Chapter 328
After packing his luggage, Jamyoung's mood is actually very complicated.

His thinking has not yet changed from thinking of an ordinary professional player to the talented boy Meng De values.

After all, that is VC!
The Holy Land of CNCS, the place where all the talented teenagers yearn for.

Before that, he was just an ordinary boy who liked to play CSGO.

It's just because he has a little talent, and he has received the bonus of Meng De's environmental rectification of CNCS.

He played a little in the VAC league and was accepted by the RC team.

Then he slowly relied on his talent and hard work, from a youth player to a substitute for the home team.

Just when he was about to become a real professional brother, he didn't expect that he would be valued by Meng De.

He basically did not hesitate, and VC is not a particularly bad place, so there is no need to hesitate.

People are going up, and no one can deny themselves to become better.

Jamyoung's mental preparation was almost done, and he took a last look at the RC club that had been behind him for a year.

The next time we meet, we will be enemies.

"Still going or not!"

The Didi driver looked at the customer in front of him and couldn't help interrupting him.

"I'm coming."

Turning her head around, Xiaoju got into the taxi heading for VC with anticipation for the future on her face.


Standing in front of the new VC club, Wang Yuning's mood is a bit complicated.

After going around for a while, I still agreed to Meng De's request and chose to join VC.

The reason he gave before was that he was too busy to quit his previous job.

But in fact, it was just because he still had some confusion in his heart.

He was a little uneasy about stepping into the professional circle again, and he was even a little afraid of going back.

The Mist City Major that year dealt a huge blow to their entire team.

If he hadn't been the conductor and made a wrong bet with Su Xing, they would really have a chance to win that first trophy.

It was also from that time that the entire team began to fall apart.

That game also became an eternal pain in his heart.

"After 9 years, I didn't expect that I would return to work in the CSGO circle." Wang Yuning looked at the VC team logo and muttered to himself.

"It's also very good. The trophies we didn't win in the past, you will win."

Wang Yuning suddenly smiled relieved.

Just as he was about to step into the VC club, a taxi suddenly stopped beside him.

A little boy got out of the car with a large bag of luggage.

"Excuse me, is this the VC club?" Noticing Wang Yuning's expression, Xiao Ju thought he was a staff member of VC and asked.

The man on the opposite side nodded and asked, "Newcomer to VC?"

Xiaoju touched her head, a little embarrassed: "It's lucky that Coach Meng pulled me here."

"Humble." Wang Yuning smiled, it is not ordinary people who can be valued by Meng De.

"Let's go together, I just came here to look for a job." Said Wang Yuning took the schoolbag that the young man couldn't hold.

Xiaoju also hurriedly thanked her.

The two opened the door of VC and walked in with mixed emotions.


Watching the game on the computer, Meng De rubbed his sore eyes.

"What are you fighting for?"

Perhaps because of the constant competition in the world, it is simply torture for him to watch a low-level game now.

After a game, he didn't know how many fatal decision-making mistakes he made.

It seems that there is a long way to go to improve the domestic level, especially for several other teams that have not even established a basic youth training system.

Meng De sees the big picture from a small point, and he can know that some domestic youth trainings even just let them play training games all the time.

There is not much difference between youth training and professional teams.

This also led to the domestic competition, he found that there are very few outstanding players.

Their basic skills are not solid!

Even those who come out of youth training do not have solid basic skills, let alone real professional players.

Meng De took a sip of the pearl milk tea in the thermos, lamenting that the conductor was hard to find.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Two figures appeared at the door.

The door of his office was not closed. After Wang Yuning saw Meng De looking up, he also walked in directly.

"Meng Jiao, long time no see." Wang Yuning stretched out his right hand and shook Meng De.

"Yuning, you are finally here..." Meng De suddenly paused, then looked at the young man dragging the suitcase behind, "Jamyoung?"

Jamyoung was already a little nervous, he pushed his glasses, and said, "Yes, I just came from RC, and this is a letter of recommendation."

Jamyoung took out a piece of paper that had been folded in half several times from his pocket.

"You don't need to look at that one. I called you to come to VC. I have communicated with Huang Yu about this." Meng De motioned them to sit down.

The weather was cold, so he poured a cup of hot water for Huang Yuning and the young man in front of him.

"What position did you play in the RC team? A free agent?" Meng De asked.

"The coach can just call me Xiaoju." Xiaoju took the disposable water cup flattered and replied, "I haven't played in RC yet, but the position is biased toward free agents."

"Then there's no problem. Let's talk about the contract first, and I'll introduce my teammates to you later." Meng De twirled the pen in his hand.

"I want to sign with you for three years."

"Three years!" Xiaoju was startled.

Meng De thought he was intimidated by this age limit, so he took the initiative to explain:

"Three years, mainly because your current level is not very high, and you didn't learn anything very good in RC."

"In your first year at VC, your time will be spent on learning. You should first thoroughly understand the youth training, and then start learning the system."

"Of course, as a player, you have enough combat power now, so I will let you go directly to the game and start learning from the game."

"There are two years left, the contract for the first year is in my hands, and we can discuss whether to renew the contract in the second year."

Generally speaking, ordinary professional contracts are signed for two years, but for Mengde, most of them are signed for three years.

Because compared to other teams, the learning cost he needs to pay for the players is relatively high.

And three years is basically a golden age for players.

If the player has not achieved results during these three years, then either the player is not good, or he is not suitable for the team.

"Do you think it's been a long time?"

Xiaoju shook his head quickly: "No, I'm happy."

"A three-year contract is acceptable."

Mengde then discussed with Xiaoju about the salary of the three-year contract and other details, and both of them were very satisfied.

In three years, 120 million.

For Xiaoju, this was simply unthinkable.

Moreover, the wages of CSGO players do not account for the majority, and if they want to make money in the future, they still have to rely on their grades and bonuses!

After confirming that the details were not missed, Meng De printed the contract on the computer, and the printer connected next to it began to make a sound.

Handing the warm paper to Xiaoju, he carefully looked at the details in the contract to ensure that there would be no mistakes.

Xiaoju took the pen from Mengde and signed it with her own name.

Meng De stood up, left the contract as a backup, and stretched out his hand: "Welcome to VC."

Xiaoju immediately stood up and shook hands with Meng De.

Wu Qiang just walked in outside, intending to report the recent training situation to Meng De.

Coming at just the right time, Meng De said directly: "Let me introduce to you, Wu Qiang, an analyst in the team and a part-time assistant coach and team leader. We usually call him Brother Qiang."

"Brother Qiang x2."

"Hello, hello." Wu Qiang also responded to the two of them.

"Xiaoju, you don't have a place to live today, Brother Qiang, take Xiaoju to visit the club and take him to the dormitory of the second team."

"What about Yuning?" Wu Qiang looked at Wang Yuning who was sitting next to him.

"Our business hasn't started yet, you should settle this little guy down first." Mengde laughed.

"Then let's go." Wu Qiang took some of the luggage and motioned Xiaoju to follow him.

The two walked all the way to the second floor. Wu Qiang walked to the side and began to introduce them: "The far left of the second floor is the player's lounge. Everyone from the first and second teams lives here."

Wu Qiang took Xiaoju into the dormitory and put his luggage on an empty bunk in the second team.

"Put your luggage here first, and I will take you around the club to get your way first." Wu Qiang added, "And according to the usual practice, Teacher Meng may have to watch your training later."

"So there's no rush to put things away right now."

Xiaoju entered the dormitory, it's not too late now, but the VC at this moment didn't notice even one person in the dormitory.

"Sure enough, if VC can be so strong, the training atmosphere must be fine." Xiaoju secretly thought, looking forward to the future life even more.

The two walked all the way to the other side, opened the largest room on the second floor, and the sound of the keyboard suddenly crackled.

Wu Qiang clapped his hands: "Everyone stop, let me introduce the newcomers to you."

The fiery training room stopped, and Xiaoju returned to the podium in an instant, with big eyes watching him.

For some reason, he suddenly became a little nervous: "Hi everyone, I'm a new team member, just call me Xiaoju, and I'll take care of everyone in the future."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he was dumbfounded. These words seemed to be finding fault all the time!

"So brave!"

"Boss, come and take me."

"It's over, team status -1"

"Boss, come and bring me up!"

"Can I lie down and win?"

Chinese with various accents chirped in the training room.

Xiaoju originally thought that what she said was wrong would cause discomfort to others.

But fortunately, the members of VC seem to be quite easy to get along with.

"Stop booing, wait until Mengjiao finds out that you are fishing and see if he doesn't want to kill you." Wu Qiang said.

"Who is afraid of him!"

"Let the coach come down, have the ability to single out!"

"The coach came over with a punch, and he begged me not to die"

"What bamboo pole?"

There was laughter in the training room.

Wu Qiang shook his head: "Don't worry about them, just get used to it in a few days."

"You will take this seat from now on."

The best prop user in the world next to him smiled at him.

"I'll take you for another stroll, let's go."


"It's settled here, what about me?" Wang Yuning finally couldn't help but speak after seeing Meng De's smooth operation and settled Xiaoju.

"Don't worry, drink some tea and take you downstairs right away. I have other arrangements for you."

Meng De didn't mean to show off on purpose, but because of the moment he saw Wang Yuning.

The system actually started to trigger tasks!

"Side Quest: Veteran's Regret"

"Mission description: As a veteran who pioneered the era, but the story did not come to a perfect conclusion, help him return to his career..."

"Mission Reward: Injury Easement Potion..."

That's why he first arranged Xiaoju's affairs, and planned to seriously check on the former CN first conductor.

Meng De used the eye of skill insight and began to check Wang Yuning's information.

[Contestant: Wang Yuning
Team: None (ACE)

Role Positioning: Command

Status: Retired (decrease attributes randomly with retirement time)
Mindset: S 91
Awareness: A 82
Response: S 92
Marksmanship: A+ 87
Command branch:

Tactical placement: A+ 87
Mid-Term Decisions: A 81
Default architecture: A+88
Overall Rating: S
ps: As one of the most regrettable conductors, Wang Yuning still maintains a considerable state.

Ability: Bloody War

Skill description: When in a melee, randomly increase the attributes of 3 team members by 5 points.

Skills: Steady Veteran
Skill description: It can be exempted from the enemy's skills with less than 7 negative effects on the team.

Skill: Irreversible Mist (Sealed)
Skill Description: After a winning streak of more than three rounds, all attributes of all enemy members will be reduced by 10 points.

Unblocking mission: Win the Major final. 】

Although the data of this attribute panel is a bit worse, those skills are outrageous.

There are both those that strengthen the team and those that exempt the enemy from negative effects.

There are even some that add negative effects to the opponent, but that skill is temporarily sealed.

But if he can unblock, he can imagine how powerful he will be in a downwind situation.

Before the two of them came, Meng De thought, what should the team commander do?

Unexpectedly, the man was sitting in the office, and the conductor came from the door!
Excitement came too suddenly.

Although this conductor may be a bit old, he is already 28.

And retired for many years, the state is not good.

Well, it seems that apart from better skills, I can't do anything well.

Meng De has a headache, and Wang Yuning's attribute panel is flawed.

Otherwise, like a watermelon, if it can't stand up in the competition, it will be meaningless.

Not to mention one thing, this Wang Yuning has retired for so many years, and the data he produced are even better than watermelons, which is outrageous.

If there is a way to restore Wang Yuning to the state when he retired, it would be even better than now, at least he can use it.

Just when Meng De was in trouble, another reminder sound came from the system.

"Reminder: The template card can be used as a sacrifice to restore the strength of the players who have been degraded by the years, but after using it, the template card will disappear immediately."

The warm reminder from the system allowed Mengde to find the answer to the question.

He looked up at the man on the opposite side: "Let's go to Yuning, let's go and see the training status of the players."

 This is my attempt to solve the problem based on the current situation.

  Otherwise, it is really not right to use the template card of the big cousin.

  It's just a waste of space, but it's impossible for him to use it on the protagonist. In that case, the protagonist's positioning will become very awkward.

  This is the best solution I can think of.

(End of this chapter)

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