CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 621 IEM Cologne Champion!

Chapter 621 IEM Cologne Champion!


In the AE battle room, after the last long spear was also knocked out, the bloody Hanged Man still couldn't hold back and cursed loudly.

In the middle of the game, they understood what VC was going to do this round.

To sum up VC's offense in this round, it is actually very simple.

At the beginning, the double-sniper attack was used to pave the way, helping S1mple get the first kill and gain the advantage in numbers.

After that, false information was given through a single explosive bomb, and the others then moved to Area B to attack.

This is the first time I have seen these two styles of play in this final.

So even if the message "could it be a fake beating" floated in their minds for a short time, they would veto it by themselves in the next second.

SAMA has to admit that Wang Yuning's map of Yan Kingdom is too long, and they are completely unaware of the tactical turning point.

After handing over the gun, VC is purely a conspiracy. The intention is very obvious to tell you that you want to keep the gun unless it is possessed by 'steady'!
The score above the big screen has entered 15:13. After AE called a timeout, the scoring rhythm reversed again.

As the ace of the AE team, Lucky tried his best to calm the emotions of his teammates: "Come on, it's not that there is no room for fighting back. We can at least take a half-armor submachine gun and look for opportunities..."

But he didn't quite believe what he said.

As the defensive side, relying on the terrain advantage, although it is easier to comeback than the offensive side.

The gap in firearms is actually in front of them, like an insurmountable hurdle.

The tense sound effects in their ears and the cold match point reminder on the screen also made their emotions more depressed.

As the conductor, SAMA did not choose to sit still, and is still actively proposing the feasibility of some routines.

The countdown ended, and after the discussion was over, AE immediately performed a three-person front-top in Lutong.

SAMA lost flash at the T-junction of Lutong, and the Hanged Man and Lucky went out together.

"AE chose an active anti-clearance in a desperate situation, but they didn't expect that VC had already prepared for it. The screen of S1mple was all white, but NIKO flashed it in advance!"

"NIKO turned his head and directly knocked out the nearby Hanged Man, and then shot and shifted, directly knocking out Lucky too!!"

"The round has just started, and VC has already gained the advantage in numbers. At the same time, the kid and the director Transformers also killed K35, leaving Bug and SAMA as a 2v5 endgame!!"

Cola's emotions were building up, and his tone was rising. If he hadn't been worried that he was really poisoned, he would have congratulated VC in advance for his victory.

Even in a 5v2 endgame, VC didn't seem particularly anxious. They pushed forward in groups from two angles, which is the safest way to deal with more fights and less.

The thunder bag was put down, and Bug and SAMA had to come out to take over the endgame. They had already entered the match point, and it was meaningless for them to save their guns.

Under the disappointed eyes of the AE fans in the audience, they still failed to create a miracle and complete the feat of 2v5 comeback.


In other words, they won the BO5 finals!

In order to avoid screen peeping, and to give the director enough time to react from the perspective of the players, even in offline competitions, there is still a certain delay.

The picture of Coke has not yet shown results, and he can only see the surviving Bugs looking for opportunities.

This first-line veteran who has already obtained more than 30 kills still does not intend to give up.

Although the situation is already 91, he is still worried:

"Bug is mixing smoke from the police. He hides in the smoke and wants to seize the opportunity! But you can always trust the director! The game is over! 261 minutes, four hours of high-intensity battle, the game ended 3-1, a This game will definitely be included in the classic BO5 finals! VC has won the IEM Cologne finals!" Coke shouted hoarsely in the live broadcast room, "It's really not easy, the resilience of both teams is terrifyingly strong .”

"Especially after entering the train in Figure [-], the two sides continued to break the common sense and come back. AE was forced to take the rhythm in the headwind. I even thought that VC would be dragged into Figure [-] by AE, but after the suspension, they I still did it! Refuse to add the game!!”

Taro round added next to it: "The Danes were the last Cologne champions, and they are only one step away from their second Grand Slam, but VC, the spoiler, blocked them in the second Grand Slam. in front of you."

"VC once led AE 2-0 in this game. Normally, BO5 is already a little one-sided emotionally, but as a Dynasty team, they can enter the final again today, and no one will give up easily!"

"After reversing Diagram [-], AE relied on resilience to regain the field during that period of time. They were even almost dragged into Diagram [-] by AE. But in Diagram [-], both sides occupied a lot of positions at a certain period. The advantage, but they all rely on their own adjustments and games, abruptly taking the rhythm into their hands again, the score is constantly rising alternately, and the ups and downs of the plot make it difficult to look away, because everyone will not know, the next What happens in a second..."

"But anyway, let's congratulate VC for being the overall champion of IEM Cologne!"

Amidst the excited commentary of Coke and taro balls, the contestants under the camera couldn't wait to drop their headphones, hug and celebrate with their teammates.

The moment Meng De took off his earphones, the hot voice from the scene instantly squeezed into his ears.

Then an unknown object jumped directly on his body, scaring Meng De into hugging him.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that it was NIKO hanging on his body.

"Coach, we won! We are the champions!!" NIKO shouted loudly in the room.

Meng De was a little perfunctory with a smile: "Yes, yes, so can you come down first, or your coach's waist will not be able to withstand it."


After embracing NIKO, Meng De looked forward.

The blue and white lights shone, making the venue extremely clear, and he could clearly see the expressions on the faces of every audience.

excited! !shout! !
joy! !Unwilling! !
All kinds of emotions are directly displayed in front of him, which makes him truly feel the expectations of the audience.

But when he came back to his senses, he still had joy on his face, and the room and the staff exuded a happy mood.

Fighting fiercely for 4 hours and winning with difficulty, this is something to be excited about.

Seeing this scene in the camera, the Danish commentator was a little sad: "The game is over, we failed to play better before the end of the game, and pulled the opponent into the same starting line again... AE's performance in this game was not enough Well, we have led many times in the game, but we have been pulled back by the opponent! This is the second time that VC has defeated AE in the final. It was a wonderful final, but I still hope, Lucky and Daohang People can remember this game-in the S-level large-scale competition, there is not even a weak team! After winning the Major championship, VC proved with their own strength that what they said about the dynasty is really true. It's not just talking."


"Fucking director!!" In the hotel room, Broky and Greiwu raised their arms and shouted.

After the two shouted, they were suddenly taken aback by the same shout behind them.

It turned out that at some point, all the members of the second team had already returned to the hotel, and unconsciously gathered in front of the computer to watch.

Because the competition was too fierce, they didn't notice it for a while.

The moment the first team won the championship, the worries in their hearts could finally come to the ground.

In fact, because of the relationship between the second team and the first team, the views on each other are a bit strange.

To borrow a stalk on the Internet to describe it, it is "I am afraid that my brother will live a hard life, and I am also afraid that my brother will lead the way."

The first team won the IEM Cologne championship, not only proclaiming their prowess to the world, but also put more pressure on the second team.

After all, until now, they only won an S-level championship last year.

After Kennys returned to France, their team is still a new lineup, which needs a lot of time to adjust.

A lot of pressure!
"But there is pressure to be motivated. We have to work hard for the next game!" Looking at the extremely gorgeous offline picture on the screen, g1a1ve murmured.


"What kind of monsters are there in this game! These one and two are not like normal people." At the moment the game ended, Xiaojiao in front of the stands still couldn't help complaining.

In this game, what impressed them the most was the scene where the two sides turned the tables on each other. That kind of strong psychological quality made them unimaginable.The toughness of these two dynasty-level teams in the competition can be called terrifying.

"They have become much stronger!" kennyS frowned, feeling a sense of urgency in his heart.

The strength of the VC first team is much stronger than when he left VC!It's just a change of more than a month. The speed of this change in strength makes him feel like he can't catch up.

"VC's strength has told the world that they have secured the world's No. [-] throne, and even AE can't shake them." FG coach Frank said, "VC will usher in a full explosive period. Over time, we can frequently see them in competitions."

When Little Pepper heard this, he couldn't help but support his forehead: "A disaster~"

FG played against VC before, and the results of the training match were much higher than the competition, but even the winning rate of the training match was only in the early [-]s, enough to imagine the psychological shadow of Pepper.

"This may not be a good thing. Only when you keep fighting with VC will your strength be gradually improved. The update and iteration of techniques and tactics is out of self-thinking, and the rest is driven by external forces."

"So let's train hard in the next period of time and maintain our best condition, so that we can get more positive feedback in the subsequent competitions..."


Lucky took a deep breath, leaned back on the gaming chair, and spat it all out.

The BO5 final is over. In e-sports where there is only one winner, failure is the main theme. As the top player, he is used to this feeling.

He is still not in a good mood, habit does not mean he likes it.On the contrary, he hates the feeling of failure very much, so he has a paranoid obsession with victory.

But he still quickly pulled out of that emotion and adjusted it.

Seeing the VC coach leading the team over to shake hands, he looked at S1mple and planned to say a few words, but was the first to be dragged into a chat by the director: "Hey, Lucky."

Lucky looked at his hairstyle and joked with a smile: "You said before the next game, I will also dye my hair, will my performance be better?"

"I hope so." The director scratched the pink hair on the other end, and then looked at Lucky's cropped head of a few centimeters, "But with your hair, it seems that there is no need to dye it, haha."

"You guys played very well today." Lucky praised, touching his short hair.

He is the truth, and it is the truth.

"I've been in good shape lately, training very hard, and luck has just happened to be on my side."

Knowing that the director and others gave him the cup, Lucky didn't continue talking, leaving a sentence "we have time to play ladder together" to end the conversation with the director.

Others in VC didn't have too many ideas, and they came to S1mple.

He looked at Lucky with a somewhat uncomfortable smile on his face: "I said Lucky, what's the matter with you today, the first three maps knocked out your status, why did you become invisible directly in the fourth map?"

Lucky gave S1mple a blank look: "Why don't you know you're invisible? It's as if you're carrying on all four maps? It's not the same because we can't play it if we target it."

"It's okay, I just lie down and win." S1mple smiled complacently.

He and Lucky are also old friends, when they were ranked in the ladder before.

If they are matched to the same team, then S1mple and Lucky want to lie down and win, and they will play each other.

If it is an opponent, then go all out and kill wildly.

After coming and going, both of them showed their feelings, and they liked to spray a few words on Twitter when they had nothing to do.

S1mple talked to Lucky again, making an appointment to kill each other next time, and then followed the big team to the center of the stage.

Through the player channel in the center of the stage, everyone in VC and the audience around them clapped their hands in celebration. They walked slowly and step by step to the center of the arena, and all the lights were focused on them.

The director's heartbeat accelerated, and he fully felt the meaning of the surging heart. At this moment, the world focused on him again!

Facing the light, I walked to the trophy. This trophy is not big, with a height of about 60 centimeters. It looks like a giant goblet as a whole, and the shape is not even good-looking.

But the honor he represents still makes countless people chase after it.

Everyone in VC came to the trophy, but the cheers and shouts that followed slowly subsided.

Everyone understands that the silence at the scene is for a better explosion in the future!

If there are new players, then this trophy will be the first to be picked up by the new teammates.

But they are all old players, so they don't need to be so polite.

The VC crowd surrounded the director in front of him, he grasped the lower end of the trophy, and then raised him high in the eyes of tens of thousands of people in the audience!
Fireworks bloom!The huge screen behind it is the team logo of VC, and blue and white ribbons descend from the sky.

Countless VC fans raised their mobile phones to record this wonderful moment!
(End of this chapter)

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