CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 359 One point of fatherly love?No, it's 1 points


The sound of keyboard and mouse clicks was short and intensive, accompanied by rapid communication in Chinese, followed by a group of male voices cheering in unison.

All the rounds in the first half came to an end with the cheers. Everyone in VC thought about their performance and smiled very satisfied.

In the middle and late stages of the first half, except for GG's sand eagle performance in the middle and late stages, the rest of the scores were collected by VC, and the rhythm was firmly controlled.

In fact, when GG came back in the first half, people watching the game thought it would be a turning point, and at worst it would make the situation into a state of anxiety.

But later, VC used the fast xbox smoke bomb again, and carried out a rapid pincer attack between A major and A minor, and GG, who was the defender, couldn't resist it at all.

Later, due to economic and hand feeling problems, until the end of the first half, GG, as the defensive side, did not get his second point.

The number at the top of the big screen was 14:1, and everyone was surprised by this result, including VC himself.

Although S1mple and others didn't think they would lose on this map, they didn't expect to achieve such a good result. Except for the round of being overturned in the first half, they didn't let GG get a single score, which is very impressive. a record.

You must know that this is not a fight against a third-tier team, but a real competition with a first-tier team.

Of course, they are naturally happy to have such a big advantage.

Even Meng De just reminded them not to be too inflated, but there was a smile on his face.

In stark contrast to the smiling VC crowd, it was naturally the members of the GG team in the battle room next door.

Their eyes were empty at the moment, and they sat on the gaming chairs and looked at each other speechlessly.

In the entire training room, only the GG coach was left talking in the back, trying to wake up the GG members.

But judging from everyone's state, it is obvious that the effect is not very good.

MUWO covered his head, although he wanted to encourage his teammates to cheer up, but at the moment he couldn't cheer up himself.

The picture of this scene was noticed by the director and placed in the live broadcast room.

[This Sha Er beats it well, GG's head is buzzing right now. 】

[A point of fatherly love in the first half, it is a bit too cruel to be true]

[The effect of that smoke bomb is so good, they won the key long gun rounds twice, and knocked down GG's economy twice]

[Although they are all brothers and sisters in the loser group, the gap in picture [-] is too big. 】

Before the game, all the commentators and anchors predicted that the game would be a battle between dragons and tigers, but I didn't expect the difference in picture [-] to be so big.

VC fans are naturally happy to see their players killing all directions; as for GG fans, they are probably sad, after all, watching their fans play this level of operations.

This game caused many people to discuss who is stronger between VC and GG.

Judging from the reply speed of the post, there are quite a few people who have opinions on it.

However, the competition is not over yet, and most people still want to see the result of Figure [-].

Is it true that GG can only get one point of fatherly love?
That way, as a well-known whole team, they would have done a big job.


After the adjustment of the half-time break, the faces of GG people recovered some blood, and the redness of MUWO and others also gradually receded.

Although the score difference in Figure [-] is very large, it does not mean that they are about to surrender.

Then it may be the last few rounds, which is also a good choice to adjust your state.

They also have unrealistic expectations in their hearts.

After all, in history, subsequent comebacks with 1-14 points have not never happened.

However, as far as they look at this kind of score, they all think it is unrealistic, so everyone in GG didn't say anything about this idea.

Soon into the second half of the game, the two sides switched camps.

VC switches to the defensive side, while GG plays the offensive role.

Compared with VC's love for A in the pistol round, GG is more willing to focus on the middle lane. They think that Sha Er's middle lane is relatively more active.

In the early stage attempts, even if you get a kill from one angle, you can immediately carry out a coordinated attack in the follow-up, and the adjustment speed is very fast.

"At the beginning, GG was equipped with a smoke bomb and a flash bomb, and also sent a P250 to MUWO." The situation is so good that Coke is also in a good mood. He analyzed, "In this case, the choice of A major should be was abandoned."

Sure enough, the countdown ended, and the five bandit soldiers split into two groups.

Three people along the way, go directly to the B2 floor, the other is MUWO and jiya, both of them are staying behind.

"Looking at the situation, it seems that they want to control the periphery of Area B first, and then advance together from the middle." Taro also took over the conversation.

GG's pistol round idea is relatively simple. After confirming that there is no one in B2 and B1, he throws an xbox smoke at B1 to block the view of the sandy ground.

Only then did MUWO and jiya slowly take down A Xiao.

After A is cleared, most of the control of the middle lane in this round is in the hands of GG.

They discussed for a while, and directly used a flash to clear the middle.

On the other hand, the structure of VC in the pistol round is relatively simple.

The starting position is 311, and then adjusted to 212.
It's just that S1mple in the middle is now hiding in the middle door at the resurrection point.

"GG ​​used the flash to take control of the middle door, but there is an S1mple in the police's resurrection point, if they pass the point, they will be hit by S1mple." Coke looked forward to it, "They will directly pull to find People? You must know that S1mple was in a similar position yesterday and used a USP to hit a triple kill."

Everyone in GG did almost the same by default, and there were not many props in their hands.

In the situation where you have already obtained the map advantage, you can only break through!
After everyone in GG was in position, they directly began to pull in from the middle and B Tong, wanting to have a wave of Western dry pull that is not mysterious.

S1mple grabbed a back at the first time, and he pointed his gun.

But MUWO's supplementary gun came very quickly, and the P250 took away the headshot of S1mple.

The sudden situation made both commentators feel that something was wrong.

"S1mple was suddenly blocked, and MUWO and jiya successfully moved to the sand." Yuyuan looked at the small map and analyzed it in detail. "In this case, the two members of VC in Area A will not be able to receive tolls for the time being."

"That is to say, in the absence of props in this wave, their plan B in the middle lane really succeeded!"

The taro ball felt a bit unbelievable, because GG didn't have a definite idea at all in this round, and in the end it led to the need to use dry pulling to solve the problem.

But who would have thought that it was really made by them.

"Someone has crossed the sand." S1mple was shocked by the opponent's shooting efficiency, and could only tell the information to his teammates.

Wang Yuning quickly got down from the bunker, and wanted to draw a few shots to pass the point, but found that the opponent moved very quickly and had already moved to the right side of the sand.

"Director, you two are careful, we can't help you." Wang Yuning reminded, while beckoning NIKO to return to defense.

Both the director and the kid knew that the problem was a bit serious, so they could only hide in the corner of the bunker and the white car to pick up the defense.

B Tong's enemies have come out, and the director takes the lead.

The usp fired continuously and successfully took away one.

But he was quickly knocked out by the opponent's follow-up shots, and there was no room to dodge.

Seeing that the director had been beaten to death, the little ghost squatted in a dead corner behind the white car, becoming a person to chatter for the rest of his life.

He looked at the ground very carefully, so that the bandits who entered the dog hole could not see his scalp.

Now the kid is just betting that the other party will not come to search for him.

The opponent's search point was indeed superficial, and the kid didn't suffer any harm until he heard the sound of releasing the bag from the bag point.

He took the initiative to get up, looked at the bandit who put the B pass bag, and opened fire directly.


The USP bullet penetrated jiya's skull, killing him with a headshot.

Jiya had placed the package well at first, but was killed suddenly, and he was a little confused.

MUWO next to him reacted quickly and shouted: "In the white car!"

For the time being, they didn't care about the problem of inadvertent search, and immediately pointed their guns at the white car.

The kid squatted down and was still adjusting, trying to learn from the director's performance that day.

He got up again, but was directly killed by the oncoming P250, which failed to create a miracle.

"The kid's chicken stealing only killed one person, but he managed to delay for some time, allowing NIKO and Lao Wang to return to their defenses." Coke said, "But the situation is not very optimistic. The endgame of 2 vs 3, but Everyone understands the difficulty of returning to defense in Area B."

Holding the usp, NIKO slowly looked for the reference object beside the dog hole, and after confirming that it was correct, he pulled it horizontally to the right with precision.

The moment you see a person, stop and fine-tune to fire!
The USP bullets directly kill the bandits in the sniper position.

The voice of Coke who was still explaining couldn't help but pause: "...how do you feel that you can fight again? NIKO suddenly played and brought the situation to 2v2. Old Wang still has lightning clamps in his hand, so he has to figure out how to get in."

There was a sound of unloading the bag at the bag point, but NIKO and Wang Yuning did not take the initiative to make a move.

A few seconds later, the C4 logo did not appear, confirming their thinking that the other party had just released it on holiday.

But soon, Leibao's 'didi' sounded again.

They still don't plan to make a move. Now that it's a 2v2 endgame, the best situation is to wait and see what happens.

But this time, Lei Bao was really let go.

NIKO had no choice but to hold the usp and try to preview a few regular spots, but no one was seen.

"I'll flash door B, NIKO, you can rush in." Time passed, and the two could only make a final attempt.

Wang Yuning threw a flash towards door B, and NIKO, who was waiting to be ready, directly pulled across.

As soon as he entered the door, he looked at Bao Dian, a bandit with white eyes, and admired in his heart:
So shiny!

But before he could boast, the bullet came from behind and shot NIKO in the head.

Wang Yuning rushed in to replenish his guns and forcibly knocked out the known enemies, but he still didn't have time to turn his head.

GG won the pistol round in the second half.

At the same time, an unprecedented cry broke out in GG's battle room.

It's really not easy to get this point!
Everyone in GG was very excited.

MUWO was so excited that he almost stood up, raising his arms and cheering!
After the cheers, everyone in GG laughed inexplicably.

This funny scene made the audience in the live broadcast room stunned.

【Hahaha, this GG is really interesting】

[The mentality of the old guys like GG is too good]

[No way, Figure [-] can't beat it at all, finally got a point, can you not be happy? 】

【we are the champion! !Ha ha! 】

[GG is really dedicated, and the game is working hard. 】

[How do you feel that you are not so happy after winning the championship?]

The performance of the GG players in the battle room gave the audience another joyful moment of CSGO professional players.

If a coach asked them now if they were confident they could turn the tables, they would answer:

"Yes, but only a little."

After all, even if they won the pistol round, the score gap between the two sides was still more than ten points, and there was still a long way to go to win.

Of course VC couldn't understand why GG was so happy. Hearing the cheers from the next door, they even had doubts.

"Is the neighbor crazy?" S1mple asked strangely.

NIKO shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows, if I play like this, I will definitely not be happy."

The director answered their doubts to a certain extent: "Maybe it's because the mentality is good, after all, it doesn't mean that you will be very depressed after losing the game."

With such a big advantage, everyone is in a good mood and even has time to chat for a while.

But soon got back to the topic.

After losing the pistol round, VC took the initiative to force him. Wang Yuning threw a sniper to S1mple, and he took the CZ thrown by S1mple.

The other three are big-brained Sand Eagles, and those who are more economical can simply match two props.

Strong start Wang Yuning basically does not make too many special arrangements. He knows the abilities of these guys, so he will let them play freely in the framework.

S1mple holds the bird sniper in his hand and is relatively close to the middle lane. Naturally, he intends to meet loxi in the middle lane.

"Old Wang, help me dance." S1mple was still reluctant to throw away a cigarette at the beginning.

Naturally, there is no problem with Wang Yuning, this round he was originally playing as a tool man.

When the countdown ended, he walked towards Area B, and when he was about to pass through the gap in the middle gate, he jumped directly.


The sound of the bird sniper's gun was a bit dull, and Wang Yuning, who was jumping in the air, was shot in the side and was beaten to blood.

Fortunately, there is a buffer in the middle door, otherwise he might be taken away by a single shot without armor.

However, he clearly heard the sound of two sniper shots, and a kill message appeared in the upper right corner.

Since he was not killed, there was only one possibility.

S1mple got the first kill.

"It's good to cooperate with brothers." S1mple got the first kill and smiled happily.

After getting the kill, he continued to fight the bandit for a few seconds, and only moved to the right side of the sand field after the B1 bandit might threaten him.

The first wave of snipers in the middle ended with S1mple's victory.

On the other side, there was no problem at the first time in University A, and NIKO took control very smoothly.

He didn't feel the pressure, so he took the initiative to say in the voice: "Be careful in the B area, don't be speeded up, and there is no feedback from A University."

As soon as the words fell, he ate a flash and retreated into the pit with white eyes.

It turned out that GG aimed at Big A in this round, but because of the bad position at the beginning and worried that VC would explode mines, they didn't charge to Big A.

Set up a point in Gate A, and confirmed that there is no passerby on the left, and they started their own offensive in the second time.

Two flash bombs sent MUWO and jiya directly to University A.

NIKO retreated in time, and did not let the bandits who came out of door A in the second time see his position.

He took the initiative to ask for help: "Director, a flash!"

This round is Wang Yuning guarding the B area alone, and they are triple-A, and once the B area is broken out, the others will directly open the guarantee.

The opponent is now attacking Area A, which is exactly what VC wants.

The director moved his position, came to the blue car, and directly threw out a full white flash of door A.


The flash flew out of the director's hand, drew a perfect trajectory in the air, and exploded in the air at the big corner of A.

Several bandits immediately began to be moved to tears.

NIKO, who was already waiting to be ready, directly pulled his hand horizontally, and the Sand Eagle took aim and fired!
"Bang, bang, bang!"

Three bursts of shots in a row finally allowed NIKO, who was a bit uncomfortable, to get the first kill.

He continued to adjust and shoot the second person, but just after he hit one shot, he was instantly killed by the person pulled over by the blue box.

"There are two more in University A, and I shot one of them." NIKO reported.

Hearing this, S1mple in the middle rushed over directly, and with the help of the director, he came to platform A with a bird sniper.

GG on the other side took control of University A, but they were a little worried.

At the beginning of the game, they faced off against snipers in the middle, and one of them was knocked out. This is not a particularly big problem.

However, another one was replaced in the follow-up A major firefight, which was a bit of a loss.

Now the number of people on the field is 3 vs 4. It is really not easy to deal with when you know that there is a bird on the opposite side.

At this moment, their teammates announced that they had gotten a kill in A Xiao, and the control of A Xiao was also in their hands.

Now that Major A and Junior A have obtained the control rights, there is nothing to say next, and a wave of flanking attacks will be carried out directly.

The little ghost died in Xiao A, which made the originally clear situation worse again.

S1mple and the director were left in area A to face the opponent's attack, and Wang Yuning dared not move at will in area B.

"The blue car is on fire, the police are smoking, and GG immediately started to explode the bomb." Coke added, "Little A even gave a bag to ignite, which made S1mple no longer have a place to stand."

After S1mple saw Big Bomb A, he also knew in his heart that he might have fallen into cheese between two breads.

Throw the smoke bomb you saved before directly at the junction of the slope and a box, and use it as a one-way smoke.

He opened the mirror and probed to the left side of the smoke a little bit, trying to get the field of vision of big A, and said: "If the director can, help me delay the enemy of small A."

"I'll try." The director didn't give S1mple an accurate answer, because he is a sand eagle himself, and he doesn't know if he can hold it.

S1mple held a bird sniper and used the one-way smoke to slowly explore the field of vision. The two bandits of A University saw that the smoke felt wrong and started to shoot directly.

But at the same time of shooting, it also allowed S1mple, who had difficulty getting too much vision, to see their positions.

Directly at where the bullet came from, pull the trigger!

[VC.S1mple used SSG 08 to kill GG.jiya]

"This should be the one with the remaining blood." NIKO turned on the mic to convey the message that this kill did not have his assist, because his blood volume in one shot was far from the display range of the assist.

On the other hand, Xiao A gave a cigarette to advance, but soon got into trouble with the director.

The director also kept shaking him with the scalp position below, and was also trying to kill him.

The sudden death of his teammates and the failure of A's progress made MUWO feel bad.

He immediately moved forward, and under the condition of concentrating, he soon saw S1mple on the edge of the one-way smoke.

As S1mple fires, he also fires.

In the end S1mple was killed by him, but he himself was shot.

Good news came from MUWO, but the kill information in the upper right corner made him feel the pressure again.

[VC.Twistzz kills GG.fox with a headshot of the Desert Eagle]

The only good news now may be that the Leibao is still on MUWO's body. He can quickly go to the bag site and put the Leibao down before the smoke clears.

MUWO's idea was successful, and he quickly entered the packing point and put a second bag.

"Twistzz is hovering in the audience, MUWO has already started to order, is Twistzz ready to wait for his teammates?" Coke analyzed the situation on the field for the audience, "Although MUWO has an AK47 in his hand, his blood volume is not much. That's just one shot of the Sand Eagle, so he doesn't have the initiative in this endgame, Twistzz just needs to wait until his teammates return to the defense..."

But Coke's commentary was suddenly interrupted by the scene in front of him. The director jumped up from the stage at the moment C4 was successfully placed, and Sand Eagle opened fire.

This was originally an inaccurate shooting method, but at this moment the bullet hit MUWO firmly.

MUWO, who was still bloody, saw the director who jumped up, and even failed to complete the action of cutting the gun, and died on the thunder bag.

40 seconds was enough for the remaining two people to remove the mine bag.

Match point is here!

On the other side, the mentality of everyone in GG collapsed directly.

In the case of economic collapse, they did not have any struggle in the last round, and they sent their own kills in the middle, allowing S1mple to rush a wave of results.

The final score on the big screen was fixed, and VC won the victory in Figure 16 with a score of 2:[-].

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