CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 620 He Finally Couldn't Help Driving

Chapter 620 He Finally Couldn't Help Driving

After entering the long gun round in the second half, the frequency of VC exchanges continued to increase, but the feat of comeback failed to happen to them again.

The numbers above the big screen are constantly changing...




After the Danes got the rhythm, they finally realized the advantage of the large CT map. VC's offense was difficult to break through their defense line, and they kept losing points, which also hit their relatively harmonious morale.

It wasn't until the score reached a draw at 13:13 that Meng De had no choice but to call a timeout.

He can feel that under the continuous failure, the players' on-the-spot handling, the state of facing the gun, and the decision-making of turning points have been greatly affected.

The first to bear the brunt is the older conductor Wang Yuning. It has been more than 4 hours since they just stepped on the stage. The high-intensity battle has made this conductor a little exhausted.

Although the idea of ​​command still exists, there is no way to cover everything.

What's more, they are responsible for offense in the second half.

In this kind of map that is biased towards defense, the pressure on the defensive team to command is much less.

In most cases, they only need to make reasonable tactical decisions to deal with bandit attacks.

The offensive side needs to consider even more. Early map control, anti-back pressure, and special treatment for body positions all require Wang Yuning to think alone. In recent rounds, it can be clearly felt that his gun Gradually softening, the exhaustion of energy made it impossible for him to take care of facing the gun and thinking about the game at the same time.

Compared with each other, AE's dual-command mode can get enough rest in this kind of game, and there will be no such troubles.

"Everyone, calm down and take a breath." In the later stage of this fierce competition, Meng De believed that the personal status of the players was more important than the tactics.

S1mple took a deep breath, pulled out of the red-warm state, and slowly calmed down.

The Director spat out the tasteless gum and took a new one from his pocket.

Niko took a sip of mineral water from his feet.

The kid scratched his hair, his thoughts a little confused.

Wang Yuning rubbed his lower back with his hands, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable.

Meng De saw all these scenes in his eyes. Today's opponent's performance gave them a new understanding of the resilience of the AE dynastic team.

From 13:6 to 13:13, there were 7 rounds. Not all of them failed to break through the opponent's defense line in the long gun round and ECO. There were also several rounds where they seized the opportunity and successfully entered the bag site and put down the mine bag.

Even once got the endgame with a numerical advantage.

But the problem is, although on this map, Lucky's status, which was supposed to be a big kill, has declined a bit, but the bug in the previous few maps was in a semi-invisible state, and the crazy killing started on this map!
The train has played 26 rounds, mainly defending against bugs in area B, but has already won 28 kills!
If VC's main attack direction is the B area, then his data is actually quite normal.

But the problem is that VC's main attack direction is the A area. Bug's data is obtained by returning to defense and taking the initiative to seize opportunities in the mid-term.

Bug's highest ranking in Hltv was TOP11, because the number of endgames was the largest in that year, and it has the title of Danish endgame king.

But because the peak period has passed and the state has been declining, the Danish endgame king was once ridiculed by the audience as the Danish gun protector.

But today, this guy's explosive state really helped AE withstand the last breath of the finals, and once again posed a problem for VC.

The pause time has passed halfway, and everyone in the battle room is about to adjust. After pondering for a long time, Mengde explained his thinking: "I think the pace of map control can be faster. In the early stage, we will use a wave of props to directly control the five or six roads. To take control of one piece, we must put real pressure on it.”

"Otherwise, if we continue to play slowly, the opponent will realize that we are just feinting and it is another item exchange. We cannot win."

Before the props can be discarded, whether the attacker plays a wave or slow attack to exchange props, in the end, at the second time, they can take advantage of the time when the CT props are empty to attack.

But the changes in the current version allow CT to still have enough props after giving a wave of props.

Playing slow play with them like this, VC will suffer a lot.

So in order to avoid this from happening, their map control must be more purposeful!
"The red staircase can also be robbed, and the pressure can be applied directly from the two angles of the bandit hall and the red staircase... Then you must also pay attention to pressing forward with one hand, so that you don't get caught by him for timing again."

Hearing this, the kid nodded with a serious expression: "I won't let him come here."

Being caught by the bug in various ways, the kid said in his heart that he was not angry, it was definitely a lie.

Meng De also saw it, but he didn't point it out specifically. This train has entered the final stage, and the kid has some emotions, which will instead become his desire to win, which may not be a good thing.

Taking advantage of the few seconds left in the timeout, Meng De patted their shoulders, "Come on, come on, the last three points, don't be discouraged!!"

"Let them feel the power of VC!"

After the timeout ended, everyone in VC adjusted their mentality and returned to the game.

As the conductor, Wang Yuning refined the tactics just now, assigning each person's props and positions in detail.

The round started, and everyone set off according to the opening plan.

The kid followed NIKO and rushed directly into the bandit building.

The other three were bombing at the bandit's mouth.

Five or six partitions of smoke, electric box smoke, police smoke, and three smoke bombs directly blocked the bunker's view of the bandit's mouth.

NIKO also quickly entered the red staircase, and took control without any exchange of fire with anyone.

Seeing that NIKO didn't need to refill the gun, the kid retreated to the top of the red staircase and refilled a six-tailed smoke.

The smoke bomb had exploded, everything was ready, and the director in the bandit hall took the lead in charging forward.

Just as NIKO wanted to synchronize, he was blocked by a fire, and immediately responded in the voice: "Director, pay attention, I can't help here!"

Although he still had a smoke bomb in his hand, once he handed over the smoke bomb to put out the fire, he would be hanged to death, and it would be of little use.

The director couldn't stop, and invested a lot of props in the early stage, there is no turning back for this attack!
On the other hand, seeing that the bandits handed over four smoke bombs at the beginning of the game, AE knew that this wave of bandits was going to come for real.

The field of view of K35 and the Hanged Man in Wuliudao was all blocked. After realizing this situation, I took the initiative to ask SAMA for a flash bomb.

The flash bomb was given, and K35 and the Hanged Man burst out of the smoke together.

"Facing the bandit's explosive bomb attack, AE chose a wave of double fives! But the director shot with his eyes blank, and directly killed the Hanged Man!"

"K35 stepped on the fire to output, but S1mple rushed up with a big sniper to fill up the gun. Brothers are getting better!!"

However, NIKO in the red staircase was still in a hurry. Hearing the exchange of fire among his teammates, he took the initiative to put out the fire and tried to come out to follow up with the gun. As expected, he was shot to death by the opponent.

"There's one more package!!" The good news in Wudao Nei made NIKO shout excitedly.

Hearing this, S1mple, who succeeded in replenishing the gun, climbed directly into the carriage and shot SAMA in the bag.

The shot missed, and SAMA, who had survived the catastrophe, retreated directly under the chartered car, and cut out the grenade to cause some damage.

But he far underestimated S1mple's desire to change the game.

The parabola of his grenade was discovered by S1mple. Even though the big sniper failed to pull the bolt, he still has P250 in his hand to use!

It still works! !
S1mple rushed forward with the P250 in hand, and SAMA was in a stiff movement of cutting the gun in his field of vision.

"Crack, crack!"

【VC.S1mple kills AE.SAMA with a headshot from P250】

"S1mple opened up the situation with a pistol, this guy finally couldn't hold it anymore!!"

After a wave of intense firefights, VC suddenly slowed down again.

The director in Liudao controlled his position and swayed in the direction of Lutong.


A large sniper bullet hit Liudao's carriage.

The director with residual blood was not in a hurry to replenish the gun, it was enough to get the information in this wave.

Being too aggressive led to the loss of the advantage they had obtained. They had already felt this feeling in many previous rounds, and they didn't want it to happen again.

In a 4v2 endgame, information is far more important than kills.

S1mple took a sniper shot at Lutong Blind, but luck was not on his side this time.

Wang Yuning entered the chartered car with a thunder bag, and he planned to put a world bag while the smoke from the police had not cleared.

But just after pressing the wealth code, the bug hidden in the police cigarette was not happy, and he directly touched it out and gave it to Lao Wang.

Fortunately, S1mple was close. After hearing the message from Pharaoh, he immediately turned around and aimed.


The gun was fast and accurate, and the bullets never missed.

After pulling the bolt, S1mple opened the mirror and looked at the bottom line.

A CT is in transit.


The discussion in the auditorium suddenly became quieter, and VC fans watched S1mplve's shot nervously.

I saw that the crosshair preview of the sniper rifle was not on Lucky's body...

but!In the next second, quickly pull the sight to the right!

"S1mple!!" After a long period of depression, Coke in the live broadcast room yelled hoarsely, "S1mple lost so many points in a row, S1mple finally used his offensive sniper to help VC reverse the situation! Want to overtake? S14mple disagrees, 13:[-], VC is in the lead again!!"

"S1mple's handling this time is very beautiful!" Yuyuan also added beside him, "It can be seen that after failing to score points, S1mple played very anxiously, but he did not lose his mind."

"First, I boldly went to the front to help the director replenish the gun to prevent the opponent from replenishing the gun. Then, after Wudao was empty, he did not limit himself to the sniper rifle, but took out the P250 to catch the opponent's throwing props. After that, the two Unpretentious kill."

After the silence in the venue, it was quickly covered by the cheers of VC fans, and the entire space was filled with shouts and howls.

The VC fans who were on tenterhooks before can finally vent their depressed mood!
After so many rounds, they hoped that VC would be able to finish the game in one go.

However, AE slowly found its status, constantly shattering the hopes in the hearts of fans.

Now, VC is finally in the lead again!

Amidst the thunderous cheers, S1mple, who played the highlight moment, looked ferocious, stood up and raised his arms, and also vented his depressed mood!
The other people in the room were also extremely excited. With the adrenaline soaring, Wang Yuning suddenly came up with inspiration!

"Brothers, I have an idea!" He turned his head to look at S1mple, "I want to make a fuss about that big sniper in your hand."

"I just carefully calculated that AE's economy is actually not particularly good. Although we failed to make a comeback before, there are still a lot of gun exchanges. They should still have all the guns and bullets."

"If we can win this round, then after entering the match point, AE will only have about 3000 economy, so whether we can win or not, the next key round is very important."

S1mple glanced at Lao Wang: "What do you want, Lao Wang, just say it straight."

"Double Sniper!!"


Surprised sounds from the rest of the people sounded in the voice for a while.

No matter which map it is on, it is not a particularly good choice for the attacker to attack with double snipers.

Even if you play a double-sniper offensive style in the ladder, you will be criticized because the pace of advancement is too slow.

But Wang Yuning took the initiative to propose the double-sniper method, which made them a little confused.

"NIKO resists the deputy spy, you take the initiative to go to area B to make some noise, you have to give the other party an illusion that S1mple went to B to seize the opportunity! I want to give the other party this information gap."

"Then S1mple and the two of us went to Lutong. The opponent knew you were sniping, and they would not be so cautious in defending Lutong. They might even come out to fight against the Qing. We caught this anti-Qing person!"

Everyone in VC also understood.

Wang Yuning intends to use the second sniper rifle to give the opponent a wrong message. It is not necessary for the deputy sniper to play, but he must give information in the B area to help S1mple make a kill.

This is an extremely dangerous move.

Because VC doesn’t have a lot of money right now, if you can’t find an opportunity, then maybe the game will really enter Figure [-].

"Done! If you lose, you will just play another map and fight hard!" NIKO took the lead in expressing his opinion.

The director looked at Wang Yuning: "I believe in your tactics!"

"Then brothers, come on!"

NIKO bought a big sniper, and the cutter set off directly at the bandit building.

The little ghost reminded: "The first time AE is usually a single B, and Bug keeps the low slope."

Hearing this, NIKO also moved some thoughts.

He quickly rushed to the B2 building, and then threw a Molotov cocktail towards a neutral area of ​​the B2 building.

Originally, the first time to prevent the forward pressure, this fire needs to be thrown in the direction of the high platform.

But NIKO is not for pressing forward, but for giving the opponent information difference.

He wants the other party to think that the high platform is safe for at least 7 seconds!

Then, NIKO started the camera and walked all the way, moving towards the high slope.

Due to time constraints, there was no time for him to search slowly, so NIKO could only take it quickly.

But just as I was about to search the direction of the low slope, I saw a CT in the police walking back.

The big sniper opens the scope, locates, and fires!

There is no kill message in the upper right corner.

But SAMA's heart almost jumped out of fright.

Seeing his only single-digit HP remaining, he retreated behind the cover and shouted: "Bug attention, S1mple is on the high platform!"

Bug also realized that he had been cheated, and immediately gave out an incendiary bomb to seal the high platform.

Seeing that it was safe for the time being, SAMA did not deliver the props anymore, but went directly to Area B to help Bug defend Area B together.

Area B is under a lot of pressure now, and Bug has already handed over a lot of props. If he doesn't come to help, they will have to fight back against a wave of explosive bombs on the opposite side.

The pressure in area B is full, which also makes the CT in area A seek more information.

It is basically impossible for the bandit hall to fight against the Qing. K35 got the red staircase, so the only place where you can move is the green pass.

Lucky called the Hanged Man to wait for the smoke to disperse, and they used flashes to clear the outside of Lutong.

As the smoke dissipated, Lucky was the first to grab the flash and swoop around to scout out the information.


[VC.S1mple used AWP to kill AE.Lucky]

"Ah!!" Lucky was dumbfounded, isn't the big sniper in the field?
If he knew that the other party had a big spy, he would never use this method to collect information.

Now, he sent himself out directly.

The Hanged Man rushed over and threw a smoke bomb, blocking Lutong's vision.

Seeing this situation, K35 was forced to let go of the red staircase to help see the bandit hall.

VC doesn't know how the opponent's follow-up position will be, but getting the first kill in the early stage is very important to them.

Wang Yuning didn't push forward in a hurry, but instead pushed an incendiary bomb, making it impossible for the opponent to take control of Lutong stably.

Then, he began to explain the next step:
"S1mple, you give me the big sniper, you take my sniper, and when you reach the B2 floor, you can change it with NIKO."

"Then flash and smoke bombs are also thrown at the mouth of the gangster. Later, I will throw multiple sets of props by myself, and then you wait for my message, and directly flash to mention B."

After completing the gun change, S1mple started to walk back.

Because there is enough time, Wang Yuning reminded again: "When passing the bandit's entrance, take a look at the bandit hall, and don't let the other party take all the information."

Everything is done step by step according to Wang Yuning's thinking.

Finding that the team had already entered the bandit building, Wang Yuning started to walk back with a knife.

Liudao smoke, electric box smoke, five high flashes in the outfield!
Halfway through the props, Wang Yuning ordered: "You can move!"

The huge amount of information in the outfield makes AE, who is already at a disadvantage in numbers, feel a little bit like an enemy.

After feeling the number of props, he immediately turned the remaining blood of SAMA. Bug saw that the timing was about the same, and quietly started to press forward from the low slope.

But when he pressed, he saw four bandits in full gear!
"Bug was arrested on the spot!! Opportunity has come!!" Coke shouted joyfully, "Kill Bug to death, leaving a broken one behind, VC rushed directly into Zone B!"

"At this moment, Area B is already air defense, and the mine bag is easily put down, leaving AE with a 3v5 endgame!"

"After thinking about it, it seems that AE doesn't intend to continue fighting, but VC disagrees!! There is one member who keeps the bag, and the rest of the team starts to hand over their guns. They have to remove AE's guns, Don't let them have economic retention for Match Point!"

"The little ghost and Niko entered the police house together, and Niko was directly framed to death by SAMA. The little ghost came out and succeeded in repairing the gun, but the one on the right side ... shot and shifted to play like this? Today's little ghost is very strange!!"

"The Hanged Man wants to press forward to the green pass to protect the position of the gun, but Lao Wang is holding up a sniper!!"

"15:13, match point! Hand in your guns and win a big victory, AE's economy is stretched!!"

"VC don't give them a chance, just take it all at once!!"


(End of this chapter)

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