CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 631 Perfect Interpretation of Top-level White Bustle

"Good tactics!" Steady stretched out his fist and bumped against Fear, and was chased by Team A for points. They were still in a hurry.

If this point is not scored, then the point difference will be further widened.

The game is halfway through, and there are only a few rounds before the match point. They are still behind and under a lot of pressure.

Based on the information collected before, Fear chose to target the anti-clearing wave, and the benefits are also very considerable.

"The opponent just gave us a chance." Fear chuckled. As a commander, he was very happy to hear his teammates praise the ingenuity of tactics, after all, that's what they were good at.

Winning this point also gave him some ideas: "We can still control the map faster on Banana Road at the first time..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ting answered the question: "Continue with the one-point routine?"

His idea is very simple, that kind of defensive play with back flashing in advance, even if they don't get any benefits, it doesn't have much impact on themselves.

Fear, who was in command, shook his head: "Change, we still push the banana lane at the beginning. After we get the control, we will explode the bomb immediately!"

As far as the command of professional games is concerned, except for the team that particularly likes to be the default team, most of the offensive and defensive strategies of other teams come from the temporary decision-making of the game.

A style of play that is too rigid is difficult to score. Even if the purpose is the same, some changes must be made in the details, so that the opponent has no time to prepare.

The rest of AKA didn't think there was anything wrong with this style of play, they all nodded in agreement and continued to communicate about some details in order to better connect the offense.


"...Don't worry, they can't play like that, it's too time-consuming to counter us there."

gla1ve explained the reason for this. Although it does not need to consume too many resources to back-flash the barrel in advance and face the wall, but once the CT is not reversed, the time consumption will also become a problem.

"Zaiwu's big sniper is still there, so let's not go against the clear this round. After the 3B bet in the opening game, play defense. Let's see the situation. Zaiwu, you and Ah Dian play conservatively in zone A."

After gla1ve said it briefly, the others understood that he was planning to bring the opponent in to fight again.

In this case, they have to consider the number of props to be sold next. If they are slipped by the other party, then the bet is meaningless.

When the countdown ended, Xiaoju, who was in the first position, went straight to the banana road, and a thunder shot in the middle of the time, and retreated directly to the bag site, standing on a box.

"AKA three people came to point B. They didn't give too many props. Seeing that the props on Banana Road didn't give much feedback, instead they muted and moved forward." Evil View speculated, "Is this going to be another counter-brush? "

"Ting has already cleared all the wooden barrels in a quiet step. What should I say next? Is it going to speed up?"

"After searching the sandbags and no one is found, start to explode the bombs, smoke from the coffin, smoke from the police house, the flash will explode, and go straight to the charge!"

In team A's defensive mode, in area B, where information collection is relatively simple, they will let one person flash back in advance and one person collect information from the front.

In this way, even if the opponent comes in with a quick attack, they will not be helpless with their eyes covered.

Xiaoju put the flashing light on her back, and turned her head to look at the audience.

A bandit was under a box and happened to be looking straight at him.

M4 vs AK!

But Xiaoju is high and low! !
"Da da da……"

【VC.A jamyoung kills AKA.Ting with M4A4 headshot】

After getting a kill, Xiaoju didn't want to be greedy for guns at all, and just stepped back, falling into a box.

As soon as the opponent's bomb exploded, gla1ve had already grabbed the props, and a smoke fell on the opponent's only path.

Now Ting, who is in the first position, has been knocked out, and there are still flames blocking the way ahead. Steady chooses to smash the smoke to put out the fire, wanting to forcefully hit him.

After landing on the ground, Xiaoju had already pulled out a Molotov cocktail, and when she heard the sound of putting out the fire, she threw it directly behind the smoke.

Got it!
This time it was really impossible to get in. Before a wave of attack started, it was blocked by various props.

When the bandits attack with explosive bombs, CT counters the props to delay the time, which is what the bandits are most worried about.

This is a large part of why the two sides exchanged props for the control of the map in the first place in the game.

The bandits want to cheat the props in CT's hands by exchanging the amount of props, just to prevent them from having too many props in the future.

"I can't play anymore, I have to transfer." Steady expressed his judgment.

But Fera said: "Don't worry, wait for cypress to touch it."

Only then did Steady look at the small map, and found that at some point, Cypress had already entered the link.

He hasn't even been hindered by the other side yet!
They understand that the timing of cypress may be an opportunity!
It's a chance for them to come back!


B-pass smoke temporarily separated the two sides, and also gave gla1ve and others some breathing room.

With the advantage in numbers, there is not much pressure on area B for the time being, so gla1ve thought about this and planned to return to defense, but saw that the link location on the mini-map was temporarily in an air defense state, and immediately became vigilant.

He opened his mouth and asked Zaiwu: "What's the situation with the link? What happened to the link just now?"

Zaiwu replied truthfully: "The link has a timing of about 10 seconds, I just wanted to remind you."

Hearing this, gla1ve began to walk quietly the whole way.

Cypress walked quietly throughout the whole process, trying to find opportunities. He searched carefully, but was still knocked down by gla1ve, who had been on guard for a long time.

"Little Ju, be careful." gla1ve reminded.

After defeating the opponent, he probably understood AKA's offensive thinking.

Failed to get the B area by storm at the first time, so I planned to let the broken cypress take the initiative to attack, and planned to take the corridor from the link to form two bread sandwiches for the B area.

AKA didn't expect that Team A's reaction was so fast and they directly knocked out Cypress.

The number of people has reached 5 vs 3. For AKA, this long gun round is already very uncomfortable.

The number of people is inferior, and the time is only 1 minute.

There are not many options left for them to choose from. Fear thought for a long time, and finally let his teammates try it in the B area.

After the death of cypress, all the situation at point A has entered the fog of the map, instead of collecting information again, or try it in area B.

Area B was filled with another smoke bomb. Team A's style of play was flawless, which made them quite uncomfortable.

Steady shouted his teammates into the B channel, and performed a double fight on the far right side of the smoke.

The steady sniper opened the camera early and set up the coffin in advance.

"Someone opened the mirror after the smoke, be careful of double frames."

AKA didn't know that there was someone standing next to a box in area B, and the information was exposed as soon as the sniper opened the camera.

Hearing this, Xiaoju pointed his gun at the double rack on the left side of the smoke bomb in advance.

Seeing his blood volume plummeting, Steady quickly lifted the double frame, planning to run away.

But gla1ve once again defended in place, followed by a bit of a shuttle.

You can say that the Danes are not good at marksmanship, but you must not say that their smoke mixing technology is not good.

The smoke-piercing kill information in the upper right corner impressively shows gla1ve's glorious record!
AKA the last two are still trying, because the next round will be all guns and bullets, they want to continue to fight with Team A.

But in the end, with a huge numerical advantage, Team A only paid gla1ve to win the round.

The score came to 12:10.

Facts have proved that after gla1ve entered the defensive end, the overall command thinking is much better than before.

Although Commander AKA can occasionally break through their defenses in his own way, he still doesn't understand where the core of Team A's defensive mode is.

In the next round, Team A chose to take the initiative to compete on Banana Road, and AKA also chose to invest a lot of props in Banana Road immediately.

The two sides launched a wave of fierce firefights inside the Banana Road, but in this narrow and long passage, CT still has certain advantages.

Relying on the aid of his teammates' props and his marksmanship, Xiaoju successfully gained the advantage in the early stage at the cost of one for three.

In the follow-up, AKA chose to turn the point to try, and the big sniper with all the ammunition fired made them speechless.

The previous wins reset AKA's economy.

The consumption of two consecutive long gun rounds also made their economy bottom out.

For this, they can only carry out ECO accumulation economy.

The score also came to 14:10 smoothly.


"Everyone, hold on, get one more point, it's the match point." gla1ve encouraged his teammates.

He turned his head and saw that his teammates looked relaxed, and nodded secretly in his heart.

The more this time comes, the less discouraged you can be.

Match point is the most serious time point for a game.

Two simple points can change the emotions of all ten players in the audience.

"This means we continue to defend 3B, change it, don't control the map, let them play in." gla1ve expressed his thoughts.

Brother Electronics has a little opinion: "Continue to play 3B, is this really okay?"

On the defensive end, they have been heavily defending Zone B for many rounds. Brother Electronics doesn't think the opponent's head will be so hard.

"Try it, I think Fear will think that I won't re-defend the B area, and I predict his thoughts, and I will re-defend the B area, then we will have fun."

Broky couldn't help laughing: "gla1ve predicted the opponent's prediction, this time he is in the atmosphere, so he took off directly!!"

"Haha." gla1ve smiled, after such a period of ridicule, others did not continue to question.

gla1ve actually knew it well, and this wave of re-defense of Zone B is the safest idea.

Letting the opponent in from behind can even keep the props in hand.

Even if the opponent turns to A, and Zaiwu and Electronics can get two kills, they still have a good winning rate when they return to the defense relying on the rich props in their hands.

If Brother Electronics and Zaiwu fail to replace enough players to return to the defense, then they can directly save and play the next round.

Now the advantage is in their hands, they have the initiative, and they can play some less fault-tolerant styles of play.

At the beginning of the round, the trio headed towards Area B. There was still a fire at the beginning, followed by two mines, and then Area B began to quiet down, without any movement.

AKA is two people controlling the banana road this time. Although the props are full of damage, relying on the props that are not stingy, they still get all the information on the nearest point of the barrel, and confirm that the CT in area B is trapped in the bunker.

According to the commander's idea, they gave a coffin smoke and made a simple test.

After throwing away this simple temptation, Fear regretted it a little.

Because of this kind of temptation, if you don't take follow-up actions, you won't get much information.

CT put a B pass on the back, and they have nothing to do with the B area.

In desperation, they had no choice but to turn their heads and head towards the middle road, trying to find a way to find trouble in the middle road.

"3B's heavy defense, the two people in the middle are linking defenses, Zaiwu and Electronic Brother played a crossfire, and the A2 floor did not prevent any defenders. It can be seen that the defensive position of team A has been changing. , They don’t mean to stand in one position to defend all the time, they will change their position and play every round to prevent the opponent from determining their regular position information.”

"AKA just grabbed the props, and a smoke bomb in the middle was blocked, directly blocking their way forward, and the smoke bomb of loading was just right, so they were forced to wait for a while."

The map was a little too quiet, and the bandits hadn't moved for nearly 15 seconds, which made Electronic Brother and Zaiwu feel that something was wrong.

After the contents were sealed with the middle road smoke, the two began to move quietly to the bunkering point.

Now that there is no pressure on the link, the direction of building A2 may be a hidden danger.

"I didn't get too much information from Area A, and I didn't take the initiative to play in Area B. What kind of defense is Team A now?" Nobita said that he couldn't see Team A's style of play anymore.

AKA fans finally became excited when they saw the information on the live broadcast.

It's not easy, Fear's command on the defensive end was basically overwhelmed by gla1ve, and he led the team to attack the heavily defensive B area many times, and he was still so tough.

Now I finally found trouble in Area A, and this time Area A happened to be defended by two people.

From their point of view, there was basically nothing wrong with this round.

The next process is explosive bombs, chaotic firefights, AKA gaining the advantage in numbers, releasing bags, and CT in area B to protect the gun...

The images in the fans' minds gradually overlapped with the live broadcast.

AKA start bombing...

The arch smoke, the study smoke... The study smoke is gone.. But the problem is not big, anyway, there is no one linking this time.

A flash from the second floor!Start flying directly!
"A wave of props came up in Area A. Brother Electronics caught Ting who fell from the sky, and he packed a large sniper gun with a load. This was terrible, but Brother Electronics was still outputting. He stood in a small pit and was like a fortress!! "The live broadcast picture made the blood of evil views spurt.

"Zaiwu pulled a wave at the package point, helping Brother Electronics to pull it in place, and he directly got a wave of triple kills!"

"steady knocked out the load, but he can't get out with a big sniper shot, and the other one is still in the middle, even if he knocks out Brother Electronics, it's too late!"


【VC.A electronic used an AK47 to kill AKA.Ting with a headshot】

[VC.A electronic used an AK47 to kill AKA.Cola with a headshot]

【VC.A electronic used AK47 to kill AKA.Fear】

[AKA.steady used AWP to kill VC.A Zywoo]

Looking at the killing information in the upper right corner, the AKA fans in the live broadcast room were stunned.

Bomb!Fighting and fighting!All the previous conditions coincided with the picture in their minds.

How come the result is so much worse?

AKA what are you doing?
Why did Feilou give a flash bomb?

Do you really take Electronic Brother seriously?
A wave of local 5 on 2 can be stopped by two people!

Many AKA fans in the live broadcast room saw this scene and decisively turned off the live broadcast room. They were afraid that they would be mad at AKA in the next second.

I can't argue with it!
But there are still some viewers who choose to believe them. After all, in CSGO games, you will never know the result until the last moment.

With AKA saving the big sniper and AK, the game entered the match point.

What is exciting for them is that after entering the match point, steady and Ting seem to have really found their status.

Ting made several top-level breakthroughs in a row, helping the team open the defensive gap of Team A.

Steady, the big sniper, also began to exert force, hitting the hearts of Team A fans with one shot.

From their point of view, everything is going well, and the game is also developing where they expected.

Many AKA fans who stayed in the live broadcast room couldn't help but go to the group to call people back, wanting them to witness a possible comeback.

Then they saw it.

AKA, which recovered 4 match points in a row, plunged headlong into Zone B where Team A's four-man defense was heavy in the last round.

Without any doubt, the game ended with a score of 16:14.

AKA fans can't sleep tonight.

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