Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 105 This era is called Pikachu!

Chapter 105 This era is called Pikachu!

a few days later.

In the East China Sea, in a waters with no enduring name

The people of the Black Cat Pirates controlled the ship and slowly stopped.

Nami stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the screen of the mobile phone Rotom in her hand.

On the screen at this time, there are two constantly flashing red dots.

A red dot is in the center of the screen, representing where Nami is at the moment.

And another red dot is not far away, approaching them rapidly.

"Hurry up! Lord Lin Luo will be here soon!"

Looking at the two red dots approaching gradually, Nami said excitedly.

"The legendary dimensional businessman?" Sabo grinned behind Nami.

Although all the money he brought from the headquarters was used by Krall to help those unfortunate people, but being able to meet the legendary dimensional businessman was a joyful thing for him.

At this moment, whether it is Crowe who has already traded or Karina who is about to trade, they are all staring at the distant sea with anticipation.

Soon, countless tiny air bubbles appeared in the calm water.

This subtle anomaly immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked towards the place where the bubble appeared.

I saw a huge red carp king slowly floating up from the sea.

Two huge sluggish eyes, like lanterns, stared straight at everyone.

"Carp... Carp King!?"

Nami instantly recognized the appearance of the carp king.

However, in the data, isn’t King Carp a fish-shaped Pokémon only a few tens of centimeters in size! ?

This carp king, which is tens of meters high, is the new favorite of the dimensional merchants! ?

A strange thought flashed through Nami's mind.

Karina and Sabo on the side immediately looked at King Carp in puzzlement, and asked involuntarily:
"what is this?"

At this moment, a female voice suddenly appeared from the carp king's body.

"What is this!? Since you asked the question sincerely!"

Another male voice suddenly said: "Then I will tell you mercifully!"

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the world!"

"Follow the deal of love and truth!"

"A cute and charming helper character!"

The carp king's mouth slowly opened, and a step stool stretched out, directly landing on the boat where Nami was.

The figure of Team Rocket's trio walked up the stairs in front of Nami.

The two raised their heads instantly, looking at Nami with firm and bright eyes:


"Our rocket team shuttles in the dimensional world!"

"White hole, white tomorrow is waiting for us!"

"That's it, meow~!"


Looking at the strange person who suddenly appeared, the expressions of Nami and his party froze for an instant, and they looked at the Rocket trio who suddenly appeared for no reason.

That appearance is exactly the same as the wise eyes of the giant carp king

Instead, Musashi suddenly stepped forward, looked at Rotom in Nami's hand, and said with a smile:

"You are Miss Nami, right?"

"Hello, we are Lord Lin Luo's trading assistants. From now on, all transactions in the East China Sea will be handled by our Rockets team!"

"Trading assistant?" Nami looked at Musashi suspiciously, slightly disappointed that she didn't see the expected Master Lin Luo.

However, she quickly adjusted her mentality, and immediately showed expectations, looked at the three of Musashi, and asked politely:
"In other words, I can directly trade with the three of you in the future, right?"

"That's right!" Kojiro replied with a smile.

Miaomiao, on the other hand, could not wait to sniff east and west, with a huge smile on her face, she was gearing up and said:

"Come on! Let's get to the point as soon as possible! I seem to have smelled a lot of treasure!"

"Please start our business, Miss Nami!"

With Miaomiao's one-hand wave, an information interface suddenly appeared in Nami's mind.

Immediately afterwards, a meowing voice appeared in her mind.

"Please choose the material you want to trade!"

Looking at the various items that appeared in the interface, Nami instantly understood how to use this interface.

After sighing in her heart about the magic of the dimensional merchant, she immediately clicked on the items in the interface and started trading.

This time, they obtained a total of about 40 billion Baileys from Hyde Kingdom.

According to the distribution plan agreed in advance, of the 40 billion Baileys, Crowe can take 20 billion by himself.

As for the remaining 20 billion Baileys, although Karina is very embarrassed, but thinking of what Nami said, only after trading more than 10 Baileys can she be eligible to participate in the Pokémon Contest...

After thinking about it, she was not polite to Nami at this time.

Anyway, she is now Nami's, so what's the difference if you're welcome!

In this way, Nami and Karina shared the last 10 billion Bailey supplies equally.

After completing the transaction in her mind, Nami's mobile phone Rotom immediately sent her a reminder that "points will be credited".

Immediately afterwards, her personal information interface popped up:

【VIP level: 2】

【VIP experience: 2714/10000】

【Current points: 2000】

"Two thousand points!!!"

Seeing the points balance displayed on the screen, Nami immediately jumped up excitedly!

Although she had expected it, when everything really came, it still made her excited as if she was about to run out of oxygen.

2000 points!

It's a big step closer to the goal of resurrecting Belmer!


Nami does not intend to accumulate all the 2000 points.

She is very clear that everything she has now comes from the power of Pikachu.

In addition, now that she has obtained VIP2 level trading authority, Nami asked directly without hesitation:

"Excuse are Master Miaomiao, right?"

"That's right meow!"

For being called an adult by others, Miao Miao expressed that she was very happy, crossed her hands, and nodded arrogantly.

But Nami continued to ask:

"Master Miaomiao, I want to make my Pikachu stronger. Do you have any recommendations for me to buy?"


As soon as Nami finished speaking, Musashi and Kojiro suddenly approached her, staring at her non-stop.

I don't know if it was Nami's illusion, but she actually felt a trace of fear in the three trading assistants.

"What... what's wrong?" Nami asked cautiously.


The trio shook their heads in unison.

They caught Xiaozhi, and now they all have Pikachu phobia.

The three of them returned to normal immediately, then took out their respective Rotom, and inquired about Nami's information.

Because the first-level members are not too small, the trio did not notice Nami before.

Now when they dug up Nami's information again, they found out...

Behind Nami's name, there is a (great potential) logo!

The trio immediately looked at each other and communicated with each other:

"It seems that Master Lin Luo is very optimistic about this little girl named Nami!"

"And her resume is mediocre. She is neither a noble merchant nor a big pirate. She was able to obtain 10 billion Baileys in such a short period of time..."

As soon as their eyes met, the same idea immediately appeared in the minds of the Rockets trio:
"This Nami, it's not easy!"

Meow Meow stepped forward immediately.

Although the trio did not have a clear division of labor, when faced with an important customer like Nami, it was Miaomiao who took the initiative to stand up and said with a smile:

"Miss Nami, we already know your request..."

"According to our understanding, I highly recommend you to buy this item for your Pikachu..."

With Meow Meow's wave of both hands, the tablet Rotom in Kojiro's hand flew out automatically.

At the top of the screen, a prop information appears:

【Electric Ball】

[Effect: A special prop exclusive to Pikachu; after wearing it, the power of the moves used is doubled, and at the same time adjusts the power of lightning in Pikachu's body, greatly enhancing the physique. 】

【Price: 1000 points】

[Purchase requirements: VIP2 or above]

(End of this chapter)

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