CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 483 The Reality of the Internet Cafe Team

Chapter 483 The Reality of the Internet Cafe Team
Although VC.A had expected IMO's tough marksmanship before the start of the match, Meng De's analysis and research yesterday could be regarded as a shot in the arm for them.

However, by being prepared in advance, they can only keep their acceptance higher, and when they really enter the game, they find that the team's strength in the scrambling link is still amazing.

If we really only talk about marksmanship, the marksmanship of the VC.A group is not necessarily bad.

It's just that in a game, marksmanship only accounts for one of the factors. Whether you can really use your marksmanship is also a key part.

In the game in Figure [-], although IMO's style of play is simple, it has a good overall quality. Although kennyS and Broky are not bad at marksmanship, they will be caught with some opportunities because of the opponent's too simple style of play.

In this professional circle that pays more attention to the tactical system, IMO's style of play is absolutely stunning and eye-catching. When he first met Meng De, he thought they were just helpless, but after the game in Figure [-], he suddenly discovered that helplessness is indeed a part of , but there is also IMO's own deliberate promotion of it.

They are deliberately moving their style of play in the direction of gun fighting.

From a certain point of view, IMO's style of play is quite self-centered, they are all self-centered, and they are constantly training and repairing, so that they have a mature set of the most basic default style of play.

"This idea is really too extreme." Meng De was stunned for a long time after thinking about the answer.

IMO's current role is very similar to the VC who first entered the Major. At that time, they also rushed into the world's attention like this.

But at the fork in the Major, Mengde chose to slow down and go back to the system, becoming stronger little by little.

And IMO?
They chose a road to go to the dark, trying to keep improving their marksmanship.

IMO all tactics and all coordination exist for the sake of marksmanship.

"This IMO concept is really hysterical..."


If IMO knew Meng De's thoughts, he would definitely express his helplessness.

When VC first entered the Major, they were indeed similar to them.

However, the situation of the two teams is still somewhat different.

As an Internet cafe team, they have only themselves behind them, no clubs, no sponsors.

All the team members are all generating electricity for love, and they must use more extreme methods to pave the way for their achievements.

They choose to take this path that is destined not to become the strongest, which is not only their own choice, but also helpless.

If they can't achieve results, they can't become professional players, and they can't even support themselves.

That's the frustration IMO.

After winning Figure 800, [-]K shouted excitedly in the battle room:

"Fight well guys, I said we can do it!!"

Before the start of the match, they knew that they absolutely couldn't play picture three with VC.A.

Whether it is data analysis or hard power, it is definitely not a good choice to enter the third picture of the game.

In this BO3 against Team A, if they can win, their only hope is to directly defeat Team A in the first two games of the BO3.

It was originally just a way for them to provide information for themselves, but they didn't expect that the hand feeling in Figure [-] was surprisingly good, allowing them to win the first game without being under too much pressure.

"Resist the pressure and keep the rhythm of Figure [-]. Let's take our time. As long as we win this game, we can publish stickers!!" IMO commanded ChrisX to hold back the excitement in his heart. He knew that the more In this situation, the more you have to be calm.

Others also understood what he meant. Once they won this game, they would truly announce that they had entered the main match of this Copenhagen Major 3-0.

It also means that each of their players can post stickers next, and with the considerable income brought by the stickers, they can slowly pursue their dreams in the future.

The victory brought by Figure 2 allowed them to see the hope of this impossible '0-[-]'. Speaking of his own thoughts.

"This marksmanship is really a bit tough."

Because Meng De was contemplating, the atmosphere in the battle room of VC.A was a bit silent, Brother Electronic took the initiative to stand up and want to chat to ease the atmosphere.

Electronic brother's presence in the team has always been a little subtle, because of his personal character, he does not communicate frequently with people, so the electronic brother in his daily life will be somewhat biased towards marginalized people.

But this guy's strength is very top group of people, which led to his outstanding performance in the game, you can always see in the game, Brother Electronics got the first kill again, he rushed again, He got thunder again...

In the game and in life, his character will always give Meng De some contrasting feelings.

And when the morale of the team is low, this guy will always take the initiative to stand up and use his clumsy methods to warm up the team.

Although his clumsy warm-up didn't have any effect on the atmosphere, but Mengde really needs Brother Electronic next.

"A Dian."

"What's the matter?" Electronic brother saw the coach speak, and quickly answered, he was also relieved.

"You should be the commander of the next game." Meng De turned his gaze to gla1ve again, and explained briefly, "It's not because of the failure of Figure [-], but because Brother Electronic's style is more suitable for them."

gla1ve was silent for a few seconds, then nodded again, indicating that he understood.

"You don't need to be so pressured. Figure [-] and their dry play really put us under some pressure, but let's look at Figure [-] and Figure [-]." The tactical paper seemed to be a pointer in Mengde's hands .

"Picture [-] is the town of Purgatory. There is basically no long-distance confrontation with guns. Their marksmanship cannot be well displayed. On this map, our tactics can be better played."

"Let's not mention the nuclear crisis in Figure 10, they have only won 30% of the last [-] games, so I am not worried about Figure [-]."

The gap between the two sides in Figure [-] is too large. If it really comes to the tiebreaker in Figure [-], as long as they don't suffer from serious illness, they will easily win.

"So, next, I want you to play Purgatory Town as a tiebreaker, and don't feel burdened. After all, if Purgatory Town really loses, we will have no chance for the next round."

Meng De, who was in the battle room, calmly talked to the team members about the things that need to be paid attention to next.

The halftime break is slowly coming to an end. Under the concern of the audience, the second map of this BO3 - Purgatory Town officially begins!
T: electronic, gla1ve, Broky, jamyoung, kennyS
CT: 800K, ChrisX, Fredie, Abl, JJZ
The pistol round has officially begun!
According to the tactics already discussed during the intermission, this round is still spread out to get information, and then judge based on the information at the second time, and then determine which direction to bomb.

gla1ve donated a P250 to Brother Electronics, and took the initiative to set up a smoke bomb and a flash bomb as offensive props for this round.

However, this IMO idea is much more radical than they imagined.

The first time Xiaoju came to the bandit bridge, thinking of coming to the side channel to collect information.

But the flash bomb hit, and IMO used the simplest side channel to counter clear, helping them get the first kill of the round.

"A small cooperation in Area A helped IMO get the first kill of this round. Xiaoju didn't expect that this pistol round would come to clear the side lanes. IMO has an idea." Coke was surprised.

Because generally speaking, even if props are used in pistol rounds, the investment in props will be placed in the banana road.

At the beginning of the game, a side lane counter-clearing was carried out, which is still very rare in the first-line arena.

"Mine, mine, I didn't think they'd start the game sideways."

The opponent's counterattack was quite simple. Although he had been wary of CT's forward pressure, he never thought that CT would immediately sidetrack the two to cooperate.

However, IMO's actions in the side lanes allowed Brother Electronics to instantly grasp their possible positions in the early stage.

The opponent used such a bold anti-Qing move in Area A, which shows that they are not worried about the failure of this wave of anti-Qing. In other words, they are more likely to start with 3A.

Brother Electronics made a decisive decision immediately: "Speed ​​up and hit B directly, come and assemble!"

But he still didn't have enough understanding of IMO's aggressiveness. In the pistol round, they not only carried out forward pressure detection on the side lanes, but also the banana road was not idle.

"While the side road got the first kill, Banana Road hit the defensive CT in the back, but pressed forward. He may have really seized the opportunity in this wave!!" Coke lamented IMO's boldness.

"Area B has been pushed out directly, and the electronic brother is still stable with his gun, just knock him out!"

Electronic brother's idea was to speed up and hit B. This wave also destroyed the CT who was trying to press forward. Needless to say, gla1ve handed over the props in his hand directly.

A police cigarette, a pack of flashes, and the large army went straight to the pack.

"Although the defense of the promenade was quick, after the bandits took action, the only place with a gun was Abl in the coffin. Abl swung his small body and shot Broky preemptively, but Brother Electronics quickly returned his shot. , beat him to a pulp."

This wave of Brother Electronic's counterattack turned Abl into a bloody mess, and he was not so stubborn that he had to fight Brother Electronic to the death, so he quickly retreated to the back garden, holding on for a while.

All he needs to do now is to keep the position in the back garden.

After Brother Electronic jumped onto the stage, he took a quick look at the back garden.

Although he knew the CT who had crippled the coffin, he didn't pursue it.

At this time, in a 3-on-4 endgame, the most important thing is to cover your teammates and put down the mine bag first.

"I'm looking at the police, kennyS, you help look at the back garden, gla1ve under the contract." Brother Electronics quickly arranged the division of labor in the endgame.

gla1ve placed a regular coffin bag, and kennyS put the coffin straight on the back garden.

Although his position is straight, it is also an advantageous position. If CT wants to investigate, he can see the shadow first.

As the thunder bag was put down, the sound of footsteps came from the back garden, and kennyS also raised his vigilance.

A CT directly strides horizontally, his sight is firmly placed on the headshot line, and only needs to be fine-tuned left and right.

Glock burst fire!
Da Da Da~
Glock's gunshots rang out from the coffin, and No. 1CT, which was drawn horizontally, fell to the ground and died instantly.

[VC.A kennyS kills IMO.Fredie with a headshot with a Glock pistol]

The kill information of kennyS is displayed in the upper right corner at the right time, but kennyS keenly noticed that there is no assist from Brother Electronics on it!
He didn't let go of his vigilance, and soon No.2CT in the back garden pulled out again.

kennyS fired again.

da da~
Rapid Glock shots rang out.

[VC.kennyS killed IMO.Abl with a Glock pistol + VC.A electronic]

Abl smiled helplessly, they really played too much in this wave.

According to common sense, it should be the ones with residual blood helping the ones with full blood, but this wave of their fight is really a bit arrogant.

Pulling full blood to the residual blood is to take the initiative to be confident. Once Fredie with full blood is killed, he may survive with residual blood, which will play a big role.

But as a result of this arrogance, both of them have indeed become a number on kennyS's scoreboard.

"The direction of the church should be dead, be careful of the audience and Banana Road!"

Before kennyS could finish his words, Ah Dian, who was at the dead center, had already exchanged fire with the two CTs of the police.

The P250 in Ah Dian's hand exploded his long-distance combat ability, and took away one with a headshot.

But gla1ve was not so lucky. Without armor, he was beaten back and forth, and was beaten to death in the bunker before returning to the bunker.

After the exchange of fire, Brother Electronics immediately prepared to help to replenish the gun, but he returned to the CT defense faster.

The USP pistol is not much inferior to the P250 in the pistol round.

It's also a one-shot kill.

"The situation has been reduced to 1v1, leaving only the bullfight between kennyS and 800K!"

kennyS took the initiative to ask when a teammate was killed: "Is there any remaining blood?"

Brother Electronic shook his head: "One shot missed."

"It should be full of blood." gla1ve added.

If it is residual blood, kennyS will take the initiative to find the opponent to fight in this endgame.

But if it is full of blood, he plans to play slowly.

kennyS walked directly into the church quietly.

"800K entered the package site. He knew the direction of kennyS in the back garden. Now he has to find him, because he doesn't have lightning pliers in his hand. It's a bit exaggerated to really dismantle it in 10 seconds."

"The first time I pretended, kennyS slowly moved to the police's house without revealing anything at all."

800K is nothing, the time is passing by a little bit, and he continues to drop the second time.

This time, kennyS must be checked out, otherwise it will be a few seconds slower, even if kennyS is knocked out, there is no way to unpack it.

But at the same time as he bowed his head to nod his bag, police gunshots rang out, and kennyS caught him at the right time to nod his bag.

Glock shot a headshot and killed him in the position of Leibao.

kennyS used a triple kill to help the team win this round.

"It's a very clever idea, but kennyS's handling is more delicate." Coke looked a little dignified, "I have to say that the offensive desire of this Internet cafe team is really too strong. They are simply the puls version of the domestic ladder. Bo Liu fights fiercely, the gun can fight hard, and CT also looks for opportunities in various places."

"However, this map is Team A's strong map. The famous scene of Tianhuo in the past is still vivid in my mind. I believe that in map [-], Team A can use their sophisticated tactics to withstand the rampage of IMO."

In the live broadcast room, Coke spoke sincerely.


(End of this chapter)

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