CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 357 Holiday agency, the XX period has arrived!

VC vs. GG.

Map: Burning Sand City

T: S1mple, Yu, NIKO, somebody, Twistzz
CT: MUWO, jiya, black, fox, loxi
Both parties enter the competition server, and the competition officially begins.

The pistol round started. As the attacking side, VC followed the established tactics and used the flash to compete against University A under the condition of a good position.

Wang Yuning had two flashes in a row, sending Twistzz, the number one, into University A.

There was no one in the opponent's University A, and they directly let go of the control of University A. They felt a little strange about this person.

While pointing, the director turned on the mic and reminded: "You kid, be careful, A big is too abnormal, and the opponents may be concentrated in B area and A small."

Now there are 4 members in their main force, and only the little ghost is the default on the B2 floor. As a member of the order, the safety of the little ghost is difficult to guarantee.

Coke saw the unconventional GG pistol round from God's perspective: "GG didn't take an unusual way to start the game, and directly let go of the entire A area, and the large forces were concentrated in the middle and B areas."

"In this case, their thoughts are self-evident."

Standing unconventional at the beginning, it is impossible to simply stand up in the follow-up.

After setting up the oil barrel in the middle for a while, when no bandits were seen, they heard a flash of A again, and GG started his own action.

The B2 floor is pressing forward together with the middle lane, and first clear the periphery of the entire B area.

The little ghost stood on the spiral staircase between B1 and B2. As the advancement of Area A became clear, he also felt some crisis.

None of the other party is dead now, and the teammates have not received any disturbance in University A.

It is impossible for the five opponents to disappear from the map directly, and the greatest possibility is to be by his side.

The kid is holding a Glock, constantly swaying around to detect B1 and B2, and beware of the opponent's forward pressure at any time.

Soon, he spotted the policeman pressing in front of B2, and the kid quickly positioned himself and shot him.


The kid didn't get greedy for guns either, and continued to turn his head to look at B1.

Sure enough, B1 also came.

He was still not greedy, and ran away with one shot.

"Hurry up and push forward. There are 3-4 people on my side. You will definitely not be able to escape if you run. Take the gun positions you should take." The kid knew that he might die on Fanqing in this wave, so Can make more contributions to the team and delay enough time.

He kept going back and forth between B1 and B2, trying to delay the time.

His idea is also very simple, the opponent is a USP pistol, he is a Glock.

He doesn't have any advantage in long-distance firefights, at least he has to kill them a little blood first, and let the opponent advance to him before the firefight.

"The kid's dealings still went wrong, and the bandits from B1 are getting closer." Yuyuan used a very interesting description, "There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, and he is just Mickey Mouse."

But the little devil's attention was full, and the moment the opponent shot in the back, he immediately turned his head 90 degrees, and headshot the policeman who was close by with one shot.

Got the first kill!

After killing and playing, the kid will not have any psychological pressure in the follow-up.

The other party spent so much manpower to clear him, and he even killed one person. Now even if he is dead, he has fulfilled his share.

The little ghost turned his head and took a few shots at the two policemen who were approaching the B2 floor, and then decisively pulled the position of the B1 exit.

MUWO, who was holding a gun, was shot in the head by the kid.

Loxi in the middle saw that the situation was wrong, and wanted to press over to help make up for the kid.

But VC did not give up on the kid, they sent NIKO to help.

Sensing that the Saudi police were about to press forward, Niko immediately raised his gun and fired to suppress it.

"Can you come out? Come out and I can help you." NIKO said in voice while facing the gun.

"I'll try." After the kid replied, he immediately jumped from B1, and finally ran out of B1 at the cost of being shot twice.

"The little ghost alone faced the enemy's outflanking and broke through a tight siege, which made VC's pistol round a dream start." Coke analyzed, "Now the A site has been occupied, and GG is still at a disadvantage in numbers, even if they have thunder clamps , I can only say GG in the future.”

Although the taro ball next to her got the same answer, she still smiled and said, "Mr. Le, you must not breastfeed."

The confrontation on the field did not stop. Although the situation in the middle was invisible, VC had already determined the positions of the remaining three.

Senior A and the others were not in a hurry to come over to help, and looked for a gun position.

Wang Yuning's decision-making was even more decisive: "Just find a way to save your life, and we won't go to help."

In this situation, as long as it is delayed for a while, even if the opponent returns to the defense and shows great power, there is no time to win the pistol round.

Although the kid ran out of B1, he was still in an awkward position, and was soon killed when the two of them approached from B1.

Seeing this scene, NIKO didn't want to be greedy for guns, and retreated back to keep University A.

Although GG knew that this 3v4 was very difficult, but it was not their character to save their guns so early in the pistol round.

With a flash bomb, Xiao A was safely captured, and the remaining three of GG broke through from Xiao A to the encirclement.

But VC has already set up a net in District A.

Wang Yuning got the information in the sniper position, so he didn't miss it.

The packaged S1mple has a bit of a scalp.

The director of University A also set up a small crossing point. There are several crossfires in the entire area A, and it is very difficult for GG and others to pass the point.

A's little jiya is full of vigilance, and walks slowly towards the bun spot quietly.

Soon a dotted bullet hit him between the eyebrows.

Black behind got the information, and immediately put the crosshairs in the spot area, ready to fire at any time.

But in the process of moving, a bullet from Big A hit him, directly hitting his head and killing him.

Before he could figure out where the specific source of the gunshots was, he was pulled out horizontally by S1mple and shot down.

"Impeccable, this structure is placed, it can directly pull and destroy several returning defense personnel of A small, there is no chance at all." Coke said, "In this case, the last CT can only save a pair of lightning pliers gone."

1 for 4 in the pistol round, VC won a big victory!

To Meng De's great relief, in this pistol round, except for NIKO who got a shot, others like the director and S1mple didn't suffer any damage.

This is a good beginning.

In the second round, it only costs 350 yuan to complete a full armor, which is quite good news for economic accumulation.

"It's poisonous." MUWO was a little speechless about the confrontation in the pistol round.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with their tactical arrangement. First, use the advantage of numbers to encircle and kill the default bandits in Area B, and then rely on flashes to fight back and defend.

The question is, why anyone can play VC.

Their encirclement was completed, and that somebody broke out of the encirclement by himself.

It's simply exaggerated, is anyone in this VC so exaggerated in marksmanship?

"The economy is too bad, let's get stronger." It's useless to keep entangled in the pistol round. Everyone in GG turned their attention to the current round, trying to get something out of the stronger round.

"If we have the status, we can take the big A." MUWO said, "After taking him down, let's see where the opponent's main attack is."

Due to the limitations of firearms and props, their style of play in this round is relatively simple, mainly using the advantage of map control to engage in close firefights with VC. The blood volume is disabled.

After the tactics were determined, everyone began to execute them.

Relying on the advantage of its position, Gate A lost fire and took it down.

After confirming that there were no VC members in the future, they began to transfer the main force to other locations.

On the other hand, it's not that VC hasn't thought about taking control of University A. It's just that because of his bad position and fear that GG will take a thunder attack, he gave up the idea of ​​snatching University A.

Although S1mple's economy is enough to afford an AK47 in this round, but from today's research on GG's game video, it is found that the frequency of GG's team's sniping is quite high.

In this case, he would have to get a firearm capable of long-distance exchange of fire to counter it accordingly.

Big A has no control, so VC naturally shifted his attention to the middle.

With the help of S1mple's bird sniper, for the time being, they didn't see anyone in the sand who dared to make trouble.

Several people on the B1 floor directly used fire to take the control of A small.

After that, VC fell into a decision.

Where should we attack in depth?

If they want to go to Elementary School A, they have to gather a few people in Elementary School A to do a close-up counter-clearing.

If you hit the middle, it's the same.

"Let's go to the middle lane." Wang Yuning quickly made a judgment, "They lost their fire in Big A just now, and the focus should be on area A. Let's clear the middle lane and see how the situation goes."

Wang Yuning issued an order and started to catch flashes.

NIKO and the director started to paste the middle door, and when everything was ready, Wang Yuning threw it out with a flash.

The flashes exploded, and NIKO made sure that there was no one in the sand with his left hand, so he began to carefully preview the right side.

But the location of the middle gate is a little awkward.

There was no problem with NIKO's preview, and even the sight was firmly in the groove, but before he could shoot, he heard the sound of CZ75 gunfire.

【GG.Black used CZ75 headshot to kill VC.NIKO】

"Xiaohei's CZ exploded at a close point, directly maximizing the advantage of the firearm. Two consecutive headshots, NIKO can't stop it at all!"

After Xiao Hei got a kill, he immediately lowered his head to suck the AK47 dropped by NIKO, and turned on the microphone to ask for support.

He didn't dare to go forward, for fear that VC would sweep him to death through the middle door.

What he didn't expect was that the moment he lowered his head, someone pulled out and replaced him directly.

Xiao Hei still failed to pick up the long gun in the end, but the support of his teammates was still late.

A smoke bomb exploded at the middle door, and he clearly saw the director stepping back.

Barely regained control of the middle lane.

"Xiao Hei is still a bit greedy for guns, otherwise he would really have a chance to get a double kill in his position, but he didn't notice that the opposite side would have a group of two to clear the middle lane." Coke continued, "MUWO's smoke replenishment is a bit slow, now He continued to come to the middle to see if he could find a chance, or pick up the dropped AK."

After MUWO came to the middle lane, fox who stayed behind in the B area also came to help.

However, just as he moved to the sandy ground, he heard the sound of a bird sniper in the middle.

[VC.S1mple used SSG 08 to kill GG.fox through smoke]

It didn't take a headshot, but it still knocked out fox, because fox didn't buy armor in order to throw a sand eagle to his teammates this round.

S1mple looked at the kill information and laughed when he saw the kill: "I just randomly took a shot at that place, I guess this guy is stupid."

"He's the one who guards B, and he doesn't come out under normal circumstances. I think there's another player in the middle who will play with him." NIKO turned into a spring commander and conducted an analysis.

For professional games, most players defend in fixed areas, and players can get quite good and effective information through this kind of kill information.

Wang Yuning made a decisive decision: "We directly increased the speed to B. Even if there is another one in the middle of him who can quickly return to the defense, then there is at most one person, and he rushed directly to him!"

Wang Yuning gave the order, and everyone in VC walked quietly to B2, ready to fire a wave of explosive bombs.

On the other side, MUWO has come to Area B.

There was absolutely no way, this teammate died too quickly, and with the state of the air defense in Area B, it was impossible for him to stay in the middle.

As soon as he posted to the closest point of B, a smoke bomb was thrown in the B2 floor.

MUWO focused and asked his teammates to return to defense in the voice.

If he can get a few kills, there is hope for this round.

"MUWO is too courageous. His position shows his thoughts. He just wants to kill the opponent directly, and then save this round."

"The VC trio started to attack, and Wang Yuning jumped out. MUWO fired one, two, and three shots, and all the follow-up shots in the air were hit, but he had no chance to shoot later, and the director knocked him out."

"VC is still better!"

MUWO feels a little pity, he has set up the headshot line, if the opponent pulls the rifle horizontally, maybe he will be swiped this round.

But it was a hair dryer that jumped out, so he could only try to follow the gun.

Destroying one is also my limit.

VC simply searched the location of area B, and then began to put down C4.

In the endgame of 2 vs 3, GG was left with two players, one bird and one Sand Eagle.

But keeping these two firearms will not have a big impact on the next round, because GG is strong in the second round. If they force it again, the problem will be really big.

In the third round, S1mple directly threw the bird sniper just now to NIKO, and rushed to A with an AK47 to brush up his performance.

In the end, S1mple was killed after three kills. NIKO and the kid knocked out the other two, putting an end to VC's third point.

Losing three points in a row in the early stage, Weiwei discouraged everyone in GG, but they believed that the next round with all guns and bullets would be the turning point of the game.

On the other side, S1mple suddenly shouted when the fourth round came:

"Hey! I am that person, shall we try that smoke bomb?"

There was some impulsiveness in his words.

VC will not deliberately hide the tactics that have already been exposed.

So Wang Yuning nodded: "Give it directly, don't forget the specific value."

S1mple nodded, then quickly opened the console and began to change his mouse sensitivity.

Under his one-pass operation, the specific coordinates were quickly aligned.

S1mple changed back to his own sensitivity, then squatted down, and threw out the smoke bomb in his hand with full expectation...

He knew that this smoke bomb would shock the world again.

Resort agency, prepare to be slapped in the face!

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