Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 103 Solo killing ability users!

Chapter 103 Solo killing ability users!
"Did you escape?"

Love looked around, and after confirming that Nami's figure had disappeared in this room, he immediately grinned with a wild boar-like long nose and big mouth, revealing sharp fangs, and turned to look at Pikachu.

"It looks like that woman abandoned you!"

He looked at Pikachu who was left behind, and the porcupine showed a beating expression on his face, mocking mercilessly:
"Thinking about it, no matter how you say it, he is just a child with no power but trying to satisfy his inner world through a pet that accidentally ate a devil fruit!"

"Why don't you come and mix with me!"

"At least, me and your useless master are from two worlds!"

After the words fell, Love actually stretched out his big pig's hoof to Pikachu, as if he was sincerely inviting Pikachu.

after all……

If such a unique little thing can be brought back to Marie Gioia, it will definitely be loved by the Tianlong people! ?
As long as he can get a reward from another Heavenly Dragon Lord, the captain will not punish him for failing in his mission!

After gaining the devil fruit ability, Love made a mistake that normal people often make...

That's what I think I am now, very strong!

Evil thoughts flashed through Love's mind, but his face fully displayed the skills of an agent, showing a sincere smile.

It's just that he didn't know that against the background of the porcupine shape, this extremely skilled smile was simply ugly.


Pikachu tilted his head, looking at Love inexplicably.

This idiot, doesn't he know that Nami is going to call Kubao to help! ?
When the cool leopard comes, the two of them have lived together for a month, and they have a perfect understanding of the Pokémon. It is not an easy thing to fuck you, a little wild boar! ?

Looking at Love still posing the inviting POSS, Pikachu really wanted to say to him:
"I'm waiting for my teammates, what are you waiting for?"

It's a pity that this well-meaning advice is destined not to be received by Love.

Seeing that Love seemed unable to understand the meaning expressed in his eyes, Pikachu had to spread his hands and shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, no matter how much you tease a fool, the fool will not understand your humor.

In this case, let's change the game!

Stab it!

A ray of electricity was suddenly released on both sides of Pikachu's cheeks.

When it raised its head again, those lovely eyes were full of seriousness.

Rather than waiting for the arrival of the cool leopard, forming a two-on-one combination of cat and mouse...

Pikachu actually wants to test now, whether he can solve this ugly guy alone with his current strength!

After becoming stronger, Pikachu seems to have the characteristics common to the strong...

That is, I really like to challenge my own limits!

Only after fighting more enemies can it better understand its own strength.

And Love in front of him is an excellent battle target!

It's going to be a delay anyway...

Why not come to a contest with real swords and guns!

The distance between the treasury and the bedroom is not far away, and Pikachu only knew it after a little calculation...

There is not much time left for myself!

Seeing the porcupine in front of him still complacent, Pikachu's body suddenly burst into dazzling lightning.

"Huh!? You guy?"

A golden flash suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and Love instantly realized that something was wrong, and quickly swung his fist, wanting to hit Pikachu.

But in this instant!

Pikachu's figure suddenly flickered, and disappeared in front of Love in an instant as a wisp of smoke.

Shadow clone!

At the same time, more than a dozen Pikachu figures suddenly appeared around Love, and each one was so vivid that it was impossible to distinguish the real from the fake.

And on the chest of each Pikachu, there is still a ball condensed by the power of lightning.

Move - electric ball!
The brilliant thunder light illuminated the entire bedroom into golden light, exuding an incomparably terrifying aura.

"What kind of ability is this!?"

Love's complexion changed suddenly, and he shuddered involuntarily.

The familiar sense of déjà vu strikes again.

In the last battle with Pikachu and Pickpocket Cat, he often saw some inexplicable powerful abilities in these two strange creatures.

He thought he was already familiar with Pikachu's fighting style, but he didn't expect to see a new move this time!


With a loud cry, all the Pikachus exerted their strength in an instant, and threw the electric balls in their hands towards Love in a uniform movement.

"damn it!"

Seeing that he was surrounded by the power of thunder and lightning, and there was no way to avoid it, Love suddenly fell to the ground, only exposing his back and the sharp backstab.

"Iron Block Lightning Rod!!!"

Love's body tensed instantly, as hard as steel.

At the same time began to pray...

I hope that what I have learned in the Secret Service Academy is valuable.

Steel inserted into the ground is not afraid of lightning, right?

More than a dozen electric balls flashed dazzling golden light in the air, but when they reached Love, they all dissipated one by one.

In the end, only the last electric ball thrown by the real body fell on Love.

boom! ! !
The electric ball with unparalleled lightning power suddenly burst out with frenzied power.

After touching Love, the bursting electric current seemed to have life, finding a breakthrough of the miracle, and scrambling to drill towards Love's body.


Love, who was lying on the ground, suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream.

The teacher at the Secret Service Academy was not wrong. The steel that touches the ground can indeed quickly guide lightning into the ground.

However, Love, who didn't listen carefully, obviously forgot something...

That is, when the current passes through the conductor, it will generate a lot of heat energy according to the resistance of the conductor!
No matter how superb his iron technology is, he is still a body after all.

A burnt breath suddenly emanated from Luo Fu's body.

Fortunately, in the porcupine form, he had rough skin and thick flesh, and after suffering a little damage to his internal organs, he survived the electric shock forcefully.

After the current disappeared, Love immediately raised his head vigilantly, but was surprised to find that the figures of the dozen or so Pikachu had disappeared.

This made him instantly realize that he had been played by the other party's special ability again.

"Damn it, what kind of illusion ability?" He said angrily.

He doesn't understand!

Why is it that I have been rewarded by Lord Tianlongren and eaten the devil fruit known as the secret treasure of the sea, but I am still so embarrassed! ?

Shouldn't he be the one who eats the devil fruit and gains special powers! ?

Thinking of the opponent's strange current ability, Love immediately decided not to get up.

It's better to be hit by heat once, than to be flooded with electric current, so paralyzed that you can't fight!

After raising his head to confirm Pikachu's position, Love smiled contemptuously, stretched his back muscles, and pointed his sharp backstab at Pikachu.

Taking advantage of the break when Pikachu just finished using his skills, he yelled directly:
"Go to hell! Little mouse!!!"

"Iron Block Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!!!"

laugh!laugh!laugh! ...

Several sharp backstabs flew out suddenly under Love's control, and quickly attacked Pikachu.

Like a rain of flowers all over the sky, it rushed towards Pikachu with a biting chill.


Looking at the spikes that were enough to fill the entire barrage, Pikachu knew that he couldn't avoid it either.

However, after seeing all the backstabs on Love's back were sent out, there was still a slight smile on its face.

Just because it can't avoid it doesn't mean it can't keep it!
Defensive skills - hold!
This is the defensive skill taught to it by Mr. Ba Dahu himself!
Even with its ice and snow smart brain, it still took a week to learn!

Pikachu pushed with a small hand.

A rippling energy shield suddenly appeared in front of it.

bang bang bang...

The sharp spikes touched the barrier, and there was a crisp metal collision sound instantly, causing large ripples to appear in the energy shield, but it couldn't move forward at all.

" is this possible!?"

Love, who was lying on the ground, quietly raised his head, looking incredulously at Pikachu who easily blocked his full blow.

After half a sound, all the spikes fell to the ground.

Each spiked point bent down, as if wire had struck a solid wall.

But at this time, Pikachu smiled quietly, and glanced sharply at Love's bare back.

Needless to say, for this kind of attack, Love can't make another attack in a short time!

Can a porcupine be a porcupine without spines?
Pikachu doesn't know, and it doesn't want to know!

Two beams of dazzling electric light released from his cheeks again, jumping in the air.

I saw it leaping forward, and its figure jumped into the air sensitively.

Under the action of thunder and lightning, Pikachu's body gained the power of suspension for a short time.

The majestic Lei Wei began to flicker around its body.


boom! ! !
Under Luo Fu's shocking and terrified eyes, the terrifying power of thunder and lightning condensed into a golden beam of light, rushing towards him.

The mighty thunder light, as if to devour him, bombarded the ground in an instant.


Under the impact of the lightning, the marble floor suddenly shattered, and Love's body was smashed directly to the next floor.


Pikachu was stunned for a moment, never expecting that his full blow could cause such a powerful effect.

It quickly looked in the direction of the shattered pothole, and found that Love, who had eaten his electric discharge move, was staggering to stand up from the ruins.

And in the pothole on his back, he started to squirm again, and a new backstab grew out!

"Damn electric mouse!!!"

Love, whose body still had electric current flashing from time to time, suddenly cursed, picked up a huge stone from his feet, and threw it at Pikachu.

Pikachu dodged and dodged nimbly.

Then he looked at Luo Fu below and calculated the time...

At this time, Nami should have joined Captain Crowe and was rushing towards her.

I really don't have much time left for myself!

All of a sudden!
Pikachu stared.

"Pickup! (It must be done quickly!)"

Hesitate and you will lose!

In order to achieve the single kill achievement, Pikachu's body emitted a dazzling electric light again.

Volt attack!

Without the slightest hesitation!
A thunderbolt moving at super high speed cut through the solidified air in an instant, and rushed towards Love below.

At this moment, in Love's eyes, Pikachu descended from the sky as if the god of thunder descended into the world, which made him almost unable to resist.

Fearful in his heart, he quickly and instinctively used defensive moves.

"Iron block!!!"

boom! ! !
The blazing thunder light collided with the steel-like body, and there was a sudden loud noise, which ran through the entire palace!
at the same time.

Nami, who had already found Chloe, changed her face in an instant, and quickly raised her head to look forward.

In the shattered wall, she suddenly saw the familiar golden light!
"No, Pikachu needs support!"

Nami was anxious, and hurriedly urged Keluo and Kubao.

The two of them and the big cat quickened their pace in an instant.

"Don't let anything happen, Pikachu!"

Nami prayed silently.



After a few minutes.

When Nami and the others finally hurried to the door of the palace...

Everything is too late.


With a body of 35cm, Pikachu, who was nearly 2m tall, struggled to climb up from the pothole.

It happened that at the gate of the bedroom, Nami, Crowe, and Kubao were staring at him with astonished eyes.


Pikachu smiled, stretched out his hand and threw Rove, who was covered in black, in front of Nami, then patted the dust on his hands, shook his hands, and smiled on his hips:
"Pikapika~(But that's it~)"



Even Nami, who is a trainer, didn't expect that her Pikachu had become so powerful without knowing it!

Not even the frightening ability users in the legend are its opponents.


This is obviously not a good time to hold a celebration banquet.

After confirming that Pikachu's body was not seriously injured except for some bruises from the impact, Nami breathed a sigh of relief, and then focused her gaze on the dilapidated bedroom again.

During that period of time, Ke Luo and Ba Dahu had already given away more than half of the gold and silver treasures in the treasury.

Now, Ba Dahu is quietly flying in the sky of the king's capital through the night, flying towards their ships at the port.

And the remaining half will be carried by themselves, as much as they can carry.

In addition, Nami wants to find the underground passage of the palace quickly and rescue those "slaves" who were unfortunately captured

With such a big commotion, the soldiers of Hyde Kingdom should take action no matter how poor their quality is.

So they have to make a quick decision.

After quickly agreeing on the action plan in the bedroom, Crowe and Kubao looked at each other helplessly, and hurried back the same way to carry the remaining treasures.

And Nami and Pikachu also ran towards the corridor immediately.


Just as Nami came into the corridor, a sudden voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Miss, please wait!"


In the middle of the night, in the old castle, a voice suddenly appeared on the road that I just walked, calling myself...

This horror story-like plot immediately made Nami's hair stand on end!

Nami suddenly pulled out her three-section stick, and quickly threw it behind her!

Pikachu also turned around in an instant, and a weak electric current was released from both sides of his cheeks. Even though his physical strength was not much left, it was still ready to fight in an instant.


After turning Nami and Pikachu back, they unexpectedly saw a young man with a kind face.

"Take it easy, lady!"

Sabo chuckled and looked at Nami friendly.

Nami, who has been around for many years, did not relax her vigilance because of the handsomeness and friendliness of the person in front of her. She pointed the end of the stick at Sabo and asked:
"Who are you? From Hyde Kingdom!?"

"No, no, no..." Sabo repeatedly denied, and then continued to show a smile like a little sun.

In this miserable country, this bright smile is extraordinarily dazzling.

He stepped back politely, signaled that he was not malicious, and then bowed:
"First of all, please accept my sincere thanks!"

"Your appearance made me understand that in this world, there are still many people with the same lofty ideals as us, who are fighting for the people and for the people!"

"Thank you very much!!!"

Sabo bent his waist to 90°, and said solemnly to Nami.

A few seconds later, Sabo raised his head and stared at Nami with shining eyes:

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself immediately."

"Forgive my excitement!"

"My name is Sabo, I am a member of the Revolutionary Army, and I am currently serving as the captain of the Special Operations Team of the Revolutionary Army!"

"Revolutionary Army!?" Nami was startled.

She was quite knowledgeable, of course she knew about the Revolutionary Army.

Reminiscent of what happened in Hyde Kingdom, she instantly realized...

It seems that the Revolutionary Army got wind of it and specially came to liberate Hyde Kingdom.

Now, those "slaves" should be saved.

Thinking of these things, Nami's tense mind immediately relaxed.

Thinking of the deeds of the Revolutionary Army mentioned in the information, she withdrew her weapon, with the same friendly smile on her face, and then made a move:
"Nice to meet you! My name is Nami, and I'm a Pokémon trainer!"

 Thank you for the support of the monthly pass of Passing Smoke and Rain and Orange! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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