CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 329 An Exciting Training Match

Chapter 329 An Exciting Training Match
Wang Yuning was brought to the training room by Meng De. The room was full of youthful vigor, which made him, a former older player, a little uncomfortable.

"Come on, come on, in order to celebrate the arrival of our new teammates, how about playing an exciting training match?" Meng De suggested.

None of the VC team members refused, and no one would refuse.

This is their daily training schedule, not to mention they are also curious about the strength of their new teammate Xiaoju.

Although there was a brief experience of fighting in the VAC league, it was only a little bit, not much.

There are so many talented teenagers in the VAC League, even S1mple, who has become a monster in rank, will not remember Jamyoung's strength and style of play.

S1mple: Who can remember how many small cookies they have eaten.

Meng De turned on his own computer next to him, and at the same time pulled Wang Yuning to the position where Watermelon used to be: "Yuning, Watermelon and SANJI left too hastily. We just missed a few players in the training match. Come and support me."

When Wang Yuning heard Meng De's explanation, he didn't think there was anything wrong, because there was a shortage of people in the training room.

Meng De had complained about why the nightclub boy hadn't arrived yet, but now he just happened to be a liar to him.

"Yuning, I remember that you were in the command position before, so you should try to play today." Meng De added, "After all, professional training knows that without command, it is a mess."

Although Meng De's reason was a bit strange, Wang Yuning still believed it.

A group of people quickly entered the training match.

In the VC team, there are two modes of training games.

One is to specially train tactics and maps, and the other is to directly complete 30 rounds without winning or losing.

The other is the confrontation within the team, that is, the ten players will play in the same ladder, and it will be over to see who gets 16 points first.

In this kind of training, Mengde will deliberately observe the players' handling and understanding of the front, middle and late stages.

Find those players who are prone to make mistakes at a certain stage, and then make targeted corrections.

The whole mode is completely simulated race.

That's what Mendel does as a coach.

Although I don't know why I, a person who is applying for a coach assistant, will start playing training games.

But it is rare to play against professional players again, and Wang Yuning is quite happy.

The competition was quickly selected, and it was VC's old brand Qiangtu Purgatory Town.

By default, there is no side-to-side fight, and a team of players starts off as a bandit.

Wang Yuning turned around and asked, "What is the nature of this training match?"

"Hot hand, just fight it easily." S1mple took a sip from the can of Coke, and then replied.

Wang Yuning nodded, so he understood.

"I remember that VC usually uses P250 tactics in the game."

As he said that, he threw out a handful of P250, and then looked at his only 500 yuan left, his mind was racing.

"I lit a cigarette and a flash, it's best to come back with a set of props." Wang Yuning said in the voice.

He also understands now that it's not that VC likes to let two people play props.

But the fault tolerance rate of a set of props is really too low.

"Let me match it." Meng De took over the conversation.

His marksmanship is not ideal, but the level of props is very good.

Wang Yuning turned to look at Meng De, and was a little surprised at the feedback efficiency in the VC team, but that was all.

"Let's leave one at the bandit's entrance at the beginning, just take a little information from the middle lane, and make a hook." Wang Yuning opened his mouth to make arrangements for the pistol round, "Everyone gathers and walks to the side lane, and I will directly give the linked smoke bomb the first time. , and then give another flash to take control of the middle lane directly."

"Meng teaches you not to worry about anything else. When you get to the middle road, just give the motorcycle smoke and seal the small pit."

"Oh, that's not right." Wang Yuning suddenly remembered that the location he called Xiaokeng had changed a bit. He also often played with the team and hadn't changed his mind yet.

"It should be motorcycle smoke, blocking the link and the view of the study."

"After taking down the middle lane, directly give the flash on the A2 floor and rush to the bag point."

The tactics were quickly arranged, and a group of bandits started to set off.

On the other side, under the command of gla1ve, Xiaoju perfectly took over Lin Yi's position.

He came to the B area alone and played a single B defense.

The rest of them are in the middle of the A area, beware of the reckless people in the first team trying to speed up.

His way of playing is not only to see Xiaoju's personal ability, but also to see how he will deal with the endgame in the future.

After finishing the formation in the middle, they soon saw a smoke coming to the link.

gla1ve immediately opened his mouth to let kennyS dodge in advance, and he went straight in the middle.

Sure enough, the flash came quickly.

As the flash exploded, a lot of footsteps were concentrated in the middle.

The little ghost took the lead in the charge and killed the all-white gla1ve with one shot, announcing the prelude to the fierce battle.

kennyS is on the side of the link, and has already flashed back in advance.

He turned his head and killed the kid, while retreating into the link smoke.

But in the smoke, it was replaced by the ruthless S1mple.

The follow-up was a chaotic exchange of fire, causing chaos in the middle.

But the structure arranged in advance has a considerable effect.

In this wave of firefights in the middle, even if the reckless marksmen of the first team had the better marksmanship, they only fought with equal numbers.

In the end, Wang Yuning was left alone to release the bag in Area A, and then hid in the bag to fight Jamyoung in this endgame.

Meng De saw it very clearly. Relatively speaking, as the conductor, Wang Yuning's thinking was still very clear.

And unlike gla1ve, he gives relatively more degrees of freedom.

This fits the style of the first team very well, which is simply a beautiful thing.

The first team is the Gunmen team, which is also a team that requires players to display their personal abilities.

If gla1ve is really allowed to come up, it may be thankless.

gla1ve's command was uncomfortable, and the players were also uncomfortable playing.

Wang Yuning's style just fits the team's ability to play.

It's just that some moves are too reckless.

He watched Wang Yuning in the endgame standing on the dead center box, which is also kennyS' favorite position.

Very bold straight A1, no link at all.

His consciousness is good, Xiaoju did not go to the link side, but chose to search slowly from A1.

This allowed Wang Yuning to find an opportunity.

But it is a pity that Xiaoju's marksmanship is even better, and Wang Yuning was instantly killed with a single shot.

"It's a pity, it's a pity." S1mple and Wang Yuning had a fist bump.

There is nothing wrong with his position selection and awareness, but his marksmanship is slightly worse.

Feeling the strength of the fist, the former veteran seemed to be dreaming back to the past.

At that time, after each round, they would say the same words and encounter the same punches.

Shaking his head and throwing away the tormenting memories in his mind, Wang Yuning turned his head and continued to devote himself to the game.

The bandits who lost the pistol round, because of the economic advantage of subcontracting, under the command of Wang Yuning, took out a hero AK, plus a few short guns with props.

The overall idea is to make substitutions around the hero AK.

Strive for teamwork and cooperation, and strive to let the person at the front of the team get the AK47.
Then, relying on the AK47, the director pierced the banana road all by himself.

This terrifying personal ability completely exceeded their expectations.

After a successful comeback, the situation fell into a fierce battle.

After several rounds of victories in a row, the CT side finally has the money to play long gun rounds.

When the spear round started, Wang Yuning made a decisive decision and asked Meng De, who was still obsessed with farming in the team, to discard the hair dryer.

In an instant, the combat power in the team was full, and all members were full-armored AKs with full props.

It can be seen that Wang Yuning has a soft spot for the location of the link on the map of Purgatory Town.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Our side is similar to the pistol round, first take control of the middle lane, and leave one person behind, and try not to let the banana lane get closer."

"But if there is no other way, you can let it go, and we will go to take down the banana road in the second time."

S1mple suggested: "If you get a kill in the middle, you can directly speed up."

"It depends on the specific situation." Wang Yuning said, "If you only get one kill, you can retreat and organize a second wave of attack."

"The important thing is not to let the opponent know our intentions, otherwise they will have already prepared, and it will be difficult to launch this follow-up attack."

After the tactics were set up, everyone in VC started to go out to attack.

In the early stage, flash bombs were used to take control of the middle lane, and the director jumped directly to the sewer to control the middle lane.

kennyS had already pulled out a big sniper, but was forced back by the flash just as he was in the middle.

He knew that there might be something wrong with the follow-up, so he took out a fire while walking towards the link, and threw it at the wall.

After passing the bounce wall, the incendiary bomb landed on the corner of the link, which seemed to be able to protect his safety.

But as soon as the incendiary bomb exploded, gunfire rang out in the middle, killing kennyS directly.

Broky at A1 was flashed all white, and there was no room for him to fight back.

However, after he regained his vision, he immediately peeked out again, knocked Meng De off, and then retreated quickly.

Need to call for help now.

The sudden speed up in zone A made gla1ve rush over with Tig to make up defense.

But as soon as they arrived at home, they heard the link explode several smoke bombs one after another, and their hearts sank suddenly.

The link was given a smoke bomb, and the difficulty of their defense was almost doubled.

Now it's up to Broky to see if he can handle the pressure.

But on the other side, after the link bomb ended, Wang Yuning began to retreat with a large force.

No one stays.

A group of people gathered near the banana road, and with the help of a flash, they all speeded up on the banana road.

Xiaoju was very afraid of making mistakes today, so he played very smartly.

After he controlled the banana road and got closer, he gave a smoke.

Then came the barrel and jumped on the stone slab.

There is a non-preview position on the slate, and the idea is to do scouting.

The flash of light thrown by the gangster slightly affected Xiaoju's vision.

He peeked for a while, and when he saw three bandits, he jumped down and retreated to the bunker.

This information is clear, the other party really intends to hit B.

When the bandits were discovered, they stopped acting.

A group of people came to the wooden barrel in big steps, pushed a police smoke bomb, and then began to attack the bunker.

They know that there is only one person in area B at most, and they must seize the opportunity, otherwise the defense will be in place, and the offense will not be so easy to play.

But gla1ve's sense of smell is more sensitive than they imagined. After the bomb was linked, Broky didn't receive pressure for about 7 seconds, and he felt something was wrong.

So let Tig go to area B first, and he stays in the study for a while.

At this moment, the enemy in area B attacked, Tig just took out a flashlight in the long corridor, "Xiaoju, I'll throw it for you, find a cover and carry it!"

Xiaoju was originally hiding behind the second box, but when she heard this, she immediately faced the wall.

Tig's instant flash struck, Xiaoju pulled out horizontally, and began to shoot with the M4 in his hand.


S1mple made up the shot anyway.

Area B is declared to be captured by the attacker.

Although the price is one for two, but the offense and defense are swapped after the bag is placed, the bandits will not necessarily lose money.

VC was left with S1mple and Wang Yuning, and they placed a coffin bag.

S1mple retreated directly to the fake door on Banana Road, while Wang Yuning stepped down to the audience.

The two played a pull-off in an unconventional position.

The three defenders began to return to defense, Broky returned from Banana Road, Tig and gla1ve left from the police house.

They were very cautious, and first cleared the three boxes with incendiary bombs.

Then an off-stage flash made Broky come over to clear the audience.

But Broky didn't succeed. Instead, S1mple caught a headshot and framed him to death.

S1mple's position has been determined, and now the two of gla1ve only need to look at the other side.

Wang Yuning was very spiritual at this stage. He saw that S1mple got the kill, and immediately began to change positions, setting up a non-preview position in the audience.

Wait until the gla1ve preview comes out, and shoot directly to take it away.

Although it was replaced by Tig in the follow-up, what was left to S1mple was a 1v1 endgame.

S1mple is also a chicken thief, hiding in the fake door and not going out, just waiting for Tig to come to him.

Tig chooses to seal cigarettes and wants to forcibly remove the coffin bag.

S1mple chose to fire with mixed smoke.

Tig was knocked out by Chuanyan, his face was numb and unreasonable.

The situation began to develop continuously, but the performance of the two strange friends exceeded their expectations.

This match ended with the score of 12:16 for the second team.

The second team won.

Among them, the newcomer Xiaoju must have attracted much attention. The kills he got in this game was the second of the second team.

As a free man, it is still very good.

However, in the follow-up, an adjustment may be needed in terms of position, so that his ability can be better utilized.

There are no other problems. It is similar to Meng De's expectation. He has strength, but there are some minor flaws in position selection and play style. Overall, he still prefers the play style of the passer-by king of the ladder, which needs to be learned and adjusted in VC.

The failure of this match was not due to Wang Yuning's lack of command. His marksmanship was indeed a little worse, but he still didn't have a tacit understanding with the team for the time being, which led to some mistakes in many rounds.

This is as it should be, after all, he is not a professional now.

And it's only the first training match with VC, and it's already very good to be able to play like this.

However, his marksmanship was indeed among the bottom two in the entire match.

The other person is Meng De.

After the game, Mengde also strengthened his previous thoughts.

He turned his head to look at Wang Yuning, and invited: "Yuning, you also know the current situation of VC."

"So do you have any idea to return to the game and come to a team as a commander?"

Wang Yuning:? ? ?

Where did I miss it?

 Give NIKO strength tomorrow, and there are two little guys coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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