CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 298 2 Brush Clowns

Chapter 298
When the last kill appeared, VC got the 16th point in the second picture.

Angle found himself eerily calm, a scene he'd expected so early in today's game.

It's just that at that time, he didn't believe in the scene he seemed to see in his mind.

He twisted his body, slightly moving his body that was too rigid due to excessive concentration.

In the camera, he looks like a grizzly bear rubbing against a tree.

However, even though he had expected it in his heart, the loss in the grizzly's heart was still unavoidable.

Today, VC stepped on them to the stage of the championship group, and came to the place where the real strong players gather under the Major line.

And they still need to participate in tomorrow's game to compete for the final qualification.

He has tried his best in this game. As the loser, his statistics are even at the forefront of this game, which already shows a big problem.

He fully recognized the strength of the team and looked around at his teammates.

He came up with an answer in his mind:
"My third Major trip may come to an end here."

The cheers from next door were so unreconciled.


"Director, my Superman!"

Seeing that the game was won, Xigua took off his earphones, put him on the table, and started cheering again.

The value of this earphone is more expensive than they imagined. If they are not careful, half a month's salary will be lost.

Although they successfully qualified for the championship group, everyone found them surprisingly calm.

Maybe it's the improvement of self-awareness, maybe it's the self-confidence that the long-term victory has brought them.

They didn't think how difficult today's game would be.

S1mple got up next to him, gearing up: "Finally we have reached the stage where there are spectators."

Although the intensity of the games these days is very high, they have always been played in the backstage battle room, which made him feel uncomfortable as a "crazy man".

Sometimes I still can't get up.

"Don't scare the audience of Cato." Meng De's voice came from behind several people.

After winning the game, he was naturally happier.

He himself agrees with S1mple's statement.

There is a huge gap between CSGO offline games and online games.

One of the most influential factors is the audience.

People are emotional animals, and the emotions of the audience will make a player, or even a team, explode with unprecedented strength.

Just like basketball and football in traditional sports, both have home court advantage.

Because in offline games, there are encouragement from your own fans and boos from the enemy fans.

When the players are put into the battlefield of offline competitions, the audience will become a special 'amplifier', making those players with strong psychological qualities stronger.

And those with poor psychological quality will also expose their true colors.

"Hmph, funny." S1mple tilted his mouth disdainfully, "I will definitely make the whole venue cheer for me then!"

"I'm also looking forward to your performance." Mengde smiled from behind.

He didn't lie, and he didn't comfort the players.

He was really looking forward to it. You must know that there are two crazy big players in the first team.

He is very much looking forward to them shining their light in the eyes of the world this time.

Moreover, they have already broken VC's own historical achievements, and every step they take next is to add bricks and tiles to VC's achievements.

They are standing on the road to achieve their best results.

"Come on, let's shake hands."

Meng De said happily.


"... It can be seen that the unlucky Angle is unlucky again. After the battle with GG, they did not win the subsequent games as expected, but encountered a very difficult opponent. They After all, they still lost this game, but they still have one last chance..."

Li Tu stopped writing here. Although he is also in Katowice, he did not conduct an offline interview today.

Because he thinks it may not be a particularly good time to interview VC players now.

The most important thing is that Li Tu believes that VC will not fall in this promotion competition. He believes that VC can go further.

Although there may be fans' eyes, Li Tu really thinks that this promotion battle of the legendary group is just an ordinary BO3 for VC.

It's that simple.

The VC on the big screen has already shaken hands with the angry bears.

After losing the game, the Angry Bear group was not so entangled.

Although they lost, the emotions they showed were at least worthy of losing.

They don't want to lose the game and lose, that would be too ugly.

But he soon saw that when Angle shook hands with S1mple, he said a few words to him with a ferocious expression.

It looked like he was talking harshly, but S1mple on the other side smiled happily.

Seeing this, Li Tu also smiled.

He cut out the word next to him and continued typing on the keyboard.

"...Different from the aggressiveness in the game, VC communicated with the opponent very friendly after the game. There are even rumors that VC's coach MD is a professional courtesan, but it doesn't matter, because today's game was won, The following CS history in China, and even CS history in Asia, will start a new chapter!"


Wang Yuning sent his daughter to kindergarten early in the morning, and he had no other arrangements after returning home.

If you insist, of course there are arrangements.

For example, go to the supermarket to buy some vegetables, and wash the dishes for breakfast.

There hasn't been a day off in the past month, and it's hard to take a day off. He doesn't want to ruin a good day on such trivial things.

Bored, he was thinking about playing a few ranked matches to relax.

At this moment, he saw a group of people in his wechat group chatting non-stop.

In normal times, apart from yelling that there is nothing to do, the frequency of chatting in this group is quite small.

Wang Yuning opened it as usual, intending to see what happened.

Old Hei: This VC played beautifully, just like this, we won the game
366: If you want me to say, it's just that the angry bear can't do it, and the fight is too smooth
Old Hei: Angry bears can’t do it, you can do it, you little blackie, you’re in the top 16, why didn’t you see you?
These words hit 366's pain point. Before he came back, he wanted to play one last time, but he didn't expect to lose to his teammates in the end, and the whole team was disbanded.

This matter was ridiculed by Lao Hei for a long time.

Wang Yuning didn't try to persuade the fight, he knew it was the habit of the two of them, and they weren't really angry.

However, the content of the discussion made Wang Yuning a little behind-the-scenes.

"VC has advanced to the quarterfinals?"

I just found out about this too, because he has been too busy recently because of work.

Basically no time to watch the game.

"This is a bit strong..." Wang Yuning casually browsed the forum for a while, and found that almost the entire CSGO forum was swiped by this news.

Most of the domestic players are very excited. After all, this is a new level of domestic CSGO except for Wang Yuning and others in ancient times.

Although based on his analysis of VC's strength, they have a high probability of reaching the top 8 this time, but after reaching the top 8, the domestic audience's discussion still surprised him a bit.

He turned on the computer, opened the ranger platform, and prepared to call a few guys in the group to play for a while.

But just after opening the platform, I saw a big banner pulled out from the middle of the screen:

"Warmly congratulate the VC team for successfully reaching the quarter-finals of the Katowice Major!"

"Is it such a card?"

Wang Yuning was a little dumbfounded, but also a little envious.

If their CSGO could have this popularity and attention back then.

Will their ACE team survive?
The answer he doesn't know, and never will know.


"Our big VC is really strong, the angry bear is almost powerless to fight back!"

"It's been expected for a long time, okay, GG has been beaten, but Angry Bear can't do it?"

"You can't say that. GG's strength fluctuates. I will believe even if I lose to Sixi Wanzi."

"Too much"

"Haha." In the hotel, the little ghost swiped his phone and smiled happily.

When he saw these domestic comments, he was really happy.

After all, no one can refuse other people's compliments on themselves, and many of their professional brothers come to the game, it's not for this feeling.

"What are you looking at, so happy?" In the same room, Broky moved over from the sofa.

"Like what you learned, how about surfing the forum?" The little devil replied without looking up.

"You slandered me!" Broky didn't accept the label.

The few people next to him laughed 'humming' when they heard this. Broky likes to watch others boast, which is almost a well-known thing.

As an eliminated player, he was actually very boring these days.

But again, they were happy that a team of brothers won.

It's just that when they browsed the forum today, when they felt proud, they also felt more and more insufficient in strength.

After all, the players who are also VCs have already been eliminated, while the first team is still moving forward.

The gap is still huge.

But they also know that this is the first time they have participated in a Major, and it is not bad to be able to play to this level.

"Who do you think will be able to advance today?" Broky asked boredly.

"Raging Bear, I find it difficult." The director replied, "If they want to win, someone has to stand up and help Angle."

"Nuxiong can't stand alone on his own. The way forward for a single-core team is too slim."

gla1ve took a piece of data and added: "The problem with the Angry Bears is that they have comprehensive strength, but they are not strong."

"So the Angry Bear has fallen into a strange circle. I heard some rumors that Angle is about to transfer after the game."

S1mple was gnawing on an apple: "It's not rumors, it's definitely going to happen."

"When he shook hands last night, he told me that he would definitely win me next time, with a new attitude."

"A new attitude?" gla1ve pondered for a while, "Then it's probably a transfer, so what did you answer him?"

"Of course I don't care, I don't think he can beat me if he changes teams." S1mple spread his hands.

S1mple is always so confident, even a bit conceited.

But his character is such that in this game, he only felt some pressure in the latter part of the game.

These pressures are nothing to fear for him.

Besides, Angle will find a better team, and their VC will also become stronger.

"YSG is expected to advance, and this team is quite interesting." S1mple added.

The gla1ve next to him didn't talk, and didn't want to talk.

Everyone had roughly the same point of view. Today is the first day of the end of the VC legend group's schedule, and it is also an important reason why they can chat here so easily.

After today's game is over and the groupings of all the games appear, they will start to study their opponents and prepare for the next game.

A day passed quickly.

The result was not beyond their expectations, and the angry bear did not grasp the chance of the final promotion.

Instead, they were smashed into pieces by tanks from Germany, and even scored 12 points in the two maps, with no power to fight back.

On the other side, after a round of fierce battles, YSG also suppressed the wild lion brought by the last MVP.

In this way, the members of the championship group all made their way out.

They are YSG and AE from Denmark respectively.

The Frost Wave team from Finland...

Brazil's samba team...

German tanks...

China's VC...

EU's GG...

It can be said that the world's top group of people all gathered here.

After dinner, the VCs assembled again in the living room of the hotel room.

All the people have found their own positions, each doing well.

"Brother Qiang, turn on the projector." Meng De's voice came from the room.

"Open." Following Wu Qiang's answer, the projected image gradually appeared on the screen.

They gathered together today, and the reason they are all here is to watch the draw of the finals.

For the first team, the next grouping determines how far they can go to a certain extent.

If the guests who drew lots were awake again, they would almost not have to fight.

Because this time there is no second team to back them up.

Fortunately, today's guest is not Su Xing, but an official producer of CSGO.

However, everyone is not particularly interested in this, they are more concerned about the result of the lottery.

"I don't ask you to come to a good lottery, but please don't come to such an outrageously difficult one!" Watermelon prayed beside him.

The grouping of the second team when they met their opponents in the legendary group really scared them.

Play AE first, then AKA.

Let the second team, which was still a little strong, stop directly.

Therefore, in the absence of dominance-level strength, a good grouping can play a very important role.

Today's lottery draw is different from last time. This time, a sticker is used, which adopts the pattern of scratching the sticker.

Very much in line with the characteristics of CSGO.

I saw the lottery staff take one out of the box, and then tear off the black film on the sticker...

"It's just the big boss? What's the matter?" Broky was startled beside him.

"Give me a chance, don't do it!"

At this moment, the other seven teams are praying.

In the knockout stage, there is no fault tolerance rate at all, it is a BO3 to determine the outcome.

So for those who are unlucky, the road ahead may come to an end.

"The Germans are unlucky." S1mple laughed.

I saw that the second sticker drawn was the team logo of the chariot.

Everyone in the fighting room breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they all know that it is almost impossible to win the championship with their own strength, they will be eliminated in the quarterfinals as soon as they come up. This is what they don't want to see.

But if the grouping really happens, they will definitely prepare for the battle with all their strength.

"Samba against YSG, what is this!" Seeing the members of Group B, everyone in VC couldn't help complaining.

Because of this, several teams with similar strength to them were taken away.

This is not good news.

Sure enough, when it came to the match in Group C, the first card was to draw VC.

At this stage of the lottery, in fact, there are only three opponents left.

They are GG, AKA, and Cold Wave.

Both AKA and GG have played against each other.

AKA they have won once by chance. Although their strength has declined, according to Meng De's judgment, if the map is selected well, they can achieve a [-]-[-] split.

AKA six, they were four.

But if the map is not chosen well, VC's winning rate may be only [-]% or even lower.

GG and the others played once not long ago in the promotion of the challenger group, and VC won that time.

But the opposing player was not online at the time, which gave VC a good chance.

But Mengde didn't think that their strength would be weak.

As for Cold Wave, it might be one of the teams that Meng De least wants to meet in the quarterfinals.

This team is a team with a super system. Their system is relatively rigid, but it is very effective.

Mendel had previewed it, in a way.

VC is the team he restrained.

With this in mind, the lottery staff on the screen also drew out their opponents.

A clown's team logo came into view.

"GG, it's okay."

For this game, the lottery is still acceptable.

Compared with the A/B death group, although their C/D group is also difficult, at least they can see some hope.

AE in Group A and AKA in Group B are both hopeless.

The first game against GG after the quarterfinals, the result was not very good.

Of course, it's not too bad.

 Have a meal, there will be more later.

(End of this chapter)

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