CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 301 Win them again!

Chapter 301 Win them again!
"Look!" Meng De kicked the watermelon again, and he gave a little force to this kick.

The watermelon was in pain and immediately waved his hands: "Don't look at it, don't look at it."

In fact, he didn't want to, it was because the foreign female fans were too enthusiastic.

He glanced again.

Well, really enthusiastic.

The director and the others laughed softly, and they also knew that these two guys usually like to be funny, so they couldn't take it seriously.

But the kid shook his head when he heard this remark.

"Don't you guys know that CSGO players are generally timid and lustful? The two of them are showing their true nature."

"Little devil, you are courting death!"

"Eat me with a pop punch."

Several people fought with each other to relieve the tension in their hearts.

Although after several adjustments, the tension in the hearts of several people eased a little.

But if you want to say that there is nothing at all, it is completely impossible.

They also use this method to focus the team's attention.

Meng De sighed, he felt pressured even standing here, not to mention they were going to fight against them in the game.

"If you are really affected by the audience later, you should focus on the screen and focus on the game."

"It's really not possible, pull the screen towards your face, and it will hit your face like the director of education."

"Is it really useful?" Several people in the team asked suspiciously.

"The trick that Su Xing told me, he tried it."

"Why do I feel like you're talking nonsense, coach." Xigua was a little suspicious.

Meng De made a gesture to hit him, and several people immediately ran away with their heads in their hands.

In the end, the director stood up and said: "It really works. Once you focus on the game, you don't care about things outside the game."

But he also didn't say a word, because it is very difficult to maintain a high concentration of attention.

The audience of the offline competition is much more enthusiastic than they imagined.

Right now, the audience outside the stadium is still cheering non-stop.

Meng De is wearing the suit Xu Qingru gave him today, hoping that it will bring good luck to VC.

People with clothes and horses with saddles, the audience noticed that today's Meng De is particularly eye-catching.

Based on this alone, many GG female fans want to buy a VC team uniform after the game.

During the waiting period, Meng De also tried to play the interactive game last night with the audience to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene.

Unknowingly, when Meng De was having fun, he heard the referee behind him say: "Coach MD, BP is about to start."

Meng De finished playing with the audience, took the tactical paper on the table, and started the BP of the game.


"Welcome to the Katowice Major championship game. This game is between VC and GG. I am the commentator of this game, Coke."

"I'm Taro Ball."

Two veteran domestic commentators came out first to say hello.

Coke continued: "This match is the opening match of the championship group, and it is also the first match of VC after entering the quarterfinals."

"Yes, but they met a strong opponent in this match. The world's second-ranked GG at this stage, although GG's strength fluctuates greatly, it is still a strong opponent for VC."

Yuyuan continued: "The championship match starts, and all the confrontations are BO3 single eliminations. That is to say, in today's match between VC and GG, the winner will qualify for the semi-finals and continue to fight."

"And the person who loses has to become a spectator and watch them play below."

"No matter which team it is, they will not be reconciled to losing in this kind of game. We can expect that this game may be very anxious."

"But VC is not without a chance of winning. In the challenger group, they have won against GG. If they play well in map selection, they have a chance."

"So the next BP is the top priority."

"It's because VC got the right to ban first, so why not ban dead city first?"

"No, they actually banned the Death Amusement Park first." Yuyuan was a little puzzled, but forced to analyze, "This map has been lost to VC a few times recently, and the record is not very good. Let's take out your own weaknesses first. , is a very good idea.”

"GG ​​took the train, they won't play this map."

After discussion, Meng De took down Lost Desert City without hesitation.

The last time I played against GG, I won a big victory on this map. There is no reason not to win today.

In fact, he wanted to force GG to choose in his heart, but he was worried that GG would not choose this picture, which would be a bit troublesome.

Contrary to VC's expectations, GG's first choice was to take down Purgatory Town, which is a bit surprising.

Immediately after VC's second ban, after thinking about it, Meng De agreed with the team members and sent away the scorching Shacheng.

This map is one of GG's little tricks. Although their winning rate is not very high, 10 of the 7 maps played by GG on the hot sand city recently won.

This already illustrates some problems.

In order to be safe, VC still doesn't plan to let him play.

Then there is nuclear crisis and the mystery of the dead city.

They have always played well in Nuclear Crisis, and in Mystery of the Dead City, they have practiced many times, but the number of times they have played against the front line is relatively small.

They basically didn't touch this map before. After the Fog City Major, they started to try to play a dozen slowly.

After all, with one more map pool, it will be easier to play against teams with distinctive characteristics.

GG broke out in the second half of the nuclear crisis that day, but still failed to win VC.

This caused them a bit of a headache, so they gave away the map.

In this way, today's three game maps are:

The Lost City in the Desert, the Purgatory Town, and the Mystery of the Dead City.

The two sides entered the server, prepared for the last few minutes, and the game began immediately.

Meng De didn't speak, but several people in the team had stood up tacitly.

A group of people hooked each other up and formed a circle.

Habits are scary. The first time VCs did this action, they all resisted.

Now I have a very tacit understanding, and even if I don’t do this action before the game, I still feel that something is missing.

"Sasha, I vaguely remember the first day you came to the club, I thought the club was going to collapse."

"I never thought we'd come this far together."

"I still remember that, the coach, you were riding a shared bicycle at that time."

"There's no need for such details." Meng De stopped in time to prevent his glorious image from deteriorating.

"We have gone through a long period of training before we got to this stage step by step."

"The outside audience said that we are experts in upsets, and we can beat those impossible teams in every game."

"But you all know in your heart, are we upset? We have strength!" Meng De was upset, very upset.

Why did they win? It was an upset.

They lost, which is the true nature of a strong team.

This is so unfair, obviously they all rely on strength to play games, why can't they get a good word after winning.

"Today, the opponent was No. [-] in the world, but they also lost once in our hands."

"They said it didn't count that time, so that's fine!"

"Let's let them lose again and let them know that our name is!" Mengde shouted vigorously!
"VC!!" The players responded loudly.


VC vs. GG
Map: Desert Lost City

T: S1mple, somebody, Twistzz, sanji, XIGUA
CT: MUWO, jiya, black, fox, loxi
The pistol round started, because several people in the team were a little uncomfortable, and they chose the most familiar style of play.

Default control map.

In the early stage, set up a forward press first, and then try to find a way to blow up a wave of bombs.

For this reason, Xigua and Sanji played a round of props.

A total of two smoke bombs, one incendiary bomb, and one flash bomb were purchased.

S1mple still got a P250. In this medium-to-long-distance gun-to-gun map, the P250 still has a great advantage.

In the early stage, the VC spread out the personnel, and the overall formation was 212.

The kid in the sewer and sanji push forward to prevent the opponent from pressing out.

Watermelon waits in the middle, if the opponent does not press forward.

Then one of his fires and one of his smoke will explode in the VIP and the arch.

Given this wave of pressure, the two of them on the other side of A1 cooperated again and made an arch together.

Their ideas are clear and their execution efficiency is very high.

The plan can't keep up with the changes.

GG placed a 3B position at the beginning of this round, just to prevent VC from playing unconventional games.

They didn't notice VC's information at the first time, and they didn't intend to continue to be passive like this in the future.

Black, who used to help in area B, walked directly to the middle lane quietly.

At this moment, under the cover of MUWO, he slowly moved towards the bandit's entrance.

This situation made several Chinese commentators feel very bad:
"Xiaohei took the initiative to press forward, and Xigua just wanted to cooperate with his teammates and began to put pressure on the middle."

"This is the end of the game. Watermelon wanted to throw the item, but Xiao Hei found it, and he didn't even have time to take out the gun."

"Now the problem is a bit big." Coke said.

After the watermelon was knocked out, the two men in the sewer didn't cover up and rushed out directly.

I want to get rid of the policeman who retreated to B, avenge the watermelon, and stop the loss in time.

But they were a little impatient and didn't pay attention to the direction of VIP.

The kid actually avenged the watermelon, and brought back the numerical disadvantage.

But before he was happy for a second, VIP's gunshot rang out, knocking out the kid from behind.

Sanji wanted to make up the gun, but he didn't.

MUWO was not greedy for guns either, he squatted down in the VIP when he killed one, so that the sewer could not hit him.

In this wave of firefights in the middle, it is already very good to get a numerical advantage, there is no need to find someone to fight against the gun.

But VC didn't just focus on the firefight in the middle, MUWO soon heard the report from the teammate who placed the order in the A area.

"They're in A, and I hear Thunderball."

MUWO immediately said: "I know, you police are hiding, just don't die."

The back defense of Area A, the police home is a very important position.

Once they lost the police house, the problem really became big.

The director was at the bag point with the bag, and S1mple rushed into the jungle alone.

"S1mple's P250 has already advanced to the VIP side. He wanted to take advantage of Sanji and MUWO to pull him. He came to play a sideways attack, but MUWO was very smart and did not entangle with Sanji."

"S1mple didn't get the kill, and then turned around to fight the dog hole. P250 shot a headshot, got the kill, and took back the advantage."

However, the situation of the game is not over yet. Coke continued: "But S1mple still has to fight. While holding the left side, he also fights MUWO in the VIP!"

"Don't worry, it's 3v3 now, S1mple can take his time!"

"The fox in zone B also returned to the dog hole. The opponent scored twice from this position. What will S1mple do? Will he be wary of this place?"

S1mple himself is not in a hurry. With the current situation and position, the longer he lives in the jungle, the more advantages he can bring to the team.

But after a few shots with MUWO, he failed to get the kill and was disabled instead.

But for the last shot, he clearly heard the bullet coming from the dog hole.

At this point, the whole idea of ​​the battle situation is clear.

"One for the opponent's dog hole, one for the VIP, and the other should be in the direction of the police. It is impossible for the opponent to release Area A in the pistol round." S1mple expressed his judgment.

The director asked: "I can help you take a good look at it, just don't pass it on to the police."

Sanji moved to the arch and helped to carry the police to pass.

S1mple knew that it was safe for him to turn his back for the time being, so he turned his head and went inside the VIP again.

This time the opponent took the initiative to attack and exploded at a close point. Thanks to the stability of the marksmanship, S1mple got another kill.

However, Sanji in the arch was killed.

He just had to change the bullet, and wanted to use the cover to run, but he was exposed to the long box.

"Without bullets, S1mple is helpless."

"Leaving the director a one-on-two mess, the police's loxi has unpacking cigarettes and lightning pliers, and they can directly seal the cigarettes and unpack them. The MUWO on the jumping platform stands on the second floor."

When the director heard the sound of smoke, he felt that something was wrong.

He didn't get too entangled with the jumping guy, and forcibly rushed under the short box.

Then start shooting at the position of the mine bag.

The audience at the scene suddenly let out a huge exclamation. The director realized that he might have been caught, so he immediately stopped the crosshairs and planned to continue firing.

But unfortunately, the opponent's mixed smoke is more accurate than him.

He was shot to death by MUWO.

"The director got mixed up. It's a pity that MUWO is even more outrageous. He shot through the smoke and knocked out the director, otherwise he would have a chance to kill the bandit."

"The unpacking cigarettes and thunder pliers are too deadly for him." Yuyuan said again, "But the VC pistol bureau put down the mine bag, and there is money to play with."

"It's just the pistol round, it's still early."

(End of this chapter)

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