CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 356 Stop it, we are not going to CSGO university!

At the end of the second day's game, most of the game results were in line with the audience's expectations, so there were not many discussions about the outcome after the game.

On the contrary, it was S1mple, Twistzz and several players from other teams who played brilliantly in the game, which amazed the audience.

Among them, Twistzz's 1V4 pentakill has the highest gold content, and the scalpel-like precise marksmanship makes everyone who sees it admire.

But the discussions sparked in the professional circle had to be new props given by VC.

That smoke bomb that can affect the ecology of Sha Er.

The speed of this smoke bomb is really too fast, so fast that CT can't keep up at all.

Many professional brothers tried overnight. They followed Wang Yuning's vision in the game and tried a little bit, but found that the error tolerance rate was not very high, which aroused their doubts.

In the end, someone called up the showpos command and discovered the numerical coordinates of the lost item, and finally figured out how the smoke bomb was lost.

The second-tier professional brother also tweeted: "Can VC be a human being? Is there anyone who plays props like this?"

The following contestants and audience saw his speech, and they all said that VC was not a good person, it was too hot.

The things that VC took out to play the game, he didn't think to hide it.

Some tactics focus on timeliness. Once they are known to others, their follow-up power may be reduced by half.

This method of throwing items is very complicated, and at most it is learned by other teams of the same profession.

But once other teams start copying them, they won't worry about such things.

After all, those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die.

They create new tactics based on their own new props; others use their old props to play tactics.

Not in a pattern at all.

However, this morning, the official had a sudden convulsion and disabled the showpos command that can display values.

At this moment, Meng De couldn't help tweeting and complaining: "We just used this method in the game, and you banned it for us. What do you mean?"

Although Mengde made complaints, the resort company knew everything. How could he care about the demands of players and players?
When Meng De told the news to ropz, the young teenager felt the malice brought by the world.

ropz was very unconvinced, and started his own running map after eating early in the morning.

Meng De shook his head at this, the temper of young people is like this.

Obviously, he wanted to find a way to slap the resort company in the face again.

"Some think too much." NIKO muttered to the side, he did not have confidence in ropz's research, "That smoke is already tricky, and it is too difficult to find another way."

Although several other people did not say it clearly, the fact is that the final landing point of this xbox cigarette is on the railing of the xbox box, and if it is just stuck there, the requirements for the aiming point and trajectory are too high.

It belongs to the kind that can be encountered but cannot be sought. Now that there is no coordinate value, it is a bit nonsense to want to lose it by feeling.

Several people could understand ropz's dissatisfaction, but they didn't help him. They all had their own tasks.

Meng De took ropz with him this time, firstly to let him feel the offline atmosphere and familiarize him with the offline environment.

The second is to help share some of the pressure on the data and let them familiarize themselves with the tactical layout in advance, which will help improve his overall view of the overall situation and improve his awareness.

The other guy was taken by the second team, and now he is learning from kennyS.

ropz was persistently throwing xbox cigarettes, and the others started their daily warm-up training.

They need to warm up their hands first, and then run a warm-up map for the map that may be played today, and review all the props that may need to be thrown, so as to avoid the scene where teammates are required to point and point during the game.

That's not only ugly, but also easy to delay the rhythm.

After the training in the morning, after lunch at noon, all the staff began to take a lunch break to adjust.

After eating, ropz ran to the computer again, and from the expression on his face, he was probably not convinced.

"Stubborn child." Niko sighed, then covered himself with a small quilt, and lay down beautifully.

The other people had the same idea, until the end of the lunch break in the afternoon, after they finished the basic exercises in the afternoon, ropz came towards them.

Running maps for a day has cost a lot of thought and energy, and ropz's face is inevitably a little tired.

NIKO thought that ropz had realized the reality, so he took the initiative to pat ropz on the shoulder: "It's okay, this prop can't be researched, we can research new props later on."

The others nodded in agreement.

But ropz looked at NIKO and said strangely: "Who said I didn't research it?"

Crowd:! ! !
"It was really discovered by you?" S1mple's eyes lit up.

Meng De also got up quickly, and signaled ropz to go to his computer to see what the new aiming point looks like.

"Let's do it on your computer, coach. My computer is turned off." Ropz said, except for eating this day, he never left the computer, and he was very tired at the moment.

Mengde quickly gave him the position, ropz entered the running map server, refreshed the birth point several times in a row, and finally resurrected the perspective was facing the white car in the back garden, he said: "This method needs to be at this birth point .”

The birth point of CSGO, its coordinate value is fixed, even the direction the camera is facing is also fixed.

"Let me demonstrate it to you first." Ropz said.

I saw him adjust the mouse speed of the X axis to 854.918182 directly in the console.

The mouse speed, which is so accurate to 6 digits after the decimal point, made the heads of the six people watching behind them all covered with question marks, but Meng De had some doubts in his heart.

ropz began to move the mouse to the right. At his mouse speed of lateral movement, the camera does not move smoothly, but moves frame by frame.

ropz moved 5 blocks slowly, then quickly opened the console again, and changed the mouse speed on the Y axis to 373.454545.

Turn off the console, and move the mouse up one space.

The position of the xbox cigarette is just right.

After finishing, ropz changed the mouse speed to normal, squatted down directly, and made a jump shot.

Smoke flew out of his hands, ropz turned on the flight mode, and came to the air to let everyone see the effect.

Sure enough, the xbox smoke exploded on the railing, the same effect as before.

"Look, it's that simple." Although ropz was tired, his eyes were bright.

S1mple: ? ? ?
NIKO:? ? ?
You call this simple?
Be sober, we are playing CSGO, not scientific research!
S1mple was so shocked by ropz that he was a little numb. He turned to Niko and said, "Is it still too late for me to retire and go to college?"

"Same question." NIKO echoed.

Although they knew that ropz was a genius before, after watching ropz's demonstration of how to lose new props, they still felt that ropz was too perverted.

It completely broke the conventional method of throwing props, and people didn't know how to evaluate it.

Mengde stroked his chin and asked, "You got the answer by calculating the coordinates, right?"

"In the beginning, I wanted to find out the coordinate value through other methods, but I couldn't find it after trying for a long time." ropz looked a little helpless, "In the end, I can only use this simple method to calculate the answer."

"You call this simple?"

NIKO covered his face, feeling a little ashamed: "I just want to play games, not take the CSGO university exam. Today, I will fail the course of "Prop Research and Application"."

S1mple said: "+1"

"You really deserve to be the champion of the Olympiad." Meng De praised. Although he also graduated from a first-class university, he knows that there is a gap between people.

He can be regarded as a normal person, but the thin guy in front of him is an inhuman one.

"Okay, now that the points have been researched, ropz, please explain the values, and everyone can run the map to practice." Mengde patted ropz on the shoulder with a bit of mischief, "If you have a chance to play Sha Er today, help me You can slap the resort company in the face."

The kid next to him said meanly: "After the game, the resort company will announce tomorrow that we will be directly banned from participating in the game and solve the problem from the source."

Everyone laughed loudly, they were all a bit displeased with the resort agency's attitude.

After the joke, everyone started to practice more.

Although it looks complicated, but after knowing the specific value, the steps are just a little more cumbersome, and it is quite simple after the actual operation is proficient.

Everyone practiced for ten minutes, and there was no problem.

Meng De also sent this method to Wu Qiang, and asked Wu Qiang to teach it to the players of the second team.

ropz had already gone to sleep in his room, while the others drove to the venue.

With this inhuman prop researched by ropz, they looked forward to today's game even more.

After all, the matter of slapping the holiday agency in the face is very touching when you think about it.

Meng De turned on his mobile phone and commented on the resort's Twitter: "If you have time, you can look forward to the game tonight."

The resort agency replied below with a puzzled look.


The third day of Blast has started.

The first game was played by HC against FG.

Facts have proved that even in the first echelon, there is still a certain gap in everyone's strength.

The confrontation between HC and FG shows a certain intensity, but the overall rhythm is still led by HC.

However, HC did not win very easily. They were still hindered by FG's ace sniper Pepper.

On both maps, they were narrow victories.

On these two maps, Pepper himself got a total of 59 kills, ranking first among the ten players.

Several of his teammates did not even get half of his stats.

Many viewers couldn't bear to watch, and shouted on Twitter, let Xiaojiao go find the International Column, if it doesn't work, go to VC, it's better to be a substitute than stay in FG.

The game was lost, and Pepper didn't have much emotional fluctuation after the game.

But judging by the expression he showed at the end, he was probably still disappointed.

Losing the game in this state, no one will feel better.

It's like a football game. As a striker, you frantically help the team score points, but your teammates can't keep the damn goal. How can it not be uncomfortable.

E-sports is so cruel and ruthless. FG's overall strength is not strong, loopholes will be targeted, and it is normal to lose the game. After all, this is a team game with 5 players.

After the regrettable French team game ended, today's first game of the loser's bracket ushered in, and it was also a major event that the audience was looking forward to.

VC vs. GG.

The two teams played one of the most classic events of the year at the Katowice Major.

In that competition, S1mple's two blind shots from the sky, and MUWO's three back shots, all became "famous" scenes and were remembered by the audience.

There have even been rumors recently that the resort agency will specially design a map sticker for S1mple.

But everyone didn't really believe in this point. After all, with the style of a holiday agency, it was simply impossible for him to take the initiative to do something.

Players from both sides are submitting their peripherals for inspection to confirm that there is no external third-party software.

The audience in the live broadcast room had already chatted, and most of their chatting topics were about the game.

Of course, there are also a small number of viewers who chatted after the resort agency updated and banned the showpos command in the morning.

Obviously, he is the modification made for VC's game yesterday.

From the point of view of the resort agency, this kind of operation of VC has deviated from the game itself to a certain extent, and some are too introverted.

And because his influence on the map itself is too great, a quick xbox smoke can completely lose CT's control over the middle lane, which is a bit too powerful.

In order to avoid large-scale modification of the map to adjust the balance, it is a good choice to ban this command directly from the source of the contradiction.

On the side of VC, this sudden change is of course a kind of targeting.

After all, you banned the props you just researched. Are you targeting them or something?
If it's a bug, there's nothing to say, but the point is that it's not a bug.

[One thing to say, the resort agency is a bit inappropriate]

[Another one teaching players how to play games]

[I really feel that VC's props are a bit crazy. From the first to the end, they use numerical values ​​to target, people are stupid]

[VC's props are you talking about for nothing?Do you know what is CSGO roll king? 】

[Scroll, roll all of them! 】

[I just saw Cao thief tweeting, looking forward to today's game (rubbing hands)]


The peripherals of the players were checked by the competition team for a few minutes, and after confirming that there was nothing strange, the equipment was issued back.

Everyone in VC also quickly adjusted their settings and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the computer, so that there would be no problems during the game.

While everyone was warming up, Meng De said from the back: "Today's game, everyone, don't worry, play slowly, don't worry and compete with GG for rhythm."

"We all know that GG is a team that is most prone to problems by itself. As long as we play steadily, we can already gain a lot of advantages."

Wang Yuning kept warming up in his hands, and interjected: "What about today's BP, is it still the same as what was discussed before?"

They had already discussed once in the hotel, BP tried to lean on the lost city and the small town as much as possible, as for the last map, it had to depend on the situation.

But before setting off, ropz researched the smoke bomb again, and maybe their Sha Er can be lifted out.

"Change BP." Meng De decided to change the topic today after ropz came up with the research results.

"If we have a chance, we can directly take down Sha Er. If we are in Lost City, we will force GG to choose." Meng De laughed, "This is also their own strong plan. I don't believe he won't choose."

S1mple completed a large-angle snipe at the side, and said jokingly: "Then coach, you have to do a little bit more punch-jumping today."

There was a burst of laughter in the team, and everyone expressed their understanding of the coach's box-guessing skills.

Meng De directly gave S1mple a kidney shot from behind: "This punch has 22 years of skill, can you stop it?"


The atmosphere in VC was very good, which made everyone in GG, who was warming up, mutter for a while.

"Why are they so happy?"

"how could I know."

"Can't you go and see?"

"Why don't you go."

Everyone in GG said some nasty words, but everyone was warming up very seriously.

For the strength of VC, they are recognized and cannot be recognized any more.

Especially loxi, after losing to VC in that game, he started to watch S1mple's game video all day long, trying to learn from S1mple and make it his own.

Before the game, he vowed: "When I meet VC next time, I will let S1mple know what real cruelty is."

But MUWO felt the vibration of the table, turned his head and said strangely: "loxi, why are you shaking your legs?"

Loxi pursed her lips and said innocently, "Is there? I didn't shake."

After a second, he couldn't pretend anymore: "Well, I'm a little nervous."

MUWO squinted at him: "Are you sure this is one point?"

"It's mainly because of a little excitement." Loxi suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and said to reassure his teammates, "Don't worry, I can adjust it."

MUWO expressed doubts about this, but still believed in loxi for the time being.

Because now, it's useless for him to worry about the state of his teammates, the game will start immediately.

Although the team's recent state is not good, but the opponent is also in the loser's bracket, the state is not very good, not the best state, so what if we touch each other.

For today's station, MUWO has been looking forward to it for a long time.

As the world's No. [-] Sand Eagle, his title was completely lost in the one stop with VC.

After that battle, although many people said they were sorry, more people said they lost the game because of him. He felt uncomfortable, but he had nowhere to reason.

That match was painful for a long time, and today he also intends to find himself in this match, so that the world can see that the man who uses the Sand Eagle as his main weapon is still extremely powerful.


This game is still very exciting for the audience. After all, both teams tend to play aggressively. Once there is a firefight, it depends entirely on individual ability.

The team's style of play at this stage has actually made many people uncomfortable.

Although both VC and GG have a lot of shortcomings, but because of the problem of playing style, the visual experience of watching the game is still very good.

All the equipment on the field was debugged, the two referees finished their boxing game, and the game entered the BP session.

"Okay, VC got the first right to ban the map." Coke said, "They still banned the death amusement park as usual."

They had expected this. After all, they had never been to an amusement park since the first release of Mystery of the Dead City.

In this map, VC's winning rate is not very high, but relatively speaking, it is more difficult to play in terms of personal ability.

GG thought for a while, and banned the nuclear crisis, which they are not good at.

When it was VC's turn to choose, Meng De followed the BP that had been discussed before, and directly won the Burning Sand City.

"Sha Er?" Several people from MUWO on the other side turned up and muttered.

It's not that VC's Sha Er is not strong, it's just that their xbox cigarettes were banned this morning, and they still play Sha Er, so they are not that strong.

They don't understand, and they still plan to follow their own rhythm.

After thinking for a while in the dead city and the lost city, MUWO finally decided to find a place in the dead city.

In today's game, I have to get back all the things I lost!

The first two maps of BO3 have already appeared, and the two teams then banned Purgatory Town and Desert Lost City, leaving a train station.

Only then did GG realize that he had been tricked.

Although it's not that they can't play trains, compared to VC, their winning percentage is completely inferior.

But that's the end of the matter, and it's too late to regret.

Everyone in GG hugged together, imitating VC and shouting cheers, and began to prepare to enter Sha Er's server.


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