the shoulder. He wanted to continue to comfort him, but he was reminded that the BP was about to start.

Meng De went to find the opponent's coach to guess punches.

His box-guessing skills were as good as ever, and he lost the first round of the game.

After he returned to the battle room, the BP of this game officially began.

Angry Bear got the first class right, and they sent the train away first.

Meng De pondered for a while, and chose to carry away the death amusement park where the team did not perform well yesterday.

Although their map is not considered weak, they just experienced a disastrous defeat yesterday, and the team members will inevitably feel a little intimidated.

It was Angry Bear's turn to choose, and without much thought, they took the Scorching Sand City.

S1mple was a little unconvinced when he saw the opponent's choice: "Do they think we are weak on this map?"

Losing to AE yesterday is a lack of strength, but if you really think that Sha Er is weak, then you are wrong!

"Then show them your strength." Mengde encouraged perfunctorily.

He looked at the few remaining maps behind him, and he had a hard time making a decision.

Because the Angry Bear is also a team that is good at Lost City in the Desert, he is very clear about the opponent's plan. He just wants to force VC to choose this map so that he can have an extra map that he is good at.

But Meng De couldn't just be taken advantage of by the opponent on the map so easily.

He opened his mouth and asked: "I want to put the Lost City in picture three, the town and nukes choose one."

Watermelon said: "Nuke, on the other side Nuke has a very low winning rate."

The conductor spoke up, and the others didn't have any comments.

Not to mention for S1mple, it doesn't matter which map he has, he is a true all-rounder.

Meng De nodded and chose nuke, which is the nuclear crisis.

It's a pity that Nuxiong didn't earn the map, but the goal is very clear.

Send away the mystery of the dead city directly.

VC also banned Purgatory Town.

So today's BO3 game map is officially released:
Figure [-]: Hot Sand City

Figure [-]: Nuclear Crisis

Figure [-]: Lost City in the Desert

After the BP link is over, players start to enter the server in Figure [-], and the game officially begins.

Map: Burning Sand City

T: Angle, fw, Dani, oiki, Hole
CT: S1mple, XIGUA, somebody, Twistzz, sanji
At the beginning of the pistol round, compared with the conventional default style of play, the position of VC in this round is not very popular.

Because the closest body to University A is Sanji standing.

It is not appropriate to force Sanji to go to A University.

So S1mple suggested: "If it doesn't work, let's go up to Xiao A and put two people up."

"I'll do it," said the kid.

Then at the beginning, the little ghost came to the double jump A's position, and put both the director and S1mple on it.

They decided to top A minor, and the control of A major was naturally given up.

Watermelon in the middle lane also took a look at S1mple when passing the point.

"None of them jumped into the secret passage, be careful on both sides."

After speaking, he ran to B to supplement the defensive force in area B.

If he is too close to the middle gate and can't make clear with the opponent, the lonely guard B Sanji can't withstand the impact of speeding up alone.

His move made several commentators breathe a sigh of relief:

"Fortunately, the watermelon was in place in time, otherwise the four of the angry bears would gather in area B, and a Sanji alone would not be able to withstand the pressure."

After the two went to Elementary A, they didn't press forward together, and the director helped S1mple watch over B1.
And S1mple pushed out before raising the gun, wanting to see the information outside door A.

S1mple looked in the direction of door A with a small body, and did not see anyone at first glance.

However, he didn't search on the surface, but continued to zoom out to see the position of the oil barrel on the left.

He searched this point very carefully, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually stand on top of the oil barrel.

He tried to shake his head when the preview was wrong, but the opponent's head line was better than S1mple.

A close-range Glock hit S1mple in the head, and the first kill was born.

The CT at the front of VC was killed, and the group of people in the B channel immediately speeded up, trying to take control of the middle lane.

The director seized the opportunity of the other party to speed up, and shot continuously at Xiao A, knocking off the bag bandit's head, and also disabled a person who came to pick up the bag.

"Don't be greedy for guns, don't be greedy for guns." The dead S1mple turned into the spring commander and began to remind the director.

The director also knew that there was someone on his left, and after finishing a magazine, he withdrew to the packing point and did not continue to stay in A small.

This wave can return one head, and also know the location of the thunder bag, which is already very good.

Spring Commander S1mple took over the command:

"The opponent, A, didn't come out. They should want to fight a wave of A and clip A. Watermelon, you can move to the A area appropriately."

"Director, try to release platform A, let the other party order it, let's go and take down platform A together."

Following S1mple's order, everyone in the VC team started their own actions.

Although S1mple's command may not be particularly good, but his strong consciousness can bring a very good vision to VC.

The director and the kid walked towards University A together in a group.

The first time the pair pulled out, they didn't find the enemy.

The kid started to walk towards the big pit, while the director swayed around the corner.

They trust S1mple's judgment.

Soon, a bandit appeared in the director's field of vision.

He fired a few shots in a row, then slipped away towards the bunker.

He has done what he should do, and whether he can get the kill next depends on the kid himself.

"The director and the little devil know that there is a bandit in University A. Although the three of Nuxiong are all assembled in A, they still have a smoke and a fire. It should be a wave of A Xiaoping pushing."

"In that case, it depends on the director's marksmanship."

"At present, he is the only one facing A's bandits. Whether he can withstand the first wave of offensive is the key to this pistol round."

A few bandits from Little A searched the vicinity to make sure they were in a safe place, and began to throw away a small cigarette from A's scalp, and added another pack to light the fire.

The director was originally standing at the bag site, but the fire forced him to change his position and move to the slope.

He missed the best opportunity to confront the enemy with this move, and when he turned his head around, he saw a bandit jumping down.

"The director is going to arrest you!" Watermelon announced loudly, and also shot frantically from a long distance with the USP, trying to help the director out of trouble.

For attacks from two angles, the director can only face one side first.

Two people on the platform, one below... Of course, the persimmons have to be picked softly.

The director found an angle with the usp, and shot the bandit below continuously, and finally the last bullet hit the bandit's head.

"The director scored twice and got the second kill. He knocked out the enemy who jumped the policeman's house, and the two people on the bunker came over." Coke became nervous. At this moment, the bullet in the director's pistol There are only a few rounds, and if you don't start, you may not even be able to kill any of them.

"They know that if the director is not dealt with, this pistol round is useless."

The director knew that his situation was a bit difficult. The little ghost was entangled with the enemies of University A, and he couldn't help him for the time being.

Now all he can rely on is himself.

The director listened to the footsteps, and the sight was placed where the slope was pulled out.

He had to set up the front line so that he could drop one in a short time before he had bullets to exchange fire with the other person.

Yuyuan's tone was a bit worried: "The director's pistol only has 10 bullets, one, two! The bandits pulled out by the two points were all killed by him in seconds!"

He was stunned, what is this frame pulling the gun.

"He even turned around to help the little ghost shoot the bandit from University A, so that the little ghost also knocked out the bandit from University A."

"Is the director so exciting?" Coke smiled in surprise, "He got a quadruple kill in the pistol round, and his hand immediately became hot!"

S1mple next to him watched and shook his head, he held out his fist and touched the director.

"Did you take your medicine today, this pistol round looks like a hang-up."

The director chewed gum calmly: "I stretched my hips yesterday, so I have to call back today anyway."

"Looks like this angry bear is going to suffer~"

(End of this chapter)

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