CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 630 One more look and you will explode

Fear also wants to command the team to continue to attack.

But their current playing habits have gradually become rational.

After the map control in the early and mid-term ended, there was not much time left, and Cypress was still on the banana road. If he absolutely wanted to launch the final attack, he would definitely not be able to beat the frontal firefight.

There is only one incendiary bomb left in their hands, so their attack can only clear the big hole with fire, and then start the emperor's fight.

Ganla is not so easy to fight, and Fear doesn't want to fight this kind of unprepared battle.

Moreover, up to now, they haven't even got too specific position information. If they really fight, it may be a high probability event that Team A will swipe the screen again.

Fear's brows were tightly furrowed, Team A's defense made him feel tons of pressure this round.

He seems to have gained an advantage in many decisions, and it seems that every decision has failed.

It's like looking at flowers in a fog, and it's hard to tell whether it's true or false.

With the end of the countdown, the score came to 9:9, and AKA's advantage in the first half was gone.

"There are not many props in hand. We can only play a wave of speed push for this point, so don't go to the control map in the previous point. We have to find some opportunities for big guns. It doesn't matter if we play aggressively this round."

According to his own situation, Fear made a relatively risky play.

Four long guns were saved, but the number of their props was pitifully small.

In this case, the attempts of the large army can only be characterized by fast breaks, and the four spears can also use more aggressive styles of play.


"Is this all gun protection?" Broky was a little surprised.

Because of information collection, they probably understood that the other party didn't have many props.

But even if there are 4 full AKs left and no props in hand, no matter whether it is the first team or the second team of VC, most of the time they will choose to take the initiative to look for opportunities.

"This AKA play is too rational." Meng De watched from behind and shook his head, and his evaluation of AKA dropped a level in his heart.

AKA has undergone huge changes in style with the entry of different members. After studying it, he was quite optimistic about their style of play.

But after all, I didn't go into it carefully. This time I played against AKA and felt some of their state, but I didn't like them a bit.

In decision-making, saving the gun is to better win the game.A rational style of play will allow a team to have more opportunities to try and have more fault tolerance.

But it is not a good thing to be too extreme. AKA still did not choose to attack to try in this round with four surviving players, which is really a bit criticized.

If there are no fundamental changes in the follow-up, it will be difficult for AKA to return to the strength of a T1-level team.


The game was still going on on the field. After finding out that the opponent had saved four spears, gla1ve was surprised but also disdainful: "We are not afraid of props in the spear round. You only have four spears. How could I be afraid of you?"

"This round we have a good economy, so don't go head-to-head with them. I will give a deep smoke to the middle lane at the first time, and then both Banana Road and the middle lane can try to blast a wave in the direction of the bandits, and give them full pressure first."

"Except for the loaded sniper rifles behind, don't stand up straight. Don't give them a chance to peek out and hit the front. If you can hit the cross, do it."

The countdown ended, and everyone set off.

When Zaiwu and Brother Electronics came to the middle road, the deep smoke in the middle road had already exploded.

The two immediately exploded in the direction of the bandits.

Brother Electronics went straight to the boiler room after throwing the bomb.

The opponent didn't have too many props this round, so he planned to take this opportunity to get some side information first.

Brother Electronics hopped and glanced at the side channel with a spring head.

But I didn't expect that it would explode if I looked at it more!

"Oh my god, this reaction speed!! The steady state is here again!!"

"The steady sniper came to the bandit bridge immediately. Brother Electronic just came over to get the information, and was taken away the moment he appeared. This reaction speed is a bit exaggerated."

Seeing this situation, Fear, who was still controlling the map in the side channel, hurriedly gave a VIP fire.

This fire is not for default, but to control the area of ​​​​the VIP port, so that CT cannot handle the AK in the hands of the electronic brother.

Hearing the explosion of the incendiary bomb, Broky, who was about to dispose of the gun, also stopped in his tracks.

"To be honest, AKA is not economical, but Brother Electronics was knocked out and gave away an AK, which is a bit hard to say."

Brother Electronics was eliminated, and Team A's position became 2A2B.

Broky made up a smoke in the middle lane steadily, telling the opposite side that there are people in the middle lane, and if you want to control the map, you have to weigh it carefully.

Thanks to the transformation of the defensive mode, this mid-term game, now Team A can handle it more easily.

A set of props for Broky has been given to the middle lane, and the pressure is directly full.

Looking at Zaiwu who was still fully armed, he motioned: "I'm going to defend B directly, so pay attention to A alone."

Zaiwu let out a "huh" to show that he understood, and then added a smoke bomb towards the A2 building, then moved to the direction of the link, and shot straight to the middle.

On the other side, Zone B controlled Banana Road at the beginning by relying on the advantage of props, and then gla1ve and Xiaoju took a coffin + sandbag position.

Xiaoju stood on the sandbag, and gla1ve helped him catch a flash in the coffin.

If someone pulls it out directly, then after Xiaoju hits one, the flash of gla1ve will come.

Xiaoju can continue to output the second round even if she jumps under the sandbag.

However, the arrival of Broky gave them a new idea.

gla1ve saw his teammate's defense in place, and offered to sell Xiaoju!
"Xiaoju, I want you to be a hook. You try your best to hit as many as you can, and I won't give you any counter-attacks."

"Broky, don't rush to fire. When they explode, wait for me to shoot one first before you burst out of the smoke."

Selling the team, this style of play is not uncommon in the ladder, but it is often criticized.

However, gla1ve's 'selling teammates' this time has excellent tactical significance.

To put it simply, it is similar to two people hiding in a regular position. The first person goes out to exchange fire. After this person is killed, the other party will often ignore the information of the second person, so as to achieve the goal that the second person can catch To the opportunity of the back.

The decision-making of gla1ve is similar to this kind of selling one dozen, but it is also a little different.

Because the electronic brother was eliminated in the early stage, they were 4v5 in number, and now they are a 3B1A heavy defense position.

Letting the opponent attack Area B is the result they want.

If gla1ve's anti-clearing action frightens the opponent and leads to a subsequent switch, then the result will not be very good.

Therefore, gla1ve must induce the opponent to make the opponent think that the defensive power at point B is empty.


"At the second time, team A made a bet on B again! Broccoli is already in place on the banana road, and point A is just a big sniper on the shelf."

"The bandit army has assembled behind the stone slab. Will this wave lose the flash? If you don't lose the flash, you may be severely punished!"

"Xiaoju catches one! He still wants to operate. AKA's shot recovery is very efficient, and Xiaoju didn't let Xiaoju play again."

"The previous point was changed to one for one, but there are still two people in the B area!"

The bandits started to attack with explosive bombs, the police smoked the coffin and sealed it, and then gave out the only flash bomb, and immediately started to speed up.

But Broky's actions made many viewers in the live broadcast room unable to understand.

[Fuck, what are you doing with the broccoli? 】

[Shouldn't you drag it with fire when it's full of props? 】

[Broccoli is a prop to play with? 】


Broky didn't know about the doubts in the live broadcast room, the police smoke exploded, and he waited for the opportunity in the smoke.

gla1ve stood behind the second box, and first killed a bandit who was searching for the spot.

After his teammates revealed the information, Broky was still not in a hurry, he was waiting for the gunshots from the bandits.

There was no gunshot, but the sound of footsteps receding slowly, Broky immediately shouted: "gla1ve come out to make up for me, they want to run!!"

This wave took a lot of effort to set up an ambush at point B. If the opponent is allowed to leave, it will be a failure.

Broky pulled horizontally out of the smoke, saw two bandits, and hit the one facing him first.

After easily knocking down the big unarmored sniper, pull the sight to the left, and quickly shift the shot!
But Ting still reacted, and turned around and shot Broky headshot.

However, while counter-killing Broky, he found that the gla1ve of the bag also rushed out.

Now he really can't help it.

After a wave of firefights, gla1ve had the last laugh at point B.

At the same time, Zaiwu saw a bandit forcing out a link cigarette, trying to occupy an important area of ​​the turning point.


The big sniper was not polite, and easily accepted the head.

At 10:9, Team A finally achieved a lead in the score.

Looking at the debate on Broky's loss of props on the barrage, Nobita, who is full of theoretical knowledge, explained: "It's not that Broky's style of play is cancerous, this wave should be deliberately not giving props."

"They plan to put the bandits in, and let the gla1ve of the package point shoot one first. After killing one, the bandits on the B pass must check the package point at the first time, and then Broky will pull out to replenish the gun. This is simple. The benefits of cross-fitting are huge."

Xiejian nodded: "Actually, Fear also realized that the opponent had already turned the point, and they were already retreating to prepare to turn the point. I didn't expect Broky to come out at this time and beat them up."

"Luring the enemy deep, this idea is very spiritual."

After losing the long gun round, with the blessing of losing streak economy, AKA chose to save 2000 yuan, and the remaining half-armored pistols made some attempts.

They chose to fly to the second floor once, hoping to find trouble with Electronic Brother through the change of rhythm.

Play for fun, make trouble for trouble, don't make fun of the electronic brother in Dakeng!

Brother Electronics grabbed the M4 and directly caught 3 people who came out of the second floor, and one who rushed out of the boiler room. A wave of swiping the screen directly made the world understand once again how brave Electronic Brother is with the blessing of the big pit buff.

11:9, the point difference opened up a little bit.

After a round of economic adjustment, AKA once again has a long gun to fight.

But they don't intend to continue to control the map slowly. In the previous few rounds, they didn't get the information clearly, and they were beaten by Team A in a daze.

Since we can't get all the information, we don't want to take it at all. We will send a wave of speed-bombs immediately, without giving Team A time to process the information.

The countdown ended, and the bandit army rushed directly to Area B.


Team A knew that the opponent might change their rhythm this round, so they arranged a 3B heavy defense at the beginning.

The 3B heavy defense this time is not for the purpose of obtaining complete control of the map in the first place.

Instead, I plan to give a wave of false information in the early stage, and then use big sniper and supplementary guns to counter the clear in the second time.

At the beginning, Xiaoju only threw Lei Huo on the banana road, and retreated to the bottom of the box.

"I can't get out now. When this dilemma is extinguished, you can flash gla1ve. Remember to pick one up for me." Xiaoju said his thoughts.

The flames were slowly extinguished, and Zaiwu slowly pushed forward with the big sniper in his hands, and Xiaoju was doing the same.

After the two were in place, gla1ve made a counterattack and shot directly!
The flash bomb traced a beautiful trajectory in the sky, and finally exploded above the yellow wall, bursting out with intense light.

Seeing this scene, Nobita couldn't help crying: "It's over! This wave of AKA came prepared, just waiting for you to fight back!"

Before gla1ve flashed his shot, there were two bandits standing near the barrel. One of them was standing upright, and the other was back flashing ahead of time.

And behind the slate, there is a steady sniper facing the wall.

All of this clearly gave the commentators a message—they knew that Team A might have to fight back.

On the one hand, they took the risk to fight against the Qing Dynasty, and on the other hand, they were on guard against it, and the result was naturally no accident.

Facing the line of guns of the two, Xiaoju couldn't even replace one of them, and was knocked out by concentrated fire.

Carrying things out and trying to replenish the gun, but the opponent has already reached a better position.

It's not right for him to retreat for a while, and it's not true for him to push forward.

He flicked a shot to the right, trying to kill the opponent, but there was no kill message from the upper right corner.

This download knew he was in trouble.

Sure enough, the bandits came in pursuit and easily killed Zaiwu.

After two teammates were seriously injured, gla1ve knew that his position was difficult to support, so he quickly moved to the police's house, trying to make an information difference.

If you can seize the opportunity, there is still a little hope in this endgame.

He just got some information, saw the other party walking to the left of the B-way, gla1ve looked for an angle to the right, but was blinded by the flash, so he could only back away to ensure safety.

After regaining sight, the police house was sealed with smoke bombs.

Well, Area B fell, and the control was completely changed. There is no point in continuing to fight now.

"Now it's our turn to protect our guns." gla1ve smiled wryly.

Facts have proved that AKA is a first-line team, even if they don't understand what kind of defensive principle A team uses.

They can still play at their own pace, make fuss about the details, and forcibly tear through Team A's defense.

Judging from the opponent's countermeasures on Banana Road, this wave has been rehearsed in advance, knowing that Team A wants to gain control of Banana Road.

Aiming at this point, they made some tactical adjustments, and finally made a lot of money.

After entering the gun protection link, AKA also came over tentatively and wanted to pay.

Although their own economy is not very good, the huge economy owned by Team A is even more of a headache for them. If possible, they still want to consume some of Team A's economy.

But after one person was knocked out by the load, they put the thought out of their minds.

Regarding the loss of this round, gla1ve was not too worried, because he understood that this kind of counterplay is more difficult than betting defense, AKA it cannot be played for a few rounds.

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