CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 644 The Helplessness of the Internet Cafe Team

Chapter 644 The Helplessness of the Internet Cafe Team
In the morning, I replayed yesterday's game against GG, and summed up some effective strategies.

In the afternoon, after a brief rest, Meng De also led the team to discuss the game strategy against IMO.

As an Internet cafe team, IMO is generally considered an underdog in the eyes of the audience.

Of course, this underdog is also compared to the first-line teams.

Are they really that weak?

Meng De didn't have much research on this team, but he knew one thing clearly. Now Team A has fought all the way from the loser's bracket to the final life-and-death match.And IMO also played from the loser's bracket to this final promotion match.

Their current results at the IEM Imperial Capital Station are the same. In terms of performance, there is no gap between the strength of Team A and IMO.

Therefore, regardless of whether IMO is an underdog in a broad sense, Team A will not take this game lightly. After all, this is the final qualification battle. If they can win the game, they can officially enter the offline.

Facing the cheers of the home fans and playing passionately, the feeling is indescribably wonderful. They have experienced it once in Shanghai.

Whether it is for the final result or to meet the fans who support them offline, they have to play this game well.

But after all, the research is not in-depth, and we can only look at their last two games to understand their IMO style of play.

After making their own preparations, the psychologists in the team conducted another wave of psychological counseling before this important game. Team A showed up and went to the venue to prepare for today's game.


"Come on, come on, brothers, play hard, the most important game, whether you can advance or not depends on today!"

In the battle room, as the conductor, ChrisX took the lead to speak before the game started.

For them, after qualifying for the IEM Imperial City, they set their goal at the knockout stage.

The goal is to set the knockout round, first of all, it is natural to want to get a good result.

The second and most important reason is because of lack of money!

As a team that generates power for love, they actually want to play well in their hearts and make a name for themselves, so that all CSGO fans will remember their names.

But it’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. IMO is a team built purely by passers-by kings. They have no clubs or sponsors behind them.

There is no external funding, not even a basic salary.

There are six people in the IMO team, one coach, five players, and even the boss is the six of them themselves.

They lack funds, and they do not have professional training and venues.

Before coming to IEM Imperial Capital, they had been training in an Internet cafe opened by a water friend in their own country. They were a real Internet cafe team.

Although there are water friends who provide simple field training, they still have a serious shortage of funds. They can't find sponsors from outside, so they can only start with bonuses.

This time at the IEM Imperial Capital Station, after entering the group stage, they can already have bonuses.

If they are eliminated now, they can get close to 2W US dollars.

[-] US dollars, excluding their visas, their consumption after flying to China, and everyone's wages to subsidize their families, there is actually not much left.

But after reaching the knockout round, the result is different.

Unlike those second- and third-tier competitions, the prize money of IEM Imperial City is very high.

Once they enter the knockout rounds, they will be the quarterfinals offline.

The prize money for the seventh and eighth place is 4 US dollars, double that of the group stage.

Moreover, with every step forward, the bonus basically increases exponentially, which is a great encouragement to them!

So even if they don't have to train in Shuiyou's Internet cafe in the future, they must play this game well!
"Play well and play well, Team A is not an easy thing." 800K, the breakthrough player in the team, also said.

Once they played against Team A, and their heads were smashed. The opponent's rigorous tactics and discipline made them feel headaches at that time.

Fortunately, after such a long time, they have gradually become stronger.

Once again, I have a certain amount of confidence in my heart.


"Okay, everyone is welcome to watch the last game of the loser's bracket of the IEM Imperial Capital Station, Team A's match against IMO. I am the commentator Nobita."

"I'm the Gangzi you like."

Along with the change of the live broadcast screen, the BP map appeared at the bottom of the screen.

"In this game, IMO has the priority to ban pictures. They will take the lead in banning pictures, and they will directly give the nuclear crisis to Ban." Nobita's slightly lazy voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

The voice of evil opinion soon caught up: "There is no accident on Team A's side. They still took the amusement park away. They no longer play this map."

Xie Jian paused for a moment, and expressed emotion: "To be honest, I really hope to see Team A's amusement park. It's still very interesting for Thief Cao to create those new skills."

[Very interesting, referring to the prohibition of climbing]

[Wait for Thief Cao to keep silent for you again and lift him up to the sky]

[It's really interesting, those strange skills of Cao thief can always bring surprises to people]


After the first round of banned pictures is over, it's IMO's turn to choose.

Without hesitation, they directly confirmed Sha Er.

IMO is a typical marksmanship team, and it is easier for them to gain an advantage on this map where COSCO frequently fights against each other.

"Team A, after thinking for a long time, still won the town. The map of the town has a 30% winning rate in the last 70 maps. There is no reason not to choose it."

Only the last one was left in the BO3 selection. IMO removed the train, and Team A carried away the building, leaving a Lost City in the Desert.

"Good guy, it seems that the audience of today's game is very familiar with the third favorite of our national server. I just want to ask, how does IMO play against Team A in this situation?"

"IMO, there may only be a dozen or three hits during training, and there are about a dozen of them in our national server!" Xie Jian grinned and said.

During the ridicule of the commentators, players from both sides entered the server in Figure [-], and the game officially started.

VC.A vs. IMO
Map: Burning Sand City

T: 800K, ChrisX, Fredie, Abl, JJZ
ct:electronic, gla1ve, Broky, zywoo, jamyoung
The game officially begins.

Knowing that IMO's character likes to fight in groups, gla1ve chose a very safe style of play in the pistol round.

"Broky put Ah Dian on the A small, and then you alone on the A platform to investigate the A large, and the A area will be conservatively investigated, and the overall defense will be around the middle."

"The loading is near door B, you can read the information before moving."

For this kind of team that likes to fight together, there is a high possibility of a wave of pistol rounds.

Once they are grouped into a group, once the first wave does not get a big advantage, then Sha Er's return to defense in the B area will let them understand what is called a nightmare.

In contrast, the difficulty of returning to defense in Area A is not that great. Even if you lose for a while, the success rate is not low if you rely on grouping to return to defense.

Ah Dian was immediately put on Xiao A, and a smoke bomb flew from the direction of the gangster and landed on the xbox box.

"Lost X cartons of cigarettes."

gla1ve raised the gun and fired at A's small passing point continuously, and made some threatening actions. If the bandit fought with the idea of ​​passing quickly, he would be able to relieve a lot of pressure on Brother Electronics.

Ah Dian, who was in A small, mingled with the smoke, waited for a long time but did not see anyone, realized that something might be wrong, and immediately deduced: "Pay attention to B2, there is no movement in the middle."

Hearing this judgment, Zaiwu walked quietly into the white car with the USP in hand, and soon heard footsteps from the B2 floor.

"B2 has footsteps, there must be someone."

Less than two seconds later, a smoke bomb flew out from the B2 floor, and Xiaoju, who was standing at the bunker, kept swaying around to take a preview.

The moment he saw the bandits on the B2 floor, he shot out with one shot.


【VC.A jamyoung kills IMO.JJZ with usp headshot】

"Xiaoju hit one first, and gla1ve in the sand field saw the firefight in area B, so he quickly made up defenses. Now it is 3B's heavy defense."

"The frustration of the previous point did not make IMO give up the attack. They deployed the second set of props, set fire to the sniper position, added two fake door flashes, and started charging directly!"

Hearing that the props started to explode in the bunker, gla1ve was not idle: "I'm throwing the flash on the dog hole, pay attention to the back flash when carrying the object!"

After speaking, he immediately began to throw the flashlight, and Zaiwu quickly turned his head to face the wall.

The flash exploded, and Xiaoju pulled out from behind the pillars, and saw two all-white bandits walking back at the B entrance. He chased them twice, but missed.

Xiaoju didn't think that the other party had all retreated, because he had just clearly heard footsteps in the big box.

After gla1ve lost the flash, he came in directly mixed with smoke, but he didn't see any enemies at the first time, and he was a little surprised for a while.

"All back?"

Hearing what gla1ve said, Xiaoju quickly shouted: "There are people in Daxiang and Btong, pay attention to Daxiang!"

If gla1ve doesn't pay attention now, it is estimated that one will be given away for nothing.

Hearing Xiaoju's message, gla1ve and Zaiwu quickly aimed their sights at the big box.

"Zaiwu found the angle and opened fire, one headshot, two headshots, all the people in the big box were killed by him!"

"Xiaoju is also working hard to find B to pass the gun, so as not to let them come out to put pressure on the teammates. Xiaoju knocked out another backup, Able rushed out and shot gla1ve, and the load was still hidden in the white car. The teammate's response The defense is in place, and it's a 3-on-1 endgame."

"Even without Ah Dian's shot, Zaiwu shot Abl away with a sideways shot."

Nobita concluded: "This wave of A team is heavily defended in the B area. They never expected that the wave of explosive bombs in the B area will directly fail."


"I didn't see anyone when I went in, and I was instantly dismissed when I met." gla1ve complained with a smile.

Zaiwu shook his head: "That flash bomb is the key, it's really easy to flash, otherwise they will start charging."

"Indeed." Xiaoju also nodded and echoed, "Maybe your flash should have completely wiped them out, and the formation on the opposite side was directly divided. If there is no flash of yours, I guess I will be ridden in the face by a flying dragon."

Hearing the compliments from his teammates, gla1ve's face blossomed with joy.

What do CSGO prop players like most? Except for grenades and incendiary bombs that kill people directly, isn’t the flash playing a big role in the rest?

Although this wave did not have a good flash to match a good person, a flash back brush made the teammates kill it directly.

But he succeeded in disintegrating the opposing lineup.


"It's a pity, the opponent's heavy defense against B has never played normally." ChrisX comforted his teammates.

No one else was surprised either. If Team A still failed to defend against Zone B, it meant that their opponents today were either not in good shape or just showing off.

"How about this point, is it directly forced?" Able asked, "Or just pure E?"

He failed to put down the thunder bag in the last round, and only got two kills. His personal idea is to be strong.

After all, on this hard gun map, pure E will only have an economy in the early 4000s in the next round, and there is nothing left after buying a full-armored AK.

ChrisX thought about it, and finally made a decision: "From..."

Hearing this, the team members pressed the menu one after another, ready to start buying firearms.

"But not all..."

Seeing that the mouse pointer was already placed on the full armor, Abl turned his head and said helplessly: "Brother, don't be so out of breath next time, okay, I almost ran out of money."

"I'm still thinking about it." ChrisX didn't continue to play tricks: "Abl, you get an armored bird sniper, look for opportunities in the dark, and then no one else can afford a gun, I'll buy two flash bombs."

"If you snipers find an opportunity in the middle, we can find a way to forcibly change the opponent, and make another plan after getting the gun."

"If we can't find a chance, we will try to advance to A small and try to find a way to put the thunder bag down."

As long as they put down the mine bag, they can hit all the guns and bullets in the next round, crushing CT economically.

At the beginning of the round, Abl and his teammates did a double fight in the dark tunnel, successfully sniping gla1ve by surprise, and beat gla1ve to the brim.

Seeing that the bird sniper caused damage, ChrisX raised his eyebrows, thinking about the possibility of speeding up and rushing to the middle.

But after being shot, gla1ve let go of the sand directly, and chose to retreat to the dog hole to look at the sand without giving them any kills.

Team A knew that the opponent was strong, so they played more cautiously. They didn't deliberately set up a straight gun position, which was a bit over-the-top.

"The five bandits have already gathered in A small group. ChrisX has two flash bombs in his hand. Here are the details. They also made two sets of runboosts, and they are going to send the two of them directly. This is not easy for CT. ah!"

The two people flew out directly in the field of vision, Ah Dian quickly positioned the M4 and forcibly caught one in the air.

But when he shot the second one, he was knocked on the head, and then a flash bomb exploded, completely killing him.

Brother Electronic didn't hesitate, and retreated directly.

A Xiao's bomb attack and the pressure on Ah Dian made Broky rush to help.

"Brother Electronics threw a bomb at the second box. This grenade caused tons of damage, but it didn't produce a kill."

"In this way, the purpose of IMO has been achieved. They just want to make another bag this round. There is no follow-up harmful props. This thunder bag can't stop it."

"The thunder bag was put down, and A's gun line was also spread out. Ah Dian took one away, loaded one away, and gla1ve jumped up and knocked out one when he returned to defense."

"Zaiwu is still outputting while holding the MP9, ouch, this is for a submachine gun." Nobita sighed.

The evil opinion went on to say: "This guy uses MP9 as M4, and has been shooting short bursts at far points, and his shots are still accurate."

"Although the mine bag was dropped, the good news is that no one was dropped. I have two long guns and a bird sniper in my hand. I don't even need to change the guns in the next round. I can slowly raise the economy."


 I turned on my phone while I was eating, and suddenly realized that I forgot to post last night... This is yesterday, and there are two more chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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