CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 300 The Contest in the Subway

Chapter 300 The Contest in the Subway (5000 words)
Tickets for the Katowice Major are selling like crazy.

As a loyal offline fan, Jim bought Katowice's offline tickets early on, and an extra gift of Katowice's official sweater. The combined price is actually quite expensive.

As a member who grabbed the tickets early, Jim is in a very good mood today, because the offline competition will officially start today.

When he bought the tickets, his friends said he was being taken advantage of. He could watch the game on his mobile phone, but he had to spend that money to go offline.

But the intensity of the competition this time broke through the imagination of their fans.

Tickets for the offline games have been sold at a very high price by scalpers.

At least ten times higher than the original ticket purchase, this is still in short supply.

All his old friends were gutted, and they were saying that Jim had been lucky.

As long as he gives up the tickets now, he can make a lot of money, and even get a good skin.

But Jim did not agree to this proposal. He still planned to go to Katowice to watch the game offline.

Even if it might hurt him for a while.

But today's game will really make them look forward to it.

After all, the VC team he was a fan of reached the quarterfinals of the Major.

This time he was also able to cheer for VC offline.

"How are you, Jim?" A familiar voice came from downstairs.

Jim knew that this was his own little Jerry, so he responded casually, then looked in the mirror to make sure he hadn't missed anything, and then went downstairs.

Jerry came to ask him to go to the game with him today.

Jerry got into this game from Amway last year, but he only watched the game for half a year.

Unlike Jim, a fan of a certain team, Jerry is all about feeling the atmosphere of the game.

According to what Jerry said, he is just a fan of a strong team, even a champion fan, and he is not interested in a certain team.

This made it a pity that Jim failed to give him Amway several times.

"Is everything ready?"

"Bring it."

After a simple question and answer, the two came to a familiar restaurant, intending to fill their stomachs casually, and then set off for the UFO gym.

But as soon as the two arrived at the restaurant, they found something unusual.

"There are too many people today." Jerry said strangely, looking at the almost full restaurant.

Jim thought about the answer: "This is the center of e-sports in Europe, and the Katowice Major is a top-level event that is rare in several years. No one will take it seriously."

Jerry nodded, looking at the various team uniforms on other people in the restaurant, he really felt the charm of this city and the enthusiasm of Katowice.

The two of them waited for a while, and after a quick lunch, they set off for the nearest subway station.

They were a little worried, because from what they saw, the situation in line today might be much more exaggerated than they imagined!

The two got on the subway without stopping.

Jerry was still complaining: "There were too many GG fans in that restaurant just now."

"Unfortunately, I didn't see a few VC fans." This incident made Jim a little sad.

But when the two actually entered the subway station, they realized that they were wrong.

There were more people in the subway today than usual. They entered the subway, and it was full of fans in all kinds of team uniforms.

These people are old and young, men and women, but most of them are young people.

In the car on the left side of them, people have a funny clown pattern on their chests.

In the carriage on the right, most people have a pattern of Chinese characters on their chests.

Jim looked at the right side of the car, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt like he had found the organization.

He also discovered that there are still so many fans of VC.

At this moment, someone in the car on the left shouted slogans:

"Let's go GG!"

In today's match, there was a match between VC and GG.

The fans of GG obviously also saw the fans of VC. After looking at each other, they naturally couldn't lose their momentum.

It's like two armies at war, at least they have to stand up in momentum.

The fans of VC on the right are not convinced. How can they not know what GG fans are like.

However, if you want to provoke, who is afraid of whom!
Under the leadership of the Huaxia students, the fans in the VC car shouted:

"Let's go VC!!"

They did not show weakness to each other and shouted hard.

Because of their companionship, these carriages were all occupied by them.

Overseas subways don't have regulations regulating sound, so they don't have to worry too much about shouting.

In the mutual shouts, the contest between VC and GG started first in the subway.

In the middle of this shout, Jim also called out quietly:
"Let's go VC!!"

As for Jerry, his impression of fans of the team has changed.


After several hours of queuing, Jim and Jim finally entered the Katowice venue when the game was about to start.

The two people's first impression of this flying saucer gymnasium - magnificent!
As a holy place for e-sports in Europe, it can accommodate tens of thousands of people to watch games. In recent years, it is still considering expansion, because insufficient seats are still a problem.

They began to find their location through their own ticket sequence.

Because of the poor economic conditions, they can only occupy the top position in the stadium stands.

But this does not particularly affect their viewing experience, because there are four huge LED screens directly above, allowing them to see every operation of the players very clearly.

Even as they both thought mischievously, the grind of the contestants' gun skins could be clearly seen.

There was a rustling sound from the entire venue, which meant that most of the audience was taking their seats.

They looked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

Most of the people around were wearing VC uniforms, which showed that they were fans of VC.

This at least allows them to cheer heartily.

Otherwise, if they bought tickets for the opposing camp, they would cheer with fear, and the opponent's fans would be very upset.

The audience found their seats one after another, and the game time was approaching.

Under their expectation, all the lights in the venue suddenly dimmed.

The four huge screens hanging in the middle of the venue also began to introduce the eight teams in the championship group this time with the voice.

In the middle of the screen is their wonderful performance in this game.

After the introduction of the eight teams, the lights gradually turned on.

"Next, let us invite, a former legendary player, to present us with the IEM Katowice trophy!"

Under the guidance of the lights, Jim and the two saw a somewhat unfamiliar oriental face, holding a huge trophy, walking towards the middle of the stage.

"Who is this?" Jerry asked. He has only been in contact with this game for more than a year, and some players' names are still incomplete.

Jim couldn't give an answer, and he didn't know it either.

At this time, an uncle with a beer in front turned around and said:
"The strongest people in CSGO once came from the emperor of China."

"But it was all about ten years ago." He was a little happy and a little bit sad.

"Was he ever strong?" Jerry asked, he was a relatively strong person.

"GG ​​team, you know, isn't their nickname called Damanya Club?"

The two nodded. They had heard of this nickname for going out of the circle.

"This guy used to be." The uncle pointed to the person holding the trophy, and then said, "His nickname is Damanya player."

"A very regrettable person."

"Unfortunately, it has now become the history of CSGO."


Su Xing placed the trophy in the middle of the stage, and lightly touched the ID at the bottom.

That was another of the only titles he left behind.

In my memory, he was extremely happy at that time.

Because this is the first major championship in his life.

At that time, he thought that this championship was the beginning of his team, but he didn't expect it to be their end.

Not being able to win even a championship in the future is another regret that Su Xing has always had.

He looked up at the big screen, and the last picture showed several people from VC.

I said silently in my heart: "Although I can't help you realize your dream, there are another group of people here." '

With that said, he put down the trophy, turned his head and left.

'Come on, VC! '


"What if I'm a little nervous?"

The kid's voice was a little stuck, and he had already expressed what he wanted to say.

Although he had already had offline competition experience at IEM, he thought he wouldn't feel anything.

But this is a Major!
They were preparing to appear in the background, and the shouts and shouts of the outside audience had already made the ground tremble.

An invisible force seemed to be injected into the kid's body.

In fact, to be honest, Meng De also felt a little bit wrong, but he was not nervous.

Instead, there is an inexplicable expectation.

"Little ghost, let me ask you, why did you want to play professionally in the first place?" Meng De's question was very abrupt, which also made the little ghost stunned.

"Is that the original idea?" The kid thought for a while, "It should be because Team Su and them are dying, and I have a bit of talent. I thought I would come up to take over their class and let the world see the power of Huaxia CS."

Meng De turned his head and stood at the front of the team.

Behind him is the huge stage that slowly opens.

"Let's start now and let the world hear our voice!"

At this moment, Meng De's confident and even conceited words left a deep impression on several people in VC.

Their eyes became more determined. Amidst the huge shouts of the host, behind the broad shoulders of the coach, they walked slowly from the dim backstage to the shining stage!
When people move from a dim place to a place that is too bright, the first time they are not happy, but the eyes are not used to it.

The expressions of the VCs were similar, and they all closed their eyes immediately to give themselves a buffer.

That huge door seemed to separate the two worlds.

After opening the door, the cheers, whistles, and cheers from the audience rushed into their ears.

Within their field of vision, they also saw the audience in all directions of the venue, surrounding them together.

Behind the stage, the brat who was still a little nervous was not so nervous at this moment.

It was his first time on the big stage in Katowice, but it felt like...

not bad!
"Help me, I'm a little weak." Watermelon's disappointing voice came from the side.


Under the eyes of everyone, the opening ceremony of the game finally came to an end.

As the opening match of the champion group, the two teams of VC and GG have come to the center of the stage.

After last night, the VCs had already expected their fans abroad.

But the number of fans today still exceeded their expectations.

People in blue and white shirts are located in all directions of the venue.

Although the number of people must be less than GG, after all, the number of fans of the new star team must be less than that of the old strong team.

Several people also saw a lot of support from VC.

For example, some viewers used sketch paper to write a series of slogans such as "Props of VC", the hairstyle director blowing his head, and S1mple opened.

Meng De even saw his support slogan - the hero's capital.

For this, he is still acceptable.

But what kind of good wife there is, it's too much!

A group of people stood in front of the battle room, the host was still setting up the atmosphere, while the VCs were chatting casually.

Xigua looked around at the fans in the audience, and suddenly his eyes lit up:
"S1mple, look at that fan, she is so big!"

S1mple heard the words and looked over, wiped his saliva:

"I agree, she is indeed very white."

Meng De kicked at the two of them and reminded: "It's about this time, what's on your mind?"

S1mple's reason has long been thought out: "Doesn't this relieve the tension."

Watermelon shares the same hatred: "That's right, it's just a reward for myself."

The director shook his head: "These two guys are hopeless."

They waited nervously and relaxed for the start of the game, and the host on the scene was also full of enthusiasm.

He shouted loudly: "Who do you want to win today's game?"

"Is it GG?"

The GG fans in the audience responded loudly.

"Still VC!"

VC fans showed no sign of weakness either.

"Next, let's interview the coaches of both sides in today's game and see what they think of this game."

The host walked up to the GG team first, and the staff quickly came up with an interpreter.

"Today's game is the first of the eight-to-four games. You lost to VC in the challenger. Will it be a battle of revenge if you meet again this time?"

The translation brought up is output in real time beside it.

The coach of the GG team is a middle-aged man. This question made him a little uncomfortable, but he didn't point it out to his face.

He replied: "We never took the challenger game seriously. It was a new attempt for us."

"You know, the winning rate of new things is not high, and our team was not in a good state at the time."

"Then what now?" The host raised fire from the side.

"Now our team is at its peak, and the new things we want to try have been completed. We will easily win this game."

"Our goal has never been VC, but the trophy in the middle." He gestured to the big radiant baby in the middle with his eyes.

Hearing his confident words, the GG fans in the audience naturally cheered.

Their home team is confident and thinks they can win easily, so they are naturally very happy.

In their hearts, VC is just a team that has just entered the first line, and compared with the Damanya team, it is still not qualified.

After all, although they are notorious in Damanya, if they want to get this title, at least they have to enter the finals of various competitions first.

"This is too crazy." Jim in the back row frowned.

Jerry next to him explained: "This is the confidence of a strong team."

"But this is also..."

"Shh." Jerry signaled him to be quiet, because it's time for an interview with VC.

He wanted to see how the VC coach would respond.

"Team GG thinks winning you is just a process, what does coach MD think?" The host had a smirk on his face. As a qualified archer, he knows how to maximize the conflict.

Even if it's just a pregame trash talk session.

The translation next to it is also outputting in real time.

Meng De waited for the interpreter to finish speaking, nodded, and then said:
"They once lost to us in the challenger group."

"Although they said it wasn't a big deal, they said they didn't play at their full strength, it's like they didn't play at their full strength in every final."

The translator is full of melons, and immediately outputs in real time after listening.

But Meng De interrupted him and repeated it himself in English.

Then he turned to the translator and said, "My English is not bad, I can do it myself."

The translator student did not expect that he encountered the biggest difficulty in translation, and stood beside him happily.

The host was a little surprised, he didn't expect coach VC to be so tit for tat.

I didn't expect his English to be so good.

He could imagine how explosive the friends watching the game on the Internet would be after saying this sentence.

"Laughing to death, this refers to the connotation of Damanya."

"This is a fact. It is a fact that VC won GG in the challenger group. It is also a fact that GG is a big Manya club."

"I didn't expect coach MD to be so powerful."


“This trash talk is interesting”

"GG ​​said he was offended"

"The translator laughed me to death, I can't fix it for him"

"Is Coach MD's English so good?"

"Gossip, MD coach can also speak Russian, French, and Danish. This person's language talent is outrageous."

The host is professionally trained. Although the VC coach has a good connotation and is very funny, he still holds back.

"You speak English very well. Let's make a guess. If you, the coach, play again, how much do you think the chances of winning today's game are?"

Meng De also knew that the host was making fun of his player experience in that Major.

He shook his head: "If it's me, I don't have any chance of winning."

"But today's game is not me, but my players."

"They will burst out with incomparably dazzling light on this stage, and let the world remember their names!"

Speaking of which, Meng De replied to the host in English.

But the host didn't care, thinking it was just an ordinary rhetoric.

Only Meng De knew that he was serious!
 First launch and then change, there will be more later, today Calvin is serious.

(End of this chapter)

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