CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 358 The terrifying power of ropz smoke

S1mple directly threw an inconspicuous prop from the resurrection point. No one noticed this scene except themselves, even the Blast director who likes to mess around.

Relying on the economy accumulated before, the GG team can also have a big sniper this round.

In the recent games, the GG team is also adjusting its own situation.

Although MUWO's key performance in the previous Major was somewhat criticized, the overall performance was very good.

So they changed the position of MUWO's main sniper, and made him a full-time breakthrough player in the future.

And the main sniper of the team is naturally the former deputy sniper Loxi.

Loxi's body position is good, and this round will naturally come to the middle to take a shot.

After losing a cigarette at the beginning, he asked his teammates to give him a jump, intending to cheat S1mple's first shot, and then catch S1mple's timing.

Just as the cigarettes were lighted, they heard the sound of two smoke bombs exploding.

At first they didn't pay attention to it, thinking they heard it wrong.

But in the next second, loxi heard fox jumping over and said strangely: "Why is there no vision?"

Loxi had a bad feeling in his heart, and immediately peeked out to look at the middle lane.

Then I found that all vision was blocked, and all control of the middle lane was gone.

"What the hell is this!" Loxi was stunned when he saw the smoke.

If he had a chance to communicate with the tank sniper Binle, they would definitely feel the same way, because they were in the same situation.

MUWO in Area A didn't know what was going on, so he asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

They're on their way to the A's for control, and there hasn't been a firefight yet.

loxi looked for a long time at the near point of the middle gate, and could only see a little field of vision below the xbox, completely losing control of the middle lane.

He said helplessly, "The other side lost that Xbox cigarette again."

But MUWO on the other side didn't respond to him, because he was still busy with the competition for University A.

At this moment, with the help of his teammates, he successfully took it down with two flashes and one incendiary bomb.

But the follow-up communication decisions are still rapid, leaving them with no time to reply.

Although loxi's doubts were not conveyed to the teammates in zone A, they were confused by the two commentators in the live broadcast room.

They are all aware of the holiday agency's ban this morning.

Speaking of which, this is already the second time that the resort agency has specially made an update because of VC.

The first time was Meng De's performance on the Major All-Stars. He used the three-plane bug tactic to perform an extraordinary performance.

That performance made VC well received by many professional clubs, and even the resort itself made a small map graffiti in the game's updated death amusement park to pay tribute to Meng De's contribution to the game.

This time it's a bit interesting. If we say that the last change was to make the game have no loopholes.

But this time the change is very specific.

But now they see from loxi's perspective, VC seems to be able to throw that smoke bomb.

"What's going on here?" Coke didn't quite understand. He turned his head and asked Taro, "This morning's update announcement should have banned the showpos command."

Taro balls are also a little unclear, which is a rare case of unclear information since he explained.

He could only pick what he knew and said, "The showpos command is indeed disabled. After seeing the announcement today, I tried it out, and it couldn't be opened at all."

"Or maybe the version of the Blast event hasn't been updated yet?" Yuyuan said suspiciously.

Coke thought for a while, then shook his head in denial: "There shouldn't be such a possibility. Now most of the competitions follow the version. There won't be a version of the game and a version of the game."

"I'm a little curious about this. Did VC research a new item, or did they find some way to get the showpos command out?"

The curiosity of the audience was also aroused.

【What's the situation, isn't it banned?】

[It was indeed banned. I saw Uncle Ma experimenting with props this morning, but he couldn’t use them]

[Actually, I saw that some big hands on Twitter have already developed a new throwing method, but it is a bit too complicated]

[To be honest, does this prop have any specific function? 】

Weird props, of course, can attract the attention of the audience, but whether the props are useful or not is crucial.

Otherwise, isn't it good to see Broky throwing props?

After all, he is always so confident that he can do it easily.

With a good position, VC will also carry out targeted tactics.

At the beginning of the game, S1mple threw an xbox cigarette at the birth point, and the kid followed him and jumped down the secret passage.

And the director who is closest to University A is doing some seduction from the side.

His task this round is to hold back all the opponents of Big A by himself, so that the opponents cannot return to the bag in a short time.

NIKO was behind him to help him throw a door A fire extinguisher, followed by two flashes.

Big A's offensive made MUWO feel like they were on the verge of a formidable enemy. An incendiary bomb was wiped out by the smoke, and just as they were about to scout their field of vision, they were all whitened by flashes.

The director was behind the smoke at Gate A, and his hands were not idle. He threw the flash out, seized the opportunity, threw a fire at the corner of Gate A, and then casually shot a few shots at the corner.

MUWO successfully moved to the big pit. After he regained his vision, he came out to investigate and saw no one.

But just now he lost his vision for a short time, and the situation of the blue box is unknown.

"Jiya, throw a fire into the blue box and clear the blue box." MUWO said.

He used up his own fire at the beginning, and now he can only wait for his teammates to help.

Xiao Hei from Platform A took the initiative and said, "Let me fill you with a door-A cigarette."

The threat from his current platform is not that great, so he still has the opportunity to take the initiative.

He moved to the blue car, aimed slightly, and threw a smoke grenade towards door A.


The director and NIKO have already done enough preparations for Gate A, and S1mple and Wang Yuning came to Elementary A without stopping.

The two quickly cleaned up Xiao A, and then S1mple directly gave a bun with all white flashes.

This flash bomb can reach several angles of the site on platform A, but because of its wide coverage, the blinding effect is not very good.

However, it is quite useful for their next tactics.

Because Wang Yuning flew down from A with a spinning jump at the same time as the flash exploded.

Loxi at the corner of the sandy ground was carrying a big sniper, completely appearing in Wang Yuning's field of vision.

"Is VC playing so aggressively?" Coke was a little amazed. The item exchange in A University in the early stage entrusted everyone in GG to A University.

Moreover, due to some mishaps, there was no one on platform A.

Wang Yuning aimed precisely and fired a short burst. Loxi was killed with a confused face.

where am I?who I am?Where did you hit me?
For a moment, his mind was full of question marks.

And the moment Wang Yuning killed Loxi, he immediately threw a smoke bomb behind him, cutting off the field of vision of the investigation center in Area A.

Xiao Hei, who was refilling the smoke grenades for Gate A, heard the gunshots and felt that something was wrong.

He tried to go back to the bunker, but only saw the kill information in the upper right corner, and the smoke bomb at the police's resurrection point.


This is the answer that Xiao Hei came up with after seeing the situation.

Sure enough, his teammates in Zone B were hit extremely hard next.

The loss of control over the mid lane and loxi's death left Fox alone in Zone B.

But can he fight it?

I can't beat it!

VC controlled the sand, and fox was very smart and took the initiative to push forward, trying to make a way out.

But in the face of VC's tough marksmanship, it turned into a hasty escape.

In the end, none of them were destroyed, and they died on the B pass.

VC easily puts the bag in the B area and starts to enter the defensive mode.

Several people from GG in Area A also had a lightning clamp. After they learned that fox might be in danger, they actively pressed forward and wanted to launch a defense.

But the problem is, NIKO took a bird sniper and directly framed the two people in door A to death.

They were shot twice in the head, and they couldn't get out of the house.

In the end, if the VC personnel were not too far away, the remaining long gun would have to be handed over to him.

"Amazing tactics." Coke's voice was clear and powerful, and he sincerely praised, "Using props to pave the way in University A in the early stage surprised everyone in GG that their goal was on University A."

"Even if they noticed Xiao A, they didn't have such a strong sense of defense. This made Old Wang fly down from Xiao A and directly grabbed Loxi's back."

"The foreplay has been done enough, even if there are two people in the follow-up zone B, it is not too difficult for VC."

"Yes, an attack like mercury pouring down the ground." Yuyuan's mouth was also full of admiration, "VCs are geniuses who play tricks on people's hearts."

"Of course, this is also a magical way of that fast xbox smoke. He can prevent the middle lane from getting any vision. Without the initiative, he is really too passive."

After a wave of battles, the players who were still wondering what the effect of this smoke bomb was, at this moment directly deducted the resin 666.

[What's going on, a sudden wave of speed up put GG on the ground]

[I just want to say what happened?How did Pharaoh jump down? 】

[This is too bold, isn't there anyone in GG who watches A's little one on the platform?really sick]

[In terms of disappointment, GG never disappoints]

[Obviously VC played well, but why did it become a GG mistake (profusely)]

Taking advantage of the time for both sides to protect their guns, Blast's director finally started to do some personnel work.

First of all, he released the much-anticipated smoke bomb thrown by S1mple, and showed the audience to appreciate it from various angles, letting the world focus on the xbox smoke.

Then, the scene of the large firefight in method A, and the scene of A Xiao Wang Yuning jumping off were released.

Finally let a small number of players understand.

It turned out that there were so many curves in a wave of quick attacks.

It seems that this smoke bomb is still very effective.

The GG team called a timeout, and they came to the problem-finding session.

Loxi asked very strangely: "What's going on? How could Xiao A jump into the police house?"

He didn't understand this very much, because in his opinion, A has teammates supporting him, and the opponent can't get to that position.

Xiao Hei was a little innocent: "I went to help A big throw A door cigarettes, and there happened to be a timing."

But he changed his mind, he shouldn't have carried the blame himself: "Loxi, don't you just look at A's little one?"

loxi said that I would not take this pot either: "They lost the xbox cigarette at the birth point again, and I can't get any vision in the middle."

"What can I do." Loxi let out a breath, "If I have a big sniper, I can't always be close, so I can at most hit one in the face."

"And as I said at the beginning, I can't get the vision in the middle."

MUWO understood it, and it was another mistake. Because loxi was standing on the right side of the sand, he didn't hear any footsteps from A, otherwise they would at least have some precautions.

"Stop arguing, it's just a communication problem, just pay attention later." MUWO still has a lot of voice in the team, and several other people also calmed down.

MUWO continued: "We haven't figured out what to do with that xbox cigarette yet, the speed is a bit too fast."

Originally, they thought about how to crack the smoke bomb today, but the follow-up update of the resort made them happy.

It's just that I didn't expect that this thing would appear in today's game, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

He had an ominous premonition that today's picture [-] might be lost!
"If there is really nothing to do in the follow-up, let go of the control of the middle lane and just guard the two sides."

This is the best way he can come up with for the time being.

Since the opponent wants to control the middle lane, they will let go of the middle lane first to compete for the control of A major and A minor.

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, the smoke bomb could not be used every round, and the restrictions on his use were quite large.

There may not be no chance of breaking the game in the future.


Sha Er's defense is relatively difficult to fight, not to mention that with consecutive victories, VC has already completed its own economic operations.

They quickly started scoring consecutively, and VC unknowingly reaped the eighth score of the first half.

Only after scoring the eighth point, MUWO finally stood up, played a wave of brilliant performances in the strong start, and successfully helped his teammates complete the comeback.

The score above the big screen came to 8:1.
MUWO was as excited as if he had won Figure [-]. He shouted loudly and encouraged his teammates: "We still have a chance, everyone, don't give up!"

"With a few more points in the first half, we will be able to play in the second half!"

Under the encouragement of MUWO, the morale of the team improved slightly.

But if the next round is not played well, the morale that has just risen may be wiped out.

On the other side, what made NIKO's eyes shine was that he also got that refresh point.

"Come on, brothers, we can play ropz again." NIKO laughed.

The director opened his mouth to discuss: "Then shall we continue to play the previous one? Or change the way?"

"We have already used the jump A small one before." Wang Yuning pondered for a while, "Why don't we simply attack with A big and A small together."

As he said that, he began to assign tasks: "For University A, the three of us will make a quick attack together and focus on keeping alive."

"Little Director A, you go with NIKO, the two of you are at the back."

After getting replies from the two, Wang Yuning added another sentence: "Director, if you are comfortable, please help me to fill in a flash, remember the gap between the cards."

"No problem." The director is always responsive.

The countdown ended, and the kid who was closest to Big A set off with a knife. When he reached normal, he cut out a flash bomb and threw it at Big A.

S1mple, who was behind him, also added one after a second, and then caught up with the kid's progress. He had to help put out the fire and repair the gun.

Wang Yuning, who was in the last position, watched the kid step into Gate A and threw two flash bombs in a row.

A big pressure to give enough.


Loxi had another big sniper this round, and after lighting the cigarette, he still came to the middle with the big sniper to take a short view.

This time, I only saw smoke again, and loxi immediately reminded his teammates: "Attention, I lost that xbox smoke in the middle, and I can't see anything."

As soon as Loxi said that, he began to move his position, but because of his previous mistakes, he also figured out a way.

This time he stood at the corner near the police house, with a big sniper straight through the middle door.

Standing here, he could clearly hear Xiao A's footsteps.

After receiving the information from loxi, University A sent a huge amount of flash bombs again.

The familiar scene made MUWO more vigilant: "Little A, be careful, don't be taken advantage of again."

"Don't worry, I will guard it." Xiao Hei quickly replied.

The familiar scene cheered up the commentators.

"VC gave that fast xbox cigarette again, and it's still the big A and the small A attacking together, the same tricks, the same style of play, will they still work?" Coke felt that things became more and more interesting.

"No, it's different from before, this big A directly stepped up to grab points!" Coke overturned his own thoughts, "The kid rushed out directly, but he didn't fight MUWO, but S1mple's shot came very quickly, MUWO was directly killed."

Jiya is at the big corner of A, just now because of the suppression of the flash, he couldn't help MUWO to make up the gun.

But he didn't intend to give up the control of Big A, so he took the initiative to ask Xiao Hei to help: "Can I have a flash?"

Xiao Hei wanted to go over to help, but a message came from Loxi in the middle: "Little A is here, pay attention to Xiao A!"

As soon as the words were finished, Loxi was ready to go to help, but before he could get to the stage, a partition cigarette from the policeman's resurrection point was thrown over.

Immediately afterwards, A Xiaoguo lighted a cigarette. This time, it was not only a problem of anti-Qing, but now even defense was a problem.

After confirming that the two of them were in place, S1mple directly changed into AK, and set fire to the parking space with Wang Yuning, accompanied by the flashing of the two buns.

A major and A minor attack simultaneously from two angles.

Jiya who was in the audience was the first to suffer, he retreated and could only hide in the audience.

But it was soon discovered by A's NIKO, and he shot and killed him directly.

Xiao Hei, who was hiding in the bag spot, was forced to throw smoke to put out the fire when Bao set it on fire.

But in the face of VC's terrifying firepower, he finally died in the smoke.

There are two GGs left, and they directly choose to start protecting their guns.

However, when the VC is economically sufficient and it is determined that it is impossible to lose the round, it will directly start looking for someone.

In the end, at the cost of 3 for 2, all GG members were killed.

VC finally showed the horror of ropz smoke.

It can gain control of the middle lane without affecting the competition for A major at all.

If it goes well, he can directly suppress all the CTs in the bag within 10 seconds of the opening, without any initiative.

This is what makes ropz cigarettes so special, and the most important reason why resort companies want to ban it.

It affects the map balance too much!

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