CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 297 Advance to the Championship Group!

Chapter 297 Advance to the Championship Group! (4.8K)


After being chased for points, VC finally got their first point of the second half.

The team members also breathed a sigh of relief, although the situation did not improve much.

But at least they are starting to score points, which is a very good start.

Several people cheered in the battle room, and the usually silent director turned into an atmosphere group. If it was a real bar, with his appearance, he would definitely be the focus of the dance floor.

But although this is not a bar, the performance of the director still inspires his teammates.

The pressure in the team is gradually decreasing, and Meng De, who is playing crossword puzzles behind, is also relieved.

After all, they passed this hurdle by themselves, so the problems in the next game will be much smaller.

Although the opponent would not be discouraged by this point, their point really broke the opponent's winning streak.

And the score is getting closer and closer to the match point. Every time they get a point, the pressure on Nuxiong's mentality will be greater.

After all, VC has the advantage of a map.

They can even have this mentality, even if they lose this map, it's just a restart in map three.

Picture [-] Desert Lost City is not only your strong picture of Angry Bear, but also my strong picture of VC.

We are not afraid to play picture three with you.

Watermelon told everyone this statement while cheering, and their mentality really changed.

Because the current situation is very bad for the angry bear.

VC won Figure [-], and there is still a chance for fault tolerance.

But the angry bear is gone, and if you lose this map, the angry bear will be completely finished.

They will enter the game on the next last day to fight for the last few tickets to the quarterfinals.

Even if there is still a chance to advance on the last day, at that time, after several days of losing streak and exhaustion, they will definitely not be able to play their due demeanor.

No one likes to put their winning cards in the hands of luck, no one.

"Everyone, don't relax. It's just these last few points. If we stabilize our mentality, we will advance to the quarterfinals." After winning another round, Meng De added when he was bumping fists with his players.

"Don't worry, we will definitely not mess around in the last few minutes." S1mple gave Mengde an accurate answer.

But sometimes, it's not that they don't want to fight randomly, so the situation will not go wrong.

In the second half of the second half, not only did VC start to score points, Angry Bear also relied on his own understanding of nuke to start playing tactics with VC.

Their tactics worked miraculously in a few rounds, but VC's lead in the score finally brought the game to the match point first.

15: 12.
This score indicates that VC will face the angry bear's dying counterattack next, and must defend the next three rounds.

If you fail to defend, the game will enter overtime.

The match point had arrived, and Nuxiong was anxious, so he ordered a timeout to start the discussion.

Meng De also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he got a huge advantage in the first half, otherwise it might be VC who was cornered now.

"Everyone, be careful. This round may have to be unconventional. Be careful of sudden speed increases." Meng De reminded everyone.

Although he has said this word countless times, there is no big mistake in being careful.

"How about we push back?" S1mple suggested.

"I think it's better to play safe." The director thought for a while, "It's not very easy to fight from the front on this map. If we want to fight from the front, we'd better go from both sides."

"But we can't cooperate with both sides. Once there is a mistake on one side, it will be very uncomfortable."

The director didn't think it was too radical, but given the current situation, he was afraid that there would be problems.

"It is true that it is difficult for us to cooperate in this situation. Otherwise, the field director should go out and try to get more information." The kid suggested.

VC's tactics are like this. Once Xigua has no specific ideas, everyone discusses them. If there are any good ideas, they will cooperate with them.

Of course, this is also based on the fact that they have a fixed system and will play the most basic sets of default bombs and their variants.

You can go a long way by relying on personal ability, but the road alone will not be very long.

Angry Bear's timeout soon ended, and Meng De also shut up again, looking at the players' screens with anticipation.

They are only a short distance away from the Major championship group——

1 score!

"Brothers, to be honest, I'm a little excited. How many years have passed? How many years have we not been a Major offline team?" Coke seemed to be asking a question, but also making a statement.

He has been paying attention to CSGO since the early days, and he is regarded as the earliest commentator at the veteran level.

In the past few years, he has never had any idea about domestic CSGO. After all, it is as bad as football.

But in the past year, Mengde's strong rise with the VC team really gave them hope.

They really think that the domestic CSGO system is up and capable of producing talents.

Instead of the genius boy who "practices more cooking" like before.

He loves CSGO very much, and he really hopes that our domestic team can stand on top of the world and truly let the world know.

Huaxia still has capable people!

"Advancing to the quarterfinals only needs this last point." Taro Yuan also added.

"But both sides of the match point have a lot of money in their hands, and they can play a long gun round."

"Next, I hope that VC can work hard and successfully enter the championship group."

Although their usual games are relatively neutral, but during the Major period, who would care about explaining their only seedling?

As Meng De expected, Angry Bear chose to play an unconventional one this round.

But this unconventional does not mean that the speed will be increased directly at the first time.

They are planning to make a fuss in the second time. They lose the first round of smoke in the outfield at the beginning of the round, and leave a person behind to do things.

Then, they plan to use the smoke bombs of B pass to hit a wave in a targeted manner.

After giving a line of smoke in the outfield at the beginning, the director threw a torch to destroy the smoke.

But he didn't go to set up the smoke bomb, but quietly walked slowly to the sniper position in the outfield, and then shrank under the oil tank.

"I can't get the information on the other side for the time being. If S1mple can, you can take a look." The director asked S1mple for help.

S1mple, who was on the third floor, turned his head and came to the glass room after hearing the words, directly holding the smoke bomb that was destroyed by the director.

If someone wants to step down K1 before playing, his big sniper will teach him to be a man.

But after standing for a few seconds, he didn't fail to get the kill.

The director on the other side also took advantage of the fact that the smoke was about to disperse, and slowly moved forward.

Angle was really unlucky after being cut off in the outfield. He stood for a long time and saw no one was pressing forward. He just cut his knife and climbed up the stairs. He planned to give a round of props in the infield and help the teammate of B pass to pull the police in A area. live.

But suddenly, bullets came mercilessly from behind, and the director got the first kill.

But the director couldn't laugh, because the trigger on his side had stopped, but gunshots rang out from the iron plate on the other side.

He immediately opened his mouth to remind his teammates, but as before, the other party was no longer the angry bear who was very procrastinating. Their thinking was clear and their decisions were decisive.

At the moment when the director pressed Angle down, B Tong's bandits began to press forward.

Although S1mple had expected it, the exchange of fire here came too fast, and he was persuaded to retreat by the fire before he got the gun position.

As always, Sanji planned to use delaying tactics, but the opponent's flying dragon rode on the face and chased directly to the face.

He only had smoke in his hand, but Hole's mad dog breakthrough did not give him a chance to catch smoke.

M4A1 against AK47, after all, the bandits' weapons do more damage.

S1mple on the other side forcibly grabbed a timing, and peeked out at the last second when he stepped on the fire.

His idea was good, his marksmanship and reaction were very good, which allowed him to successfully get the kill.

But fw made a crucial shot on the iron slope, and Kong picked S1mple who wanted to jump back.

The situation has come to 3 vs 3.
The director and his teammates will join forces and return to the defense from the pipeline together.

They discussed it and planned to fight from two angles: the trap door and the dead door.

But as soon as Xigua and the director arrived at the gate of death, they saw a fire thrown in.

The thunderbags had been dropped, and their time was being stalled.

Finally, during the test, they determined that the other two were hiding on the iron plate, and the remaining one did not know the exact location.

"There is not much time. Although there are lightning clamps, we must start to attack."

"The director pulled out from the dead door, and first killed a hole on the right side of the iron plate. This preview is simply picturesque." Coke's eyes lit up, and the director's big pull relieved a lot of pressure on the VC .

A 3 on 3 situation becomes a 3 on 2.
The watermelon with thunderclaws threw a cigarette directly into the world bag, pretending to help seduce.

The other person on the iron plate was really fooled, and immediately pulled out to make trouble.

The little devil who came out of the trap won this wave of gunfire, and now only the last person's position is unknown.

"But the kid didn't look at the dead spot under the control room. The bandits pulled out and killed the defenseless kid!"

"The director pulled over to fill up the gun, delaying the watermelon."

"But the director was killed by him, and the watermelon is still being dismantled, can it be dismantled?"

"It was dismantled... Alas, it was almost there!" Coke was extremely distressed, "What kind of luck is this, can this one get mixed up in the smoke?"

He really vomited. You must know that Watermelon deliberately found an angle.

It's understandable that the director's feet were seen, but what the hell is this shooting and diverting smoke!
He couldn't understand, and didn't want to understand.

They were so close to the top eight just now, but they were blocked at the door just a few tenths of a second away.

Although there were still two rounds, Coke's heart began to worry.

Because this feeling makes him very bad, and VC's economy is not very good.

After losing this round, they may not have enough money in the next round of spear rounds.

Seeing that her partner was in a bad mood, Yuyuan next to her said comfortingly:

"It's okay. It's a pity to lose this round, but the VC players played well. There is still a chance in the future."

"Come on, VC!"


The cheers from next door reached the ears of the VC players through the earphones.

They were not in a good mood. Just now S1mple and others had raised their hands high, but the slightest loss was something they did not expect.

"My fault, my fault." The director blamed himself, "If I could press forward earlier, maybe I wouldn't have to play this return defense."

Watermelon didn't agree with this idea, and shook his head: "The problem is not with you, we were a little bit out of luck."

Normally, a few people might refute, but in the last round, they were really unlucky.

"Fortunately, we still have the economy." This may be one of the few good news.

"I'll bring the situation back, trust me," said the director.

"So how do you want to play this round?" S1mple asked, he planned to play in the infield this round.

"I'll keep pushing, give me a flash if I can," said the director.

S1mple nodded, and then said: "Let me give it, you take the initiative, trust us, it was just a mistake just now, play according to our own rhythm, we will definitely win today!"

After discussing with each other, several people started to walk to their places.

The director's front-top actually got an advantage in the last round, but their other side didn't withstand the pressure.

At 1 minute and 55 seconds, everyone set off from the resurrection point.

The director rushed to the outfield first, and with the help of a flash from S1mple, he rushed out directly.

He himself gave a sniper Lei Lei, and the forward pressure in the last round was relatively conservative.

This round he planned to be more aggressive, but suddenly he found that the opponent didn't keep anyone in the outfield!

He knew something was wrong, and immediately said in the voice:

"Be careful, they didn't let anyone out!"

This information is very important, and the director also started to press quietly towards the bandit hall.

But after the opponent finished the item exchange in the infield immediately, they started to go through the process with VC.

And this wave of tactics came prepared, the opponent's flash made S1mple and others unable to open their eyes.

S1mple was aiming at the iron gate before his eyes were blank, so he shot directly at the iron gate, knocked out one, and was also replaced by the opponent.

Listening to the flashing sound on the third floor, although the director knew that there were many people in the field, he was not in a hurry.

In this situation, once he is exposed, all the previous concealment will be in vain.

"There was a wave of bombs in the infield, and VC faced a sudden attack, but only managed 3 for 2. This is not good news."

"But the director touched the gang hall at some point, can he seize the opportunity?"

Hole breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the site A that had been captured by his teammates.

If they won this round, but the opponent's economy is insufficient in the next round, they can still drag the game into overtime.

Hole took the thunderbag down the stairs from Bandit Three, but just entered the yellow room, but was startled.

"Why is there a policeman here!"

No one could answer his question, and Director M4 killed him with two headshots.

And immediately put on the AK47 that Hole dropped.

"The director beat back the number disadvantage and knocked down the thunder bag!" Yuyuan's voice was rising, "It seems that there is still a chance! This thunder bag can be defended!"

Coke, who was already listless next to him, also got excited: "Director, don't worry, wait a minute, brother chicken, just hold on to this thunder bag."

The director actually knows about this problem, he just needs to hold on to this thunder bag.

But the premise of doing this is that he must be able to defend the mine bag.

The position of Lei Bao is very awkward. In the yellow room, he needs to set up a super wide angle to see it in the direction of B-way alone.

Sanji's position is on the third floor, and it will take some time for the defense to come over.

The director was a little nervous, and chewed gum faster, trying to ease it.

He knew that keeping the bag might be the safest way, but it was definitely not the way he had to use.

In the eyes of the audience, the director rushed out of the yellow room with an AK47 in his hand, going forward without hesitation!

Angle and fw had made this bunker together, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of speed-up has an advantage, which is definitely exciting.

Only by winning this endgame, the next game will be much easier.

However, the movement from the bandit hall told them.

The thunder bag was destroyed, and the initiative was lost!
Angle immediately turned around to go to see the yellow room, and knocked out the director.

Otherwise, it would be bad news for the two policemen to reconcile.

But he never expected that the director would take the initiative to attack.

When he saw the director pulling out, he immediately stopped and wanted to fight back.

But his emergency stop was too hasty, and the director was holding an AK47, so the first bullet hit him precisely on the head.

Angle announced loudly: "The yellow room is out, the yellow room is out!"

He felt a little uneasy, the situation was originally very impressive.

no way...

After hearing his words, fw turned to look at Huang Fang.

The director who got the advantage was unreasonable and pulled out again.

The director didn't catch any timing, but this kill made him play confidently.


"The director actually took the initiative to attack. He first found trouble on the opposite side. Angle was instantly caught by him, but he didn't know the location of fw!"

"The director pulls to find someone, and fw also turns around, the brave one wins when we meet in a narrow way!"

The picture at this moment seems to be played frame by frame, and the domestic audience watched the game very nervously.

People from the two camps looked at each other, and bullets kept flying out of the guns.

The blood on the two of them crazily surged.

But as sparks appeared from the bandits' heads, they knew that today's game was officially over.

Angle borrowed a mask from next door and put it on, he couldn't believe the end result.

"Director, my Superman! He took the initiative to attack and beat the other party!"

"The picture freezes at this moment, 16:13."

"In our own selection, we were safe in the end and won the game!"

"The victory in picture 3 also officially announces that today's BO[-] will be won by VC!"

"Their record in the legendary group has also reached 3-1, according to the rule of three wins to advance..."

"VC entered the quarterfinals!"

 It's over [-] today, ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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