Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 106 Version Answer: Pikachu

Chapter 106 Version Answer: Pikachu (Two in one for a monthly pass!!!)

"Double the power!?"

Nami's eyes were instantly attracted by the introduction of the electric ball.

Although she had also imagined that VIP2 level props would be very powerful.

But she didn't expect that the props unlocked by vip level 2 would be so powerful and unreasonable...

It directly doubles Pikachu's power when it comes up, and it is also a super buff that is permanently effective!

That is to say...

Regardless of whether Pikachu is level 32 or level 100, the power of the skills released will be doubled!
This BUG level increase method...

Nami nodded without any hesitation.

"This is what I want, Miaomiao-sama!"

1000 points, 5 million Berries...

If it were Nami in the past, she would not be so decisive.

But now, after learning that there is a different world, her dream of painting all over the world seems so ordinary.

Some of the money in Pirate World is just the best destination if it can be used wisely.

Seeing Nami's decisive consumption attitude, Miaomiao narrowed her eyes immediately, and her mouth was bent into the shape of a crescent moon.

However, in line with the principle of honesty-based transactions, Miaomiao still reminded me friendly:
"Wise choice!"

"However, Ms. Nami, before confirming the transaction, I hope you can carefully read the information introduction of the item..."

"This electric ball is designated for Pikachu to wear, that is to say, it has no effect on Pokémon other than Pikachu."

"If you plan to evolve Pikachu into Raichu, it is not recommended that you buy an electric ball."

"In comparison, the price of the top-quality Thunder Stone is only between 800-1000, and it can also make your Pikachu evolve into a more powerful Raichu."


After listening to Miaomiao's suggestion, Nami immediately smiled and declined:
"Just this electric ball!"

Nami, who often learns Pokémon knowledge from Dahu Ba, knows very well...

The evolution of Pokémon is just to release the potential of Pokémon in advance and become stronger quickly.

Strength is variable, but potential is fixed.

Regardless of whether it evolves or not, the end point that a Pokémon can reach in the end is not much different.

Originally, Nami was still hesitating whether to let Pikachu give up his current cute appearance and evolve into Raichu, sacrificing his appearance in exchange for powerful power.

But now that she saw the exclusive props like the electric ball, she immediately had the answer in her heart!


Not even a dog!

Thinking of this, Nami suddenly subconsciously glanced at Keluo, and stared at him in a daze.

Crowe:! ? ?
I don't know if it's my illusion...

I always feel that I am being included.

"Since you have made a decision, then..."

After reconfirming that Nami's heart has been decided, Miaomiao's mouth immediately showed a white smile, and then she clapped her hands happily.

"The deal is done!"

While speaking, Meow Miao spread her palms.

A round bead exuding strong lightning power suddenly appeared in Meow Miao's hand.

In order to facilitate wearing, the system is also very thoughtful and comes with a retractable rope that can be freely adjusted.

"Hard work, Master Meow!"

Nami immediately took the electric ball excitedly.

At this time, Kojiro suddenly stepped forward, seeing how excited she was, he quickly smiled and said:

"How about it? Want to test your Pikachu?"

This is also the first time that the trio of the Rockets sell this kind of augmentation props, so they also want to know more about it...

How attractive are these props to trainers?


Hearing Kojiro's question, Nami immediately nodded excitedly, and released Pikachu from the Poké Ball at her waist.


Pikachu in the Poke Ball seems to be still sleeping and resting.

As soon as he came out, he was taken aback by the group of people around him.

But in the next moment, its gaze suddenly froze, and it immediately turned to look at the electric ball in Nami's hand.

"Pickup!? (Weird!?)"

Pikachu yelled inexplicably.

At this time, it actually felt an incomparably friendly lightning force on the ball in Nami's hand.

It was as if that power belonged to it by nature.

Pikachu thought of something, his eyes lit up instantly, and he looked at Nami ecstatically:

"Pickup!? (Is this for me!?)"

Nami, who has reached a point of connection with Pikachu, has been able to understand the meaning of Pikachu's voice without translation.

She immediately smiled.

"Of course!"

"Like it?"

While speaking, Nami handed the electric ball to Pikachu.

Pikachu nodded again and again.

"Pickup! Pickup! Pickup! (LOVE! LOVE! SO LOVE!!!)"

At this moment, in Pikachu's eyes, it seemed that only this round electric bead was left, and he stared at it without squinting.

The golden electric beads were soon worn under Pikachu's neck.

The rope with the special scientific power of the Pokémon world shrinks naturally to achieve the best wearing effect and is extremely comfortable.

A golden flash suddenly came out from the electric bead and disappeared in a flash.

When everyone looked at Pikachu again, they suddenly found that the color of the electric bead had become exactly the same as Pikachu, as if it had merged with Pikachu, and there was no abnormality at all.


Pikachu looked at his little hand, and a strange feeling suddenly penetrated into his heart.

In that instant, something changed in its body, but nothing changed. The power of the electric beads naturally entered its body and merged into one.

"Let's test it, Pikachu!"

Nami said with a smile.

"Pickup! (No problem!)"

Pikachu nodded, and immediately jumped onto the railing of the boat, staring at the distant sea.

A flash of lightning flashed in those agile eyes.

In the next second, a mighty thunderbolt burst out, and the surrounding air screamed like paper folds.


Feeling the energy change in his body, Pikachu was taken aback for a moment.

did not expect……

It can now condense so much lightning power so easily.

I saw Pikachu exerting strength all over his body, and the thunder around him shone brighter.

"Pika~ Chuu!!!!"

Pikachu pushed forward with both hands.

All of a sudden!
The world changes color!

The terrifying lightning beam instantly roared out towards the distant sea like a heavy laser cannon.

boom! ! ! !

A huge explosion followed!
I saw the violent thunder and lightning entering the land of no man on the sea, raging and carnival to their heart's content!
At this moment, the sky was also reflected into a golden color by the thunder light on the sea surface, as if rendered by gold.

At the same time, the seawater also undergoes a large-scale electrolytic water reaction under the mighty power of thunder and lightning.

In the blink of an eye, a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the originally calm sea.

Countless tiny bubbles escaped from the seawater, released a large amount of hydrogen and oxygen, and then, under the heat of the lightning, produced a violent explosion, which was deafening!
All of a sudden, the sea seemed to be at war, and it was very lively!



on the deck.

The faces of the people were illuminated golden yellow by the distant thunder.

But as if they had forgotten how to make a sound, they all fell silent.

As the instigator of all this, Pikachu was ecstatic, seeing his suddenly stronger power, excited.

But Nami looked at Pikachu, and then at the sea in the distance, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

Only 1000 points can make Pikachu's strength so frighteningly improved
this deal...

It's so worth it! ! !
At this moment, Nami couldn't help but start to worry about Lin Luo...

Master Lin Luo is just a member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, but selling things so cheaply, will it really not affect him?


It seems that there will still be more transactions in the future, and help Lord Lin Luo complete his goal as soon as possible.

At this moment, Nami really wished that Dimensional Trading would have a scoring function.

In that case, she can give Lin Luo a big five-star praise, and then add a 100-word praise composition!


Put aside the thoughts in Nami's heart.

At this time, Sabo, who was watching the excitement, had the word "shock" written all over his face!
He has seen Pikachu and Love fight, but he is very clear about Pikachu's previous strength.

In his opinion, the strength of Pikachu who is fighting against Love is no more than that of a pirate with a bounty of about 5000 million on the sea...

But now, Pikachu, who is wearing an electric ball, is already able to compete with his own strength! ! !

This Pokémon...

Is it all that scary?
Sabo's heart was pounding.

While watching the lightning and thunder in the distance, he drew up an action report on what he saw and heard in his mind.

Throughout this report, he will not write anything about the revolution.

But if you look carefully, you will see the words [Quickly Trade] from the content of the report! ! !
The members of the Black Cat Pirates on the side trembled as they watched Pikachu's strength.

At first, they felt that the boss joined the revolution for no reason, determined their lives, and made them feel disgusted.

But looking at it now...

How else can I say that he is the boss!
This thigh, hug it well!



"Wuhu~ah! It looks like the effect is really good!"

If you want to say that among the people present, who has not been shocked by Pikachu's power...

Then there is only Team Rocket trio who are the assistants of the dimensional businessman.

Whether it was Musashi, Kojiro or Miaomiao, there was not much surprise on their faces.

After all, they have seen such scenes a lot!

Compared with Pikachu, who is a little ghost with electric head, Nami's one is just a pediatric one.



After half a sound, the explosion in the distant sea gradually subsided.

Without waiting for everyone to recall, Nami hugged Pikachu in her arms.

Sticking his face on it, he became rare with all his strength.

"Pikachu, you are too strong!!!"

Nami laughed happily.

This time, her originally suspended heart finally fell.

Pokémon League Convention...

She is bound to win! ! !
As long as you get the third place, you can have a chance to be resurrected for nothing...

Nami didn't have much confidence before, but now...

She is full of confidence! ! !
Next, Nami went on to purchase some items that had long been stored in the shopping cart...

Not much, a total of 200 points were spent.

Most of them are actually the things that Pikachu needs in daily life and training, plus a small number of decorations.

It's like a paycheck-to-payer who just started working and squandered when he received his salary.

Fortunately, she didn't forget her business, she reined in the brink, saved 800 points, and made two-handed preparations to revive Belmer.

And then, based on the principle of women first, Crowe took the initiative to let Karina make a deal.

With the disappearance of a large amount of treasure in the cabin, the waterline of the ship is gradually lowered...

Karina, also finally became a trader.

And as soon as it came up, it directly reached the VIP2 level!

【VIP level: 2】

【VIP experience: 2000/10000】

【Current points: 2000】

Looking at the screen of her mobile phone Rotom, Karina suddenly took a deep breath, then looked at Meow Meow with flickering eyes, imitating Nami's appellation:

"Everything is left to Miaomiao and the two adults!"

"Don't worry..." Miaomiao waved her hand, and easily repeated Karina's needs:

"A Pokémon worth 2000 points, with good potential, and a certain combat power, right?"

"Let me help you take a look..."

As soon as the words fell, a light blue ripple suddenly flashed in Miaomiao's eyes.

Unlike Kojiro and Musashi who can only query through Rotom's database...

In order to make the transaction smooth, Lin Luo specially added a subsystem function to Miaomiao, which cost him a full 1 points.

So when it comes to searching on demand, Miaomiao's subsystem is undoubtedly more accurate than Rotom's.

Coupled with its good vision, it can always help traders find suitable Pokémon.

Over time, Musashi and Kojiro consciously gave up this work to Miaomiao.

Strange to say.

Among the Rockets trio, Musashi is too irritable and Kojiro is too gentle...

Only Miaomiao, who is not human, has the most normal human personality.

Soon, Miaomiao selected a Pokémon from the system.

And it was displayed on Rotom's screen.

"Miss Karina, come and take a look, how about this Pokémon?"

Meow smiled and rushed the screen towards Karina.

I saw a very cute little fox appeared at the top of the screen.

Smart gaze, petite figure, and yellow-red fluff that looks like a flame...

In an instant, Karina's eyes straightened.

【Pokémon: Firefox】

[Attribute: Fire]

[Characteristics: Magician (each melee attack can steal items from the opponent, the specific effect depends on the difference in strength between the two parties)]

【Level: 15】

"A fire-type Pokémon?"

Karina clenched her fists excitedly, almost trembling with excitement.

Nami on the side suddenly leaned over her head, looked at the fire fox on the screen, and then laughed and joked:
"Yo, it turned out to be a firefox, it really matches you, a vixen, very well!"

It is rare that Karina did not refute this time, but showed a deep smile and said:
"Indeed, it's a perfect match!"


Karina suddenly hammered her palm with her fist, and said firmly:
"Master Miaomiao, I want this fire fox!!!"

"It just fits me so well!!!"

As she spoke, Karina flicked her hair, with a cute and cute smile on her face.

That posture has nothing to do with the temperament of Firefox on the screen...

It is exactly the same! ! !
 Thanks to the fish herding sage for the reward! ! !

  Thanks to Bruce Wayne, the Laughing Bat, Shadow Shadow Assassin, and don't like cats from today!monthly pass support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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