CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 455 Brother Electronics: I'm the Temporary Commander

Chapter 455 Brother Electronics: I'm the Temporary Commander


There were no mistakes in the endgame, and there were not too many entanglements. They had advantages in gun positions and numbers. This endgame was won surprisingly smoothly, and it should be so smooth.

Listening to "Get off work!" coming from the earphone, Mengde clenched his fists happily and shouted some meaningless words.

The players in front of him couldn't calm down even more at the moment. Broky quickly took off his earphones as soon as the game ended, stood up and hugged kennyS next to him.

"To the final, to the final!!" Broky said loudly in kennyS's ear with the joy of victory on his face.

If he didn't do this, it would be impossible for kennyS to hear Broky's voice amidst the cheers of the audience.

Because at this moment, the whole audience in the Lonnie Gymnasium is already boiling.

The moment kennyS took off his earphones, all the sounds of the scene penetrated into his ears like the wind.

Under such circumstances, how can kennyS not feel excited?
After parting from Broky, he excitedly waved his hands towards the audience to express his uncontrollable emotions.

It is not easy to win today's game, and their opponents are not underdogs.

Although AKA's state in the first half of the year has not been very good, but after the offseason, after their adjustments, their overall strength is quite good.

At least compared to VC.A, their strength on paper is at least stronger.

Not to mention, before the start of the semi-finals, gla1ve's illness worsened to the point that they could not play in the game. They were forced to play this semi-finals without a command.

For the CSGO team, the command is the brain of the team, and losing gla1ve means directly losing their backbone.

At this time, Brother Electronics took the initiative to stand up and stabilized the situation. The follow-up coach's continuous encouragement and tactical arrangements also gave them hope of winning.

But when the victory really appeared, kennyS still couldn't believe what happened just now, even though he was fully involved in it.

If you let Mengde evaluate this game.

Objectively speaking, AKA is an insurmountable mountain for VC.A with an incomplete lineup.

But it was also because of their incomplete lineup that they were forced to use a new style of play, which caused AKA to invalidate all their research on them.

In other words, their research on AKA is still valid, and AKA's data research on VC.A has all become a mess of waste paper in this BO3.

The new lineup of VC.A has both advantages and disadvantages.

In the end, relying on their strong basic skills, as well as the tacit understanding of their teammates on weekdays, and a little bit of unique luck, they took this incredible victory into their pockets!

Feeling the beauty of this moment, Mengde sincerely admired: "This is the beauty of CSGO. The struggle of the weak can always be displayed in the world of CSGO. Everything is so beautiful!"

"Oye, get off work!" Electronic Brother's loud shout came from next to his ear, destroying the beauty in Meng De's heart.

Meng De pretended to be angry and kicked Electronic Brother, and said with a smile: "Go to work every day and think about getting off work, right?"

"Won't it be difficult to win? If the victory is not for getting off work, then it will be meaningless!" The joy brought by the victory made Brother Electronics bolder and made a small joke in front of the coach.

Meng De was taken aback after hearing this. It seemed that it was true. Brother Electronic's victory was for his joy after get off work, and it was also one of his biggest motivations in the competition.

Before, he mistakenly thought that Brother Electronics only regarded CSGO as a profession, which was no different from professions such as code farmers and waiters.

Only now did he realize that this was just a way for Brother Electronics to ignite his fighting spirit.

Meng De patted Brother Electronics on the shoulder, and said with a sigh: "It turns out that I blamed you wrongly before."

The hustle and bustle in his ears prevented Brother Electronics from hearing Meng De's broken thoughts: "What did you say, coach!!"

Meng De put away his feelings: "I have to go to the opposite side to shake hands."


The bright lights of the Lonnie Gymnasium still reflected the youthful vigor of the youngsters.

The term youthful ambition is so appropriate for VC.A.

Looking at this scene, Cole felt mixed feelings, and he could only express his emotions in a more passionate voice:
"Congratulations to VC.A for defeating AKA with a score of 2-1, winning today's semi-finals, and announcing that they have officially entered the IEM Cologne Finals!"

Taro round said next to him: "The unique existence of the VC twins has allowed the two teams to be compared from the beginning of their establishment. Compared with the first team, the second team can get less resources and progress relatively. slower."

"Since the establishment of the second team, their best result has been the semi-finals of the Asian Invitational Tournament. Now they have successfully entered the IEM Cologne, which proves their strength. The A team has also reached the highest record in team history. Now they every Take a step forward, and you are breaking through yourself!"

"Even in such a difficult situation today, they can bring us a hearty game. I think they should deserve a better ending."

"Whether tomorrow's opponent is GOD or AE, come on, boys of Team A, show us your true strength tomorrow!"

The summary of the taro ball is a bit rambling, which seems a bit unprofessional.

But at this moment, it is the expression of true feelings.

As Chinese commentators, before VC had no achievements, they were always supported by love.

The two VC clubs in Mengde's hands have shown extraordinary charm since the beginning of the team's establishment, and they have been paying attention to them all the time.

It can be said that several domestic commentators watched the two teams of VC all the way.

There are naturally many expectations in my heart.

Under the leadership of Meng De, VC has gradually become a prop for the first-line strong team. Although it has been criticized for lacking a champion, its strength lies there.

But as for VC.A, this team was originally used as a reserve team, and it gave them too many surprises, which naturally made them look forward to it.

Now that it is difficult to win in the semi-finals, they naturally hope that VC.A will be able to play their own style in the final tomorrow, so that they will not have any regrets.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also full of embarrassment:
[Today's game is too hot, so what if there is no command, I will win you as well! 】

[Suffocating personal ability, but playing team mode, I don't know where their upper limit is]

[I've entered the finals, let's work hard tomorrow! ! 】

[Chong Chong Chong, after more than a year of hard work, I have to win the championship! ! 】

[Previously, the expectation for Team A was that it would be a success in the knockout round, but I didn't expect them to make it to the finals. This is amazing! 】

"It's almost time to shake hands." Meng De clapped his hands, reminding the team members who were still crazy.

The coach's voice is still very important in their ears, kennyS and others feel that they have tidied up their messy clothes.

Broky asked kennyS, "Is my hair all right?"

kennyS disdainfully 'hmph' and joked: "You're not a director, don't worry, no one pays attention to you."

What he said was actually the truth, Broky still has medium-length hair, and it doesn't matter how messy it is.

The director is different, that hairstyle is always the most prominent feature in the crowd.

Of course Broky didn't agree with this, and immediately went to pinch kennyS.

The two were about to fight again, but Meng De frowned, and said in a low tone, "It's almost time for me to stop."

Meng De's tone made them feel at a loss for a moment.

"Although we won today's game, we will shake hands with the opponent to celebrate that we have staged a wonderful game for the audience. The necessary respect still needs to be given." Knowing that these two guys may be dazzled by the victory Mind, Mengde explained anyway.

The most important thing is that now he sees signs of expansion in Broky and kennyS.

These two guys are the representatives of Mensao and Prodigal Son respectively. Once they really swell up, it will be very troublesome to deal with them later.

So when necessary, he definitely needs to let them find their own position.

After hearing Meng De's explanation, both Broky and kennyS felt a little embarrassed.

They thought about it for a while, and if they shook hands with the opposite party with an extremely happy expression, it would be a kind of disrespect to the opponent.

Think about it differently, if they were the ones who lost the game today, they wouldn't want their opponents to laugh wildly in front of them.

The two calmed down, adjusted their state, and then went to the other side of the stage to shake hands with the AKA players.

The AKA players have packed up their peripherals, and even packed up their emotions.

When Icarus shook hands with kennyS, he took the initiative to say: "I didn't expect the ultimate move of your six-man lineup to be so powerful. I learned it today."

kennyS was full of doubts: "The big move? What big move?"

Icarus looked at kennyS's expression and said helplessly, "Don't pretend, gla1ve is not playing today, isn't it just to let this style of play that favors fast offense play?"

kennyS laughed. He scratched his hair and looked at the muscular man in front of him in disbelief. "You have too much imagination. It's just that gla1ve is sick and can't come today."

Hearing this, Icarus looked a little stunned, as if he couldn't believe the answer he heard.

kennyS didn't stay too long, shook hands with the next player and left.

He thought darkly, if he told Icarus that the conductor was temporarily letting Brother Electronic go up, would Icarus play another game with them, um, it was also offline.

However, he looked at Icarus's muscular figure, and swallowed those words wholeheartedly.

The MVP in Figure [-] was given to Broky with a milky face. He got the first place in the data of Purgatory Town with the data slightly ahead of Brother Electronics.

However, his performance in this game was not bad. In the second half, that amazing comeback with six kills was a very crucial point.

Without Broky's comeback, VC.A may not be able to adjust so quickly in the second half, and may need to play a few more rounds, and the final outcome may not even be the same.

In picture [-], Broky, who has been silent for a long time, played amazingly and led the team to victory.

But soon, the MVP data of the entire series of VC.A vs. AKA's BO3 series will be given.

The makeup photo of Brother Hanhan Electronics reappeared in the screen.

The exaggerated data on the right side of Electronic Brother once again caused the audience in the venue to exclaim.

In the whole game BO3, Brother Electronics won the MVP of the game without any surprise with the inhuman data of 86/12/33.

The KD ratio is an astonishing 3.7, and the overall rating is also a terrifying 1.97.
Average damage per game is 149.6.
No matter which item is taken out individually, it is a staggering number.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded:

[Brother Electronics, you still said you didn't turn it on! 】

【Brother Electronics, I am forever unlucky! 】

[Brother Electronics: C can't win the game alone?nonsense! ! 】

[The shark pond was blown up, this guy is really exaggerating]

[It's outrageous, this data is as fake, there are so many more kills than deaths]

[Picture [-] is so well played]

After being shocked, the host at the scene invited the MVP player of the game to the middle of the stage in time, and started the post-match interview session.

"Hi Brother Electronics, first of all congratulations on winning a difficult game."

Brother Electronics gave a 'huh', indicating that he responded.

The host continued to ask: "We know that the previous commander of VC.A has always been gla1ve. Why didn't gla1ve play today, or is this your tactic, and there is No.2 commander?"

Brother Electronics thought for a long time, and then said: "gla1ve is sick, there is no other reason."

"Illness is indeed a huge off-court impact on the players. There is no way to do it." The host continued to ask, "But today's game, you didn't play as if you didn't have a commander. Who is your temporary commander? kennyS or jamyoung?"

In the view of the host, these two people should be the most likely to become the No.2 commander in the VC.A team. After all, they seem relatively calm, um, relatively.

Brother Electronic shook his head: "Neither, I am the temporary commander today."

host:? ? ?

He turned his head to look at Brother Electronics, as if he wanted to confirm that Brother Electronics said that he was joking.

"Are you in the command position in this BO3?" The host confirmed to Brother Electronic again.

"That's right, I'm the commander of the game today, and it was decided temporarily in the morning." Brother Electronics replied very simply.

The scene is boiling!
The fans in the audience couldn't believe it, the electronic brother who played such an exaggerated stat in BO3 today is actually the commanding position of the game today!

Brother Electronics became the temporary conductor today. Only the two domestic Cokes shared it in the live broadcast room. There is no information in the venue or the competition group.

They thought that VC.A would have a temporary conductor, but they never thought that it would be Brother Electronics.

Because no matter how you look at it, this 86/12/33 looks like a data that can be played by a conductor.

There is indeed a gun command.

But this data is not like the commander can type it out!
Icarus in the backstage watched the post-match interview on the big screen, and froze in place when he heard Brother Electronics say that he was a temporary conductor.

Brother Electronic, is he the temporary commander of this game?
Not kennyS?

But the electronic brother who slashed more than 40 kills in Figure [-] like a murderer?

is that a lie!

How can there be a conductor who can play this kind of data?

Icarus wants to curse!
His originally adjusted mentality completely collapsed, and his heart seemed to be galloping like a hundred thousand muddy horses.

Don't play like this!

 Yesterday's game was really interesting, Boston reappeared, the sluggish Little Bee, and the invincible Panthers at home, this year's game is completely incomprehensible.

(End of this chapter)

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