CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 454 Attack like a torrent of steel

Chapter 454 Attack like a torrent of steel
There was a brief silence in the Lonnie Gymnasium.

As the commentators expected, AKA let go of eco very decisively, and chose to go to the match point to fight with his back.

The audience in the live broadcast room also took advantage of the short time to express their thoughts:
[At the last point, Team A withstood the pressure, withstood this round, and entered the final! ! 】

[I really didn't understand today's game. Team A actually became the team that used marksmanship to solve problems. I can only say... NICE! !Fuck them! 】

[It suddenly occurred to me that the six-man lineup of Cao Thief played the biggest game of chess here. Now Team A has two offensive and defensive modes. How does this make the opponent defend! 】

[It's so terrifying! 】


"Area B is still too strenuous." Icarus pressed TAB mechanically, constantly looking at the data in front of him.

Now in the middle and late stages of the game, he has no good way.

Now it is nothing more than adjusting the defensive center of gravity, or making unconventional forward pressure to disrupt the bandits' offensive rhythm.

Listening to Icarus' complaints, his heart was also in a mess.

As the most stable output point in the AKA team, it's not that he doesn't want to escort the team, it's just that the opponent doesn't come to Area A at all, so he can only fight back to defend.

But if there is a return defense to play, then it is not impossible for him to rely on his personal ability.

But in most cases, Area B can't even do the basic exchange of people. After they received the information in Area A, Area B has already fallen, so there is no way.

After all, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to bite the bullet and fight when the number of people is inferior, the information is unknown, and the gun position is inferior.

Because that is not bravery, but recklessness.

"Would you like to try betting again?" Steady noticed the silence of the team and proposed.

"Would you like to gamble?" Icarus leaned his head on the headrest of the gaming chair, silent for a long time.

As the most gambler in the world, he is very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of betting.

The bet is successful, and everyone is naturally happy.

But the bet failed, and they didn't even have the fault tolerance to return to defense.

So even though it was his own strong point, Icarus still hesitated.

"Forget it, we're still on the regular defense, but we start with 3B, and Steady from Auxiliary B gives them props for the first round, so that Boo and I can have more props left in our hands, and we give props more frequently."

Icarus and others continued to refine some early details.

And the other side of the stage.

Taking advantage of the opponent's timeout, Meng De could finally speak.

Although he was very happy to get the match point, he knew that when the match point was won, it was also the time when the players were most relaxed.

He felt reminded: "Don't be careless, in the last round, try to win a wave for him, so as not to have too many dreams at night."

"Let's put it down, let's speed up the B area directly and solve it for him." Brother Electronic arranged the tactics engraved into the DNA of CSGO players.

Meng De hurriedly interrupted Brother Electronic who was arranging tactics: "Don't, don't, the opponent is suspending at this time, and they must be playing unconventional. If we increase the speed directly to B, we may fall into their trick."

Under normal circumstances, a timeout means that one side's original style of play is not working, and they will naturally start to adjust.

After a timeout, unconventional positions, active forward positions, and betting positions are quite common.

So Meng De immediately stopped Electronic Brother's tactics, and then said: "We will play slower this round, and the default time for each point to set up the gun will be longer."

Brother Electronics retorted: "But we used to default to not get points for controlling the map."

They used to play various map control styles in Figure [-]. According to the information, they can't play AKA at all, and this has been confirmed.

Meng De raised his index finger and waved at Brother Electronics: "No, we played too much in the B area to speed up. In the next round, we will find a way to attack the A area. We have now won the match point, and there are so many points. Fault tolerance, you can kill them by changing the speed."

"Even if we lose in the next round, the opponent will not be able to figure out what we are thinking, and they will be a little hesitant in returning defense and giving props."

Now they have got the match point, leading by multiple points, and can have several rounds to lose.

But the opponent has no fault tolerance, as long as they lose one point, the game is over.

Therefore, they can even use a few rounds of foreshadowing in order to win this last score!
Brother Electronics let out a "huh" and didn't know if he really understood.

The timeout ended, and the two sides returned to the game again.

Since the early stage was dominated by guns by default, they played very carefully when controlling the map in the first place.

At the beginning, Banana Road only invested in one incendiary bomb, and a group of people played mahjong in the bandit's mouth, waiting for the information from Banana Road in the early stage.

"There are two fires on the banana road, and the pressure is not too great." Broky said while preparing to push into the banana road.

With the help of a wooden barrel fire from kennyS, he began to push into the banana road, and then another set of moves.

Dilemma, slate flashed, Broky and kennyS pushed forward together.

There is no one near Banana Road.

After the control of Banana Road was taken, Area B was quickly countered with a B-pass smoke bomb.

The control of Banana Road is declared in the hands of the bandits.

After taking down the banana road, kennyS was left alone to play on the banana road, and the others turned around and came to the middle road.

Wait for the smoke to dissipate in the middle, and then start a wave of prop advancement.

The link smoke, the fire under the barn, the instant explosion in the middle, and the pressure on the props are sufficient.

But the opponent obviously doesn't want to lose control of the middle lane so easily, because the time is too early.

If they are forced to retreat to the back point now, then CT is too passive.

A mid-lane fire was thrown in the direction of the link, which was delayed for 7 seconds.

Because the overall idea is to control the map at a slow speed, the bandits have no desire to forcibly put out the fire.

Instead, after waiting for the fire to go out, the second wave of prop pressure started again. The boiler room and the middle lane were synchronized, and together they got all the information about the middle lane.

"The linked Steady and Cypress were going to fight against Qing Dynasty, but just when they were about to pull the flash, they got the bandit's flash, so they could only click back. Before the anti-Qing started, they were forced to cancel it."

"Time passed by, CT didn't have many props, and they didn't dare to fight too hard. Now they have lost all control of the front point, but the overall position is a 3A2B position, with only 30 seconds left. The bandits compressed the attack tightly!"

When the appointed time comes, kennyS and Tig outside B start bomb attack.

The policeman smoked the coffin, and pushed a three-box fire, and there were continuous flashes, and all the props for a wave of fake fights were given.

This is not over yet, because the significance of compressing time and fake play is to return the CT in area A to defense.

Tig charged forward with big strides, and a self-defense cigarette was pushed between the three boxes and the pillar.

He immediately chased after him with big strides, putting enough pressure on him!
But just now seeing the body of Zhuzi CT, the opponent has already pulled out a large body, and M4A4 killed him with consecutive headshots.

After Boo killed Tig, he also realized that area B was actually a fake attack, because there were no enemies at all in the bunker!

Ting on A1 instantly became vigilant.

But Broky directly pulled his hand horizontally, and a bullet instantly killed Ting!
There was also an exchange of fire between Xiaoju on the A2 floor and the CT in Dakeng.

Broky tried to replenish the gun, but the CT of Dakeng hid quickly!

The opponent knew very well that the time for the bandits to attack was running out, and they only needed to delay the time!
"Xiaoju on the A2 floor was taken for a second, and now it is a station in Dakeng. The bandits must launch an attack!"

"Broky rushed to the default bag position, found an angle and knocked out the cypress in the big pit, but the steady on the outside made up for Broky, leaving only Brother Electronics and Broky's lost bull. Time is running out!"

"Brother Electronics made up for steady, but can the thunder bag really be put down? 4 seconds to jump 3 limit time, this thunder bag... Unfortunately, the thunder bag still hasn't been put down."

After a quick explanation, Yuyuan began to summarize: "This is the most complicated game that VC.A played in the second half of the game. The attack time was compressed, and the limit time was harassing the B area, and then sent to A."

"It's just a pity that Tig was instantly killed in this wave, which caused Area B to get the information too early, and the three people in Area A just stopped moving."

The shouts in the AKA battle room were loud, and after recovering one point, it means that VC.A's offense is not impossible to defend.

Their confidence is coming back!

After the members of VC.A lost this round, their emotions did not change much, because Meng De had made this arrangement before, and this round was originally a foreshadowing round.

It's great to be able to take advantage of the trend.

But losing to the opponent has little impact on the situation.

"Next, let's switch back to the quick map control. If we can control the B area smoothly at the first time, then wait for the personnel to be ready, and directly bomb the B area." Brother Electronics said in the voice, "Even if the first person on the opposite side Give B a smoke for a while, we also directly burst out the smoke and force it out, and exchange our guns with him!"

The countdown ended, and everyone set off.

Broky, who was in the first position, rushed into the banana road, still using the regular barrel fire.

At the same time, a bandit thunder was thrown in the middle, and Brother Electronics lost more than 20 blood.

Seeing this scene, Meng De shook his head. Although Electronic Brother is in a temporary command position today and will no longer make the first breakthrough, bad luck is bad luck, and it will not change because of the position.

The map control on the field is still going on. After Broky fired a wooden barrel, the opponent did not make any oppressive props at close range.

In that case, Broky wouldn't hold back.

"Come on, give me the props, I'll be closer." Broky asked for help in the voice.

It was still the same set of familiar props, and there was no one behind the stone slabs and behind the sandbags.

"Come here, there's no one around!" Broky said hastily in the voice.

Hearing this, several people at the bandit's entrance immediately rushed into the banana road.

The four of Banana Road gathered together, each grabbed their props, and flashed their guns with their backs, directly full of discipline.

Xiaoju arrives late with a thunder bag, waiting for the moment when he enters the banana road and grabs the props.

Everyone was in place, Brother Electronics gave an order: "Start!"

In the next Lonnie Stadium, a wave of attack like a torrent of steel began!

Two smoke bombs, and then combined with high flashes, and the simplest three-box fire, the bandit army began to charge directly!
Broky, who was the first to rush in, didn't stop when he saw the person, and was given a second by Boo from the pillar.

Boo frantically yelled for help in the voice, causing the trio in Area A to return to defense.

It's just that he also knows in his heart that this wave must be resolved by themselves.

After killing Broky, he immediately wanted to move and get into the dead center.

As long as he entered the dead point, he would have the opportunity to continue to procrastinate.

However, as soon as he got out of the pillar, he was completely whitened by the flash, and then he was instantly killed.

There is absolutely no room for fighting back.

Icarus hid in a box. He was in an awkward position, and he couldn't hide. He could only try to change his head under the stage.

But the bandits took this into consideration, and someone jumped onto a box and instantly killed Icarus!

At one minute and 20 seconds, Area B officially announced its fall!
Area A's return to defense was already very fast. Steady and Ting had just jumped out of the long corridor, and Cypress was still in Area A. They were a little worried that it was a fake attack.

But the sudden death of the two members, even if this wave of Area B is a fake attack by bandits, it will become a real attack.

Brother Electronics brought a thunder bag into the bag, with a confident smile on his face: "So, brothers still have to fight B, this AKA B point is pure war criminals, they just gave it away!"

But he suddenly felt the death gaze behind him, swallowed, and changed his words: "It's better to be steady, 4 vs 3, everyone don't look for it, hold on to this round, let's go to the center of the stage!"

This endgame is quite easy for VC.A, because they won point B without spending a lot of items, which also means that they can use a lot of items to delay time when they keep their bags.

The police smoke and coffin smoke began to continue.

Hold the cigarette quietly, and there will only be about 20 seconds left for CT.

Ting and Steady kept shooting at the smoke of the police house. Under the obstruction of the smoke, they had no possibility of getting their vision, so they could only forcibly shoot at the place where the sound of footsteps came from.

Ting and Steady thought for a while, and chose to double stand under the flower bed, trying to get the vision of the bag spot, and steal one.

They knew it was dangerous to do this, but they had to do it.

Because this is already the match point, if you can't win, you will really go home!
Ting was put on the double rack, and he saw the bandits on the third box and the dead center box at a glance.

But before he could fire, he was instantly killed.

On the other side, Cypress, who was going around the banana road, suddenly got a kill. This endgame seems to be possible for CT again!
The desire for victory rekindled in Steady's heart.

But he didn't know that someone had already found out the coffin.

Just as steady was about to cooperate with his teammates from the audience, he was directly knocked down by kennyS in the side church.

The situation has come to 3 vs 1, even if Cypress kills the three bandits, there is no time left.

Brother Electronics rushed out of the third box and shouted loudly in the voice: "Get off work!"

Facing the firepower of the three, Cypress fell helplessly.

The screen freezes, and Icarus typed 'GG' on the public screen, and he can only sigh: "The skills are not as good as others, it's over."

On the other side of the stage, after throwing away their weapons, the VC.A contestants took off their headphones, enjoying this difficult but exhilarating victory!
 I just watched the live broadcast, and the liquid is so abstract?What are the strong teams playing today?

(End of this chapter)

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