CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 517 In terms of letting people down, GG has never let people down

Chapter 517 In terms of letting people down, GG has never let people down

After entering .pause, a tactical pause begins on the screen.

Tactical timeouts are no better than technical timeouts, and players do not have joyful interactions on the public screen.

The 40-second countdown was more like a reminder, allowing everyone in GG to seize every second of discussion time in order to solve the immediate predicament.

"From my point of view, there is no problem with jiya's command in this round... The previous few rounds were all slow-moving. If you can't get an advantage and choose to change speed, it is a very reasonable style of play... But from the results, jiya Your character is still a little hesitant. At the beginning of this round, you should let other people cooperate with you to use the pipe, instead of choosing to throw items yourself, he wasted time..."

In the battle room, GG's coach was the first to explain the problems he saw. However, as a coach who is not very tactical, all he can do is check for the players and observe the problems from his own perspective.

Jiya was not happy because of the coach's praise, he was reflecting on whether his tactical decision just now was correct.

As a star player, MUWO quickly stood up and explained his feelings: "There should be no major problems in rhythm, but the tactics you gave us feedback from jiya are too simple."

jiya looked at MUWO and motioned him to continue.

"In the previous few rounds, we were all aggressive. If the opponent was strong, we could still gain an advantage, but this body didn't give it a chance. In this case, your tactical instructions should be more specific. Some, even if possible, need to give us a plan B in the back.”

Xiao Hei concluded from the side: "There is still too little purpose."

"Yes, that's what you mean. Although you asked us to hit the iron plate, but the purpose is too little. Even if a group of us win the iron plate, we don't know what to do next..."

In a short period of time, everyone in the GG team actually had no good solution. They could only explain what they saw and the gaps in their voices.

And then modify them bit by bit according to the feedback, which is also the most commonly used method in professional games.

After all, they play the game based on the information they feel, rather than wanting the audience to watch a game from God's perspective.

After some discussion, they didn't come up with a clear answer. Jiya could only give the players more precise instructions based on their feedback, and then take a step closer to speed up the tempo and make the players' map control positions closer forward.

Jiya's decision made the exchange of fire between the two sides more frequent in the early stage.

They now trade more kills per round.

Of course, problems remain.

The GG fans in the stadium looked up, and they could still see the zero on the score that belonged to GG.

They can't break through VC's defenses!
Being able to destroy a lot of VC's firearms in a round is an improvement compared to before, which proves that they are on the right path.

But the problem is, if they can't get points, what if they knock out VC's five spears every round?
Strictly speaking, CSGO is still a turn-based game. If you can't score, some of the previous preparations are meaningless.

The game has come to the ninth round of the scene.

Seeing the 8:0 above, the audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot.

[Although I know this is a police map, is the score too exaggerated? 】

[GG won't get any points, just play with me! ! 】

[I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry]

[It is indeed a bit exaggerated. I won VC by a big score before, but now I am knocked out of my mind. What kind of duality is this GG's nuclear crisis?]

【In terms of letting people down, GG has never let people down】

[I put all my beans on GG, don't do it! ! 】

Because of the confrontation between the two sides in the group stage, on this map, most of the audience still believe that GG can play a good result.

No matter how bad you are, you can still fight hard.

But who would have thought that the first half was over, and GG didn't even get the first score.

Glancing at the score, Coke said in the live broadcast room: "If all the players are in good condition, there will still be a lot of pressure on GG."

"Today, even the kid and Old Wang, who used to play support roles, are in pretty good condition. Even because of the frequent firefights, their statistics are at the top of VC."

Yuyuan nodded, and echoed, "In terms of the economic situation, VC can be regarded as well-raised, and the average economy is now above 6000."

"loxi took out the sniper rifle, so this round GG should focus on this big sniper."

If everyone in GG hears this analysis of Taro, they will definitely refute it.

Because although they took out a big sniper this round, they were preparing to fight VC tactically.

This is also a helpless move. I also tried the default game of controlling the map to find opportunities before.

But the regular fight is really unbeatable, and you can't get an advantage at all.

At Xiao Hei's suggestion, they came to try the bomb attack.

The loxi sniper rifle is just for watching the outfield on the third floor and preventing the VC from getting too much information.

However, if S1mple or NIKO is exposed to K1 and he gets the first kill, then the tactics may change.

Jiya watched the time come to 1 minute, and finally said: "Give the smoke bomb to the outfield, seduce seduce first."

He gave the order, and the rest of the people who had been prepared for a long time began to explode the bombs.

The three smoke bombs in the outfield are directly supplied, and the first line of smoke plus a K1 fire directly fills up the pressure in the outfield.

This tactic is actually very simple, the outfield bombs attract the VC's attention, and then use the remaining props to explode a wave in the infield.

They can't beat the routine, so they come later to show off.

When the time came to 40 seconds, jiya saw that the contestants were in position, and said: "Light up the cigarettes and bags on the third floor, and prepare to cooperate and go directly!"

At the end, he added: "You must give enough flash!!"

GG's established tactics started, a smoke from the third floor, a smoke from the front door, two packs on fire, a yellow house on fire, and then a lot of flash bombs covered.

This wave of infield VC made an unconventional position. S1mple and the director stood together in the bunker.

Originally, they wanted to fight and sell each other, but now that the opponent's explosive bomb tactics came, the two of them were blinded instead.

The director's screen was white all the time, and he didn't get any vision until he was burned alive.

S1mple recovered his field of vision ahead of time because of the angle problem.

He quickly glanced at the map, knowing that he was in a bad position and couldn't get rescue, so he had to force output.

The big sniper opened the mirror to look at Huang Fang, a leg appeared, and quickly swung the gun.

Among the sounds of various props, the gunfire of the big sniper is not obvious.

However, the killing information in the upper right corner proves that this sniper rifle still shows its power.

[VC.S1mple used AWP to kill GG.fox]

After getting a kill, S1mple moved to the left and returned to the bunker. After pulling the bolt, he shot an early shot directly at Huang Fang.

But it's a pity that there is nothing wrong with the way of playing, but because of too much haste, the shot didn't stop quickly, and the bullets didn't know where to go.

He still wants to continue to operate, but the enemy on the other side of the bag is already in place, and he finds an angle to fill in S1mple.

"The tactics of this wave of GG were very good. They achieved a local 5v2 scene with the help of props, and even burned one to death first. They finally gained the advantage before entering the bunker." Although I support VC in my heart , but GG's wonderful performance still attracted Coke's praise.

The bandits press the password of C4 and install it in Area A.

VC has three members left.

The little ghost asked: "Is this endgame still going to be fought?"

In fact, this endgame is not easy to fight, the number of people is inferior, although there are thunder pincers, but the three alive have no props.

If you want to take over this endgame, the only thing you can use is Ganla.

Old Wang looked at the team's economy, and said, "Let's fight, the economy is not bad, even if you can't win, just destroy a few of their spears."

The commander gave the order, and the other two had no burden.

The three began to take their positions one after another, in the yellow room and on the third floor respectively.

"You guys have to make a move first, and then I will move." The kid said.

Wang Yuning nodded: "No problem, I will do it first, and you will do it later. NIKO is going to give me a replacement gun."

With Wang Yuning's order, he started to walk on the third floor, and the kid also took the initiative to peek out.

He was right to be on guard, someone happened to be straight at the preview position.

The little ghost pulled out horizontally, and had a firefight with the MUWO at the package point, and relied on the M4 to forcefully win this wave of guns.

"Wang Yuning on the third floor was pulled out first, the angle was too bad and he was knocked out. NIKO made up the shot, but he didn't notice that someone was deadlocking, so he jumped in the air and was intercepted."

"The kid rushed out from the yellow room to fill up the gun, and now it's time for his bullfight with Loxi."

"loxi has already rewinded to the yellow room. This is a front door bag, and time is running out."

"The kid picked up a sniper rifle, do you want to protect it?"

"He didn't plan to save the gun, he dropped the bag first, and loxi ran away directly, and won't play psychological games with you."

In this endgame, the kid's attention was actually highly concentrated.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from the yellow room, it was almost a conditioned reflex, and the big sniper flicked the mirror.

[VC.somebody used AWP to kill GG.loxi through the wall]



This shot made the two commentators a little dumbfounded.

But Coke is still very professional, and he didn't forget to explain because of surprise: "The little ghost still has lightning pliers on his body. He turned his head to unpack, is there still time?"

The blue bar representing the lightning clamp is shrinking continuously, but the red progress bar of C4 on the left is faster.

As the sound of the drops intensified, and finally with a "boom", the kid was killed in the A zone.

Five people survived.

"Ouch." The two commentators in the live broadcast room had a very regretful tone, "If there is more time, maybe this round will be won."

"However, loxi still has no problem with controlling the time. He knew it couldn't be dismantled, so he stepped back and planned to go back, but he didn't expect that the kid was still wrapping the spot, and he could kill him with a single shot."

The director thoughtfully released the shots of both sides.

The kid actually knew his end the moment he turned his head to unpack it.

He smiled helplessly at S1mple beside him.

Loxi on the other side of the stage let out a long sigh, he could obviously save a big sniper this round.

【You are the god of European sniper, right】

[Little devil!occasional god]

[The kid took off his mask, but he didn't expect him to be S1mple]

[Today, VC Jixiang's second treasure has become a phantom god, how does this make GG fight? 】

[The kid picked up a gun with a USB flash drive]

There are also GG viewers discussing the gains and losses of this round in the live broadcast room.

[The economy is blowing up. Although I got the first point, I didn't save a long gun. It's a big problem]

[GG split directly]


The score came to 8:1.
GG finally got their first score.

After scoring 8 points in a row, the opponent won the first point. This result is acceptable to anyone in VC.

Although it was a pity that they failed to win the endgame of the last round, thanks to the performance of the kid, GG's economy is definitely not good.

The director opened his mouth to make a suggestion: "Don't they like to play a set of tactics all the time? How about we put more troops in the field this round?"

Wang Yuning pondered for two seconds, seriously considered the director's proposal, and finally shook his head: "Not very good, I thought about it just now, there were too many coincidences in the round just now, if they didn't burn you to death, could you win the first wave?" It is a problem to gain an advantage.”

"I personally think that they will make some fuss about the outfield next."

"In this way...after S1mple, you can find a way to mix into K1. In the middle of the round, they will probably make a wave of explosive bombs in the outfield. There was a wave of explosive bombs in the previous minute. This time we will try to counter-clear and get information."

Now that it is clear that the opponent will launch a wave of explosive bombs in the outfield, then they will counter-clear when the explosive bombs are exploded, and get key information, and then they can understand the direction of GG's attack.

On the other side, everyone in GG comforted the teammates around them.

Although they dropped a lot of guns this round, it was enough to win the round after all.

Jiya also realized that the essence of winning the round lies in the fire that burned the director to death.

Repeated a wave of tactics again, the success rate is extremely low.

So after thinking about it, he planned to use his tricks and carry out a tactical variation.

The props in the early stage were played the same as the previous round, except that at 1 minute, they used the smoke in the outfield to sneak into K1 unknowingly.

Theory is done, practice begins.

In the early stage, the two sides still exchanged items in an orderly manner, and failed to produce a fierce exchange of fire.


The time came to 1 minute unconsciously.

GG's outfield bomb arrived as scheduled, and NIKO was holding the flash bomb next to the warehouse, ready to throw it at any time according to S1mple's instructions.

The early tactic is to let S1mple counter-clear in the mid-term.

But in fact, S1mple found a problem.

It is relatively dangerous for the K1 position to watch the outfield.

If a big sniper puts a gun on the bandit's third floor, he will become a living target.

He was still struggling, and threw a fire directly to the K1 mouth.

It's all right now, don't worry about it.

"There is fire at the mouth of K1, I retreated, don't lose my position to reveal my position."

Hearing this, NIKO also gave up the idea of ​​throwing flashes and moved to the main entrance.

"S1mple crossed the corner of K1, everyone from GG slowly came over to clear it, and S1mple fired a shot!!"

"Get the first kill, just slip back, he has props, but Yigao is daring, he turned around and came back by himself, he still wants to continue fighting!"

"However, ID persuaded him to quit. GG chose to turn around and look for the trouble at the main entrance. The NIKO straight frame at the main entrance saw the shadow first, and shot the first one. Is there a second one?"

"MUWO's supplementary gun is in place, the power of M4 is still a bit weaker, and NIKO is destroyed."

"However, in this case, GG is already at a disadvantage in numbers, 3 vs 4, and Lao Wang and the director are also included in the package."

GG's decision-making was very quick, and immediately carried out a wave of flanking attacks on the third floor and the main entrance according to the current situation.

Time is running out, they must attack.

After a wave of fierce firefights, they fought 2 for 2, leaving jiya on the third floor.

Not much time, he took the thunder bag and rushed to the bag point.

But before he landed at the bunker point, S1mple, who came out of the pipe, shot him and stopped him in the air.

The score came to 9:1.
GG is numb.

 Still today.

(End of this chapter)

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