CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 645 Terrifying Firefight Synchronization Rate

Although the thunder bag was put down by IMO, the long gun round came ahead of schedule.

But fortunately, Team A did not drop even a spear in the second round. This is definitely good news for the economy.

There are three M4s, one MP9 and one bird sniper in the team.

gla1ve redistributed these firearms: "Xiaoju, take the MP9 and go to B. Do you want to play bird sniper or M4?"

"I can do it, it depends on your tactical arrangement." Zaiwu's answer was very straightforward.

"It's better to use the bird sniper, I feel that my reaction is not very fast today, I can't play the sniper head-on, but the guy on the other side." gla1ve shrugged and said with some self-deprecation.

In addition to being nicknamed "Zhuge Leiwu", gla1ve is also dubbed "Sniper Sniper" by the audience because of his erratic style of sniper rifle shooting.

However, sniping is sewing after all, and the strength of one's own sniper rifle can only be used through consciousness. The real reaction and handling of sniper rifles are not as good as orthodox snipers.

"Go to A to defend the three long guns. Grab the big one at the first time. This is very economical on the other side. If you can't grab it, you can come back. You can set up the gun at the second point." gla1ve thought for a while, and then threw the M4 to Leaving Xiaoju, "Let me take a submachine gun. Xiaoju only guards B. A submachine gun is hard to beat."

Everyone communicated some details of the coordination, and began to step forward to their respective defensive areas.


"When we came to the long gun round, team A chose the defensive position of 311, and the defensive center of gravity was on area A. IMO was not as anxious as imagined, and it was quite stable. Without a sniper rifle, they didn't even have To collect information on the middle road, I didn’t even enter the B2 floor, but just set up the outermost point.”

In the early stage, the control of University A was successfully obtained, and the bandits were silent in the early stage, which forced gla1ve to collect some information.

This round they are 3A heavy defense, and they collect information to get strength.

"A Dian, you go to the middle lane first, I'm worried that they may mention B in a second." After finishing the transfer of personnel in the general direction, gla1ve will plan its own situation: "Broky, we need to get some information, I Go ahead and give the props, first clear the inside of Gate A."

"Don't leave in a hurry, and make sure no one will leave after I clean up thoroughly."

After explaining the train of thought, gla1ve threw an incendiary bomb towards door A to eliminate possible hidden dangers.

Then he jumped directly to the other side of Gate A with the MP9 in hand.

"Da da da……"

As far as the eye can see, there are no enemies inside Gate A.

Outside Gate A, a rifle fired!

"There is someone outside Gate A, and there should be more than one gun at his position." gla1ve made a follow-up judgment while analyzing, "Don't worry about the platform for now, Broky, you go straight to Gate A, and I will fight you at the corner cross."

After finishing the words, gla1ve moved to the right corner of door A.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, let out his feet and jumped in the direction of the big pit.

Hearing the sound of landing in the direction of the big pit, JJZ immediately turned on the mic and shouted: "Master A has fallen into the pit, I want to catch him, come on!"

His teammates were already in position in the yellow car, and when he heard that he was going to dodge, he threw it directly.


"Da da da~"

"This wave of gla1ve is playing very smartly! This is a skill learned from yesterday's game. It deliberately made a landing sound to seduce. Although IMO the details are in place, I gave a flash bomb."

"But this flashbang is from Bai Dakeng. It won't have any effect on Broky at the big corner of A, so I just sent one."

After JJZ was destroyed, even his two teammates immediately wanted to make up the gun.

After sending the first kill, IMO's thoughts are not regrets, but to find a place in University A, so that this head cannot be lost in vain.

But Broky smashed a perfect incendiary bomb into gate A, making them even wonder if the MD coach transferred him another 50 yuan before the start of the game.

They may still have some ideas after taking a good aim to replenish their guns and fight again.

But the flames block the way forward, and it would be too irrational to step on the fire.

The two bandits could only cut their knives and leave.

gla1ve heard that there was no movement inside, and added another smoke bomb, and then picked up the AK47 in his hand.

"Big A lost a kill. IMO chose to push the middle lane at the same time at the second time. There is a reason for their advancement. Although this wave is a dry pull, the whole process is silent."

"But if the bird sniper is standing on the sand and holding a gun, as long as he draws a shot in the middle, and then peeks back, he will find that the middle door is already standing. In simple terms, they can shoot a supplementary shot at a vertical angle. .” Nobita concluded.

Xie Jian nodded, and then said: "However, the selection of Zaiwu is still spiritual. He didn't stand on the sand, but stood on the side of the policeman, with a gap between the birds."

"800K adjusts its posture behind the middle door, and it seems that it is about to move to the X box... Oh! The element of the load gun is fully loaded!"

【VC.A Zywoo used SSG 08 to go through the wall and get a headshot IMO.800K】

800K looked at the kill information in the upper right corner, and smiled helplessly at his teammates: "It can only be said that he is indeed the leader in the group stage, and Zaiwu is so accurate."

Two people were knocked out in a row, which made IMO's offense actually a bit difficult to carry out.

The remaining three of them have already assembled in A small, and finally chose to try a wave.

After everything was ready, the three began to explode bombs.

A is too young to light a cigarette, the police cut off the cigarettes and pack the ignition.

Abl jumped directly from A to the audience.

After getting the kill, Zaiwu has already defended to A, he first threw an incendiary bomb towards A to delay the time
Then he turned on the mirror and was about to peek, but just as he moved a little, he was completely white.

gla1ve, who stayed behind at the police's resurrection point, chose to push out through the smoke. He immediately looked at Xiao A above him, but he didn't notice that there was already someone behind him on the right.

"Abl knocked out the policeman's gla1ve, and the loaded bird sniper wanted to make up the gun at a close point, but it was whitened by the flash, so it might not be possible to make up for it now."

"Zaiwu wants to leave, but I can't leave!"

"Abl took two in a row. Fortunately, Broky in Dakeng successfully shot the head, ending Able's sinful life." The evil view continued, "This buddy is really fierce. Kill the first one and find the second one. After the second one, I want to fight the third one."

"Team A is left with a 3v2 endgame. Broky is alone in the pit, so Ah Dian and Xiaoju must move first."

"IMO is to put an A packet, ready to fight on the trail."

Ah Dian, who returned to defense, was the first to see the bandits next to the ninja bit valley pile, and immediately stopped firing.

But the bandit's figure flashed past and appeared out of sight, Ah Dian moved forward to pursue him.

But suddenly found that there were bandits holding guns against the wall on the far left side of the field of vision.

He hurriedly pulled the front sight over, but it was too late.

【IMO. Fredie kills VC.A electronic with a headshot using an AK47】

Xiaoju immediately pulled out to refill the gun, but he saw two bandits in his field of vision. He stepped back while shooting, choosing to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

On the other side, after seeing Xiaoju's actions, the remaining two IMO team members already had an idea in their hearts.

Xiaoju stepped back temporarily, his information was exposed, and he definitely wanted to wait for the other side to make a move.

That means that University A is already walking towards them!

"I'll go from the audience, let's double pull and deal with University A!" ChrisX gave the order.

The two moved quickly, and the synchronization efficiency of this team based on individual ability is also surprisingly high.

Facing IMO's double pull, Broky forcibly fired and beat the opponent into residual blood, and was knocked out by concentrated fire.

Xiaoju still wanted to try it, but saw a scalp exposed after wrapping the box.


[IMO.Fredie used an AK47 to kill VC.A jamyoung with a headshot]

At the end of the round, Fredie raised his right arm and clenched his fist excitedly. They handled this 3v5 endgame quite beautifully.

Using props to divide the battlefield, using flashes to create opportunities, and using personal abilities and partial coordination to deal with the endgame, this is almost the most ideal way for them to build a team.

And successfully scoring the first point is also worth celebrating.


"The efficiency of group synchronization is too fast." gla1ve couldn't help being a little speechless.

As the first person to be killed in the endgame, he almost saw the whole endgame in its entirety.

Except for A little electronic brother who was dragged around because of some accidents, he didn't search the far left side carefully, and the rest of the people basically met with two people looking at them.

Basically, there is no one-on-one head-on firefight, and their endgame is abruptly divided by IMO.

However, the economy accumulated before allows them to still play a long gun round.

"I'll give you a big sniper with no armor." gla1ve analyzed, "Although IMO won this point, they lost three long guns. The economy is not very good. You have an advantage with a big sniper."

"Besides, I want to have a one-shot effect when playing this kind of synchronous coordination on the opposite side."

What is the most terrifying ability of the big sniper, that is, he can kill with one shot!

As long as they can continue to expand their kills, it will be difficult for the opponent's synchronous play to be effective.

There is no problem with the load, and he came to the sandy ground with the unarmored sniper. His sniper opened the mirror early and rubbed it over a little bit.

He knew that if the opponent had a sniper rifle, it would be just a bird sniper, and he would definitely use the advantage of movement to shake it back and forth.

If you can seize the opportunity, you can convert the gun position into a kill.

While moving slowly, Zaiwu managed to see a bird sniper in the dark passage.


The big sniper was merciless, and Abl, who was still peeking, was carried away directly.

IMO, the happy mood stopped. They had just proved their ability with the endgame, but Team A used a backhand shot to bring them into the early disadvantage again.

"Let's go to Zone B to look for opportunities. There are snipers on the opposite side. It's not easy to play 4v5." ChrisX said.

The existence of sniper rifles meant that they had to be very focused on controlling the map, because if they were not careful, the bullet on the opposite side would kill them.

The IMO army marched towards the B area, looked left and right in the middle of the road, did not see any movement, and chose to supplement the defense to the B area.

"IMO two people are fighting in front of B-pass smoke, wanting to find opportunities."

"The 800K caught the moving load, but this wave of long-distance positioning was a little bit wrong, but it was overturned by the load! This shot is beautiful!" Xie Jian praised, "Different rounds, the same At the beginning, IMO came to a 3v5 endgame again."

Nobita is not so optimistic. After all, just now IMO successfully turned the game with a 3v5 endgame. They have already demonstrated their ability with facts.

Knowing that IMO likes to play A small in the second time, gla1ve is not unprepared.

This round, he personally came to the small sniper station A to face the wall, and the electronic brother behind him has been adjusting and investigating at the sniper station.

At the moment of seeing a person, a thunderbolt is given out.

"Little A saw one, gla1ve, pay attention."

gla1ve was not in a hurry to peek, because he didn't hear the opponent's footsteps, which meant that the opponent hadn't determined the final direction of attack.

In order to avoid what happened in the last round, he still wanted to get more accurate information.

IMO a small wave of explosive bombs unfolded in A, but gla1ve still only heard the sound of a footstep.

"A is only one player, be careful in the middle and B!" gla1ve shouted.

But he was a bit slow in speaking, Xiaoju, who was swaying in the middle of the sand to investigate, was stuck by the opponent's early gun bullets. Although he tried to retreat, he was still chased to death.

Brother Electronics jumped off platform A, stood at a difficult angle, and shot to death a bandit who was about to cross the sandy ground.

"I haven't seen anyone in Shadi, the remaining two should all run to B-way, Shushu withstood the pressure!"

Zaiwu was expressionless. After hearing the information from his teammates, he got up and opened the camera.


The enemies within the field of vision were still running forward and were directly knocked down to the ground.

After pulling the bolt, open the lens again, and the bandit with a hard head appears in the sniper scope.


'This game MVP Zywoo has eliminated the most enemies, and is singing your MVP song Dren-Gun Burrito Truck for all players
Zywoo cleared 80% of the enemies for the team in that round'

Listening to the guns and burritos ringing in their ears, smiles appeared on the faces of everyone in Team A.

The 5-on-3 endgame appeared again, and was again beaten into 4-on-3. They were worried that there would be accidents in the game.

Fortunately, the loading was like a sea god needle, piercing through their concerns with that shot.


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