CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 518 Director: I can't see anyone, so I have to use my teammates to brush my hands

Chapter 518 Director: I can't see anyone, so I have to use my teammates to brush my hands

The unsmooth situation caused jiya to be marked with a suspension code for the second time.

The game entered a timeout again.

When everyone in GG was frantically discussing tactics, the live broadcaster also released the data of the game.

GG is the offensive side, and all members lose the record.

Interestingly, this game played 10 rounds, and everyone in the GG team died 10 times.
In other words, none of them survived a single round.

The data of VC on the other side is also a bit surprising, because the player who ranks the best in VC data today is the conductor Wang Yuning.

He is temporarily at the forefront of the team with exaggerated data of 18/5/6.

Even Coke couldn't help but said: "You can see that VC's condition today is amazing. As the conductor, Wang Yuning killed 18 people, and S1mple only killed 12 people."

Yuyuan added: "VC's full state is really scary. With a command that averages 180 damage per game, I can only think of the former electronic brother."

"It's worth mentioning that in such a fierce match, the director's stats are 3/0/2, which no one can see."

The game entered a timeout, and the players took this opportunity to replenish water quickly.

Meng De was not idle either, and reminded the players to beware of GG's possible change of style of play in the future.

"They don't have much money this round, so there is no need to worry about it, but we still need to protect against the rush, especially the pipeline."

NIKO, who was in charge of the main entrance and plumbing, immediately replied: "Don't worry, I will check the plumbing immediately after I lose the fire, and I will definitely not let them enter K1 to have a chance to release their bags."

Mengde continued: "Also, be careful with the iron plate next. Their economic bureau likes to make a fuss about the iron plate. If you don't feel the pressure at the front door at the first time, you can go to the third floor to help, NIKO. The round S1mple is a big sniper...it's not very good to limit the sudden face."

"Also, Lao Wang, pay attention to the economy. There are a lot of guns dropped in these few rounds. If you lose any more, the economy may blow up."

Wang Yuning responded immediately: "I will pay attention."

Seeing that there was not much time left in the middle of the big screen, Mengde clapped his hands to attract the attention of the players, and then said: "From the first half until now, everyone has played very well, keep this state, don't be sloppy, Get picture one first!"

"Crush them, come on, come on!!"

The contestants bumped each other's fists and talked about cheering.

After the timeout, the two sides returned to the game.

The development of the next round stunned everyone in VC.

Because the GG team in this economic situation is simply following the script Meng De gave them.

Although the door was blown up in the early stage, because of a pipe fire from NIKO, the other party did not make too many articles about the pipe.

Immediately afterwards, the bandits all rushed towards the iron plate.

The kid still played the scouting game and let S1mple pick up the customers.

It's just a pity that S1mple's large sniper gun did not get a kill.

The opponent keenly sensed the arrival of an opportunity, and began to chase after S1mple, who was empty-handed on the third floor.

NIKO was just in position at this time, found a straight frame at an angle, and caused tons of damage to the bandits who rushed forward.

Cooperating with S1mple who helped to pull, the two of them killed all five opponents within three seconds.

NIKO under the camera clapped hands in the air, and then both looked at Mengde who was walking behind him.

The tactical prediction that Bo Mengde gave them was really great, allowing them to win the round without any effort.


Another round of long guns.

Losing too many rounds has made GG a little confused, and they are desperate to take some points from VC.

But for the game of CSGO, the more impatient you are, the more chaotic you play.

At the beginning of the round, everyone in GG proved their panic with their actions.

GG's tactics in this round are very simple, starting with a wave of quick control of the outfield.

"GG ​​seems to be a little nervous here. He gave two identical cigarettes. Now not only is there a problem with thinking, but there is also a problem with the communication within the team."

"At 37 minute and [-] seconds into the game, all their smoke bombs have been thrown, and there is still a line of smoke in the outfield. Is the pressure so great?"

loxi held a big sniper and his teammates in a double fight behind a line of smoke, trying to gain an advantage for the team in an unconventional way.

But unfortunately, this time S1mple didn't appear on the third floor, and they didn't get anything.

I had no choice but to hurry up and enter K1 before the smoke cleared.

Now they can only wait for the time to come, and then the two who stayed on the third floor of the bandit went to Area A to explode a wave of bombs and make a feint attack.

They seized the opportunity to unpack in area B.

But they didn't know that although S1mple was not on the third floor this round, he was also investigating the front line of smoke outside the warehouse.

Although the smoke cleared and he didn't see the actual enemy, but K1 had the timing information, and he still got it.

Under his feedback, NIKO at the main entrance quickly went down the pipeline to K1.

The infield is really too quiet. Wang Yuning, who is feeling overwhelmed today, took the initiative to go forward and collect information.

Almost at the moment when he made a decision, a bag was thrown from the third floor of the bandit.

Immediately afterwards, several flash bombs in a row put pressure on the infield.

But at the same time, NIKO who was in the trap detected the three bandits from K1.

NIKO did not have a head iron, but said loudly in the voice: "K1 three people, all of them are here!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in VC knew what GG wanted to do next.

The little ghost and S1mple immediately defended the B area from the iron plate.

The old Wang, who was pressing forward, seized an opportunity, directly killed Fox, and also got the information that there was no one in the bandit hall.

This further confirmed the information that NIKO got, that the opponent wanted to play B.

Because if there are people in the gang hall, then the three people in K1 can still get A from the pipeline.

He has already killed the person who pretended to be an attacker in the bandit hall, and now GG has to fight B even if he doesn't want to!

"Niko's face was protruded, GG's flashes are good, just make him completely white!"

"The bandit broke through the gap, but the kid took another person away, and the iron plate made up the defense in time!"

"Old Wang has also come down from Area A, and now he has moved into the locker room. Loxi is holding a big sniper and wants to make up for the kid, but the old Wang in the locker room is like a god of war!"

"loxi was directly replaced. Although GG's offensive started, the team members disappeared in a flash. Now there is only one person in B Baodian and one person in Tieban. The position is too embarrassing!"

VC briefly gathered the information, locked the positions of the last two people, and shot directly.

S1mple was holding a big sniper on the third floor and smashed the iron bandit with one shot.

The only remaining Xiao Hei in Area B was shot and killed by the old Wang before he even touched the little ghost.

"Old Wang has done it again. Today he is like a dream back in the past, and now he is as if he has entered the land of no one."

Taro round concluded: "The agility of VC's defense is simply too strong now, GG can't find the weak point of the defense at all, an attack with a long spear round, in the end they didn't even put down the thunder bag, and only knocked out a long spear , How does this make GG play?"

"Especially now that the status of all VC members is online, and the momentum has been full..."

GG Figure [-] has no timeout to use. They chose to use an economic bureau as a timeout. It is not only to discuss tactics, but also to adjust their mentality.

It's just that no matter how they adjust, the score gap is like a mountain, firmly pressing on their hearts.

There are not many rounds in the first half, and there is no room for adjustment.

In the next few rounds, they just shot to the end.

They finally found a chance at the match point, relying on Xiao Hei's three kills around the main gate of the outfield, and successfully scored their second score.

But this is also the answer they finally handed over as the offensive side.

13:2, this score they don't even know how to play in the second half.


Because of the fiery state of the players, the game in the first half was much easier than expected.

Of course, a large part of this is also due to the preparations made by VC.

The training before the game and the research on the game video finally gave them a good result in this game.

However, they will not be so arrogant that they will definitely win because of the score advantage in the first half.

After all, there are not a few games that were overturned at 13:2.

But even if it is a police map, the advantage of this score is still great.

During the intermission, two domestic commentators were discussing based on the current score.

"Yuan, what do you think GG should do in this situation?"

Yuyuan, who has always been known for her analysis and rationality, also said helplessly: "There is no way, the score gap is too big, and GG's coach doesn't know what to do."

"Several timeouts have been called, but even if the next timeout is half an hour, it doesn't mean much to GG."

"The current situation is that as long as GG loses the pistol round in the second half, the first picture can be declared over, and GG's coach can only cheer and encourage the players, and there is no need to spread tactics."

Coke nodded and said, "That's right, all VC members are online now, even if the director is invisible today, but because he didn't see anyone, his teammates killed everyone."

"The team of VC, once the commander or the kid comes to the forefront of the team, the state will definitely explode..."

The audience in the live broadcast room were a little stunned when they heard Coke's words.

[I feel that there is a problem with Coke's words, but it seems that there is no problem]

[Switch me in for the director today, call whatever you want]

[Indeed, when I lost to GG before, it seemed that Pharaoh had the best stats]

【In any case, the state of VC today is really surprising】


The audience in the live broadcast room were all in a good mood, thanks to VC's considerable performance, allowing them to sweep away the haze of the past.

Today's state of VC, this kind of performance, let them see the hope of continuing.

Before, they were worried that this picture would be a little unstable for a while, and there might be problems.

Now that the score gap is so wide, they just want to see how far GG can persist.

"Next, the director of the pistol bureau will pick up the props." Old Wang looked at the director with a smile. Today he feels good with his hand, and he also wants to be a gunman.

The director smiled and replied, "No problem."

How happy it is to lie down and win.

Lao Wang quickly explained the tactics of the pistol round: "S1mple will go to the outfield to play by himself at the beginning, and then we will drop the cigarette at the second time, remember to touch it quietly."

After briefly explaining the style of play, the countdown ended, everyone shopped in the store, and started the second half.

Under Wang Yuning's command, the director immediately threw a fire on the yellow house, and then went down to blow up the door and threw pipe cigarettes.

The purpose of a set of props is to allow them to touch the pipes.

NIKO led a large force into the pipeline quietly.

Because the tactical purpose of the VC pistol round is too obvious, someone in CT has already removed the gun from the pipeline.

NIKO originally wanted to hang on the pipe and go down silently, but the moment he saw the person, he bounced on the pipe and quickly reached the bottom.

He immediately exchanged fire with loxi.

Although he was aware of it and took precautions in advance, the failures all the time made loxi feel cold.

Even if the gun was set up in advance, it still failed to beat NIKO.

"Loxi couldn't just live, the director came down with the big team, and even shot the kid." Yuyuan was overjoyed, "This director can't see anyone using his teammates to feel good."

The director badly cut out the director's shot.

Seeing the director himself under the camera is also very happy.

A group of people rushed out of the pipe, and the MUWO on the valve side couldn't withstand the pressure, and was directly knocked down by VC's charge.

Lao Wang, who wanted to turn into a gunman, went out of the yellow room, but failed to kill any of them, and died in the yellow room.

Simply search the regular location in Area B, and VC will enter Area B and press the wealth code.

3v4 endgame, with bomb defusers, for GG, you can still try it.

The iron fox is crazily seducing, so that the two teammates of K1 can seize the opportunity.

"Two people go to K1, S1mple is still the sixth child at the corner, take one first, and the second shot is also destroyed."

"In this case, only fox is left to face this 1v4 endgame alone, and GG can't even win the pistol round."

According to common sense, such a difficult endgame can actually be saved.

But the problem is that fox knows that it doesn't make much sense to protect the gun.

He continued to shoot at the enemies in the bunker on the way of the iron plate, trying to get some kill economy.

But all the members of VC have set up their guns, and they feel good in the hand. Even if they have a Glock in their hands, they are still worthy of the fox.

In the end, fox still didn't get a single head, so he died on the iron plate.

14: 2.

The score gap is so big, GG doesn't want to waste any more time.

Compared with continuing to persist for a few rounds, it is more important not to bring the bad emotions in Figure [-] to the subsequent games.

They directly chose Ganggun.

In the first gun round, MUWO's Sand Eagle found an angle and drew two members of VC, helping them score a point.

VC has a great score advantage, so directly choose to adjust the economy and GG to play the long gun game.

After coming to the long gun round, they used VC's simplest wave of infield bombs to get the match point in their hands.

With a gap of 11 match points, everyone in GG looked at the score with little heart.

In the first match point, VC once again brought the game back to the rhythm of controlling the map.

In this round, the director finally got a sense of presence. In the final front door clip A, the director rushed out of the yellow room at the speed of light and knocked out two people in seconds, tearing apart the defense of area A.

GG also failed to win the subsequent endgame. In the end, the picture 16 of VC against GG was fixed at 4:[-].
In this BO3, VC temporarily leads by one map.

(End of this chapter)

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