Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 104 Nami's New Backer

Chapter 104 Nami's New Backer
"Revolutionary Army!?"

On the Baiji Black, Karina and Crowe looked at Sabo in shock, their pupils trembling.

Revolutionary Army!
The most extensive unofficial armed forces organization in the world.

At the same time, it is the only organization in the world willing to speak out for ordinary people!
But anyone who has read some current affairs news, it is impossible not to know about this righteous army that overthrew the unequal rule of the Tianlong people! ! !

In just a few decades, the deeds of the revolutionary army spread to every corner of the world, saving countries and regions ruled by brutal regimes one after another.

This is a true hero organization!

Such a world-class organization that exudes supreme brilliance in the eyes of the common people, now invites them, a criminal gang of thieves + thieves, to work together! ?

It's almost like dreaming.

Nami pursed her lips, and looked at Karina, with a slight solicitation in her eyes.

After all, it was agreed that we would go to the world's number one thief together, but somehow we were invited by the Revolutionary Army...

Having been oppressed by Aaron, she can deeply feel the powerlessness and despair of those oppressed.

If it weren't for the appearance of the dimensional businessman, Nami would not know how many years she and the village would be oppressed by Aaron and his gang!

She can understand the kind of days without sun and hope.

In Nami's heart, she has always felt that since God has bestowed great power, she must hope that she can help more people!
That's why she is so concerned about the affairs of Hyde Kingdom.

Today, those imprisoned in Hyde Kingdom have also been redeemed.

With the help of the revolutionary army to deal with the funeral, Nami is also very relieved.

I thought this matter would end like this, but I didn't expect that Captain Sabo, a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, would suddenly invite them to join the Revolutionary Army!

This was something Nami hadn't expected.

But to be honest, she was a little moved.

"What do you think, Karina?"

she asked looking up.

Nami decided that no matter what Karina thought, this time, she was going to listen to Karina.

After all, a partner who can risk his life to accompany him is more rare than the opportunity to join the revolutionary army!

"I think..."

Sensing the entanglement in Nami's heart, Karina smiled slyly, stepped forward and patted Nami's shoulder, and laughed loudly.

"If you can join the Revolutionary Army, that would be great!!!"

Karina hugged Nami's arm and said:
"When I used to steal things, I was always scared to death, so I hid from XZ!"

"If we join the revolutionary army, then we will have a backer in the future! Let's see which little thief dares to bully us!?"

"Nami Nami! As the team leader, you must agree!!!"

Karina shook Nami's arm wildly, as if she was worried that Nami would refuse.

"In this way, you have no reason to refuse, Miss Nami?"

At this moment, Sabo suddenly walked over with a bright smile on his face.

Just now in the palace, he had already sent an invitation to Nami, but Nami shelved it on the grounds that he needed to seek the opinions of his partners.

Seeing that Karina had expressed her opinion now, Sabo immediately smiled happily.

This trip to Hyde not only successfully cracked a slave trading den, but also successfully met a fellow traveler who also had a dream of revolution...

In addition, the way Nami has to contact the dimensional merchant...

What is this wave! ?

This wave kills three birds with one stone! ! !

Seeing Sabo with joy written on his face, Nami smiled and held out her hand to Sabo.

"It seems that I have no reason to refuse."

"Please teach me a lot, Captain Sabo!"

"Please advise!"

The two held hands, with sincere smiles in their eyes, and at the same time announced that Nami's dream of being a great thief was completely shattered...

Starting today, she will take it as her duty to save the common people in the world, and officially become a great righteous warrior!

Seeing the smile on Nami's face, Karina also folded her arms and smiled slightly.

At this moment, the only embarrassment should be Captain Crowe, who is watching everything from the sidelines.

"Ahem," Crowe suddenly coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention.

Seeing that his thigh was about to be snatched away by another bigger leg, he, who had always been calm, became impetuous rarely.

He scratched the back of his head and asked embarrassedly:

"Mr. Sabo, I don't know if I can...ahem...join the Revolutionary Army?"

In order to be able to continue hugging his thigh, Crowe directly lost his face, completely forgetting his identity as a pirate.

He is not a person with the fruit of face, how much is face worth! ?
Look at the real money in the cabin now!

Although only half of it belongs to him, according to Crowe's speculation, the value of only half has already exceeded 20 billion Baileys!
Without the help of Nami and her Pikachu, how could their Black Cat Pirates gain such a large amount of wealth in such a short period of time!

After eating a soft meal, Crowe completely awakened his inner desire...

He had to find a way to keep eating such soft rice!

He said excitedly:

"Although I used to be a pirate, in my heart, I have always hated those imperial nobles."

"They use power and capital to rule everything, regardless of the life and death of the people at the bottom!"

"My partners and I were all forced by these existences, had to go to sea to make a living, and then accidentally went astray and became pirates that everyone despises."

"We didn't have a choice in the past, but now I want to be a good person!"

"So... Mister Sabo!"

"Please be sure to let us join the ranks of the revolutionary army, so that we can also contribute a small amount of power to solve the common people in the world!!!"

As he spoke, two tears actually flowed from the corners of Crowe's eyes.

It's like a man who has tears but never flicks, being wronged by the sky.

I have to say that Crowe's acting skills are still very good, enough to beat all the little fresh meat!

"What!? Captain Crowe, are you also joining the Revolutionary Army?"

On the other side, after hearing Crowe's touching speech, Sabo's eyes lit up immediately.

Unexpectedly, in just one action, I could meet two companions who love the revolutionary cause at the same time.

It seems that the sky above the head is not so completely dark!

Sabo was very pleased.

Coupled with the fact that Crowe also has the identity of a Pokémon trainer, he has no reason to refuse.

Sabo laughed heartily, grabbed Crowe's palm, held it tightly, and said excitedly:

"To see more people joining in the great revolutionary cause, my trip to the East China Sea is really not in vain!"

"My way is not alone! My way is not alone!!! Hahahaha..."


Crowe, who was caught, coughed in embarrassment, and then quickly patted Sabo on the shoulder:

"Captain Sabo! Although I am a brick of the revolution, I can move it wherever it is needed!" ·


"Because I have been cooperating with Ms. Nami for a long time, Kubao and Pikachu also have a good understanding."

"I don't know, can I continue to follow Miss Nami and contribute to the cause of revolution?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Sabo nodded happily.

Originally, in the revolutionary army, activities were carried out in the form of small groups.

And Crowe's reason was so impeccable, of course he had no reason to refuse.

But Nami and Karina, they can actually see what Crowe really thinks at a glance.

But it is indeed as Crowe said, Pikachu and Cool Leopard cooperate very well, and it is a good thing for everyone to act together!


Soon, news of the new members' joining reached the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army in the New World.

In a month's time, Sabo, who just arrived in the East China Sea, not only destroyed the slave trading dens of the Tianlong people, but also found a way to contact the dimensional merchants...

He is also a trader who recruited two dimensional merchants for the revolutionary army!
Looking at the latest information sent back by Sabo, Long showed a fatherly smile on his face.

"Sabo, you really didn't let me down..."

 Thanks to book friends 20190313214043258 for the reward! ! !
  Thanks for Riding Shark East China Sea, Call Me Reaper, Bruce Wayne the Laughing Bat, and book friend 20190313214043258 for their monthly support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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